Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Christmas Is 2005-2013 Chinese New Year PNCs with 2 of each cover in APW album. FDC album. Original Aust Post cost price of $250. (18)
Sold $110
AAT 1984-2007 Range of FDC's & Maxicard sets noting 1989 Nolan Landscapes, 2001 Aust in the Antarctic pairs & 2003 Bases all in FDC Base sets of 4 …
Sold $160
AAT 1957-1997 in Seven Seas album with slipcase. Issues to 1973 MLH before MUH noting both the 1995 Whales M/S's ovptd Capex & Singapore in gold. T…
Sold $50
AAT 1957-1981 range of MUH, used, packs & FDC's with a couple of pre-decimal PNG types before FDI base cover sets for 1979 Flight pair, 1980 Ships …
Sold $10
AAT 1955-1962 group of 7 Seven Seas cards & 7 covers, the latter incl Davis, Mawson & Macquarie Island Registered , 1955 FDC's with Mawson cds of 1…
Sold $40
AAT 1950-1999 14 FDC's pmkd at various bases between 1958-1983 with 4 registered. Also 1950 ANARE expeditions x 4, a 1954 cover & postcard, 1957 co…
Sold $80
States Selection on 3 Hagners & stockcard & all appear selected for cancellations noting Tasmania with Lindisfarne, Castle Forbes Bay, Rosevears, B…
Sold $95
States Revenues on forms incl 1961 5/- Queensland Adhesive Duty on H.C. Sleigh Share Cert, 1964 Victoria £1, 10/- & 9d Stamp Duty cancelled "Trelo…
States Range on old album pages comprising NSW x 49 incl 1897 Consumptive Homes unused (tone spots), Qld, SA & WA with a few of each before Victori…
Sold $70
States Numeral cancels in quality 32 page Kabel stockbook. Mostly Victoria with numbers from 1-1977 (c700) plus Qld (30) & NSW (c300). Many fine st…
Sold $200
States Seven Seas pages in springback file with NSW 1850/56 imperfs to 6d grey (6), 1860/71 with vals to 5/- incl 6 ovptd "OS" (22) & 1888/1900 to …
Sold $300
States MLH & used selection on Hagners incl NSW with 1d & 2d laureates (3 each, used), 1/- diadem (4 margins), 1856/60 2d imperf in 2 shades, perfd…
Sold $190
States Low value duplicated used in slim stockbook with quantities varying from singles to dozens & are flagged with SG numbers. Basic pickings wit…
Sold $55
States & Pre-decimals Used duplicated range with NSW, Qld, SA, Tas, Vic & WA in old-time stockbook. Incls some "bullseye" cds's in these before a s…
Sold $95
Victoria Range of Postal History consisting of 1864 cover from Geelong to London (showing its age), 1879 cover from Melbourne to London via Brindis…
Victoria 1863-1912 selection on printed leaves & Hagners with imperfs to 3d, roulettes to 6d & useful perfd range to 5/- used. Most have annotation…
Sold $120
South Aust & Tasmania 1902 & 1907 covers from the former plus unused newspaper on white stock & another also unused on craft paper ovptd "Specimen"…
South Australia Postmarks "A-Y" from early Commonwealth period. Approx. 350 stamps with clear & more complete postmarks than average. Annotations w…
South Australia c1910 used Postcards selected for quality & scarcity of postmarks noting Balaklava (squared circle), Eurelia (2), Largs Bay, Mt Hop…
Sold $50
South Australia 1902/04 "Thin Postage" MUH/MLH selection incl 4d red orange MUH (2), 6d blue green MUH pair, 8d ultramarine MUH block 4, MH pair & …
Sold $150
South Australia 1900-1912 MUH/MLH accumulation all perfined "OS" & consisting of ½d green x 4, 1d red x 3, 2d purple x 3, 2½d deep blue x 4, 5d p…
Sold $200
South Australia 1886-1905 MUH/MLH range all perfined "SA" with ½d green x 4, 1d red x 7, 2d purple x 5, 2½d dark blue x 5, 5d dull purple x 5 inc…
Sold $500
South Australia 1856-1901 good to fine used selection on 5 Hagners with imperfs, roulettes, roulette/perfs & perfd issues. Considerable duplication…
Sold $220
Queensland Postmarks on Hagners with QV items flagged with place name & corresponding "sunburst" numeral plus 1930's items in alphabetical order no…
Queensland 1860-1896 range on Hagner incl 1860 6d repaired (4 close margins) with other Chalons recess to 1/- & 1880 2/- litho (fiscal use) before …
Sold $90
