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Lot No Description Est.
States and Territories: Victoria
1900/04 Postage Dues range in 1903 scarlet & deep green shades, the 2/- & 5/- with tan lines, others fine MLH. SG D26/33, Cat. £500 (8)
1900 Empire Patriotic Fund - Anglo-Boer War pair. MLH, each with light tan line to the top. Frontally fresh. SG 374/75, Cat. £460 (2)
Sold $140
1900 Empire Patriotic Fund - Anglo-Boer War. Fine used pair, the 1d with 22 MY 00 Melbourne FDI cds, 2d with light top right corner cancel with min…
Sold $80
1900 (1st Jan) New Years Day Melbourne cds with 12.1 AM time case. Near full strike on 2d violet (SG 359). Only 4 or 5 copies of this cancel are kn…
Sold $60
1884/96 £1 orange Stamp Duty, perf 12½. Mint without gum & centred left. SG 242a, Cat. £1200 as MLH
1884 £2 blue Stamp Duty, perf 12½. Slightly rounded lower right corner & a couple of very light tone spots but MUH. SG 276a, Cat. £2250
1884 2/6d brown-orange Stamp Duty. MUH, light horizontal crease & light toned perfs at top reflected in reserve. SG 292, Cat. £225
Sold $55
1884 Stamp Statute 1/- blue on blue, 2/6d orange yellow & £1 mauve on yellow perf. 12½. All postally used with neat complete Victoria obliterator…
Sold $300
1860/66 6d orange, perf 12 with Six Pence wmk. Used with patchy obliterator. SG 93, Cat. £450
Sold $100
1854/55 2/- dull bluish green with 4 broad margins &, clear central "1" obliterator (SG 35, Cat. £200), 1862/64 6d ("Six Pence" wmk) MLL with over…
Sold $75
1854/55 1/- (Registered) rose pink & blue with clear to huge margins. Used with BN "14". SG 34, Cat. £200
1854/55 6d "TOO LATE" lilac & green imperf with 4 huge margins. Neatly used with BN "1". Lovely! SG 33, Cat £250+
Sold $150
1853 (15th Aug) stampless cover addressed to Hexham, Northumberland, England with neat "PAID (crown) AU 15 1853 MELBOURNE" red cancel to right of a…
1850-1859 Half Lengths used selection with lovely 1850 1d pale red-brown with 4 broad margins (SG 51, Cat. £500), SG 8a x 2 (one damaged), SG 9a, …
Sold $100
1850 2d grey lilac "Halflength" with 3 clear margins, slightly cut into at base & horiz crease reflected in reserve. Fine used with butterfly "23" …
Sold $100
1842 (26th Feb) London Ship Letter addressed to Mrs Dennis, Geelong, Port Phillip, Australia Felix. "SHIP LETTER PAID LONDON 26 FE" in red with nei…
Sold $180
States and Territories: Tasmania
1900 £1 green & yellow with "REVENUE" ovpt twice, one vertically. MLH with BPA Cert. (1948) SG F39a, Cat. £475
Sold $200
1900 £1 green & yellow ovptd "REVENUE". MLH. SG F39, Cat. £275
Sold $120
1900 £1 green & yellow ovptd "REVENUE" with postal cds dated Nov 24 00 on small piece cancelled Elliott 6 days before last date for which postal u…
Sold $100
1900 2d Pictorial Letter Cards with "Entrance Island, Macquarie Harbour", "Cataract Gorge, Launceston", "Lake Hartz" & "River Derwent, New Norfolk"…
1898 2½d lilac QV sideface Pictorial Envelopes printed by De La Rue consisting "Government House, Hobart", "Lake Crescent And The Old Man's Head" …
Sold $180
1898 2d green QV sideface Pictorial Envelopes printed by De La Rue x 3 "Mount King William From The West", "Lake Sorell From The Diamond Beach" & "…
Sold $150
1897 £1 green & yellow ovptd "SPECIMEN". Fine MLH. SG 225, Cat. £440 @ 80% of normal (set is £650 with ovpt MLH, £800 normal)
Sold $200
1892/99 10/- mauve & brown QV. Fresh MLH. SG 224, Cat. £200
