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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Indonesia 1960's era MUH/MLH in sets & blocks (some toning). Much thematic appeal butterflies, fish, flora etc. Approx. 350 stamps in album plus 37…
Sold $40
India QV to KGV MLH & used on printed leaves & stockcard. QV earlies faulty with main value in post 1890 used incl QV 2R, KGV single wmk 1, 2, 10 &…
Sold $60
Iceland 1990's-2004 in quality album & pages with commem sets, booklets & defins. Some earlier noted. (390 MUH, 79 used, 28 M/S's, 4 booklets & 10 …
Sold $210
Hungary Large thematic range to 1990's MLH & used on stocksheets in 4 ring Swedish binder. A few sets only. (1000 diff.)
Hong Kong & Singapore Off paper accumulation on Hagner, in boxes & tin. Values to $20 (H.K.) & $5 (Singapore 1954). Duplication heavy in places & m…
Sold $30
Hong Kong QV to KGVI mainly used range on 4 Hagners. Noted QV values to 48¢ & ovpts to $1, KGV to $1, 1937 set on piece, 1941 set to $1, 1949 UPU …
Sold $100
Grenada 1883-1944 A mint range KEVII 1/-, 2/- (2), 1908 Badge vals to 5/-, KGV to 1/- (3) & 10/- (SG 163d) MUH. (29)
Sold $60
Greece (484, mainly used), Netherlands (c430 used) & India (500+, all used) on Vario leaves in 4 ring binder. Pretty humdrum but nearly all differe…
Sold $45
Great Britain - Isle of Man Modern MUH on Vario leaves in binder, starting with 2002 Golden Jubilee pane of 20 with royal portraits in gutter betwe…
Great Britain - Guernsey 1991-2003 MUH in quality album with 1991-2002 sheetlets of 10 or 20 (44, mainly Europa) & M/S's to 2003 (45), then commem …
Sold $300
Great Britain - Channel Islands & I.O.M. Retired dealers priced remnants on Hagners. Noted 1990 Jersey defins to 75p, but nearly all others are 198…
Great Britain - Alderney & Jersey 1990-2003 MUH on Vario sheets in Lighthouse binder. High degree of completeness incl. M/Ss. Alderney comprises 20…
Sold $300
Great Britain & POs Abroad QV to KEVII ovpts on Hagner incl "I.R. OFFICIAL" ½d (2) & 1d (6) KEVII, plus "ARMY OFFICIAL" ½d (2) & 1d, "ADMIRALTY O…
Great Britain QEII Forces Mail with FPO cancels etc plus couple of aerogrammes & 3d PSE with "House of Commons" cds. Originally PTSA $120. (66)
Great Britain Pre-stamped entires with PAID cancels in red & black. Mixed destinations with a range of cachets, including one London mourning entir…
Sold $50
Great Britain Pre-decimals used range incl KGVI 2½d lettercard with 1947 National Stamp Exhibition block of labels attached & tied by large Exhib …
Sold $50
Great Britain Pre-dec. First Day & commercial covers in box. Worth a look as sighted 1960 Europe on airmail/express delivery cover addressed to Vic…
Great Britain Postal Reform 1840-1841 valuable assembly with pre-stamp entire of 9.1.40 cancelled Dundalk, addressed to Dublin; photocopy of 7 Janu…
Great Britain MUH on Vario leaves in 4 ring binder. Starts with 2 pages QEII pre-decimal, then decimals with Machins (c150 different) in face value…
Sold $820
Great Britain KGV-QEII pre-dec. dealers stock in chronological order in large Lighthouse stockbook. Majority MUH (some MLH) & fresh. Noted 1935, 19…
Sold $100
Great Britain KGVI & QEII mint accumulation with some Guernsey MUH blocks noted. All on stocksheets. Cat £100+
Sold $30
Great Britain KGV typo & photo designs duplicated MLH to 1/- (ex 8d) noting wmk inverted on ½d, 1d, 1½d (2 each) & sideways on 2d photo (faults b…
Great Britain KGV range MLH on Hagner incl 1924 B.E.E. (2 sets), various 1912, 1924 & 1934 defins to 1/- incl 9d x 4 & 10d x 2 plus 3 control singl…
Sold $40
Great Britain KEVII range of MLH incl 1902 ½d (2), 1d, 3d, 4d (3) & 6d; 1911 perf 14 ½d, 1d (2 each), 1½d, 2d, 5d, 6d (2) & 7d. Generally MLH & …
Great Britain Decimal PHQ cards (to c2000) & aerogrammes (incl some pre-dec.), plus few PSE's & registered letters all unused in open box. Little d…
Sold $50
