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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
Germany West 1949-1961 sets with mainly odd values used incl 1949 Parliament, UPU, Bach, 1951 Pestalozzi, Roentgen, Otto, Schurz, Reis, Liebig IFRA… $130 Sold $210 | |||
Germany West 1949-1957 used odd values & a few sets incl. 1949 UPU, 1950 Bach, 1951 30pf Pestalozzi 1953 transport, Ifraba, 1954/57 Winter relief s… $90 Sold $170 | |||
Germany (DDR) "Budget" lot of oddments & part sets, largely CTO, in large stockbook. Mostly fine, but missing all key items. (100s) $20 Sold $20 | |||
Germany - Berlin 1949-1961 Small range mainly used incl. 1949 buildings, Bells to 40pf. (7) Uprising Furtwangler & 1961 Famous Germans set (MUH). S… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Germany 1960s to post-unification MUH in stockbook. In no particular order & with odd Berlin & DDR peppered amongst the West. Cond. fine throughout… $50 Sold $55 | |||
Germany 1960-1990 with odd later to 2004. MUH in black-paged stockbook. Good face value in definitives to 6mk90 & plenty of commems both West & Ber… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Germany 1952-2004 dupl. F/U stock in 3 stockbooks. Strength in 1957-1992, but useful throughout with charities. All commems (no defins) & in approx… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Germany Post WWII MLH & used lot in stockbook with pickings incl West 1949 30pf Wichern MLH, 1953 IFRABA pair fine used, Berlin 70pf Hunting-Lodge,… $80 Sold $80 | |||
Germany 1939-1944 WWII Occupations MLH & used collection in Lindner hingeless album. Noted Bohemia & Moravia 1939 to 10k MUH (signed Gilbert), 1940… $100 Sold $180 | |||
Germany 1939 (Dec) to 1943 (Dec) WWII range of 19 "Feldpost" letters & cards incl scarce official telegram cover. (19) $35 Sold $35 | |||
Germany 1933-1945 Third Reich collection on old printed leaves in old style Schaubek binder. Noted 1933 Wagner & extras of 25pf & 40pf, many other … $500 Sold $500 | |||
Germany 1924-1944 MUH, MLH & used sets. 1924 castles, 1926 Airs incl. 3m. & 1934 Airs used. 1934-40 Winter Relief etc. STC £400+ (160) $80 Sold $120 | |||
Germany WWI P.O.W. mail group of 8 letters from various camps, all to Red Cross, Copenhagen. Includes one mint pre-printed letter - rare survivor. … $50 Sold $75 | |||
Germany 1855-1939 ranges of Saxony (3), Hannover (4), Bavaria 1919 Friestaat ovpts high vals used, Saar 1931 surcharges 1f, 2f & 5f MLH. 1911 PO in… $120 Archived | |||
Germany (West & post reunification) Mainly used collection in large stockbook which shows signs of rust, as do a few of the stamps. Missing the bet… $40 Sold $90 | |||
Gambia A couple of "Cameos" to 1961 MLH & used range on Hagners. Noted 1953 to 10/-. STC £80+ (62) $30 Sold $30 | |||
French Pacific in 3 volumes to 1970. Some pickings remain in MLH French Polynesia (from 1892 Oceanic Setts to 1966), New Caledonia (largely used), … $100 Sold $120 | |||
French Polynesia 1965-1988 range on Hagner. 1965 School Canteen Art 20f block 4 & 80f MUH, 1969 100f Napoleon SG 101 (used), 1970 Art 40, 60, 100f.… $60 Sold $110 | |||
French Colonies Early selection of MLH & used with 1892 Tablet Types (53), Commerce New Caledonia ovpts (5), Cochin-China (1), Somali Coast 1902 50… $50 Archived | |||
French Colonies - Guadeloupe, Reunion plus Syria, Tunisia, Cameroon, Congo, Mali, Indo China, Cambodia & central Africa. Approx 600 stamps mint & u… $30 Sold $65 | |||
France & Colonies Napoleons 1c SG 42, 40c SG 65. 4c SG 109. Ceres 1870 imperfs 4c, 5c, 1871 perfs 2c, 4c (2) used. Free French Forces SG 1-7 MLH. L… $90 Archived | |||
France 1853-1999 collection in 3 volumes (Lighthouse leaves to 1969, then "bespoke"). Average used range with some better noted incl 1927 Sinking F… $200 Sold $200 | |||
France 1853-1890 used range Napoleon, Ceres & Peace & Commerce with various shades. Note Ceres 30c brown small figures SG175. Cond fair to fine. (50) $50 Sold $50 | |||
Finland 1935-1983 Red Cross & Anti TB sets & odds used with odd MUH or MLH. Majority fine. Cat. £235 (170) $35 Sold $35 | |||
Finland 1927-1984 MLH & a few MUH. Clean lot with numerous thematics. Cat. £270+ (237) $50 Sold $50 | |||
