Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
South Australia Collectors "working stock" in quality Lindner stockbook arranged by SG cat. numbers with one assigned per strip. Most appear good t…
Sold $700
South Australia Postmarks "A-Y" from early Commonwealth period. Approx. 350 stamps with clear & more complete postmarks than average. Annotations w…
South Australia Registration labels x 146 different "A-W" blue R6 labels. All printed with no provisional labels & no duplication. A clean lot. Not…
Sold $50
South Australia Small selection of MUH/MLH "OS" ovpts incl 4d deep mauve MVLH SG O17, 2/- carmine MLH (rounded lower right corner) SG O34, SG O62 x…
Sold $150
Tasmania 1d Mt Wellington x 1400 in bundleware. Appears to be a large percentage of cds cancels. (1400)
Sold $130
Tasmania 2d Hobart x 1700 in bundleware. Unsorted for shades, wmks & printings. Clean lot with research likely to be rewarded. (1700)
Sold $210
Tasmania 1950's Telegraph clippings on 100s of pieces with Aust values to 5/-. Postmark potential with majority cds clear strikes.
Sold $55
Tasmania Collectors "spares" accumulation sorted in quality 64-page Lighthouse stockbook arranged by SG cat. numbers. Most are very good to fine us…
Sold $1450
Victoria Postmarks on piece on plain leaves in folder. Arranged in alpha order with most being from KGVI period to early 1970's. Nothing scarce exp…
Sold $65
Victoria Useful lifetime accumulation in 2 stockbooks (64 & 16 pages). Arranged by SG catalogue numbers with considerable duplication which should …
Sold $1800
AAT 1973-2011 complete collection all in gutter pairs incls se-tenant issues. Transport & ships 45c gutters only. Some later random gutters & MUH i…
Sold $190
AAT 1979-2016 range of gutter blocks of 10 incl se-tenant issues. Incls 1979 Flight, 1980/82 Ships set of 16, 1988 Environment, Mawson, Treaty, Mag…
Sold $650
AAT 1982-2011 packs (28) & 1983-2011 FDCs (33) in random order. Incls se-tenant strips & M/S'S. Clean lot in Cumberland FDC album.
Sold $85
AAT & Christmas Is to 1985 in 3 vols, one a KA-BE hingeless album with all MUH for the period, 2nd volume a cover album with 9 packs & FDC's. Third…
Sold $110
Christmas Island 1958-2007 with 1958 set MLH but thereafter complete & all MUH incl M/S's & ovpts (excls 1977 Xmas wmkd & 1986 Wildlife sheetlet). …
Sold $260
Christmas Island 1977-2011 FDC collection in 2 Cumberland albums. Many Chinese New Year x 2 incl M/S's. Also noted 2009 Year of the Ox PNC, 1987 Wi…
Sold $70
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1990-1992 selection of commercial envs addressed to Perth with a range of commems & defins tied by Cocos cds's incl 10 x 10…
Sold $65
Cocos (Keeling) Islands post-2000 MUH in AP glassines plus a few FDCs (some x2) & 1977-2002 packs/covers of Timor Leste, PNG, Norfolk Island & 2006…
Sold $40
Cocos Is & Pitcairn Is Collections to 1985 in KA-BE hingeless album. Cocos complete simplified MUH, ditto Pitcairn but with nearly all to 1971 MLH …
Sold $75
Hutt River 1974 $1.20 Prince Leonard imperforate M/S's x 100 MUH & 1982 $3 Coat of Arms Sheetlets x 100 All MUH. Retail $6 each (total $1200). Usef…
Hutt River Province 1973-1980 FDC's (13 unaddressed) & 1978 Christmas set of 3 sheetlets of 16 plus USA large blocks (7 assorted) in Lighthouse Min…
Sold $20
Nauru 1916-1985 MUH/MLH complete in hingeless KA-BE album. Incls 1916/23 KGV "NAURU" ovpts set of 12 plus central ovpts set of 4 all MLH & basic Se…
Sold $500
Nauru 1935-2002 MUH/MLH collection on Scott illustrated leaves. Complete MLH to 1991 with later missing only a few M/S's & sets & all MUH. Also inc…
Sold $100
Nauru 1954-1986 & 1954 to 1995 in 2 separate Seven Seas Hingeless albums. Virtually no pre-1954 then both near complete MUH plus extra set of 1954 …
Sold $50
Nauru 1954-80 in two albums. Incls MUH & CTO sets to 5/- & $1, FDC's incl a couple of Regd & stamp packs. FDC's have in some places had blank addre…
Sold $40
Norfolk Island 1947-1985 complete in KA-BE hingeless album. Incls 1956 white papers & two types of "SPECIMEN" ovpt on 10/- bird. Odd MLH amongst th…
