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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1909 £1 orange. Fine used with neat corner cancel. Well centred with strong colour. SG 128a, Cat. £350
Sold $180
1910 10/- bright purple. MH with even gum toning. Centred top right. True bright colour. SG 127a, Cat. £950
Sold $100
1902 10/- deep mauve. MLH with dealers mark & well centred. SG 127, Cat. £180
Sold $75
1902 5/- emerald green, V/crown wmk x 3 with shade variations. MH budget group. SG 126, Cat. £255 if MLH. (3)
Sold $75
1902 5/- emerald-green x 4 with 2 perfined "OS" & another "WA". Good to fine used group. (4)
Sold $40
1902 5/- emerald-green. Superb used with upright Fremantle Town Hall 3b cds dated JU 19 05. Stunning! SG 126
Sold $42
1903 8d stamp & text in brown Registered envs RE 2.1 (1). One unused (toning) plus a CTO Perth 5 MR 1914 example. Ex 1987 Australia Post archival s…
Sold $80
1902/11 2/- red on yellow, perf 12½ double lined J over Crown wmk in 4 shades. All fine used incl scarce bright red-vermilion not catalogued in St…
Sold $90
1902/11 wmk V/Crown wmk perf. 12½x12 MH selection with 2d yellow pair (SG 118), 4d chestnut (SG 119), 8d apple-green (SG 121), 9d yellow-orange, t…
Sold $150
1906 2/- orange/yellow bottom left corner block of 4 perfined "OS". Superb MUH. SG 124b, ACSC W59Bb (2006), Cat. $800 + premium for MUH block.
Sold $350
1902/11 2/- red-yellow x 3. One perfined "WA" horiz & another vertical reading down plus 5/- emerald-green with "WA" horizontal. All fine used. SG …
Sold $75
1902/11 2/- red on yellow, wmk V/crown perf. 12½ x 2 (SG 124) & 2/6d deep blue rose x 4 incl one on very light rose to white paper (SG 125). MH gr…
Sold $130
1907 1/- olive-green with W Crown A wmk inverted. Superb used. SG 116w, Cat. £200
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express marginal blocks of 6. Minor gum disturbance from previous interleaving but fresh & bright appearance. (2 b…
Sold $500
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express marginal examples. 1/- with usual gum disturbance & a couple of toned perfs but the 2/6d has full MUH orig…
Sold $150
1898/1907 1d to 1/- W Crown A wmk, perf. 14 set of 5 (SG 112-116, Cat. £185) plus 1912 6d & 1/- wmk Crown/single lined A pair. MH (SG 168/9, Cat. …
Sold $40
1898/1907 1d carmine, W Crown A wmk, perf. 14 with "Medical" ovpt in mauve. F/U with ovpt "offset" on reverse.
Sold $40
1898/1907 1d carmine, 2d bright yellow & 1/- olive green. Good to fine used trio all with inverted W CR A wmks. SG 112a, 113a & 116a, Cat. £490 (3)
1898 1d carmine-rose (SG 112), 1902 1d carmine (SG 117a) & 1903 2d yellow (SG 118) all with "Medical" ovpts in purple. Good to fine used trio & a u…
1898 1d carmine with inverted wmk. F/U by part Fremantle MY 9 08 cds. SG 112w, Cat. £140
1898 1d carmine in vert pair & 2d bright yellow both with inverted W CR A wmks, perf 14. Fine used with neat & clear Perth duplex cancels. SG 112w/…
1888 1d red & 2d bright yellow, W CR A wmks & 1903 1d carmine-rose & 2d yellow, V/CR wmk all with "Medical" ovpts. Good to F/U group. SG 112, 113, …
Sold $160
1896 6d, 2/- & 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express camel set of 3 with usual with sugary gum. Each stamp with some surface gum missing when hinges were re…
Sold $650
1896 6d, 2/- & 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express camel set of 3. MLH with original gum, each stamp with some surface gum missing when hinges were remove…
Sold $525
1896 4d chestnut, crown/CA wmk perf. 14 with crisp "Medical" h/s. Fine used with some staining but 1903 cancel & rarely seen.
