Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Australia: Pre-decimal |
1959 PO Anniv, Qld Govt & Christmas in blocks of 4 on Challis FDC's pmkd Perth. Good cond. SG 331/33 (3) $30 Sold $30 |
1959 2/-, 2/3d & 3/- Flowers in blocks of 4 on Challis Registered FDC's. 2/- has "No Attendance" PO sticker attached & completed in hand. SG 32/324… $30 Sold $30 |
 1959 1d, 3d, 3½d & 4d QEII defins in blocks of 4 on 4 Challis FDC's pmkd Perth. Good cond. SG 308 & 311/313 (4) $50 Sold $55 |
 1959 (21st Oct) 9d kangaroo block of 4 on Challis Registered FDC pmkd GPO Perth. SG 318 $20 Sold $30 |
 1959 (9th Sept) 1/- platypus block of 4 on Challis Registered FDC pmkd GPO Perth. SG 320 $20 Sold $20 |
 1959 (3rd Sept) 3½d Young Farmers block of 4 on Challis Registered FDC pmkd GPO Perth. SG 267 $15 Sold $15 |
 1958 (27th Aug) 8d Tasman & Kingsford Smith block of 4 on Challis Registered FDC pmkd GPO Perth. SG 304 $20 Sold $20 |
 1958 War Memorial pair, Broken Hill block of 4 & Christmas in pairs all on Challis FDC's. Perth cds's. (3) $30 Sold $30 |
 1958 (6th Jan) Qantas Challis Registered FDC pmkd Perth. Exc. cond. SG 301 $20 Sold $30 |
 1955 (17th Oct) SA Stamp Cent FDC on Royal illust cover with additional 1/0½d QEII, ½d kangaroo & 4d koala for Airmail rate to Czechoslovakia & p… $25 Sold $45 |
 1954 (3rd Feb) Royal Visit set of 3 on Boan's illust FDC. Hand addressed & pmkd GPO Perth. Open at top. A difficult make of FDC to find. $20 Sold $35 |
 1953 (25th May) QEII Coronation set of 3 on Challis Airmail Registered FDC pmkd GPO Perth addressed to Nigeria. B/S Lagos & Bukuru, Nigeria. An unu… $25 Sold $25 |
 1953 (21st April) 3½d brown-red QEII hand painted Ogden First Day Cover complete with b&w photo of QEII integrated into design. Coburg N13 No. 1 … $350 Sold $380 |
 1952 (20th Feb) 4½d scarlet KGVI hand painted Ogden First Day Cover. Beautifully illustrated with a lovely Kookaburra. Pmkd Coburg & neatly hand a… $350 Sold $350 |
 1951 (31st Oct) 7½d KGVI block of 4 on Challis FDC with neat typed address & pmkd GPO Perth. Excellent cond. $20 Sold $20 |
 1949 (11th April) 5/- Arms on FDC hand addressed with 2 neat Parliament House Canberra cds's. Some very light staining from gum on env but difficul… $30 Sold $30 |
 1947 (8th Sept) Newcastle FDC on illust cover sith set pmkd Melbourne to Czechoslovakia. Attractive usage. SG 219/221 $10 Sold $10 |
 1942 (25th March) 3½d blue KGVI on plain cover First Day Cover. Crisp GPO SYDNEY 130 N.S.W AUST cds & neat typed address to Hayward C Parish. The… $7500 Archived |
 1942 (12th Feb) 5½d emu on First Day Cover on Hunter Stamp Company map & flag cover. Clear Geraldton cds. Corner crease bottom left otherwise fine… $7000 Archived |
 1938 (1st Dec) 5d ram on Kufner FDC. Neat typed address with North Melbourne cds. Light staining. Shows characteristic kangaroo, lyrebird & emu. $20 Sold $35 |
 1938 (3rd Oct) ½d kangaroo & 1/4d KGVI on Registered Kufner FDC neatly hand addressed & pmkd Victoria Market, Melbourne with matching Reg label. L… $50 Sold $55 |
 1938 (1st Sept) 9d platypus on Kufner FDC. Hand addressed & pmkd North Melbourne. Light staining & corner dent not affecting stamp. $20 Sold $25 |
 1938 (1st Feb) 4d koala on Kufner FDC with typed address & pmkd Victoria Market with additional Melbourne slogan for same date. Some marks on cover. $10 Sold $15 |
 1937 (1st Oct) NSW Sesqui-Cent set of 3 FDC on illust Perth Registered cover with typed address. A clean & attractive FDC. SG 193/95 $20 Sold $20 |
