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Lot No Description Est.
States and Territories: Western Australia
1906 1d carmine-red block of 4 with upright wmk. MUH SG 151b, Cat. £360 + MUH premium.
Sold $80
1906 3d brown in horiz pair with current number "52" in right selvedge. MUH SG 141var.
Sold $55
1907 1/- olive-green with inverted wmk. F/U. SG 116w, Cat. £200
Sold $50
1907 1/- olive-green with inverted wmk. Fine used with part 1910 cds. SG 116w, Cat. £200
Sold $55
1908 1d rose-pink in lower left corner block of 4. MUH with selvedge annotations incl "Perf 11" in h/s's plus one on the gum side of one stamp. SG …
Sold $50
1910 4d bright brown-red in lower selvedge block of 8. MUH, couple of toned perfs otherwise fine with rich colour. SG 142b, Cat. £200+
Sold $40
1910 4d bright brown-red in MUH top right selvedge block of 15. Fresh & bright. SG 142b, Cat. £390
Sold $150
1910 4d bright brown-red with double perfs at base. MLH. Not listed in ACSC or by Juhl.
Sold $100
1910 10d rose-orange block of 4. Fresh MUH with rich colour. SG 146, Cat. £96 + MUH premium
Sold $50
1910 10d rose-orange in bottom right hand selvedge block of 6 with 3 rows x 2. MUH with some light gum creasing. Useful multiple. SG 146, Cat. £14…
Sold $60
1910 10/- bright purple. Fine & fresh MUH. SG 127a, Cat. £950
Sold $400
1910 10/- bright purple. MH with even gum toning. Centred top right. True bright colour. SG 127a, Cat. £950
1911 2/- brown/yellow. MLH, slightly re-distributed gum. ACSC W59d, Cat. $250
1911 2/- vermilion/yellow. Fine used with neat part Perth Parcel Post cancel. Printed in 1911 this is the scarcest of the 2/- printings (36,000). A…
Sold $38
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow, Crown over double lined A wmk. Complete sheet of 120 with selvedge all round. The whole sheet was cancelle…
Sold $525
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow x 120. As per the SG 152 lot, this too appears to be a sheet of 120 split into 4 blocks of 30 complete with…
Sold $225
1912 3d deep orange-brown, sideways Crown over double lined A wmk on thin paper & perfined "OS". F/U with characteristically rough perfs. ACSC W31B…
Sold $50
1912 3d dull orange-brown with Crown over double lined A wmk on thin paper horiz pair perfined "OS". F/U with characteristic rough perfs. ACSC W31A…
1912 5d pale greenish yellow block of 4. Fine MUH. SG 143b, Cat. £240 + premium for MUH.
1912 5d pale greenish yellow in Plate 1 lower left selvedge pair. MUH with light gum creasing. Fresh colour & scarce with plate number. SG 143b, Ca…
Sold $60
1912 5d pale greenish yellow, Crown over double lined A wmk, perf 12½. Complete half sheet of 60 with selvedge top & sides. Plate 1 prominent in l…
1912 5d pale greenish yellow. Used block of 4 with 4 indistinct cds's, slightly smudged but a scarce used multiple. SG 143b, Cat. £440
1912 8d apple-green block of 4. 3 MUH, 1 MLH. SG 144, Cat. £23 x 4 + MUH premium
Sold $40
1912 8d apple-green left hand selvedge block of 30 with 6 rows of 5 stamps - quarter of sheet. Fresh MUH, centring varies from very well centred to…
Sold $250
1912 8d apple-green. An attractive MUH block of 9 with good colour & well centred. SG 144, Cat. £200++
Sold $65
1912 8d apple-green. An attractive MUH block of 9 with good colour & well centred. SG 144, Cat. £200++
Sold $110
1912 9d orange with upright wmk. Used by indistinct cds. Small number annotation in pen on reverse reflected in reserve. The ACSC W52D notes on pag…
1912 9d orange with upright wmk. Fine used by Bunbury 1 AP 13 cds. Centred low, short perf lower right corner but scarce. The ACSC W52D notes on pa…
