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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postmarks
Crawley Perth Stamp & Coin Show dated 17th & 18th August 2013 pair of postmarks on 2 International Post Migratory Bird Aerogrammes. Very few impres…
Sold $25
Burbanks 3b 90% strike on 2d yellow swan dated MY 17 10. Late date with PMI recording 30-10-09. (1-2)
Sold $35
Albany 2014 "TROOPS DEPARTING - 100 YEARS" pictorial pmks dated 1 Nov 2014 on Cent of WWI FDC, "First Contingent Sails from Albany" Postage Paid PS…
Sold $20
634 Mile T.A.R. c30 on piece from the back of a registered cover dated 23 SE 36. PMI dates 3-06-36 to 3-04-37. Superb with a similar selling in Ace…
Sold $300
Western Australia: Revenues
1953 5d blue "WESTERN AUSTRALIA ENTERTAINMENT TAX ADMIT ONE" coupon for "ADMISSION PRICES" from "2/6½d to 3/-" in proof part sheet of 20 in 4 colu…
Sold $2800
1943 1d, 2d, 6d & 1/- "PIG DUTY" tied by Elders Katanning mauve cachet on small "E. & O.E." piece. Some tone spotting affecting stamp perfs. Remain…
Sold $160
1940 7/6d blue green "W.A. TAX INSTALMENT SEVEN SHILLINGS AND SIX PENCE" in complete imperforate ungummed interpaneau proof sheet of 240 with 2 pan…
Sold $2000
1940 5/- greenish-blue "W.A. TAX INSTALMENT FIVE SHILLINGS" in complete imperforate ungummed interpaneau proof sheet of 240 with 2 panes of 120 on …
Sold $2000
1940 4/- deep carmine "W.A. TAX INSTALMENT FOUR SHILLINGS" in imperforate ungummed interpaneau proof sheet of 229 with 2 blocks of 4 taken from cen…
Sold $1300
1940's "W.A. BALLOT PAPER" Photographic b&w proofs on highly glazed thin card. 6 individual examples glued vertically to stiff white cardboard. "ST…
Sold $100
1940's 1/6d orange "THE METROPOLITAN HOSPITALS BENEFIT FUND OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA" part interpaneau proof sheet of 113 imperf stamps on unwmkd paper…
Sold $2100
1940's 1/- green Metropolitan Hospitals Benefit Fund Receipt Stamps in complete interpaneau proof sheet of 240 imperf stamps on unwmkd gummed white…
Sold $4500
1939 (Nov) - 1940 (June) Wages Book with entries on 2 pages per week. Contains a range of Emergency Tax stamps with face values to 10/-, Hospital F…
Sold $600
1922 3d black & violet perf.14 with W Crown A wmk. Hugely misplaced swan with its head touching the "R" of "WESTERN" & tail touching "T" of "AUSTRA…
Sold $345
1922 2d black & dark blue, perf. 14½x13½, with stunning "Swan on Magic Carpet" variety showing the vignette misplaced just touching the top per…
Sold $650
1919 £1 black & violet, perf. 11 W Crown A wmk with very low placed Swan vignette. "ONE POUND" is covered by the water & swan. Fine used with 2 JU…
Sold $350
1905/07 Railway Stamps with two pre-issue approved design drafts. The first being 4 hand drawn & handprinted designs on light cardboard from which …
Sold $6000
1900c 6d "THE GREATER BRADSHAWS TRADING STAMP FREMANTLE" imperf in red with indistinct corner cancel. Unseen before with no obvious background notes?
