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Lot No Description Est.
Box Lots
Suitcase containing the classic collectors accumulation. Australia & All World mint & used mixture of stamps & covers incl individual folders of di…
Sold $310
Various albums, covers, old catalogues etc in box. Noted stockbook of 1d red swans with pmk potential, MUH NZ, PNG, Tokelau, Tuvalu on Hagners, Com…
Sold $270
Stockbooks & pre-printed albums of All World incl many thematic sets. Noted Aust pre-decimal pickings to £2 with smattering of kangaroos & KGV, so…
Sold $230
3 boxes of All World stamps sorted in packets & loose. Some on piece. Useful Hong Kong & box of Australia with later International Post F/U noted. …
Sold $35
A box containing a bit of everything - empty albums, full albums, stamps on & off paper, old catalogues etc. Noted quantity of Jersey & Guernsey MU…
Sold $210
This vendor decided to clear out his stamp room over the last holidays and here is the result - 10 box lots full of potential. Mint, used, covers, …
Sold $45
This vendor decided to clear out his stamp room over the last holidays and here is the result - 10 box lots full of potential. Mint, used, covers, …
Sold $25
This vendor decided to clear out his stamp room over the last holidays and here is the result - 10 box lots full of potential. Mint, used, covers, …
Sold $70
This vendor decided to clear out his stamp room over the last holidays and here is the result - 10 box lots full of potential. Mint, used, covers, …
Sold $70
This vendor decided to clear out his stamp room over the last holidays and here is the result - 10 box lots full of potential. Mint, used, covers, …
Sold $35
This vendor decided to clear out his stamp room over the last holidays and here is the result - 10 box lots full of potential. Mint, used, covers, …
Sold $30
This vendor decided to clear out his stamp room over the last holidays and here is the result - 10 box lots full of potential. Mint, used, covers, …
Sold $30
This vendor decided to clear out his stamp room over the last holidays and here is the result - 10 box lots full of potential. Mint, used, covers, …
Sold $20
This vendor decided to clear out his stamp room over the last holidays and here is the result - 10 box lots full of potential. Mint, used, covers, …
Sold $20
This vendor decided to clear out his stamp room over the last holidays and here is the result - 10 box lots full of potential. Mint, used, covers, …
Sold $30
Boxes in box of sorted QEII stamps incl GB, Bahamas & Barbados commems with pmk potential & some Aust. (1000's)
Sold $85
Dealer vendor's "floor sweepings". Incls albums, covers & stamps. He must now have a very tidy shop!!!
Sold $70
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
All World collection in 9 volumes. Better incl Australia & NZ pre-decimal pickings, decimal fine used with useful high vals to $20, AAT to $1 mock …
Sold $310
British Commonwealth & Europe in 3 quality albums. Mixed MUH, MLH & good to fine used. GB incl P.D's, quantity of NZ with QEII to 10/- & numerous H…
Sold $130
Circuit pages prepared by vendor several years ago but never circulated. Majority are fine used/CTO Great Britain & Australia incl booklet panes su…
Sold $90
Aden, Antigua, Bahamas, Bermuda & Netherlands on old & new album pages. Useful early pickings with vals to QV to 1/-, KGVI & QEII to £1. Mixed min…
Sold $110
Barbados Vendors grand-father was a member of the Barbados Philatelic Society hence various documents incl statements for the 1890's meetings with …
Sold $210
Barbados 1861-1947 selection on sheets. Values to 2/6d. Majority used with mixed condition. Approx 100.
Sold $70
Bahamas 1937-1973 collection of First Day Covers incl. KGVI defins to 2½d, 1949 UPU, 1964 New Constitution 1965 Pictorials both to £1 etc. Mixed …
Basutoland 1938 KGVI ½d to 2/6d MUH/MLH in quantity, 20 Royal Visit mint sets & used pickings to QEII. (100's)
Sold $35
Cambodia & Laos in 2 stockbooks. Better early pictorial Laos incl. 1953 Buddha Statues, 1957 musicians etc. Mixed MUH, MLH & used.
