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Box Lots
The MILLION STAMP lot! Boxes containing pre-decimal & decimal Australian bundleware neatly arranged & listed. Incls vals to $2 & AAT in bundles of …
Sold $360
Old suitcase with matching collection. Untouched from days of old with all world sorted into envelopes, tins etc. Pre-decimal Aust multiples mounte…
Sold $160
Large box full of World & Australian stamps in photo albums, stockbooks etc with old catalogues. More stamps in smaller boxes. (1000's)
Sold $65
Suitcase with empty SS Hingeless albums for Aust, Nauru, Christmas Is & Norfolk (with slipcase), stockbooks, world covers - noted Uganda 1000/- coi…
Sold $75
Big box containing numerous stockbooks & albums with 1000's stamps. Covers & SG Commonwealth cat also noted.
Sold $95
Stockbooks & albums with Aust pre-decimal & decimal incl States. Some kangaroos to 5/- & pre-dec mint in multiples noted. (1000's)
Sold $120
10kg of decimal Australia on paper in large box. Incls issues from 2000 onwards with self adhesives noted etc Hours of soaking & sorting!
Sold $120
Bit of everything incl. stamps in old home made leather albums, black & clear mounts, old SG cat., WWF sets, etc etc.
Sold $65
Container crammed with stockbooks with a cross section of material incl. attractive old Lincoln album with pickings in Europe, Switzerland used dup…
Sold $220
Box with many 1000's of mint & used stamps with thematic potential. Useful for packets, Ebay etc.
Sold $50
Suitcase with world on & off paper in albums, on Hagners & priced up in bags. Also tins incl Aust pre-decimal on cards & GB in stockbook & pages to…
Sold $180
1942 1½d QE green in bundleware. Hundreds of bundles with thousands of stamps. If you ever yearned to do a specialist study, this is your lot! SG …
Sold $25
All world in various albums, stockbooks etc with strength in Europe incl. Netherlands, Suriname, Europa issues (200+) etc. Postcards, Aust used on …
Sold $95
Large grey suitcase with all sorts incl. SG World Cats, Europa collection, stockbooks, albums with stamps & 1000's loose & in boxes.
Sold $110
Various old covers, albums & unsold auction lots crammed into box.
Sold $130
An unusual lot with a variety of QV to QEII issues in bags, envelopes & on cards. Also early covers. Interest in Great Britain & QEII Commonwealth …
Sold $120
Briefcase of Australian & World stamps, mint & used. Many thousands.
Sold $85
Various albums, stockbooks & folder of mainly Aust incl. 1913-1983 used in sparsely filled album, old Globe album with European & Commonwealth used…
Sold $75
Australia off paper in shoebox with both pre-decimal & decimal. (1000's)
Sold $25
Box from collectors' den incl. World on & off paper, Aust SS mixed Hingeless pages, Solomon Is Americas Cup sheet of 50, selection of Ampol packets…
Sold $150
Large shoebox with World in stockbooks & in packets incl GB, Canada, Newfoundland & NZ. Cape of Good Hope 6d mauve triangle used (Cat. £200) noted…
Sold $170
Suitcase (and a near new one at that!) with a previously loved collection incl. Aust pre-decimal used in quantity with £1 Robes & OS kangaroos not…
Sold $220
Shoebox of Australian Maxicards from 1980's to 1994 incl some AAT. Also a few presentation packs from Aust & Nauru. High original cost. (Approx 250)
Sold $110
Box lot courtesy of this collector's tidy up! Stamps & covers, MUH, MLH & used sets on stockcards. Noted mint GB, thematic trains & Royalty, Common…
Sold $130
Large box of World Loose stamps off paper. Hours of sorting. (1000's)
Sold $120
Suitcase crammed with stockbooks, albums, shoeboxes, bags etc of World & Aust incl covers & box of WA pmks. 6 FDC albums worth est alone. Hours of …
Sold $210
World sorted into bags with majority used. Value in quantity. (1000's)
Sold $140
Yes it's back again! The ''Tidy the den'' box lot from this collecting couple - twice the fun!
Sold $50
Stockbooks of used RSA & SWA, Philippines, USA, NZ & UK from QV in 2 books incl KGVI to £1 & QEII to £5. Postage Dues also noted. Heavy duplicati…
Sold $140
Vast array of Commonwealth & Foreign incl 2 folders of A-Z MLH & used incl. many thematics & odd cover. (originally priced at $90) Others stockbook…
Sold $110
Box of boxes & envelopes containing 1000's mint & used world issues.
Sold $70
Vendors stamp den clean out. GB FDC's, Aust on Hagners, PNG MUH & used, Kenya bundleware, interesting Aust & World sorted in envs, some 1960's Chin…
Sold $60
Carton with great variety incl envs bundled by country. Noted WWII Germany, 1940's French incl Lebanon, Aust pre-decimal covers with a Grass Patch …
Sold $140
Suitcase of old catalogues, stamps loose & on pages, postmarks, covers etc etc
Sold $95
Character suitcase of early QEII Empire & World issues sorted into envelopes, some collectable in their own right! Strength in quantity of Australi…
Sold $95
Large suitcase containing stockbooks & albums of World. Additional loose in smaller boxes. (1000's)
Sold $90
Collectors typical unsorted box of ''I'll get around to it one day…'' material. All world, various periods on pages, in packets etc. Better incl.…
Sold $90
Small box with covers, MUH in packets incl some M/S's. Old Tattersall's tickets & memorabilia noted.
Sold $60
World array in stockbooks & in large container with Eastern block countries incl pages of MUH Hungary. Mixed condition. (1000's)
Sold $70
Crammed full of packets of World priced optimistically by vendor! Also modern used Aust on paper with high vals & pmk potential. (1000's)
Sold $75
The actual case in this lot has the most value, a beautiful ''Oakleigh Park Laundry Co., New Barnet'' case with reinforced corners & strap. Mixed c…
Sold $100
General diverse accumulation of all world & Australia in albums, small boxes & envs but with unusual pickings incl box of 1920's/30's Aust commerci…
Sold $140
Large box of albums & covers with 3 additional smaller boxes of stamps. (1000's)
Sold $70
Mixed box incl. Aust used in 3 stockbooks, World in further 2 s/books, PPC in album (approx 50), Aust PSE's in binder etc. (100's)
Sold $70
New Zealand carton lot of stamps duplicated in stockbooks (many QV SSF 2d), on Hagners, in album & 1940's to 1984 covers mostly addressed (incl Ros…
Sold $160
Shoebox of WA postmarks with many better incl cds's on KGV & kangaroos. (100's)
Sold $70
Collectors ''Junk box'' - One man's rubbish is another mans……….
Sold $20
Suitcase lot with all world accumulation in old albums etc.
Sold $95
Australian & World covers with a variety of stamps & postmarks. Approx 250 Aust, with majority decimal & approx 450 world with mixed commercial & p…
Sold $110
This vendor decided to clear out his stamp room over the last holidays and here is the result - AUSIPEX 84 covers for each day of Exhibition (10 - …
Sold $75


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