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Lot No Description Est.
Box Lots
Box of stock books containing all world accumulations & collections. Australia Kangaroos & KGV noted. Also better British Commonwealth back to KEVI…
Sold $220
Box of boxes, tins & packets of stamps. All world in all conditions. On & off paper. Aust & States noted. Hours of sorting. (1000's)
Sold $35
110+ small boxes each marked with the country contained. Completely unchecked hence the estimate of only 30c per box. Enjoy!
Sold $40
A box containing a bit of everything - new albums, full albums, stamps on & off paper, old catalogues incl SG 2005 Australia One Country in colour …
Sold $45
Suitcase containing the classic collectors accumulation. Australia & All World mint & used in small tins & boxes, covers & albums. 2007 SG British …
Sold $320
An interesting variety of old catalogues incl Minkus, Commonwealth Specialist & an old Eustis. Albums with stamps & covers incl early WA company en…
Sold $45
Commonwealth & GB accumulation in bags which appears unsorted. Interesting book of Europe & Foreign. Also a 1995 SG Stamps of the World in 2 vols. …
Sold $95
Interesting array of albums & stockcards incl. duplicated Netherlands, New Guinea, Aust postmarks & flight covers. Empty one country albums & FDC r…
Sold $60
Kodak boxes (2) with decimal Australia sorted into small bags. Higher values noted. Great for packets or sorting for postmarks etc. (1000's)
Sold $26
Mixture of stamps & covers incl 100+ Aust FDC's, Pre-decimals in blocks & decimal varieties, USA Yearpacks, Japan with M/S's, Hong Kong on Hagners …
Sold $140
Stock books of All World, packets & cigar box of Australia. Better early Portugal with useful Hong Kong & New Caledonia. Bag of various Africa also…
Sold $130
Suitcase with the lot. Old albums, catalogues, stamp packets, all world accumulations etc. Bargain opening at only $20!
Sold $90
The classic "don't know what to do with this" box. Have a rummage and be surprised!
Sold $60
Various empty albums, stock books, binders, some with Hagners & slipcases. Generally excellent to good condition. High retail. (20)
Sold $125
"Opportunity Knocks" box containing World, Foreign & Commonwealth mint & used, covers, unsold auction lots, old books & catalogues, club circuit sh…
Sold $35
"Opportunity Knocks" box containing World, Foreign & Commonwealth mint & used, covers, unsold auction lots, old books & catalogues, club circuit sh…
Sold $45
"Opportunity Knocks" box containing World, Foreign & Commonwealth mint & used, covers, unsold auction lots, old books & catalogues, club circuit sh…
Sold $55
"Opportunity Knocks" box containing World, Foreign & Commonwealth mint & used, covers, unsold auction lots, old books & catalogues, club circuit sh…
Sold $35
"Opportunity Knocks" box containing World, Foreign & Commonwealth mint & used, covers, unsold auction lots, old books & catalogues, club circuit sh…
Sold $60
"Opportunity Knocks" box containing World, Foreign & Commonwealth mint & used, covers, unsold auction lots, old books & catalogues, club circuit sh…
Sold $80
"Opportunity Knocks" box containing World, Foreign & Commonwealth mint & used, covers, unsold auction lots, old books & catalogues, club circuit sh…
Sold $30
"Opportunity Knocks" box containing World, Foreign & Commonwealth mint & used, covers, unsold auction lots, old books & catalogues, club circuit sh…
Sold $40
"Opportunity Knocks" box containing World, Foreign & Commonwealth mint & used, covers, unsold auction lots, old books & catalogues, club circuit sh…
Sold $40
"Opportunity Knocks" box containing World, Foreign & Commonwealth mint & used, covers, unsold auction lots, old books & catalogues, club circuit sh…
