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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1996-2000 Fine used on 65 Hagners in Prinz 4 ring binder. Neatly laid out in catalogue order appearing complete simplified with some extras incl 19…
Sold $100
1990's-2010 diverse range of FDC's, Packs, Maxicards & 2009 Geelong Cats AFL Premiers limited edition with medallion. Good range of football, crick…
Sold $65
1966-1989 MUH, unused & used accumulation on leaves with detailed annotations relating to papers, inks, flaws, unlisted varieties, etc. Used incl "…
Sold $50
1966-1976 decimal used off paper accumulation in shoebox & sorted into envelopes. Incls some later S/A issues. Large quantity which may suit resear…
Sold $30
1966-1971 heavily duplicated used in Collector de Luxe peg album. Many F/U incl 25¢ Weather Satellite x 27, all with cds cancels as are the 20¢ W…
Sold $30
1966 QEII decimals MUH & used study on 46 Hagners. Several MUH blocks of 4 or 6 with at least 4 blocks plus singles of most to 24¢ birds, 3 blocks…
Sold $100
Pre-Decimals Seven Seas hingeless pages with no kangaroos but KGV almost complete with some MUH incl single wmk complete except for 4d lemon, 1d re…
Sold $1450
Pre-decimals 25 Hagner sheets with approx. 1200 mainly MUH stamps randomly arranged noting Macarthur sets x 2, Kingsford Smith set, SA sets x 2, Vi…
Sold $700
Pre-decimals Used accumulation incl kangaroos & KGV low vals in old style loose leaf stock book. Nothing significant but many 100's of stamps which…
Sold $70
Pre-decimals MUH, MLH & used on black leaves in binder in no particular order but noted 1929 3d Air type B perfined "OS" CTO, 1937/48 10/- Robes on…
Sold $100
1945-1970 Heavily duplicated used in catalogue order in 3 large Chinese stockbooks. Majority poor to average cond with many 1000's of stamps noting…
Sold $40
1937-1965 Seven Seas pages missing Robes & Arms sets & coils but incls all 3d blue dies, both perfs of zoologicals & the no wmk set MUH. Also 1953-…
Sold $320
1932-1965 heavily duplicated mounted used accumulation in huge "New Imperial" album. Mostly low val defins & commems but does incl about 170 good t…
Sold $50
1930's-1960's blocks & multiples with majority in blocks of 4. Majority MUH incl 42 imprint blocks & 4 with varieties. Noted 1/4d Hermes imprint, 1…
Sold $150
1930's-1960's good to fine used selection on Hagners randomly arranged but noted 3 engraved kookaburras F/U or CTO, Kingsford Smith "OS" ovpts CTO,…
Sold $250
1930's Country Post Office wooden "pigeon" hole sorting unit with 11 x 3 divisions looking like a model of a high rise carpark! Vendor requested th…
Sold $150
1929-1941 same as above and just as fine incl the 5/- Sydney harbour Bridge. (25)
Sold $250
1929-1941 fine used/CTO selection on Hagner incl 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge plus "OS" ovptd pair, 1934 Macarthur, 1935 1/- ANZAC & Silver Jubil…
Sold $290
1927-1941 Useful range incl 1½d Sturt plate number blocks 1 & 2 before Plates 1-4 of 1936 2d Cable in all corners, ditto 3d Plate 1, large blocks …
Sold $1000
1914-1975 used in "The Academy" stamp album. A clean lot with KGV well covered, lots of shades incl single wmk 1/4d x 5 & all commems good to fine …
Sold $270
1914-1974 Used accumulation in stockbook with no kangaroos but a useful lot of KGV to 1/4d, commems incl 1934 Vic Cent 1/- x 2 & PD bicolours to 4d…
Sold $75
1913-2014 MUH/MLH on Hagners in binder. Superb lot incl 1st wmk to 6d & 2/- (3d faulty), 3rd wmk 2½d to 1/- (excl 9d), CofA to 5/- (excl 1/-), 10/…
Sold $1500
1913-2007 idiosyncratic range of MLH, used, postcards, covers & booklets in 3 large quality KA-BE albums. Whilst not having any highly catalogued s…
Sold $150
1913-2005 duplicated used in 3 binders starting with kangaroos (approx. 80) mainly in wmk order, noting 5/- 3rd wmk used & 10/- CofA "SPECIMEN" MLH…
Sold $150
1913-1997 used on leaves in 2 springbacks & Seven Seas album with neat fine used incl 1913 4d & 5d kangaroos, 1914 6d kookaburra, 1915/28 9d invert…
Sold $180