1895 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green on 3d red-brown, wmk Crown/CA perf. 14. Fine used. SG 111b, Cat. £180
Sold $70
1895 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green on 3d cinnamon wmk Crown/CC, perf. 14. Fine MH. SG 111a, Cat. £110
Sold $46
1885 6d bright violet with wmk C/CA sideways reversed. Fine postally used with oval "R" registration cancel. SG 100w, Cat. £160
Sold $80
1888 ½d, 2d, 2½d, 4d, 5d & 1/-De La Rue Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 set of 6 h/s "SPECIMEN". ½d, 2d, 4d & 1/- with Specimen type 1 & 2½d & 5d printe…
Sold $400
1885 ½d yellow-green, 1d carmine & 2d grey all with wmk right of CA . Good to fine used. SG 94w/96w, Cat. £290 (3)
Sold $100
1855 "1d." surcharge in green with "Thick 1" on 3d pale brown, MLH (SG 91) & "Thin 1" on 3d cinnamon MH with hinge remainder (SG 92a). Both fine wi…
Sold $95
1885/93 ½d green to 1/- green wmk Crown/CA, perf 14 complete set incl both shades of the ½d, 2½d & 1/- vals. Also incls 3d red-brown. Fine & fre…
Sold $95
1883 2d chrome-yellow. Fresh MUH with strong colour, light natural gum bend. SG 83, Cat. £170+
Sold $22
1883 1d, 2d, 4d & 6d CR/CA wmk, perf. 12 set of 4. Good to fine used. SG 82/85, Cat. £125 (4)
Sold $30
1882/85 1d yellow-ochre, perf. 12x14. Lightly used by "B" obliterator. SG 81, Cat. £170
1884 6d lilac swan with "SPECIMEN" h/s. Fine MLH. SG 80s, Cat. £150
Sold $45
1885 4d carmine as above & also fine used. SG 78ax, Cat. £200
Sold $70
1885 4d carmine, perf. 14 with CR/CA wmk upright & reversed. Fine used. SG 78ax, Cat. £200
Sold $70
1882 4d carmine perf. 14, wmk Cr/CA sideways. Fine MLH. SG 78, Cat. £190
Sold $55
1882 3d lilac ovptd "I.R. THREE PENCE". MLH. Barefoot #7
Sold $30
1879 1d & 6d Telegraph set of 3 with 1d in both perfs. Both 1d MNG & 6d MH. All frontally fresh. SG T1, T1a & T2, Cat. £770 as MLH (3)
Sold $120
1879 1d & 6d Telegraph perf. 14 pair. MNG & 6d MH with horiz crease reflected in "budget" reserve. SG T1 & T2, Cat. £640 as MLH (2)
Sold $80
1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharges in green, perf. 12½ x used plus 5 with forged ovpts on CofA perf 14 issue & another on CofA wmk perf. 12. Possibly use…
Sold $80
1865 1/- bright green, upright Crown/CC wmk, perf 12½ with type 1 "SPECIMEN" h/s produced for UPU distribution. MLH with full gum & characteristic…
Sold $50
1864 6d indigo-violet, wmk CR/CC perf. 12½ x 2 examples with one wmk upright & other upright inverted. Note; upright inverted is listed as SG 58w …
Sold $60
1864 6d indigo violet, wmk CC upright, perf. 12½. Mint with small part o.g. SG 58, Cat. £475
Sold $40
1863/64 1d carmine-rose & 6d deep lilac, no wmk perf 13 . Both fine MLH. SG 49 & 51, Cat. £430 (2)
Sold $120
1861 4d vermilion, perf. 14, Somerset House with double line of perfs at top. Fine unused without gum. SG 40var, not listed in SG.
Sold $180
1861 4d vermilion, "swan" wmk, perf. 14. Centred high, leaving half of "POSTAGE" visible below value. Mint without gum. SG 40, Cat. £475 as MLH
Sold $75
1861 1d rose perf. 14 (Somerset House) unused without gum. Pulled perf top right (SG 38) & 4d vermilion MLH with original gum (SG 40). Total cat. Â…
Sold $240


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