 1937 (2nd Aug) 3d KGVI Die I (SG 168) FDC on Philatelic Investments Corp Asia Souvenir cover pmkd Sydney 22. Reverse of env has Kookaburra illustra… $40 Sold $130 |
 1936 (3rd Aug) South Aust Centenary set of 3 on Perth Registered FDC. Typed address with Claremont backstamp. Good cond. SG 161/63 $150 Sold $140 |
 1932 (14th March) Sydney Harbour Bridge set of 4 on Perth Registered First Day Cover. Plain cover with neat typed address to Mrs SY Garnsworthy. R6… $5000 Archived |
 1930 (12th June) 1½d & 3d Sturt perfined OS on House of Representatives cover (imprint on flap) pmkd Canberra 930PM 12 JUN 1930 F.C.T. AUST. Minor… $3000 Archived |
 1927 (9th May) 1½d Parliament House plain FDC with neat typed address & pmkd Auburn, Vic. Fresh & fault free. SG 105 $120 Archived |
 1927 (9th May) 1½d Parliament House plain FDC pmkd with Canberra, ACT cds. Hand addressed to New Zealand. Worn cond with 2 tone spots not affectin… $50 Sold $50 |
 1968 50c Australia Defence Forces booklets x 2. Both with QEII 5¢ x 10. SG MB2 Cat. £50 per booklet (2) $60 Sold $55 |
1965 5d Monash & 5d Christmas sheets of 60. MUH with some edge wear. SG 378 & 381 $10 Archived |
 1965 5d Hargrave block of 9 with part selvedge showing "kink in outer line of tail-fin" variety. MUH ACSC 433d $10 Sold $10 |
 1965 1/6d Galah marginal strip of 5 with "sloping grey line across stump" variety BW 417i, 2/- Whistler "break in branch" variety in pair BW 418d &… $25 Sold $35 |
 1964 5/- Cattle on white paper MUH & well centred. SG 327a $50 Sold $50 |
 1963/64 Navigators overprinted SPECIMEN. Set of 4 MUH & well centred. SG 357/60s Cat. £450 $300 Sold $440 |
 1964 £2 King Navigator MUH & well centred. SG 360 Retails at $90 $50 Sold $40 |
 1964 £2 King Navigator MLH. SG 360 Retails at $75 $35 Sold $35 |
 1964 £1 Bass Navigator MUH & well centred. SG 359 Retails at $60 $20 Sold $20 |
 1963/65 Navigators set of 8 to £2 with both papers in the 10/- & £1. Fine MUH SG 355/60 with "a" nos. Retails $280 $120 Sold $130 |
 1963/65 Navigators set of 6 to £2. MUH SG 355/60 $100 Sold $100 |
1963 5d green corner block of 15 from uncut booklet pane, imperf between on all stamps & wide imperf at left & at base. Fresh MUH. SG 354b $20 Sold $35 |
 1962 British Empire & Commonwealth Games set of 25 diff pictorial cachets on separate covers addressed to USA & all bearing 5d & 2/3d issues. Illus… $200 Archived |
 1962 (22nd Nov) 5d Commonwealth Games pmkd with pictorial "Village Perth" cds on a hand coloured Isle of Man Team illust cover. Most unusual. Exc. … $25 Sold $20 |
 1960 Pre-printed ppc to MacMillan, GB Prime Minister, c/o Summit Meeting, Paris requesting "that agreement is reached TO BAN ALL A-TESTS FOR EVER a… $25 Sold $25 |
 1958 2/- Qantas re-entry flaw in MUH block of 4. SG 301a Cat. £30 $20 Sold $20 |
 1957 3½d Christmas re-entry flaw in corner marginal block of 4. MUH SG 298a $10 Sold $10 |
 1955 (16th Nov) Registered Airmail cover with range of commems pmkd Mt Isa with matching Reg label hand addressed to Czechoslovakia. Stopped by cus… $20 Sold $20 |
 1955 (20th May) Reg Airmail env addressed to Austria with pair of 2/6d Aborigine, 1/- lyrebird, 2d QM & 3½d Memorial pair pmkd Arncliffe, NSW with… $25 Sold $20 |
 1954 (7th Aug) REDeX Around Australia Reliability Trial postcard carried by Competitor No. 44 with set of 3 cinderellas attached, signed & posted f… $20 Archived |