Queensland "M-Z" Postmark collection all on 1½d red KGV Die I. Beautifully annotated on computer generated pages. Also noted a few postmarks from …
Sold $250
NSW 1902-1912 selection of issues all perfined "OS/NSW". Consists of ½d green x 4, 1d red x 3, 2d cobalt x 5, 2½d deep blue x 4, 3d green x 3, 4d…
Sold $130
NSW 1902-1912 range of issues perfined "OS" with ½d x 7, 1d shield x 12, 2d cobalt x5, 2½d deep blue x 3, 3d green x 2, 4d Cook x 3, 5d diadem, 6…
Sold $110
Yearbook Miniature Sheets/Sheetlets 2000-2019 complete MUH & CTO for every issue only available in the yearbooks incl all Olympic Gold Medallists, …
Sold $320
Varieties Decimal selection on individual issues & all annotated on small stockcards, most with ACSC cat. numbers. Mostly used with a few MUH. Pric…
Sold $75
Specimens Christmas Is 1958 2c to $1 QEII set of 10 & Nauru 1954/65 ½d to 5/- Pictorials set of 9 CTO plus Norfolk Is 1961 10/- Tropic Bird & PNG …
Sold $180
SES Sheetlets 2001-2014 range of MUH personalised sheets for a variety of occasions incl 2001 Goodwill Games, 2002 Freeman, 2002 Star Wars, 2003 Li…
Sold $725
Reprints 1988-1997 range of kangaroo & koala reprints attractively arranged in quality stockbook with majority in multiples. Vals to $5 plus some S…
Sold $170
QEII range of good to fine used in 2 stockbooks in random order. Vals to 5/- Cattle (5) & 2/3d commems before decimal Navigators to $4 (3) & useful…
Sold $40
Priority Paid 1980's-1990's (early) range of "Priority Paid" commercially used envs with a variety of pmks & cachets incl "Posted Incorrectly" or "…
Sold $80
Postmarks - Bar Numerals Useful accumulation on 4 Hagners with a little duplication but where there is, they are usually on different stamps. Appro…
Sold $200
Postmarks 2004-2005 Tasmania, Qld, NT, South Aust, NSW & Victoria pmks on a range of Aust stamps all on envs collected by "Grey Nomad" in his trave…
Sold $140
Postcards Broken Hill c1910 selection of different views on numbered b&w cards titled "Amalg. Zinc (De Bavays Ltd) Treatment Plant No. 1", "B.H. Nt…
Sold $150
Postcards Aboriginal issues titled "A Young Australian 8½ Months Old - Aint I A Little Beauty" with 1d swan tied by Kalgoorlie 25 MY07 cds & addre…
Sold $30
Postal Stationery-States NSW x 2 unused Post Cards, an unused 2d blue Envelope, 1902 & 1906 4d Registered Envelopes uprated to England & 1865, 1903…
Postal Stationery KGV to QEII incl wrappers, aerogrammes, airletters, registered covers, impressed envelopes etc. Cond ranges from good to very fin…
Sold $300
Postal History/Postal Stationery All flagged with titles incl Meter Mail, KGV Post Cards & Letter Cards, covers, WWI Field P.O. postcards (3), stam…
Sold $100
Postal History Wide variety incl unsold auction lots. This retiring dealers stock incls Registered items, stamp usage rates, FDC's, souvenir covers…
Sold $220
Postal History Superior lot of covers noting 1937 Airmail to England franked with 5/- kangaroo & 1/- large lyrebird, 1920 to USA with 6d blue pair …
Sold $380
Postal History Range of Aust covers plus one from New Zealand 1894 to London & a GB cover to Aust with Philippine Paquebot markings. Australian cov…
Postal History 1917 to 1966 range of envs noting 1d red KGV with "ferns variety", 1d green with "N-Y joined", 3d green QEII coil strip of 3 in upra…
Sold $90
Postage Dues 1902-1959 on Hagners & leaves in ring binder. Noted "blank at base" ½d to 4d, 1906/08 incl 5/- (SG D33), 1909 types to 5/- with some …
Sold $90
Postage Dues 1902-1928 used selection on Hagners with good range of monocolours incl 8d "blank at base" ovptd "SPECIMEN" unused & a few nicely used…
Sold $200
PNC's & Medallion Covers Group with 2009 CI Year of the Ox, 2010 Powered Flight & Fromelles while latter consists of 2009 AFL & NRL premiers, 2009 …
Sold $60
PNC's & Medallion Covers 1994-2018 collection with many limited edition issues incl the Medallion types. Exc cond throughout & all neatly arranged …
Sold $900


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