1912 1/- sage-green block of 4. Used with PP Perth cds & ink lines. Some toned perfs. SG 169, Cat. £190+
Western Australia: Revenues
1872/78 Internal Revenue 1d ochre, wmk Crown CC, perf. 12½ & perf. 14 overprinted "IR" & "POSTAGE" obliterated in green group incl perf. 12½ with…
Sold $100
1881 "IR" ovpts on 1d ochre with Crown/CC wmk, perf. 12½. showing 2 green bars obliterating "POSTAGE" with "IR" below. Fiscally used & cleaned wit…
Sold $50
1881 3d lilac swans (unissued) ovptd "I.R." & surcharged with new denomination in black. "ONE PENNY" fine MLH & MH with small thin (2), "TWO PENCE"…
Sold $200
1881 3d lilac swans (unissued) ovptd "I.R." & surcharged with new denomination. "SIX PENCE" & "ONE SHILLING" vals. Both F/U with Perth cancels. Els…
Sold $160
1881/96 & 1896/97 "lilac" Internal Revenues with mixed pen & rubber stamp cancels incl 1881/96 to £5 (excl 2d & 3/-) & strip of 4 of 1/- plus extr…
Sold $170
1893 1d, 2d, 3d, 6d & 1/- Internal Revenue set all with narrow "CA" wmk. 1d MUH with minute pin hole, 2d MLH (light gum bend), 3d MUH (toned perf),…
Sold $300
1893 2d pale dull purple postally used with neat Geraldton MY 15 1894 duplex cancel. SG F12, Cat. £80
Sold $42
1893-1897 range Internal Revenues used incl Narrow CA wmk 1d, 2d & 6d postally used & 2/6d fiscally used, wide CA wmk 3d & 1/- postally used & W Cr…
Sold $32
1906/11 Bicolour swans, perf. 11, wmk "W crown A" group comprising 1d & 6d black & red, 1/- green in 2 shades, 2/- brown, 2/6d bistre, 10/- in red …
Sold $70
1906/35 used group consisting of 5/- black & purple with double perfs at right, £1 black & violet perf. 14½ with double perfs at left & 1d red wi…
Sold $75
1941 2/- brown Revenue Duty swans x 2 with clear double print. Used on piece with 1953 m/s cancels. Some light toning on reverse.
Sold $100
"The National Bank of Australasia Limited Kondinin, W.A." blank cheques in consecutive number order x 3. Each with "W.A. Stamp Duty Paid 3d." Unusu…
Sold $55
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1869 (31st Mar) Proving cover for 15 bar "8" numeral cancel. 6d violet tied by numeral obliterator with Fremantle cds alongside. Addressed to Engla…
Sold $260
1893 (14th Jan) Gingin to Guildford cover with 2d swan tied by Gingin duplex DxL-2. Guildford duplex DxL 2-b arrival b/s. Odd light tone spot & tor…
Sold $75
1894 (25th Aug) F. Mayhew & Co, Fremantle cover illust (on reverse) cover to Melbourne. 3d lilac ovptd "I.R. TWO PENCE" surcharge tied by Fremantle…
Sold $180
1898 (12th Dec) & 1900 (27th Feb) Registered OHMS covers bearing fine strikes of Land Titles Department Frank Stamp, "UNCLAIMED" plus a variety of …
Sold $40
1901 (4th Feb) cover from Guildford to USA with ½d green & 1d red swans pair tied by Guildford duplex DxPO index E. B/s's incl "Ship Mail Room Per…
Sold $30
1902 1d red wrapper with double line border. Used from Fremantle to Germany with neat Fremantle Town Hall 3b cds's. Fine & scarce. WR2, Cat. $400
Sold $160
1903 ½d green wrapper with single lined border uprated by ½d green swan. Used from Claremont to Edinburgh, Scotland. Tied by SP 3 06 cds's. Good …
Sold $95
1904 (4th Oct) Registered cover from Beverley to Tasmania. 2 x 1d red, 2d yellow & 3d brown swans tied by Beverley 3b with oval "R" below. Perth Re…
Sold $55
1904 (2nd Nov) Fremantle to Hobart "Frank Cadd & Co, Ltd Fremantle" env with logo on flap. 1d red & 2d yellow swans tied by Fremantle duplex DxPO-d…
Sold $30


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