Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Military Mail 1945 (18th Nov) OHMS stampless env inscribed "Returned Postal Packet" & addressed to "Victoria Park Perth" & "West Angus" instead of …
Sold $50
Military Mail 1947 (13th Dec) WWII Censored stampless cover addressed to Victoria Park (WA) from Tatura (Vic) with boxed "Services of Prisoners of …
Sold $60
Military Mail 1939-1945 range noting Mil P.O. Northam, Adelaide River NT, Aust Army P.O. 216 Papua, Dobodura Papua, Noonamah NT, Noonatiah NT, RAAF…
Military Mail 1940-1949 selection covering a later period with Concord Mil Hosp NSW, AIF Field P.O. 53 Papua, AIF Field P.O. 28 North Africa, Milne…
Military Mail 1941-1945 group of 34 noting Aust Unit POS Stn 362, New Guinea Force, AIP FPO 22 North Africa, Mil P.O. Bandiana Vic, Mil P.O. Tamwor…
Military Postmarks Also a few perfined "WA" & Railway strikes on Hagners. Good quality impressions abound & "flagged" with details eg "AIF Field PO…
Sold $40
Officials 1913-1932 range of perfined & ovptd "OS" issues on 3 album pages. Mostly MVLH (3d ovptd "OS" Kingsford Smith has small thin at top right)…
Sold $520
Officials KGV Perfined "OS" MUH/MLH selection on Seven Seas pages noting ½d green LMW (MLH), ½d orange SMW Perf. 13½x12½ (MUH), 3x 1d green SMW…
Perfins "WA" perfined vertically on KGV selection. Majority fine used however noted ½d orange SMW Perf. 13½ MUH & 2d red Die III CofA mint withou…
Sold $100
Perfins 1979 1c, 2c 10c & 20c Birds in ½ sheets, 1980 Waltzing Matilda ½ sheet, 1985 20c & 80c Marine Life sheets of 100 & 5c ½ sheet all MUH & …
Sold $65
Personalised Stamps 2005-2012 50c & 60c full sheets of 20 S/A with tabs advertising Australian Stamps Professional magazine front covers. 12 differ…
Sold $80
PNC's 1994-2020 collection of 210 PNC's all arranged in date order with no duplication & concluding with 2020 "Victory in the Pacific" issue. Incls…
Sold $2450
PNC's 2000-2007 selection of the scarcer issues incl 2000 "Legends - The Last Anzacs", "For Valour - Victoria Coss", "Olympic Sports" $5 coin pair,…
Postage Dues 1902 range MLH & used plus on cover comprising "base completed" monocolours (8) incl SG D48 (pale 3d), bicolours incl D108 (8d, perf 1…
Sold $30
Postage Paid Envelopes 1992-2001 sets incl 1992 Houses, 1994 Int Air Mail Aviation (includes 5 matching Aerogrammes), 1995 Bridges, 1997, 1999 & 20…
Sold $50
Postal History 1916-1930's covers with low val KGV issues noting 1d reds (2), 1d greens (7 ), 1½d reds (23) & 2d reds (18). Majority have South Au…
Sold $130
Postmarks 1977-1983 range of pictorial & commem cancels on AP Souvenir envs or PSE's incl some envs matching the occasion. Noted Australian Army Nu…
Sold $75
Presentation Packs 1969-1980 complete in quality APW albums with info inserts. Excls 1970 Defin pack & Cook in Japanese (see separate lots). Incls …
Sold $200
Presentation Packs 1969-1982 in 2 large APW pack albums. Missing 12 of the better early high retail packs but 80 present noting values to $5 with a…
Sold $50
Presentation Packs 2005-2009 in 2 Cumberland FDC albums. Some x 2 noting Int Post & Sheetlets. Not in date order. FV $400+ (100)
Sold $230
Presentation Packs 2008-2011 large format types incl sheetlets of 10 & Joint Issues noting odd Exhib M/S. Also incls some SES sheets & the 1997 AFL…
Sold $140
Presentation Packs Various better incl 2009 AFI Legends Awards with 4 diff M/S's x 2, 2010 London Festival of Stamps with 4 M/S's with gold ovpts, …
Sold $70
Prestige Booklets 1997-2006 range of 26 different booklets noting the Waterfalls Int Post for Europe & Boxing Kangaroo with the tabbed panes. FV $2…
Sold $120
Prestige Booklets 2003-2010 Useful range incl 2003 Rugby x 2, Aboriginal Art, "Australian Greetings", 2005 "Postcards", "Destination Australia", 20…
Sold $110
P-Stamps 2005-2015 Swan River Stamp Show S/A sheets of 20 for each event featuring different designs & values plus the 2012 PSWA Centennial sheet &…
Sold $160
