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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos A MUH & MLH range on Hagner with ½d x 3 (one faulty), 1d Die II, 2½d 3rd wmk x 4 (one toned), 6d 3rd wmk (2), Small Mult (perf "OS") & …
Sold $180
Kangaroos Used range in mixed cond on stockcards. Noted 5d large "OS" strip of 3 & small "OS" single; other large "OS" (incl 4d) to 6d, small "OS" …
Sold $210
Kangaroos Used loose lot in Whitman's chocolate box. Sighted 2/- brown & 5/- (3) in glassine. Commercially used unchecked lot ready for sorting! (1…
Sold $270
Kangaroos Used duplicated selection in mixed cond. on 4 Hagners. Unchecked for wmks & varieties, so close inspection may reward. Noted 4d x 16 (inc…
Sold $170
Kangaroos Used accumulation including perf "OS" on 3 Hagners comprising ½d (39), 1d (38), 2d (7), 3d (14), 4d (12), 5d (6), 6d blue (10), & 2/- br…
Sold $90
Kangaroos Retired dealers remnants on Hagners. Nearly all used incl good 5/- 3rd wmk & 1st wmk 4d orange-yellows. Dupl. is to x 12 in places & appr…
Sold $75
Kangaroos 1d to 5/- used/CTO duplicated range lot on Hagner & stockcard. Many have faults, but 2/- brown 3rd wmk & 5/- CofA are very F/U, 1/- (+ pe…
Sold $120
Kangaroos Mixed wmk used range of 3d to 2/- with "OS" 6d CofA & Small Mult 1/- CTO, 2/- brown 3rd wmk F/U. Others in average to good cond. 3d, 6d (…
Sold $40
Kangaroos A used & CTO range to 2/- on stocksheet. Unsorted & worth examination as many are fine. Totally unchecked, but includes 5d & 2/- browns F…
Sold $60
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Thematic
UNICEF & Children's Day 1949-1972 mainly MLH collection on album leaves. Nothing scarce, but a good starter lot on this theme. (216)
Space - Skylab 1973 set of 20 pictorial commem covers with White Sands Missile Range N. Mexico, Kennedy Space Centre, Cape Canaveral, Florida, Patr…
Space - Project Skylab 1973 set of 17 silk commem covers each neatly pmkd Cape Canaveral on the day of various events such as space walks etc. The …
Sold $80
Space - Apollo-Soyuz 1975 set of 10 silk commem covers with both Russian & US stamps & pmks. The covers detail events connected with this joint mis…
Sold $50
Space - Apollo 17 1972 set of 5 silk commem covers showing the rocket, astronauts, moon landing & splashdown. Each pmkd Cape Canaveral. Mission sto…
Sold $30
Space A range of covers commemorating NASA & various space missions & test flights incl those of the X-24B pmkd Edwards. Also 1972 Apollo 16 covers…
Ships Unused b&w postcard featuring German cruiser Nurnberg which was part of battle group under Graf von Spee & sunk off the Falklands on 8 Dec. 1…
Ships MUH collection on Westminster- produced "Maritime Heritage" pages detailing the history of the chosen sets & M/S's which range from 1981 & 19…
Sold $100
Royalty Incls 1937 MLH & used Coronation (133), 1948 RSW low values MLH & used (100+), 1972 Silver Wedding MUH (78, odd stain) & 1980 QM Birthday (…
Sold $40
Royalty 1978 Coronation sheetlets in full sheets. 21 complete sheets in total plus one extra British Virgin Islands all in pristine MUH cond. Hous…
Sold $35
Royalty 1953 Coronation MUH collection with 48 pairs plus 2/6d S. Rhodesia & Basutoland strip of 3 on reg. covers; 1982 Prince William M/S's MUH of…
Post Office mail identification techniques & their development, written up on album pages in box with covers of Australia G.B., Germany, Japan & ot…
Sold $70
Olympics 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics complete sheets from various countries. All fine MUH. (25 sheets)
Sold $40
European Direct Mail 1985 & 1986 commem selection of the 10 & 13 Countries respectively of the Services Postaux Europeans. Each set in its own pres…
Sold $20
Europa Omnibus collection MUH, MLH & used in 2 Lindner boxed hingeless albums with pages to 1999. Patchy coverage, but pickings incl 1956 Netherlan…
Sold $110
Birds, Fish & Animals A wide ranging A-Z collection with majority QEII, MUH & most in complete sets. Many better sets noted incl Abu Dhabi 1965 Fal…
Sold $1150
"Postal Mechanisation" study on leaves in folders plus few 1970's-1980's FDC's & mementos of exhibitions of that period & into mid 1990's. Aspects …
"Mint Souvenir Sheets of the World" in special presentation album. 1970's to 1980's period. A USA product many of thematic appeal incl. Christmas, …
Sold $50
1984 Lloyds Anniv. collection incl. all stamps, MS's & FDC's. 17 British Commonwealth countries. Lovely presentation. High original cost.
