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Western Australia: Postmarks
Mallina D26 on 3d blue KGV in violet ink dated 28 JUN 25. Latest recorded date with PMI dating it ?-10-10 to 28-06-25. Rated (1) by Goulder.
Sold $210
Mandurah Post & Telegraph Office ORS2. Listed in PMI & PMC & rated "rare" by Goulder. An almost complete clear strike in violet ink.
Sold $150
Maninga Marley A26 Appears as "MAPLEY" as it has a damaged "R" 95% strike on 2½d indigo 1st wmk kangaroo for 29-?-1913. Not listed in PMI while PM…
Sold $130
Maramanup C27 on 1½d red KGV for 9 DEC 27. PMI states "No markings known" while PMC lists it but without dates. Closed 24-09-30. Reasonably comple…
Sold $320
Marble Bar 4 x 3b's with index nil on 1d red swan for JA 15 98 & bold strike on 2d red KGV dated 9 NO 20. Index "A" on pair of 1d red swans on piec…
Sold $60
Marble Bar Post Office ORS2 with 2 examples on 2d grey swans block of 4 for 10 NOV 1899 in violet. Rated "very scarce" by Goulder. (1-2)
Sold $90
Marble Bar Post Office ORS2. Two examples with Marble Bar complete on pair of 1d red swans dated 28 NOV 96 & another with "POST OFFICE" complete on…
Sold $80
Margaret River B29 in violet ink on pair of 1d red kangaroos on piece dated 6 MAR 14. PMI dates 3-03-14 to 18-09-14. Quite light & almost complete.…
Sold $95
Marindo C32 An almost complete light strike on 2d red KGV for 1 APR 35. PMC dates 12-03-31 & 1-04-35 appearing to be the only recorded. Not listed …
Sold $120
Marvel Loch B27 on 2/- light brown 2nd wmk kangaroo for 19 SE 16. ACSC 36A Cat. $350 as F/U marginal single with right selvedge.
Sold $150
Marybrook A25 Two complete strikes on 3 x 1½d KGV reds on piece for 27 SE 24. PMI date 22-??-24. Group settlement No. 73.
Sold $220
Maylands Post & Telegraph Office ORS4 in green ink on piece dated 21 JUL 1915. Fine & rare.
Sold $130
McLeods Creek A28 on 1½d red KGV dated 26 MR 25. PMI dates 18-08-20 to 6-07-26. Group settlement No. 38. Fine & 90% complete. Rated (1) by Goulder.
Sold $130
McLeods Creek A28 on ½d orange KGV on piece for 4 DEC 28. Variable 70% strike. Late date with PMI range being 18-08-20 to 6-07-26.
Sold $50
Meckering 3b index 9. Complete strike on pair 1d red swans on piece for 6 SP 02. PMI dates 12-04-02 to 22-09-10. Fine.
Sold $50
Meekatharra Post & Telegraph Office ORS3 Complete strike on part telegraph form for 20 FEB 1935. Rated "rare" by Goulder.
Sold $100
Menzies Duplex Dx PO-c Index 3 Complete on 1d red swans pair on piece for FE 10 06. Complete & hard to find better. (1)
Sold $85
Menzies Registration Branch ORS3 Complete strike in violet on piece dated 26 NOV 97. Very fine. (1)
Sold $50
Menzies Telegraph Office ORS2. 50% strike in violet on 2d yellow swan dated 3 AUG 1(904). Year guided by James Johnstone's website at www.telegrams…
Sold $80
Merkanooka (a) A29 on 1½d red KGV for 14 NO 24. PMI dates 21-11-24 to 27-02-25. Fine light example & the first we've seen.
Sold $340
Merredin Circular office stamp in red ink on 2d yellow swan with 10/4/06 date added in m/s. PMI date 16-04-06 to ?. Fine example.
Sold $60
Middle Swan D27 Clear & complete strike on 1½d red KGV on piece for 17 JL 24. Very early date with PMI dates 19-01-25 to 7-07-26. (1)
Sold $100
Middlesex A26 on 1½d green KGV dated 26 NOV 23. An early date with PMI recording it from 9-07-24 & PMC dates c1924 to 1926. Group Settlement No. 31.