Replica Cards 1984-1994 complete range (Nos. 1-31 bar 17 & 28). Exc cond. Retail $280+ (29)
Sold $30
SES Sheetlets 2000-2012 range of MUH personalised sheets for a variety of occasions incl 2000 Stamp Expo (2), 2000 "Celebrate" Millennium – The S…
Sold $1100
Special Commemorative Packs noting 2006 Red-back semi-imperf M/S's (2), 2009 Barbie Anniv, AFI Celebration, Graeme John "Signature Edition", 2009 W…
Sold $500
Varieties 1957-1974 mix of commercial (WA usage) & FD I covers all showing ACSC identified varieties (annotated in pencil). Useful group & usually …
Sold $150
Varieties MUH, MLH & used collection arranged on 20 Hagners & all flagged with ACSC annotations from 1914 1d engraved to 1980 with a total cat. val…
Sold $700
Yearbook Miniature Sheets/Sheetlets 2000-2016 complete MUH & CTO for every issue only available in the yearbooks incl all Olympic Gold Medallists, …
Sold $300
Yearbooks 2013-2018 with 2016 & 2018 deluxe while the other 4 are the leather executive editions. Retail $1000+, FV $620+ (6 vols)
Sold $380
Yearbooks - Leather 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018. Brand new & sealed as issued. These years increasingly difficult to find in leather. Face Value $410+ …
Sold $300
States "V.S.M." Embossed Picture Postcards showing an array of various State stamp issues with b&w centres of "General Post Office, Elizabeth Stree…
Sold $100
States MUH, MLH & used random accum with useful oddments noting WA 1912 "One Penny" surcharge on upright wmk 2d block of 8 (Cat. £70) MUH, light t…
Sold $190
States Range of imperfs to 1900 with numeral postmarks consisting Victoria (180), Tasmania (14) & WA (18) incl dumb obliterator in red on GCA 6d vi…
Sold $130
States Scott specialist album with slipcase noting many better items, often in mounts. Incls NSW from 1852 with vals to 5/- "coin"), Qld from 1860,…
Sold $380
States Used off paper accumulation in medium sized container. A quick shake reveals a good cross section with vals to 2/6d noting a neat Victorian …
Sold $360
States V.S.M. Series of 6 fine unused Postcards with each State's stamps colour printed with embossing surrounding a b&w photo showing a street sce…
Sold $120
States & Territories MLH & used in 2 x SG "Devon" peg binders. The "States" (c250) are reasonably common & in very mixed cond while Norfolk Is miss…
Sold $200
NSW & Victoria Small containers with glassines/envs sorted by value while Vic are loose. All appear to be used & low vals. (100s)
Sold $55
NSW Duplicated accumulation in Lighthouse stockbook arranged by SG cat. number with tabs also identifying perfs. Approx. 1000 stamps with useful du…
Sold $300
NSW Postmarks on Hagners with early numeral types on 1890's 1d, 2d & 2½d issues plus later cds's on pre-decimal Commonwealth issues arranged in al…
Sold $100
Queensland QV/KGVI used range of Revenues noting 1866 10/- green (Barefoot Cat. £30) plus others with maximum cat. £3.50. Also, 3d & 6d Govt Rail…
Sold $85
South Australia 1901-1904 MUH/MLH accumulation with some duplicates. A few heavily hinged but many MUH & better than average. Noted SG 146-151, 175…
Sold $190
South Australia 1902/04 "Thin Postage" MUH/MLH selection incl 4d red orange MUH (2), 6d blue green MUH pair, 8d ultramarine MUH block 4, MH pair & …
South Australia 1904/12 "Thick Postage" MUH/MLH range with Wmk Crown/SA 6d green in MUH block of 4 & faded single, 8d ultramarine MUH block 7, 9d l…
Sold $300
South Australia 1915-1928 group of Registered covers x 5 & fronts x 3 all with red labels incl 1928 "Currency Creek" provisional with squared circl…
Sold $210
South Australia 1928-1956 range of Duty Stamps on piece with a variety of fiscal cancels incl "The S.A. Farmers' Co-operative Union" & Balaklava Sa…
Sold $65
South Australia c1910 used Postcards selected for quality & scarcity of postmarks noting Balaklava (squared circle), Eurelia (2), Largs Bay, Mt Hop…


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