1984 250th Anniversary Lloyds collection limited (no. 22) incl. all stamps, MS and FDC's. 17 British Commonwealth countries. Fantastic presentation…
Sold $30
1983 Commonwealth Day collection near complete (only 3 sets needed) MUH. Also Russia 1980 Olympics FDC collection. Stamps cat. £100 as FU.
Sold $25
1981 Royal Wedding stamp collection. Quality padded album with 24 sets from Commonwealth Countries. All MUH.
Sold $35
1981 Royal Wedding range from Commonwealth Countries incl sheetlets, blocks & gutters. All MUH. (306 stamps & 19 M/S's/booklet pane/sheetlets)
Sold $30
1981 Royal Wedding Island of Staffa (off the coast of Scotland) 1981 Royal Wedding stamp in 23 carat yellow gold with cameo in 12 carat white gold.…
Sold $10
1981 Royal Wedding collection MUH in 2 special albums. Includes M/S's & appears complete simplified plus extras of sets & M/S's in clear sleeve. (1…
1980 USA Olympics, 1983 200th anniversary of flight, 1983 History of the Olympics in special albums. Also Royal Events incl. 1981 wedding, 1982 bir…
1977 Silver Jubilee Range of Commonwealth sets on Hagners MUH. 25 countries incl BAT. (76 stamps)
Sold $20
1948 Silver Wedding pairs for Leeward Is., Nigeria, St. Kitts Nevis & Swaziland MLH. Also Hong Kong 10c variety spur on 'N' of 'Kong". MUH SG 171a …
1935 Silver Jubilee MLH sets for West Indies Islands (8), KUT used. Some odd values & range of minor varieties (10) e.g. broken flagpoles, small ae…
Sold $50
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Cinderellas & Revenues in small stockbook, incl good QV/KGV Canada Electric Loght, Gas & "Weight & Measures" revenues, Quebec 5¢ green beaver "reg…
Sold $60
Cinderellas Cut outs & registration labels incls "Travel interstate by Sea", "Buy Goods in Australia", 1935 tuberculosis labels, Australia customs …
Sold $85
World Covers - dealers stock all bagged & priced. Mainly modern with odd postcard & stamp set noted. Majority Aust, South African, GB & NZ with var…
World various incl Benham silk covers (7) of Gibraltar 1982/3 Naval Crests; small stockbook of Ireland incl 4d in right wmk pair (SG 117w) F/U; few…
Sold $60
World H-L collection. Approx 1450 stamps used & a few mint. Better varieties of Iran & Japan.
Sold $50
World Cancellations collection on 18 leaves with some Paquebot incl lovely complete Colombo Paquebot tying KGV Australia 2d to piece, "Relief No 3"…
Sold $70
World Retired dealers stock on cards, Hagners & in stockbook. Main value in Australia kangaroos & KGV, plus others incl NSW "Registered" QV imperf;…
Sold $180
World commercial covers with large Singapore 1955 Qantas cover bearing defin set to $5, various Antarctic incl US "Operation Deep Freeze" x 3, NZ, …
Sold $150
World Exhibition 1986-1994 paraphernalia incl. Commem cards, packs, presentation material. Noted Taipei '93 & Philakorea 1994. Incls a folder from …
Sold $35
World countries MLH & used in old springback. Most MLH is early 1960's with India, Japan & Hong Kong the best (latter with 1962 to $20 & 1965 ITU p…
Sold $50
World Pickings incl. Newfoundland 1937 Pictorial Coronation MLH, Egypt 1932 3m black/azure Xmas seal. Used (faults). Somaliland KGV vals to 12a., K…
World Oddments on Hagners in 2 binders. Very diverse & in mixed cond. with early forgeries of Chile, France & Romania sighted. Odd better incl Asce…
Sold $60


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