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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark £2 grey & rose crimson. MVLH, centred low but fresh bright colour. SG 114, ACSC 57A, Cat. $7000
Sold $2500
1931-47 CofA 6d chestnut Plate 3 Ash imprint block of 4 with "N" over "N". Fresh MUH. ACSC 23(3)z, Cat. $550 for MLH
Sold $250
1931-47 CofA 6d MH, 9d MLH, 2/- types A & B both MUH, 5/- grey & yellow-orange MH & 6d ovptd "OS" MUH light crease. Total Cat. $655 (7)
Sold $180
1931-47 CofA 6d to £1 grey good to fine used selection. Centring varies but colours fresh & good perfs. ACSC Cat. $820+ (7)
Sold $180
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow orange F/U with Adelaide cds, 10/- grey & pink F/U (centred high with 5 short perfs at top) & £1 grey F/U with Pert…
Sold $200
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow with "white line adjacent to coast in bight" & "shading breaks in bight" varieties. Good to fine pair. ACSC 46A(D)e/…
Sold $35
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow-orange with "break in coast of Gulf of Carpentaria" duty plate variety & neat telegraph puncture. Short perf lower l…
Sold $25
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow-orange with "long curved tail on kangaroo" variety. Fine used by Ballarat cds. ACSC 46A(V)o, Cat. $150
Sold $25
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow-orange x 2 with "long curved tail on kangaroo" & "open mouthed kangaroo" varieties. First good used with parcel canc…
Sold $35
1931-47 CofA 10/- dark grey & aniline-pink. F/U with a couple of short perfs but remains an attractive buy at this reserve. ACSC 50E, Cat. $1250
Sold $80
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & aniline pink & £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type D. 10/- MUH & £1 MLH. SG 136s/37s, ACSC 50Dxe & 54x, Total cat. $220 (2)
Sold $50
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & aniline-pink with central telegraph puncture & neat Launceston Telegraph Office cds. Superb used. ACSC 50D, Cat. $750 as n…
Sold $60
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink MUH, £1 grey MVLH & £2 grey-black & rose-crimson MVLH all ovptd "SPECIMEN". Note "broken tip of kangaroos tail" var…
Sold $80
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink & grey-black & rose-carmine shades ovptd "SPECIMEN" with "break in Bight coast" & "Very short Spencer's Gulf" varieti…
Sold $150
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink used with two partial strikes of the Late Fee Sydney cds. Centred slightly high. SG 136, Cat. £150
Sold $30
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink with "weeping kangaroo" variety. F/U with crisp "Late Fee" part cds clear of the variety. ACSC 50(V)l, Cat. $550
Sold $180
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink with "white flaw below "N" of TEN" variety. F/U with cds on upper half clear of variety. ACSC 50(D)h, Cat. $550
Sold $180
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink with neat telegraph puncture. Fine used with neat Burnley, Tas cds. SG 136var.
Sold $100
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink with top selvedge. MUH, hinged in selvedge only. Centred low otherwise fine & fresh. SG 136, ACSC 50A, Cat. $2750
Sold $800
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey-black & rose-crimson. Fine used & well centered. SG 136, ACSC 60B, Cat. $275
Sold $60
1931-47 CofA 10/- (centred right), £1 grey & £2 (centred low) all ovptd "SPECIMEN". MH group with fresh colours. SG 136s/38s (2)
Sold $90
1931-47 CofA £1 grey with neat telegraph puncture & Burnie cds. Increasingly collectable. ACSC 54
Sold $40
1931-47 CofA £1 grey with telegraph puncture & F/U by part Launceston cds. SG 137var.
Sold $80
1931-47 CofA £1 grey, DieIIB. Fine used. SG 137, ACSC 54, Cat. $450
Sold $150
1931-47 CofA £1 grey. Fine used, centered top left. VG perfs. SG 137, ACSC 54, Cat. $450
Sold $160
1931-47 CofA £1 grey. Good to fine used with Bairnsdale cds. Well centred. SG 137, ACSC 54, Cat. $450
Sold $160
1931-47 CofA £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" with "break in coast in Bight" variety. Centred top left. MLH. ACSC 54Kvar.
