Payment Options
PAYMENT can be made immediately upon your last bid in the room on the day. Payment by cash is preferred however personal cheques will be accepted with identification. In addition we now also accept the credit cards, Visa & Mastercard. A 1.5% service charge will be added to all invoices when this form of payment is used.
POSTAL BIDDERS are encouraged to include credit card details on the bid form so that lots can be despatched immediately. The 1.5% service charge will be added to the total amount. Alternatively full payment should be sent within 3 days of the receipt of invoice. Payment can be made by Bankers cheque in Australian dollars (or personal cheque if known by Ian Boulton), Money Order, bank notes in Pounds Sterling, US Dollars or Euros sent by Registered Mail at senders risk or Direct bank transfer.
Direct Bank Transfer Details:
Name: Ian Boulton
Bank: ANZ, Shop 9 The Promenade, Ellenbrook Western Australia, 6069
Acc No: 483096739
BSB: 016-352