Sold $30
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1905/12 5d olive-bistre swan, Crown/A wmk with compound perfs 12.4 x 11 x 12.4 x 12.4 being the right hand stamp of a Single line 12.4 pair. A pair…
Sold $3600
1905/12 3d red-brown, Crown/A wmk with mixed single line perf 12 & 11 doubled at right. Used by part Registered cancel. This example differs from t…
Sold $1500
1905/12 2d orange-yellow, Crown/A wmk perf. 12½ x 12 doubled at top. Used with part slogan. ACSC W22-ba
Sold $70
1905/12 2d orange-yellow with sideways left V/Crown wmk, perf: 12 x 12½ doubled at top. Used by Perth duplex. Not listed by ACSC (W16C)
Sold $100
1905/12 1d rose-red, upright Crown/A wmk & Compound Perfs with 12.4 & 11 x 11 plus 12.2 doubled at right. Used with part machine cancel. Perf damag…
Sold $340
1905/12 1d rose-red perf. 11 with upright Crown/A wmk doubled at top. Small 3mm tear at left otherwise fine used with part Cottesloe 5 FE 1906 3b c…
Sold $60
1905/12 1d rose-pink, Crown/A wmk, perf: 12½ x 12 doubled at right. Fine used by Narrogin cds. ACSC W12C-bb
Sold $85
1905/12 1d rose-red, sideways left Crown/A wmk, Perf 12½ x 12 doubled at top. Also with "Large white eye on swan" variety. Fine used by part Perth…
Sold $150
1905/12 ½d green with Crown/A wmk, perf. 12½ x 12 with double perfs on right stamp. Shortish perfs top right. Fine used by part Carnamah cds. ACS…
Sold $80
1885 Trial printing of Penny on Threepence. "1d" with curved upper serif on 3d pale-brown as SG91 but with the Overprint DOUBLE in pale-yellow and …
Sold $1500
1905 1d rose-pink, Crown over double-lined A wmk with compound perf. 12½ at top & bottom with perf. 11 each side. Fine used & offered "as is". SG …
Sold $55
1905/12 1d (2), 2d, 3d (normal & perfined "OS"), 5d in both shades & 9d orange & red-orange shades, perf. 11. All fine used with cds cancels. Total…
Sold $70
1912 9d orange with upright wmk. Used by indistinct cds. Small number annotation in pen on reverse reflected in reserve. The ACSC W52D notes on pag…
Sold $95
1912 9d orange with upright wmk. Fine used by Bunbury 1 AP 13 cds. Centred low, short perf lower right corner but scarce. The ACSC W52D notes on pa…
Sold $90
1905 9d orange, perf. 11 perfined "OS" x 2. Both F/U, one with dumb obliterator & other by 1907 Fremantle cds. SG 157, ACSC W52A, Cat. $200ea. (2)
Sold $35
1905 2d yellow x 120. This appears to be a complete sheet quartered into 4 blocks of 30 with selvedge on 2 sides. Minor hinging evidence but most s…
Sold $670
1905/12 2d yellow MUH (SG 152), 1d rose-pink MUH (SG 151), 3d brown MLH (SG 153) & 5d olive-green MVLH (SG 155a) all wmk crown/double-lined A perf …
Sold $30
1905/12 wmk crown/double-lined "A" perf 12½ MUH/MLH/MH group consisting ½d green MH (SG 138), 1d rose-pink (SG 139), 1d carmine-red (SG 139c) pai…
1908 2d ultramarine Lettercard without text on back. Cancelled Perth, 10.15AM 5 SE 11 with large oval "Postmaster General's Dept Commonwealth of Au…
Sold $42
1907 5/- emerald-green, Cr over double lined A wmk perf. 12½ fine. MH. SG 148, Cat. £190
1907 5/- emerald-green, Cr over double lined A wmk perf. 12½. Fine used with "ENGLISH MAIL TPO" cds dated 4 DE 12. SG 148, Cat. £140+
Sold $65
1905/12 9d orange & 9d red-orange, wmk Crown over double lined A sideways, perf. 12½x12 & perfined "OS". Both F/U. SG 145/a (2)
Sold $24
1912 5d pale greenish yellow. Used block of 4 with 4 indistinct cds's, slightly smudged but a scarce used multiple. SG 143b, Cat. £440
Sold $30
1912 5d pale greenish yellow, Crown over double lined A wmk, perf 12½. Complete half sheet of 60 with selvedge top & sides. Plate 1 prominent in l…
Sold $1600
1912 5d pale greenish yellow block of 4. Fine MUH. SG 143b, Cat. £240 + premium for MUH.
Sold $50
1905 2d yellow, Crown over double lined A sideways wmk, perf. 12½. Attractive block of 80 in 10 rows of 8 across with selvedge at left. Fresh MUH …
Sold $180
1902 2/- bright red on yellow, double lined V/Crown wmk perf. 12. MVLH, centred slightly left. SG 134, Cat. £300
Sold $100
1902 2/- bright red on yellow. Fine MH centred top left. Lovely colour. SG 134, Cat. £300
Sold $50
1902 2/- bright red on yellow. MH with almost full o.g.. Very fine. SG 134, Cat. £300
Sold $40
1902 4d chestnut. Fine used with neat machine cancel. A short perf lower left for accuracy. ACSC (2005 ed) Page 1/344 states "this is a rare stamp …
Sold $75
1912 3d dull orange-brown with Crown over double lined A wmk on thin paper horiz pair perfined "OS". Fine used with characteristic rough perfs. ACS…
Sold $70
1909 £1 orange with part Perth cds for inclusion in the 1910 presentation sets for Federal Parliamentarians. MLH with gum. SG 128a
Sold $250


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