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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua | |||
1907 1d black & carmine with small "Papua" ovpt on thin paper with vertical wmk in full sheet of 30. Stamps all MUH with some selvedge hinge marks … $160 Sold $160 | |||
1907 Small "Papua" ovpt ½d to 2/6d set with vertical wmk in MUH/MLH blocks with upper units MLH, lower all MUH. SG 38/45a, Cat. £900 + premium fo… $600 Sold $600 | |||
1907 ½d black & yellow-green with small "Papua" ovpt on vertical wmkd thin paper in full sheet of 30. MUH with light vert crease affecting 6 stamp… $280 Sold $200 | |||
1907 Small "Papua" ovpt on 2/6d black & brown, line perf with horiz wmk in MVLH/MUH block of 4. SG 37, Cat. £200+ $120 Sold $120 | |||
1907 Small "Papua" ovpt on 2/6d black & brown line perf. Fine used. SG 37, Cat. £75 $40 Sold $40 | |||
1906 Large "Papua" ovpt on 2/6d black & brown marginal with horiz wmk. MLH. SG 20, Cat. £170 $80 Sold $65 | |||
1906 Large "Papua" ovpt on 1/- black & orange block of 4. Fine MUH. SG 19, Cat. £130 + premium $100 Sold $100 | |||
1906 Large "Papua" ovpt with horiz wmk on 6d, 1/- & 2/6d plus 4d left marginal on thick paper with vertical wmk. SG 18/20 & 25, Cat. £490 (4) $200 Sold $200 | |||
1906 Large "Papua" ovpt on 6d black & myrtle green with horiz wmk in MVLH/MLH block of 4. SG 18, Cat. £240+ $120 Sold $120 | |||
1906 Large "Papua" ovpt 4d to 2/6d with horiz wmk. Fine used. SG 17/20, Cat. £450+ (4) $200 Sold $160 | |||
1901 "British New Guinea" ½d to 1/- set with vertical wmk. MLH, 2d & 1/- with hinge remnants. Fresh appearance. SG 9/15, Cat. £270 as thick or me… $100 Sold $80 | |||
1901 2/6d black & brown on thin paper with horiz wmk. F/U & well centered. SG 8, Cat. £550 $380 Archived | |||
1901 "British New Guinea" 1d black & carmine, wmk Mult Rosettes horizontal full sheet of 30 folded along centre horizontal perfs with minor perf se… $250 Sold $250 | |||
1901 "British New Guinea" ½d with horiz wmk in left margin block of 6, 1d in right margin block of 4 both MUH but with print adherences plus 2½d … $100 Archived | |||
1901 "British New Guinea" ½d to 2/6d set (excl 4d) horiz wmk. F/U with 1/- in vert pair. SG 1/8, excl 5, Cat. £685 (8) $340 Sold $420 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: NWPI | |||
1915/16 10/- grey & pink fine used with "socked on the nose" Rabaul cds. Superb & well centered. SG 84 (type B ovpt), Cat. £190 $120 Sold $120 | |||
1915 2d grey kangaroo in vertical "a, b, c" strip with the top stamp showing "scratch under "P" of "POSTAGE" variety (ACSC 5(2)g, Cat. $225). MUH/M… $80 Sold $65 | |||
1913 £1 brown & ultramarine kangaroo, 1st wmk. MLH, centred slightly right with very light horiz bend. SG 85, Cat. £550 $200 Sold $380 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: New Guinea | |||
Pre-adhesive period cancels on Qld stamps with barred obliterator "N.G." on 2d blue, "B.N.G." on block of 1d red & "B.N.G." closer setting on 6d gr… $100 Sold $120 | |||
1939 £1 Bulolo Goldfields Airmail in unissued yellow-olive shade. Not a colour changeling. MUH. SG 225var $100 Sold $180 | |||
1939 Bulolo Airmails complete set of 14 to £1. Fine MUH. SG 212/35, Cat. £1100+ (14) $500 Sold $500 | |||
1939 ½d to £1 set of 14 Bulolo Goldfields Airmails. Fresh MUH lower left marginal singles. SG 212/25, Cat £1100 (14) $600 Sold $480 | |||
1935 £5 emerald-green Bulolo Goldfields Airmail. MLH with a dealers stamp, very light gum aging but frontally fresh & fine. SG 205, Cat. £750 $260 Sold $260 | |||
1935 £2 violet & £5 emerald-green Bulolo Goldfields Airmails. Both frontally fresh & fine MVLH/MLH. SG 204/05, Cat. £1100 (2) $600 Archived | |||
1935 £2 violet & £5 emerald-green Bulolo Goldfields Airmails. F/U pair with upright cds's. SG 204/05, Cat. £590 (2) $300 Sold $240 | |||