Sold $40
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
1937 KGVI Coronation Omnibus collection. Complete sets in both MLH & Fine Used condition in Hagner Album. (404 stamps) SG Cat. £300 A difficult co…
Sold $160
1972 QEII 25th Wedding Anniversary Commonwealth omnibus sets MUH. (27 sets of 2)
Sold $50
1981 Royal Wedding Commonwealth omnibus collection on Hagner. 24 sets of 3 & the Cocos Is pair. MUH (74 stamps)
Sold $30
1983 World Communications Year Collection in presentation album with slipcase. Numerous Worldwide issues incl M/S's with a high cat. value. No 6 in…
Sold $45
1984 Lloyd's Commonwealth Omnibus Stamp & FDC Collection in official album. High Cat. Value. Excellent cond. (64 stamps, 1 M/S & 17 covers)
Sold $40
Aitutaki, Penhryn & Cook Islands in stockbook. Duplication especially in early issues. Values to 10/-, Officials & overprints. Perfect for dealer o…
Sold $150
British East Africa. Selection of East Africa & Uganda, BEA to 5r., Tanganyika to 2/- & some SWA. Mixed Mint & used. Useful pickings. (200+)
Sold $150
Cyprus accumulation from QV onwards incl overprints & SPECIMEN. MLH & fine used with KGV to 18pi, KGVI shades & QEII to £1. Mixed cond but useful …
Sold $95
East Germany 1970's/80's Miniature Sheets MUH & CTO. (13)
Sold $22
Great Britain 1840-1970 in SG One Country album commencing with 1d black, useful fine used QV line engraved & surface printed to 2/6d, KEVII to 1/-…
Sold $140
Great Britain collection in SG Windsor album for QEII 1952-1982. Wildings to 1/6d & Castles to £1 (MLH), 1960 onwards complete & MUH incl Phospho…
Sold $310
Great Britain First Day Cover collection in Royal Mail Album. Various from 1969 to 1986. Majority neat typed addresses with a variety of FDI postma…
Sold $40
Great Britain QV 1d reds to the latest £10 Britannia issue (7). A useful & difficult to assemble range of GB High Values incl. KGV to 5/-, KGV to …
Guernsey in stockbook. A variety of issue incl M/S's & booklets. Fine MUH STC £150+ (470+)
Hutt River Province. 11 issues on Hagners incl the AAT set of 4. MUH
Sold $40
Indian Revenues in small stockbook. Majority on piece & cancelled. Various values & issues. Unchecked. (Approx. 120)
Sold $85
Israel issues MLH & fine used incl some with tabs. Majority in sets over the '70's & '80s. (220+)
Sold $50
Luxembourg 1859 onwards incl imperfs, 1891 to 1Fr., 1912 surcharges & various later 1979 to 1983. Majority used. (Approx 350)
Sold $70
New Zealand 1855-1993 in 2 volumes. 6d imperf used (faults), selection of QV to 1/-, 1907 Officials, KEVII & KGV to 1/- with Officials to 6d, 3/- A…
Sold $180
New Zealand mint in stockbook. Late 1970's & early 1980's. Some in pairs, health & lighthouses. MUH FV NZ$100+
Sold $55
Pacific Miniature Sheets on Hagners. Bulk seem to be NZ but also Samoa, Norfolk, Nauru, Fiji etc. MUH (70)
Sold $60
South Africa 1910-1988 in Hagner album. Early issues incl. Bi-lingual pairs MLH & then MUH with a high degree of completeness in latter issues. Inc…
Sold $250
South Pacific Islands collection on Hagner pages incl Cook Is 1900's onwards with vals to 1/- & $2, Niue to 3/-, Fiji 1891-1979 with KGVI to 5/-, Q…
Sold $140
South Pacific Islands incl. Pitcairn 1964 & 1967 QEII MLH & FU, Gilbert & Ellice KGVI set to 5/- with perf vars., Western Samoa to 3/-, Cook Is 194…
Sold $150
Southern Africa 1930's/40's on piece. Heavy duplication but useful for study & interesting postmarks. Postage Dues also noted. (100's)
Sold $35
United Nations annual collections, packs, sets incl se-tenant strips, flag series etc. Excellent cond. Approx 270 stamps & 20 M/S's


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