Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV 2d scarlet Die III, 1930 Small Mult wmk, study on leaves with MLH singles (26), pairs (1), block of 4 (2), used inverted wmk (4), CTO, perf "OS…
Sold $250
KGV Bundleware consisting 1d violet, 1½d orange (1 bundle), 1d green (11 bundles), 2d surcharge (1 bundle), 4d olive (2 bundles) & 5d chestnut (2 …
Sold $190
KGV Used duplication sorted by wmk & perf. Incls 1d red Die II (4) & Die III (3), 1d green Die II, Single wmk to 1/4d, ditto CofA plus other wmks t…
Sold $100
KGV MLH range on 5 album leaves with single crown to 1/4d incl all 4d colours (+ 4d orange wmk inverted, ditto ½d orange x 2), SM wmk ½d green pa…
Sold $460
KGV Perfined "OS" collection mounted on album leaves. Virtually complete but does not incl 1d rosine Die II, LMW Cooke mult 1d red, SMW 1d green Di…
Sold $420
KGV Used accum in Lighthouse stockbook. Sorted in face value order by wmk. Strong in 1d reds (nearly 200) with a wide range of shades, 1d greens (1…
Sold $250
KGV MLH varieties annotated on 2 leaves plus page of used flaws on low val kangaroos noting ½d "Rostage" & wmk inverted, 1d "broken value circle" …
Sold $320
KGV Used varieties annotated on "SG Minor" leaves. Incls 1d reds, greens & violets all with "NY" joined, "dot before 1", run "N", "secret mark", "f…
Sold $190
KGV Bundleware - untouched for many years. KGV kiloware on paper from the same source contained a range of useful varieties & many better WA postma…
Sold $1250
1913-1965 & States MLH & used in "Adelphi" album with good to fine used kangaroos to 2/- incl perf "OS" & ovpt on 6d (Small Mult wmk), KGV incls va…
Sold $300
1913-1965, States & AAT Lightly duplicated MUH, MLH & used on 35 Hagners & Varios. Chaotic "order" but useful pickings in a mainly used range of ka…
Sold $220
1913-1965 range on Hagners with main value in MLH noting 1st wmk 2½d, 4d, 6d & SM 1/- kangaroo singles, 1930 Sturt with Plate blocks 1 & 2, variou…
Sold $180
1913-1980 in Schaubek album. No kangaroos but KGV almost complete with single wmk, LMW, no wmk, SMW in both perfs & CofA wmks. Pre-decimals virtual…
Sold $150
1913-1982 in Stanley Gibbons printed album. Kangaroos incl 1st wmk to 1/-, 2nd wmk 2d, 2½ & 1/-, 3rd wmk 2d to 2/-, SMW to 2/- & CofA to 5/-. KGV …
Sold $210
1913-1990 Mainly used accumulation in 2 black leaved stockbooks. Mixed cond with kangaroos to 2/- maroon & KGV to 1/4d. Better oddments incl 1914 6…
Sold $60
1913-2013 Plus States & AAT Collection in 5 springback binders with annotated dates & cat. numbers. Kangaroos to 2/- with various wmks to 2/- incl …
Sold $150
1913-2019 Collection in 3 albums plus volume of 2000 Sydney Olympics sheetlets of 10 x 16 plus the 2006 Commonwealth Games set of 17 sheetlets. Nea…
Sold $1900
1914-1965 MUH/MLH range on leaves in "as new" springback binder. Noted 1914 1d engraved i 2 shades, 1930's commems all missing top val, 1940 AIF se…
Sold $60
1914-1980 MUH/MLH collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase. Two kangaroos being 6d 3rd wmk & 9d CofA both MUH before a few KGV incl 4…
Sold $550
1914-1984 Mainly MUH on Varios & Hagners with many useful incl 1927-1030 perfined "OS" commems incl both 3d Air types, 1932 "OS" ovpts incl KGV to …
Sold $575
1951-1961 oddments in large quality "Prinz" black-leaved stockbook. Odd duplication plus better noting 1963/64 Navigators set of 8 with 2 extras of…
Sold $130
1960's Australian Post Office "Set of Australian Postage Stamps", AAT, PNG, Norfolk Is, Nauru & Cocos contemporary paper/card pres folders x 17. Al…
Sold $40
1964 7/6d Navigator (SG 357) "investment holding" on Hagners in quality Lighthouse binder comprising 1300+ MUH singles, pairs, blocks of 4, 8, 10, …
Sold $2500
1964 Similar "investment holding" of 7/6d Cook MUH singles & multiples on Hagners as above but no CTO examples. All fine & fresh. (1090+)
Sold $2200
Pre-decimals Range on Hagners with 1934/48 Hermes MUH blocks, singles & proofs, the 1934 block with gutter & later blocks incl 2 x McCracken, 1 Ash…