1932/34 6d bistre-brown & 9d violet undated Airmails in full MUH sheets of 30. Some slight toning in places but frontally fresh & striking especial… $160 Archived | |||
1932/34 5d deep blue-green Undated Airmail in full MUH sheet of 30. Staining/toning affecting 5 stamps & upper selvedge with some vertical perf sep… $60 Archived | |||
1932/34 2d vermilion & 3d undated Airmails in full MUH sheets of 30. Very fine. SG 193/94, Cat. £150 + premium for MUH in full sheets. $80 Archived | |||
1932/34 ½d to £1 BOP ovptd "AIR MAIL" set of 16. Mixed MUH/MLH with £1 MUH. SG 190/203, Cat. £250+ (16) $160 Sold $160 | |||
1932 ½ to £1 set of 16 undated Airmails. Fine MUH. SG 190/203, Cat. £250++ (16) $200 Archived | |||
1932 1d to 5d undated birds (excl 2½d & 3½d) with faults & 1939 Bulolo Goldfields set to 6d (excl 4d). Odd minor hingeing fault. (Cat. £130) plu… $30 Archived | |||
1932 ½d orange BOP without the "AIR MAIL" ovpt in John Ash imprint block of 4 with ovptd single for comparison. Fine MUH. Incls printed explanatio… $400 Sold $525 | |||
1932 ½d orange BOP undated with bottom margin. Issued without the Airmail ovpt. Evenly toned MUH. SG footnote after SG 189 quotes £110. $75 Sold $60 | |||
1932/34 2/- dull lake in full sheet of 30. Fine MUH with odd minor perf separation in lower selvedge otherwise impressive. SG 186, Cat. £195 + MUH… $100 Archived | |||
1932/34 ½d to £1 "undated" birds mixed MUH/MVLH. Attractive group. SG 177/89, Cat. £300+ (15) $200 Archived | |||
1931 Tenth Anniv Aust Admin set of 13 to £1. Fresh MVLH. SG 150/62, Cat. £425 (13) $200 Sold $220 | |||
1931 10th Anniv & 1932-34 undated "OS" sets. Fresh & fine MLH mounted on annotated album leaves. SG O31/O41, Cat. £225 & O42/O54, Cat. £275 (25) $200 Sold $160 | |||
1931 ½d to £1 "dated" birds ovptd "AIR MAIL" set of 14. MUH with vals to 5d showing two-toned gum from overlapping on stockcard. Higher values al… $200 Sold $160 | |||
1931 ½d to £1 Huts ovptd "AIR MAIL". MUH set of 12. SG 137/49, Cat. £250+ (12) $200 Sold $160 | |||
1931 ½d to £1 Huts ovptd "AIR MAIL" set of 12. MUH but 2 tone gum toning on all vals, heaviest on £1. Frontally fine & well centered. SG 137/49,… $80 Sold $80 | |||
1925 ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d & 3d Huts in complete sheets of 30. MUH except for reinforced by hinge selvedge on 2d. ½d has considerable perf separation … $350 Archived | |||
1915 "G.R.I." & "2d." surcharge on Marshal Islands 10pf carmine with further surcharged with "1" over "2" of "2d.". MLH. SG 63, Cat. £200 $90 Sold $130 | |||
1914 1d on 2d surcharge on German Marshall Islands 10pf red. MLH with 90% o.g. & Swiss Basel Cert of a similar stamp for comparison. SG 63, Cat. £200 $90 Sold $150 | |||
1915 "G.R.I." & "2s." 3½mm apart ovptd on Marshall Islands 2mk blue. MLH with small hinge remnant. BPA Cert. (1935) SG 60, Cat. £1900 Vendor paid… $900 Sold $900 | |||
1914 "G.R.I." & "3d." on 30pf black & orange on buff Marshall Islands. MVLH with RPS Cert. (1980). SG 55, Cat. £470 $250 Sold $360 | |||
1914 "G.R.I." & value ovptd on Marshall Islands for "1d." on 3pf, "1d." on 5pf, "2d." on 10pf, "2d." on 20pf & "4d." on 40pf. All MLH with the ovpt… $300 Sold $300 | |||
1931 1½d vermilion ovptd "OS" in MUH sheet of 30. Very fine, odd perf separating in selvedge. SG O23, Cat. £165 + MUH premium. $90 Archived | |||
1915 "OS" ovpts on German New Guinea 3pf & 5pf ovptd "G.R.I." with 1d 3½mm apart. Fine MLH. SG O1/O2, Cat. £135 (2) $60 Sold $60 | |||
1915 "Kawieng" black & red registration label in serifed letters surcharged "G.R.I. 3d.". Unused without gum. Ceremuga Cert. (2000) SG 42, Cat. £250 $100 Sold $100 | |||
1915 "G.R.I. 3d." Surcharge on "Kawieng" registration label with serifs. Fine MVLH. SG 42, Cat. £250 as MLH $120 Sold $95 | |||
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