Sold $170
Norfolk Island 1947-1996 MUH/MLH complete simplified collection in Seven Seas Hingeless albums. Pre-decimal mostly MUH (incl 10/- bird) with decima…
Sold $180
Norfolk Island 1947-1978 complete fine used/CTO simplified collection on Seven Seas leaves in binder. No Ball Bay "white papers" or 10/- Specimen b…
Sold $60
Norfolk Island 1960-1986 MLH & CTO approx. 70% complete on Seven Seas pages in 2 springback binders plus 1947-2016 incomplete range in 2 stockbooks…
Sold $100
Norfolk Island 1966-1996 complete MUH collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Incls both $1 surcharges, UPU M/S & defins to $5. Total FV is $320+…
Sold $220
Norfolk Island 1972-1997 selection on Hagners. Retired dealers stock with majority MUH sets incl odd M/S & booklet. PTSA $160+
Sold $42
Norfolk Island 2000-2009 "Annual Stamp Collections" produced by Norfolk Post. Rarely seen. Exc cond. Face Value $390+, Retail $1000+ (if you can fi…
Sold $420
PNG plus New Guinea & Papua MLH & used on Hagner & stockcards incl New Guinea 1925 set to 5/- (MLH), Papua incls B.N.G. 2½d, Lakatoi bicolours to …
Sold $100
PNG 1915-2012 incomplete used collection in "Favourite" Philatelic Album. Patchy early with 6 NWPI vals to 6d, New Guinea (53) incl undated birds t…
Sold $190
PNG 1952-1982 complete (excl Specimen ovpts & postal charges) in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Pre-decimal mixed MUH & MLH (latter incl 1952 £1) wit…
Sold $100
PNG 1952-1985 complete MUH collection in KA-BE hingeless album. Incls all "SPECIMEN" ovpts (excl 10/- Rabaul 13mm) & Postal Charges incl both 6d on…
Sold $400
PNG 1952-1991 sparsely filled Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase. Incls some early used with various later sets CTO. Album in very good cond.
Sold $40
PNG 1952-1993 MUH in Seven Seas hingeless album with slipcase. Patchy in places but useful later issues incl some on Hagners. Noted 1965 10/- Rabau…
Sold $100
PNG 1952-1994 collection on Seven Seas Hingeless pages. Used earlies to £1 Fisherman (damaged) with some MUH sets before 1983 incl 1963 £1 QEII. …
PNG 1952-1994 MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album. High degree of completeness incl 1952 Pictorials to £1 but all affected by tone spots or toned gu…
Sold $80
PNG 1952-1999 MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated & semi-sorted on 28 Vario pages. Not in chronological order but many complete sets to 1990's with …
Sold $100
PNG 1952-2000 98% complete MUH collection in Seven Seas Hingeless albums. Incls 1952 defins to £1 Fisherman, 1963 defins to £1 QEII, 1964 birds t…
Sold $250
PNG 1965-2003 covers in Cumberland album & 2 ring binders. Majority unaddressed incl post-1990 MS's, odd PSE & Aerogrammes. Many 1970's special cac…
PNG 2000-2011 sets, sheetlets & M/S's appearing to be complete. Fine MUH in quality 64 black page stockbook. Numerous thematics with everything fro…
Sold $900
Samoa 1962-1991 Seven Seas "as new" album with slipcase, hingeless from 1981. Random range noting 1967 birds & 1978 shells sets MUH. Reserve is a f…
Sold $85
Territories 2016 & 2017 Australia Post Annual Year Packs x 2 of each. These are increasingly difficult to find & especially these later years. PO C…
Sold $100
Territories AAT, Christmas & Cocos Is Slim stockbook for each plus springback with mounted used with Christmas & Cocos Is to 1987 on leaves & appea…
Sold $60
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Thematic
Birds - Pelicans A "work in progress" which was not able to be completed by the collector. Very little written up but the sorting of topics had bee…
Christmas World collection strong in Australasia MUH/MLH & used on over 200 Hagners, the majority being 6 & 7 strips. Other countries incl sets & M…
Sold $120
Olympics 2000 Aust range in 2 volumes of specially crafted covers (420) with an outline map of Australia containing place names of the Olympic Torc…
Sold $40


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