Sold $380
Pre-Decimals Seven Seas hingeless pages with no kangaroos but KGV almost complete with some MUH incl single wmk complete except for 4d lemon, 1d re…
1966-1980 complete MUH in Sherwood folders, the pre-cursor to the AP Yearbooks as sold by Downies for $985 in the 1980's! Reserved at just over hal…
Sold $100
1966-1996 Fine used collection in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless albums. The majority from 1973 onwards are CTO noting vals to $20 Gardens. Odd MUH incl 19…
Sold $150
1966-1999 near complete on 40 Vario sheets in quality "as new" Lighthouse binder. Mixed mint without gum & good to fine used. The former would exce…
Sold $130
1979-1980 MUH commems in gutter blocks, part & full sheets arranged in display book. FV approx. $280
Sold $180
2000-2015 decimal accum on 50+ Vario sheets in binder. Mixed mint without gum & F/U, the former would be a very high FV with vals to $10 noted. Ple…
Sold $230
2011-2014 range of issues with majority being CTO by FDI cds's & written up on leaves in Senator binder. Comprises approx. 570 stamps & 47 M/S's wi…
Sold $160
Booklets 1987-2000s arranged in FDC binder noting odd with reprint logo. Incls S/A types plus a couple of Int Post. Total FV of approx. $340+ (70+)
Sold $210
Cinderellas "The Gay Kingdom of the Coral Sea". Several items incl colour information card showing Cato Island & outlining the philatelic history o…
Sold $260
Covers 1935-1943 range mainly from Australia to Scotland but noted others incl India 7½a on 6a PSE, GB 2½d KGVI cover with Post Office "Maritime …
Sold $140
Covers 1944-1950 & 1957 Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (Qld) authorised illustrated covers with cachets applied to celebrate explorer. I…
Sold $320
CTO A useful lot incl "OS" perfins on 3d kookaburra, 3d Airmail, 1½d Canberra, 1½d WA cent & 3d Sturt (thin) plus "OS" ovpts either CTO or F/U. A…
Sold $60
First Day Covers 1953-1961 range of pre-decimal issues in Royal & WCS covers with neat Gower address labels, Berry h/s address or unaddressed. Incl…
Sold $50
First Day Covers 1982-2011 in 7 Cumberland albums noting 1971 Christmas block of 7 with later Int Post, S/A's, blocks & M/S's. Not in strict issue …
Sold $200
First Day Covers 2009-2020 range appearing to be complete including AAT, Cocos, Christmas & Norfolk Islands. Noted S/A's & Int Post. Exc unaddresse…
Sold $460
Framas 1984-2003 Postcode complete sets 9 for 30c (set 7) & 33c Barred Edge, 33c Kangaroo, 36c & 37c Platypus, 37c Echidna, 39c Possum, 41c Lizard,…
Sold $40
Framas 1989-2003 specialised collection sheets incl many MUH sets & CTO sets plus some FDC's, $00.00 vals, double & treble printings & paper joins.…
Sold $500
International Post 2000-2013 range of issues in MUH corner blocks of 4. All with sheet total imprints & odd reprint logo. Vals range from 5c to $20…
Sold $1600
International Post 2000-2014 range of traffic light gutter blocks of 10. Mixed defin & commem issues with vals to $4. All MUH & unfolded in quality…
Sold $360
International Post 2007-2012 MUH range incl S/A's plus a packet of on paper used circa 2003. FV of $170+
Sold $90
Maxicards 1979-1986 range of "ASPC" issues incl scarce 1983 Butterflies set of 10. Majority from 1982 & 1983. VG cond with odd fault. Increasingly …
Medallion Covers 2006-2021 range of 88 covers each encompassing matching medal for the stamp issue up to 2018 Winx. Noted odd duplication incl 3 x …
Sold $900
Military Mail 1940-1945 Forces Mail incl cards & covers. Very good variety of Unit Postal Station & FPO strikes plus "Passed Free" naval covers not…
Sold $250
Military Mail 1943 (12th Nov) & 1944 (10th July) Incoming POW letters from Stalag VIIID & Stalag 344 respectively. Both with boxed Censor markings …
Military Mail 1944 envelope posted to local Perth address containing "Adopt a Digger" dinner invitation & another with stampless 22-1-45 Perth mach…
Sold $210


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