Sold $55
Canada QV to KGVI MUH & MLH selection incl KGV imperfs, 1927 12c & 20c historical, 1932 13c violet Citadel & $1 Abegtweit. Fresh cond. STC £500
Sold $95
Canada QV to KGVI used selection on pages. Good to fine used with useful pickings & vals to $1. Some Airmails. Very mixed cond. STC £500+
Sold $80
Europa 1961-1981 Europa issues in complete MUH sets from Luxembourg, Monaco, Portugal, Spanish & French Andorra & Belgium. A difficult accumulation…
Sold $270
Fiji 1881-1994 range of issues listed by SG No. on Hagners. Sets & singles with vals to 10/- & $2. Early is used & MLH with later MUH blocks. Noted…
Fiji 1953-2004 collection in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless Albums (Retail at $350+). Early QEII to 4/- with some F/U & then fine MUH 1963 complete to 2004…
Sold $500
Great Britain collection 1840 1d blacks x 9 incl 1 on piece all good to F/U with clear margins on majority. Plates 1a, 1b (2), 2 (2), 6, 9 & matchi…
Sold $2050
Great Britain 1840 1d black (3 margin, red MC pmk) through to 2000 QEII MUH. Pre-QEII used in mixed cond. but pickings with Seahorses to 5/-. Later…
Sold $200
Great Britain 1961-1994 Royal Mail & the scarcer Cotswold illustrated First Day Covers. Appears complete from 1970's incl Machins. Noted phosphors …
Great Britain 1971-1987 Decimal collection fine used/CTO on album pages. Commemoratives appear complete & a variety of Machins to 75p. Majority are…
Great Britain 1971-1994 Decimal collection MUH & fine used/CTO presented on Hagner pages in 4 volumes. High degree of completeness with Castle & Br…
Sold $500
Great Britain 1980-1988 First Day Covers. Appears complete incl. Machin booklet panes & High Vals. All with neat typed addresses & fresh. (86)
Sold $60
Great Britain 1989-2007 Miniature Sheets collection incl. Lear, Ind Archaeology, 1999 Solar Eclipse &Timekeeper, QM 100th B'day, 2001 buses, 2004 L…
Sold $220
Great Britain Prestige Stamp Booklets incl. 1980 £3 Wedgewood, £4 Royal Mint, £5 British Rail, £5 London Life, £6 Beatrix Potter, £6 N.I., £…
Sold $100
Heligoland QV embossed reprints. Mint, MLH in mixed cond. Useful spacefillers with a high cat. value. (12)
Sold $30
India Page of stamps on large piece & small envs with late 1800's pmks & M/S. All with ½a QV blue, one with additional embossed (9)
Sold $35
Isle of Man 1973-2005 in 2 Davo Hingeless albums. High degree of completeness with a massive cat. value. This lot is been sold commission free with…
Sold $300
Israel 1964-1979 in KABe Hingeless album. MUH with tabs. High degree of completeness incl M/S's & sheetlets. Cat. £180+
Sold $75
Jersey collection in Hingeless Album from 1941/43 German Occupation issues through to 1995. Includes 1943/44 issues on newsprint, Definitives to £…
Sold $150
Jersey, Guernsey & Isle of Man 1978-1989 First Day Covers in 3 albums. Incls values to £5 & M/S's. Clean & unaddressed. (210+) This lot is been so…
Kiribati (Independent) 1979-1985 complete in Hingeless album. Incls. Some Postage Dues & Officials. Cat. £75+
Sold $30
Latin America in 4 stockbooks & large packet. Strong in Guatemala with surcharges & tax stamps & Haiti from 1881 imperfs. Majority used. Many useful.
Sold $110
Leeward Islands 1890-1954 MLH & used selection on page. Strength in KGVI with 1942 1/-black & grey/emerald SG 110bb. QEII to $2.40. Cat. £250+
Sold $100
Luxembourg 1859 onwards incl imperfs, 1891 to 1Fr., 1912 surcharges, 1955 Flower Show & various later 1979 to 1983. Also some Liechtenstein incl 19…
Sold $75
Nauru 1937-1995 on Seven Seas Hingeless Pages in binder with slipcase. Complete MUH throughout. SG 44/446a Cat. £300+
Sold $150


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