Finland 1860-1866 Hagner of Roulettes in usual variable cond incl 10k (3), 5p (2), 8p, 10p, 20p (2), 40p (7). Cond varies from poor to good. Simpli… $60 Sold $95 | |||
Fiji MUH recent issues in pairs on Vario sheets in 4 ring Lighthouse binder. Great thematic appeal, with over 100 different post-1990 commem sets x… $300 Sold $340 | |||
Fiji 1969-1984 MUH in 3 large sketch books. Not complete. All items in glassine wrapping/ photo corners, making close inspection awkward. Tone spot… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Fiji 1947-1974 range of covers with large 1947 Registered airmail to Perth bearing 13/8½d in 13 diff KGVI defins to 5/-, 1949 UPU set on "Bulldog"… $50 Sold $55 | |||
Fiji 1890's-1960's MLH & used. Strong in KGVI incl 5d "blue canes" used & QEII to £1 black & orange. STC £300+ (157) $40 Sold $65 | |||
Egypt (British Forces) 1934-1936 letters addressed to England with "Egypt Postage Prepaid" crowned cachet in red with "MPO CAIRO 2 MR 34" cds & (on… $400 Archived | |||
Egypt/U.A.R., Eire & Ethiopia on Vario leaves in quality 4 ring binder. The Egypt is strong in 1960's & mostly used, whilst Eire has early 1990's M… $50 Sold $90 | |||
Cyprus - Greek 1960-1995 & Turkish 1974-1991 An impressive dealers stock on labelled stock leaves with well balanced mint & used. Noted good early … $300 Archived | |||
Cook Islands MLH & used on Hagner incl 2/- & 3/- Admirals MLH with RAROTONGA ovpts, later defins to 3/- (both wmks) MLH. STC £300+ (42) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Chad, Tunisia & Turkey A range of MUH, MLH & used on 31 Vario leaves in quality binder. Many 100s of stamps with some complete thematic sets (Chad … $40 Sold $65 | |||
Ceylon/Sri Lanka, Cuba, Cyprus & Denmark Ranges on Vario leaves in 4 ring padded binder. Each country starts with a smattering of MUH 1990's, follo… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Ceylon MLH & used in small stockbook with items flagged showing catalogue numbers & prices. Some dupl. incl 1935 SJ x 2 & range of KGVI perfs to 50… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Ceylon 1866-1954 range mainly used to 1945 with some MUH & MLH later incl values to R10. STC £250+ (c120) $50 Sold $80 | |||
Central America & Caribbean on over 70 Hagners in 4 ring binder. Largely cheaper oddments in mixed cond. arranged in alphabetical order of countrie… $70 Sold $80 | |||
Cayman Islands 1900-1965 MLH & used on 2 Hagners noting KGV to 1/- (SG 48) & 1935 SJ MLH, 1950 to 10/- MUH/MLH & 1965 Churchill MUH. STC £200+ (65) $40 Sold $55 | |||
Canada - Newfoundland 1937 "short" & "long" Coronation sets plus 1938 Royal defins to 7¢, 1939 Visit & ovpts. Some later commems. (30) $25 Sold $25 | |||
Canada MUH & used range on Vario leaves in 4 ring padded binder. Main value in post-1990 MUH with face value C$330+ ($320). Incls M/S's, booklet pa… $200 Sold $230 | |||
Canada 1859-1992 collection in standard Davo album. Used at first in very mixed cond., mint & used from KGVI with later MUH. Last 10 years MUH. Not… $350 Archived | |||
Canada Collection of mainly MUH & MLH to 1978 in "Jarrett" printed album. Sparse & insignificant to 1934, then better with 1935 $1 used, 1942 War … $100 Sold $100 | |||
Canada QV group of used with 1852/57 6d slate violet imperf (3 margins 4th cut into), 1¢ pale rose, large heads 1¢ (2), 2¢, 3¢ (2), 6¢ plus 1… $120 Sold $160 | |||
Burma, Cambodia & Cameroon MUH/used on Vario leaves in 4 ring quality binder. Noted 1998 (Myanmar) Musical Instruments & other 1995/2002 MUH, Cambo… $50 Sold $70 | |||
Burma (Japanese Occupation) Range of "Peacock" ovpts (33 stamps incl 2 blocks of 4) all identified and sold "as is", hence low reserve. Incl 4x 1p … $230 Sold $230 | |||
Brunei, Senegal & Zambia M/S's. Brunei incls. SG MS273 & SG MS285, Senegal incl. SG MS698/700 & Zambia SG MS160, SG MS176 & SG MS217. STC £140 (9) $30 Archived | |||
Brunei MLH & used range from SG 36 to SG 120 on Hagners with Cat. numbers & values flagged. Incl 1924/7 10¢ used (Cat. £27). Overall cond. Above … $30 Sold $45 | |||
British Solomon Islands 1908-1956 selection of MLH & used on 2 Hagners. Incls "small canoes" 6d & 1/-, KGV to 6d, KGVI to 10/- MLH & 10/- RSW MUH, … $40 Sold $40 | |||
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