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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Pre-decimal
1959 PO Anniv, Qld Govt & Christmas in blocks of 4 on Challis FDC's pmkd Perth. Good cond. SG 331/33 (3)
Sold $30
1959 2/-, 2/3d & 3/- Flowers in blocks of 4 on Challis Registered FDC's. 2/- has "No Attendance" PO sticker attached & completed in hand. SG 32/324…
Sold $30
1959 1d, 3d, 3½d & 4d QEII defins in blocks of 4 on 4 Challis FDC's pmkd Perth. Good cond. SG 308 & 311/313 (4)
Sold $55
1959 (21st Oct) 9d kangaroo block of 4 on Challis Registered FDC pmkd GPO Perth. SG 318
Sold $30
1959 (9th Sept) 1/- platypus block of 4 on Challis Registered FDC pmkd GPO Perth. SG 320
Sold $20
1959 (3rd Sept) 3½d Young Farmers block of 4 on Challis Registered FDC pmkd GPO Perth. SG 267
Sold $15
1958 (27th Aug) 8d Tasman & Kingsford Smith block of 4 on Challis Registered FDC pmkd GPO Perth. SG 304
Sold $20
1958 War Memorial pair, Broken Hill block of 4 & Christmas in pairs all on Challis FDC's. Perth cds's. (3)
Sold $30
1958 (6th Jan) Qantas Challis Registered FDC pmkd Perth. Exc. cond. SG 301
Sold $30
1955 (17th Oct) SA Stamp Cent FDC on Royal illust cover with additional 1/0½d QEII, ½d kangaroo & 4d koala for Airmail rate to Czechoslovakia & p…
Sold $45
1954 (3rd Feb) Royal Visit set of 3 on Boan's illust FDC. Hand addressed & pmkd GPO Perth. Open at top. A difficult make of FDC to find.
Sold $35
1953 (25th May) QEII Coronation set of 3 on Challis Airmail Registered FDC pmkd GPO Perth addressed to Nigeria. B/S Lagos & Bukuru, Nigeria. An unu…
Sold $25
1953 (21st April) 3½d brown-red QEII hand painted Ogden First Day Cover complete with b&w photo of QEII integrated into design. Coburg N13 No. 1 …
Sold $380
1952 (20th Feb) 4½d scarlet KGVI hand painted Ogden First Day Cover. Beautifully illustrated with a lovely Kookaburra. Pmkd Coburg & neatly hand a…
Sold $350
1951 (31st Oct) 7½d KGVI block of 4 on Challis FDC with neat typed address & pmkd GPO Perth. Excellent cond.
Sold $20
1949 (11th April) 5/- Arms on FDC hand addressed with 2 neat Parliament House Canberra cds's. Some very light staining from gum on env but difficul…
Sold $30
1947 (8th Sept) Newcastle FDC on illust cover sith set pmkd Melbourne to Czechoslovakia. Attractive usage. SG 219/221
Sold $10
1942 (25th March) 3½d blue KGVI on plain cover First Day Cover. Crisp GPO SYDNEY 130 N.S.W AUST cds & neat typed address to Hayward C Parish. The…
1942 (12th Feb) 5½d emu on First Day Cover on Hunter Stamp Company map & flag cover. Clear Geraldton cds. Corner crease bottom left otherwise fine…
1938 (1st Dec) 5d ram on Kufner FDC. Neat typed address with North Melbourne cds. Light staining. Shows characteristic kangaroo, lyrebird & emu.
Sold $35
1938 (3rd Oct) ½d kangaroo & 1/4d KGVI on Registered Kufner FDC neatly hand addressed & pmkd Victoria Market, Melbourne with matching Reg label. L…
Sold $55
1938 (1st Sept) 9d platypus on Kufner FDC. Hand addressed & pmkd North Melbourne. Light staining & corner dent not affecting stamp.
Sold $25
1938 (1st Feb) 4d koala on Kufner FDC with typed address & pmkd Victoria Market with additional Melbourne slogan for same date. Some marks on cover.