Sold $100
1880 1d to 1/- Stamp Duty Platypus set of 4. Unused without gum. Fresh colours. SG F26/29, Cat. £345 as MLH (4)
Sold $80
1880 1d slate "REVENUE" ovptd top right corner marginal pair with Plate "8" Imprint & endorsed in m/s highlighting the "REVENUF" flaw in top stamp.…
Sold $90
1867 1d carmine imperf. Close to touching margins with base cut into. MH with disturbed o.g.. SG 29, Cat. £375
Sold $15
1865 6d slate violet Chalon with, 4 clear margins. Unused with no gum. SG 48, Cat. £1000 as MLH
Sold $100
1855 4d deep blue Chalon, wmk large star imperf with 4 clear margins. Possible removal of fiscal cancel but at first glance appears unused (SG 17, …
Sold $60
1853/54 1d pale blue with blurred & worn engraving lines. Clear even margins & fine used. SG 3, Cat. £1300
Sold $400
1853 4d Courier bright red-orange, Plate 1 with wide vert margins, close horiz. F/U by light obliterator. SG5 Cat. £1000
Sold $200
States and Territories: South Australia
1904/11 10/- green with thick "POSTAGE". Fine MLH. SG 291, Cat. £200
Sold $140
1902/04 5/-, 10/- & £1 all with thin "POSTAGE". Fine used/CTO, a few shortish perfs on 10/-. SG 277/79 Cat. £415 (3)
Sold $160
1902/04 £1 blue with thin "POSTAGE". MVLH. SG 279, Cat. £500
Sold $220
1894 6d blue, perf 13 in top left selvedge Plate 1 pair. Left selvedge has some separation. Light pencil markings top selvedge otherwise fine MUH. …
Sold $16
1886/96 £5 brown postally used on piece. Minor soiling at right that would likely be rectified if soaked. SG 205, Cat. £1100
Sold $280
1886/96 £2 Venetian red & 50/- dull pink perf. 10. Both used with squared circle cancels, the £2 centred left & 50/- with light soiling but remai…
Sold $250
1886/96 10/- green perf. 11½-12½. Fresh MLH. SG 197a, Cat. £250
Sold $120
1886/96 15/- brownish yellow perf. 11½-12½. F/U with small stain in value box reflected in reserve SG 198a Cat. £250
Sold $110
1885 2/- rose carmine with Broadstar wmk ovptd "OS". Superb MLH example. SG 029, Cat. £275
Sold $50
1876 2d orange-red with "P" (Police) Departmental ovpt in black. Fine used with Adelaide cds. SG 168 var.
Sold $20
1855 6d deep blue QV fine used by barred circle cancel. 2 good margins & 2 just impinging on design. SG 3, Cat £170
Sold $25
States and Territories: Queensland
1972 & 1973 covers with Thursday Island cds's both to the same addressee, the 1972 cover with Cape York Qld… last line of address struck through …
1959 (31st Aug) 6d "BUFFALO FLY CONTROL STAMP" brown on "CORFE & CO. Account Sales of Stock Sold by Auction" complete document tied by their cachet…
Sold $80
1907 5/- rose. MVLH, centered left. Lovely fresh colour. SG 310, Cat. £80
Sold $30
1900 Patriotic Fund. Original artist's hand painted design by Fred J. Elliott, the government lithographic artist on thick white surfaced card. Des…
Sold $10250
1900 Patriotic Fund pair. Unused with part o.g.. 1d is well centred while 2d is creased with perfs touching left frame. SG 263/4, Cat. £500 (2)
Sold $100
1886 2/6d vermilion with a couple short perfs at the base (SG 158) & 5/- rose. (SG 159). Both fine MLH. Cat. £110 (2)
Sold $30
1880 20/- rose good to fine used with part GPO cancel. Characteristic rough perfs for this issue. SG 127, Cat. £300
Sold $110
1880 2/- deep blue. MVLH. Characteristic rough perfs for this issue. Fresh strong colour. SG 193a, Cat. £190
Sold $40


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