1913-1990 Used in "SG" album noting 1914 6d engraved kookaburra F/U, 1st wmk kangaroos to 2/- (excl 9d), 2nd wmk to 1/- (excl 9d), 3rd wmk to 5/- &…
Sold $200
1913-1970 Used accumulation sorted into glassines in long index card box. Neatly arranged in chronological order with "OS" perfins separated at end…
Sold $140
1913-1965 Used remnants in Davo album & on leaves. Cond is very mixed but still with useful oddments incl F/U pickings in Kangaroos to 5/- (CofA), …
Sold $160
1913-1965 Used on leaves in black binder with kangaroos x 8 to 5/- CofA, KGV to 1/4d (70+), Kingsford Smith set MLH, 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge used…
Sold $75
1913-1965 used in Seven Seas Hingeless leaves (pages to 1980) & Hagners. Noted 1st wmk kangaroos to 5/- (excl 2/-, which is 3rd wmk!), later wmks t…
Sold $675
1913-1965 Sparse MUH/MLH in Seven Seas Hingeless album incl pages for "OS" perfins & Specimen ovpts but only ½d, 1d, 2d & 2/- kangaroos & KGV to 2…
Sold $75
1913-1965 range in printed "Collecta" album with kangaroos to 5/- incl large "OS" on 5d with regd pmk (some shortish perfs) while KGV incls 1/4d Cr…
Sold $75
1913-1965 Random used accumulation in 2 stockbooks with main value in the smaller which has a useful range of kangaroos & KGV incl commems with odd…
Sold $70
1913-1965 MUH/MLH range in "SG" stockbook noting a few 2nd grade kangaroos to 5/- (odd faults), KGV to 5d x 50+, 1929 1½d WA Cent in Plate blocks …
Sold $210
1913-1965 MUH, MLH & F/U on Schaubek pages with 1st wmk kangaroos to 2/- brown, 2nd wmk 2d, 6d & 9d F/U, 1/- MVLH, 3rd wmk to 2/- brown MH (mark on…
Sold $1000
1913-1965 Mostly used with duplication on written up plain pages. Noted ½d "Rostage" flaw with various other 1d kangaroo ACSC flaws, 2d wmk invert…
Sold $1150
1913-1965 MLH & used range in Seven Seas album. Only a few kangaroos incl 4d orange good used with others to 2/- in mixed cond. Noted 6d "OS" Sm Mu…
Sold $200
1913-1965 in Seven Seas Hingeless album ("as new" cond) with all spaces filled except for 5/-, 10/-, £1 & £2 1st wmk, 2/- & 5/- 2nd wmk, 10/-, £…
Sold $480
1913-1945 Heavily duplicated used accumulation in large VST stockbook. Vendor states "unchecked" & accumulated 30-40 years ago. Therefore would app…
Sold $160
KGVI Range of defins MUH, MLH & used singles & blocks, many with cancellation interest. Noted 1934 1/6d Hermes perf. 13½x14 in Ash imprint pair & …
Sold $90
KGV Off paper low vals loose & on 14 covers in "Bart Simpson" commem biscuit tin! Mix of slogan & cds strikes, largely of SA origin. A couple still…
Sold $150
KGV MUH/MLH/MH accumulation on Hagner with single wmk ½d orange, 1d violet in 2 shades, 1½d brown, green & red, 2d orange-brown also in 2 shades …
Sold $120
KGV Selection of 55 covers with KGV as the franking or used in combination, most with low face value singles though noted 1d & 1/4d turquoise with …
Sold $220
KGV Inverted wmk selection with 16 ½d to 4d examples incl single wmk ½d green MH, ½d orange x 3 with single & MUH pair, 1d red x 4 used & Die II…
Sold $120
KGV Hagner page with ½d to 1½d vals all annotated with varieties plus 8 shades noting F/U 1918 red-brown. Better than average quality. ACSC 71w, …
KGV MUH/MLH low vals on leaves with inverted wmk on SM perf. 13½x12½ 1½d scarlet, LM wmk 1½ black brown (2), chocolate (MUH/MLH block of 4), "m…
Sold $650
KGV Accum on 28 Hagner sheets. Each stamp or group is accompanied by annotated notes with the presentation very cluttered & an accurate description…
Sold $190
KGV 4d & 5d vals on computer generated DIY pages consisting of 4d orange x 86 incl 12 x 4d lemon incl line through 4d variety. Other varieties incl…
Sold $400
KGV 3d blue & 4½d violet on annotated DIY computer generated pages with 3d blue single wmk Die I x 75 incl 2 perfined "OS", 57 x "OS/NSW", 3 perfi…
Sold $360
KGV 2d red-brown plateable flaws not listed in ACSC but identified by vendor incl single wmk with 15 different varieties & SMW perf. 14 in both sha…
Sold $55


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