Sold $220
Midland Junction 3b's x 4 with 1,2,3 & 4 indices. Each is reasonably scarce & virtually complete. All on swans dated between 1904 & 1905. (4)
Sold $60
Midland Junction Post Office ORS2 An almost complete strike on 1d red swans pair in violet ink with 8/6/95 date in m/s. PMI dates 8-06-95 to 19-07-…
Sold $90
Midland Junction Savings Bank Sbiv index 1 on 4d chestnut swan perfined "OS" on piece dated AU 10 7. PMI dates 18-06-07 while index 1 is not record…
Sold $90
Minninup ODS2 Dated 10/01/69 in m/s on piece. PMI dates from 10-01-69 to 25-07-77. Fine & rare (1)
Sold $180
Moora Post Office ORS 5 on piece. with 11/3/96 late date in m/s. PMI dates from 12-11-95 to 31-01-96. A little blurred but rated (1) by Goulder.
Sold $75
Morley Park Paid At Pd Ea 31. Fine complete strike on piece in red & dated 23 FE 60. The only date recorded in PMI while PMC dates it c1960. (1)
Sold $90
Mornington B29 Four nice strikes on strip of five x 1d red kangaroos on piece for 1 JUL 13. PMI dates 22-07-12 to 26-08-14. A most attractive multi…
Sold $50
Mornington Mills Post & Telegraph Office W.A. ORS1 60% strike dated 27 MAR 1901 & used to illustrate PMI. No other dates recorded & possibly unique…
Sold $150
Mornington Mills Post & Telegraph Office W.A. ORS3 on 9d orange swan for ? JAN 1910. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. A rare part strike.
Sold $75
Mornington Mills WA Post & Telegraph Office ORS3 but without "W.A." 65% strike on 3d olive 1st wmk kangaroo for ? JUN 1915. Different to the ORS3 i…
Sold $480
Mosman Park Post & Telegraphs ORS3 Complete backstamp from envelope dated 10 DEC 1943. Not listed in either PMI or PMC. First we have seen.
Sold $90
Mount Ida D26 on 1d red KGV dated 1 OCT 17. An almost complete, light variable strike. Not recorded in PMI.
Sold $340
Mount Malcolm Registered ORS4 Dated 7 OCT 1902 on 10/- Internal Revenue swan in blue ink. A rare Registered oval rubber stamp showing unusual posta…
Sold $500
Mount Morgans Money Order Office ORS3 70% strike in blue on 2d yellow swan for ? JAN 04. This is an early date as PMI dates 3-05-04 to ?. Fine exam…
Sold $60
Mt Hawthorn B29 50% strike on 1d red swan dated 24 DE 12 (extremely early). PMI dates 20-05-31 to 8-10-52 while PMC dates c1931 to 1952. Mt Hawthor…
Sold $160
Mt Lawley Post & Telegraph Office ORS3 complete on piece for SEP 17 1927. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Another new find?
Sold $160
Mt Magnet Savings Bank Sbii. Two complete strikes on 2d yellow swans pair plus another full strike on 1d red swan on the same piece & dated MA 27 7…
Sold $190
Mt Malcolm 3b-9 in 00. Four light complete strikes on strip of four 1d Internal Revenues dated NOV 3 97. PMC recorded date is NO 10 1897. A rare mu…
Sold $75
Mt Malcolm 3b-b index 3 on 2d yellow swan dated MR 2 05. Not listed in PMI or PMC.
Sold $50
Mt Malcolm DxPO index 1 on pair 1d red swans on piece. Complete strike dated AP 11 01. Fine.
Sold $40
Mt Malcolm DxPO index 6 (or is it 9 inverted?). Index 6 is not recorded in PMI or PMC. 90% strike on pair of 1d red swans on piece. Either way is i…
Sold $50
Mt Morgans Savings Bank Sbi. A 95% bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan for 30 OC 06 as per PMI dates from this to 20-07-02. Superb. (1)
Sold $160
Mt Sir Samuel Three fine 3b strikes on 1d red swan in violet for FE 13 01, another on 2d yellow swan in black dated FE 27 01 & finally on 1d red sw…
Sold $90
Mullewa Two 3b-9 with dots after WA on 1d red swan dated DE 10 94 (2) & 3b-b (with dashes before & after WA) on 2d yellow swan on piece for 4 NO 05…
Sold $50
Mulline Two strikes incl a 3b on 2d yellow swan for AP 5 10 & B29 on 1d red KGV dated ? AP 15. Both fine & close to bullseye strikes rated (1) by G…
Sold $60
Mundabullangana A25 Virtually complete bullseye strike on 3d brown swan for 12 FEB 12 with possibly broken outer ring as listed in PMC. PMC dates 2…
Sold $140
Mundaring Savings Bank Sbi in violet ink on 2d yellow swan perfined "WA". Dated NO 17 04 with PMI dates being 16-10-04 to 15-12-04. Fine light bull…
Sold $80


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