Sold $60
1931-47 CofA £1 grey. MVLH & well centred. SG 137, ACSC 54, Cat. $1000
Sold $380
1931-47 CofA £2 grey-back & rose-crimson with central Telegraph puncture. Centered top left & fine used with part Burnley, Tasmania cds. SG 138var.
Sold $120
1931-47 CofA £2 grey-black & rose-crimson. Centred slightly top left. Used with bold partial reg cancel at lower right. Good perfs & colour. ACSC …
Sold $170
1931-47 CofA £2 grey-black & rose-crimson. Fine postally used with neat corner cds. Well centred. SG 138, ACSC 58A, Cat. $850
Sold $340
1931-47 CofA £2 grey-black & rose crimson. Fine used by part 1939 Wollongong cds. Centred low left, good perfs. SG 138, ACSC 58B, Cat. $850
Sold $250
1931-47 CofA £2 grey-black & rose crimson. Superb fine used & well centred. Difficult to find better. SG 138, ACSC 58B, Cat. $850 (see front cover)
Sold $500
1931-47 CofA £2 grey black & rose-crimson x 2. Both ovptd "SPECIMEN", one showing "white flaw in Bight" variety. MLH with mixed centering. ACSC 58…
Sold $130
1931-47 CofA £2 grey-black & rose-crimson ovptd "SPECIMEN" with "white scratch through kangaroo's back" variety. ACSC 58(V)o
Sold $60
1931-47 CofA £2 grey-black & rose crimson ovptd "SPECIMEN" x 5 all with varieties incl "cut in kangaroos throat" (ACSC 58BX(V)j), "weeping kangaro…
Sold $1400
1931-47 CofA £2 grey-black & rose-crimson. MVLH centred left with very light crease not frontally visible. Strong fresh colour. SG 138, ACSC 58B, …
Sold $1700
Miscellaneous: King George V
1914-20 Single Watermark ½d green single line perf. Well centred & good to fine used. Small closed tear in left frame near top reflected in reserv…
Sold $150
1914-20 Single Watermark ½d green, electro 2 corner block of 4 with CA monogram. Units 53 & 54/ 59 & 60. MLH/MH, corner crease on selvedge with so…
Sold $220
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine-red Die III with inverted wmk. F/U, centered low left. ACSC 75Aa, Cat. $250
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine-pink Die II. Slightly aged MLH with weak top right corner perf. ACSC 71(1)I, Cat. $750
Sold $100
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rosine G68 on rough paper, pane 1, vertical marginal strip of 3 with "CA" monogram. MLH/MH with some perf reinforcing. …
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d damson, Die II, G70½. Lightly used & centered top right. Drury Cert (2108) ACSC 72K(1)i, Cat. $200
Sold $40
1914-20 Single Watermark 1½d black-brown Die I with inverted wmk. MUH with reasonable centering. ACSC 83Aa, cat. $175
Sold $50
1914-20 Single Watermark 1½d green with “cracked electro through kangaroo’s body to oval” variety. Fine used by 3 DE 23 cds. ACSC 88(12)n, C…
Sold $150
1914-20 Single Watermark 1½d intense deep green perfined "OS". MUH with light even gum toning. Spectacular strong colour. ACSC 88Dba, Cat. $475 + …
Sold $460
1914-20 Single Watermark 1½d pale pink with inverted wmk. Fine used with light machine cancel. ACSC 89Ja
1914-20 Single Watermark 1½d red KGV with inverted wmk & bottom selvedge. Centered right. MLH on the selvedge only. ACSC 89Da, Cat. $175
1914-20 Single Watermark 1½d red positional block of 6 with top selvedge & units 4, 5 & 6/ 10, 11 & 12. From plate 21 with 4 varieties. Fine MLH, …
Sold $70
1914-20 Single Watermark 1½d red, die I with “cracked electro through King's neck etc” variety in early & intermediates states. Useful used pa…
Sold $180


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