Great Britain Collection in quality Lindner 64 black page stockbook with QV to modern. Penny reds, SG 51 cat. £50, SG 89 cat. £350, SG 98 cat. £…
Sold $130
Great Britain 1982-1988 Benham silk FDC's in complete sets incl. 1988 Edward Lear M/S singles. Good cond & increasingly collectable. (59)
Sold $230
Great Britain 1971-1993 Decimal Machin FDC's (nearly all addressed) incl regionals. Incls one or two special cachets, (Lady Godiva, Br. Airways Con…
Great Britain 1967-1990 range of large covers bearing booklet panes, commems & defins to high values, all to German addresses. Noted 1967 with bloc…
Sold $40
Great Britain 19531999 range of addressed commemorative FDC's. Not in particular order & with tone spots on edges of many earlier issues, though st…
Great Britain 1936-1942 Selection of control blocks of 6, 4 or strips of 3. Incls KEVIII ½d, 1d, 1½d, KGVI 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d Centenary & "light …
Sold $30
Great Britain 1935-1984 range of issues in stockbook with 1935 SJ MUH, 1939/48 KGVI set of 6 F/U (Cat. £55). High degree of completeness in QEII w…
Sold $90
Great Britain 1924-1970 range of MUH & MLH on 20 Hagners in SG 4 ring binder. Incl 1924 B.E.E., 1940 Centenary, 1948 RSW & 1953 Coronation with gum…
Sold $50
Great Britain 1924-1954 defins with sideways & inverted wmks. MUH, MLH & used incl KGV 2½d ultramarine sideways MUH/MLH (3), used (2), invert MLH …
Sold $50
Great Britain 1917-1919 Military letter & 4 postcards from Egypt. The letter OAS stampless to Manchester with "Field Post Office 02AU49GB"; the car…
Great Britain 1914-1919 Postcards addressed to Master Balcombe in Scotland from his father during WWI service & subsequent travels. Most PPC's show…
Great Britain 1912-1970's Large random accumulation. Old style pages book with mainly duplicated early decimals album pages. Noted 1d Mackennal var…
Sold $75
Great Britain 1870's-1908 range of covers, cards & wrappers to local & various international addresses. Some interest in QV duplex strikes (eg THE …
Great Britain 1858-2006 mainly used with QV 1d reds, few surface printed to 10d, KEVII to 1/- with shades, later with odd pickings. Main value (on …
Sold $120
Great Britain 1841-1984 MLH & used collection in 2 SG albums. Starts with 1d reds imperf (5), perfd (60) in mixed condition, 2d blue (c1841, 3 marg…
Sold $230
Great Britain & British Commonwealth Postally used blocks of QV to QEII. High catalogue but in mixed cond. Incl. GB 1951 KGVI £1 brown block of 4…
Sold $35
Gilbert & Ellice Is 1935-1975 near complete (missing 1937 Coronation) on Lindner hingeless leaves in 18 ring binder. Incl 1940 Dues. 1935 SJ set is…
Sold $150
Gilbert & Ellice 1907-1965 with 1939/51 to 5/- mixed MLH & used, QEII vals to 1/- MLH or used plus 1965 Churchill MUH. STC £150 (61)
Sold $55
Gibraltar Starts with couple pages pre-1970 MUH & used, then 1986-2002 sheetlets (100+ incl all Europa 1996/2002), followed by sets in MUH pairs (o…
Sold $400
Gibraltar KGV & KGVI fine MLH selection on leaves incl 1921/27 to 1/-, 1931/33 "Rock", 1935 SJ, KGVI to £1 simplified MLH plus later Military Unif…
Germany-Great Britain-Turkey WWI Dardanelles rare actual photo postcards incl one used showing Turkish planes in action over the Dardanelles, stamp…
Germany Occupation of Serbia 1942/43 duplicated sets. Monasteries (SG G58/68), Officials SG GO78, Postage Dues SG G82/88, all x 10 used or CTO. Cat…
Sold $30
Germany West (mainly) & unified to 2005 all different on stocksheets in Swedish 4 ring binder. Useful commems, noting 1953 30pf Nansen F/U, 1955 We…
Sold $130
Germany West & Berlin Mainly MUH lightly dupl. range in medium stockbook, plus smattering of used Berlin from 30pf blue Bell (clapper at right) & …
Sold $130
Germany West 1950's to 2003 in display book with commercial mail & official p/cards (odd mint) plus off paper on stockcards & odd M/S. Incls a few …
Sold $20


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