Sold $15
1937 (1st Oct) NSW Sesqui-Cent set of 3 FDC on illust Perth Registered cover with typed address. A clean & attractive FDC. SG 193/95
Sold $20
1937 (2nd Aug) 3d KGVI Die I (SG 168) FDC on Philatelic Investments Corp Asia Souvenir cover pmkd Sydney 22. Reverse of env has Kookaburra illustra…
Sold $130
1936 (3rd Aug) South Aust Centenary set of 3 on Perth Registered FDC. Typed address with Claremont backstamp. Good cond. SG 161/63
Sold $140
1932 (14th March) Sydney Harbour Bridge set of 4 on Perth Registered First Day Cover. Plain cover with neat typed address to Mrs SY Garnsworthy. R6…
1930 (12th June) 1½d & 3d Sturt perfined OS on House of Representatives cover (imprint on flap) pmkd Canberra 930PM 12 JUN 1930 F.C.T. AUST. Minor…
1927 (9th May) 1½d Parliament House plain FDC with neat typed address & pmkd Auburn, Vic. Fresh & fault free. SG 105
1927 (9th May) 1½d Parliament House plain FDC pmkd with Canberra, ACT cds. Hand addressed to New Zealand. Worn cond with 2 tone spots not affectin…
Sold $50
1968 50c Australia Defence Forces booklets x 2. Both with QEII 5¢ x 10. SG MB2 Cat. £50 per booklet (2)
Sold $55
1965 5d Monash & 5d Christmas sheets of 60. MUH with some edge wear. SG 378 & 381
1965 5d Hargrave block of 9 with part selvedge showing "kink in outer line of tail-fin" variety. MUH ACSC 433d
Sold $10
1965 1/6d Galah marginal strip of 5 with "sloping grey line across stump" variety BW 417i, 2/- Whistler "break in branch" variety in pair BW 418d &…
Sold $35
1964 5/- Cattle on white paper MUH & well centred. SG 327a
Sold $50
1963/64 Navigators overprinted SPECIMEN. Set of 4 MUH & well centred. SG 357/60s Cat. £450
Sold $440
1964 £2 King Navigator MUH & well centred. SG 360 Retails at $90
Sold $40
1964 £2 King Navigator MLH. SG 360 Retails at $75
Sold $35
1964 £1 Bass Navigator MUH & well centred. SG 359 Retails at $60
Sold $20
1963/65 Navigators set of 8 to £2 with both papers in the 10/- & £1. Fine MUH SG 355/60 with "a" nos. Retails $280
Sold $130
1963/65 Navigators set of 6 to £2. MUH SG 355/60
Sold $100
1963 5d green corner block of 15 from uncut booklet pane, imperf between on all stamps & wide imperf at left & at base. Fresh MUH. SG 354b
Sold $35
1962 British Empire & Commonwealth Games set of 25 diff pictorial cachets on separate covers addressed to USA & all bearing 5d & 2/3d issues. Illus…
1962 (22nd Nov) 5d Commonwealth Games pmkd with pictorial "Village Perth" cds on a hand coloured Isle of Man Team illust cover. Most unusual. Exc. …
Sold $20
1960 Pre-printed ppc to MacMillan, GB Prime Minister, c/o Summit Meeting, Paris requesting "that agreement is reached TO BAN ALL A-TESTS FOR EVER a…
Sold $25
1958 2/- Qantas re-entry flaw in MUH block of 4. SG 301a Cat. £30
Sold $20
1957 3½d Christmas re-entry flaw in corner marginal block of 4. MUH SG 298a
Sold $10
1955 (16th Nov) Registered Airmail cover with range of commems pmkd Mt Isa with matching Reg label hand addressed to Czechoslovakia. Stopped by cus…
Sold $20
1955 (20th May) Reg Airmail env addressed to Austria with pair of 2/6d Aborigine, 1/- lyrebird, 2d QM & 3½d Memorial pair pmkd Arncliffe, NSW with…
Sold $20
1954 (7th Aug) REDeX Around Australia Reliability Trial postcard carried by Competitor No. 44 with set of 3 cinderellas attached, signed & posted f…


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