Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Western Australia Swans MLH range in stockbook incl 1895 Halfpenny surcharge in green (5, all CC), ½d green (13), 1d rose (6), 2d yellow (3), grey…
Sold $250
Western Australia Postal Stationery group comprising 1d newspaper wrapper unused & specimen (concentric rings) cancels, surcharged postcards (1d on…
Western Australia Postal History group of 9 postcards & covers comprising 3 diff Bon Marche Stores series unused, 1941 Eastern Goldfields fold-out …
Western Australia Mint range with strength in "Commonwealth period" issues to 1/- incl 6d both perfs, 9d, 10d (2) & 8d marginal pair. Also a few ea…
Sold $180
Western Australia Collection mounted on album pages commencing with 1854 1d black (close margins), attractive 1861 1d well centred rough cut perfs…
Sold $120
Western Australia A used lightly duplicated range on stockcards noting 1884 perf. 14 "½" surcharge (2), 1861 2d intermediate perf; 1864/79 6d & 1/…
Sold $55
Western Australia & Tasmania Used range in stockbook with odd Revenue noted. Majority swans (700+) with heavy duplication but useful for study etc.…
Sold $55
Victoria Group of MLH incl 9d & 1/- with & without "POSTAGE" in design, plus various 1886/1910 types ½d to 5/- (excl. 1/6- & 2/-). Cond. varies. C…
Sold $55
Victoria Mainly used on Hagners with cat. details flagged. STC £600++ but mixed cond. & m/s cancels on high vals. (c100)
Sold $45
Victoria 1884-1896 fiscally used Stamp Duty values to £2 x 2 incl 4/- (2), 5/- (2 olive, 1 claret on yellow), 10/- (4) & 15/-. Also QV 1/- blue on…
Sold $30
Queensland Range mainly used on Hagner with values to 2/-. Average cond. with some fiscally cancelled. STC £250+ (41)
Sold $30
NSW MLH & used on Hagner incl 1/- Consumptive Homes MLH (Cat. £12) & 5/- "coin". Majority used, mixed cond but STC £450+ with fair estimate. (54)
Sold $65
NSW 1850-1910 collection used on old album leaves in binder. Much of value incl 1850 1d (4) & 2d (3) used "Sydney Views", plus 3d yellow green 4 ma…
NSW & Victoria but some WA noted. Stamp duties & postage dues loose in box. Values to 6/- noted. On & off paper. Mint & used (100s)
Sold $50
Miscellaneous Australia (and few others) on stockcards, loose & in envelopes, housed in a shoebox. Noted 1935 2/- Jubilee F/used, 1932 1/- Lyre "OS…
Sold $150
Miscellaneous 1929-1954 incoming covers & cards in "Capstan Cigarettes" tin incl 2 Adelaide-Perth 1929 covers with 3d Air + 1½d KGV (one a PSE), 1…
Sold $50
Miscellaneous & diverse MUH, MLH & used lot on Hagners in binder. Noted AAT 2/- (15 MUH), 1966 "SPECIMEN" Navigators MUH, Tax Instalment MUH unseve…
Year Books 1981-1983 with MUH stamps in place. Odd tone spot on pages, stamps appear fine throughout. FV $40 (3)
Specimens 1923/4 £1 Grey MLH x 2 & 1931/6 10/- MLH, £1 MUH & £2 MLH all ovptd SPECIMEN & all with evenly toned gum. £2 has "break in Bight" var…
Sold $150
Specimen Sets 1988 x 1, 1989 in blocks of 4, 1990 x 2, 1991 in blocks of 4, 1994 Part 1 in blocks of 4 incl $10 & Part in pairs incl. $5 & $20. Ret…
Sold $90
Sheets 1980-1985 sheets & part sheets. Incls. 1984 Airmail se-tenant pairs & sheet of 1985 Milty Uniforms MUH FV $200+
Sold $80
Revenues 1939-1944 range of original documents bearing revenues of Victoria & NSW plus postage stamps of NZ & Queensland used as revenues. Unchecke…
Replica Cards 33 different incl. cards printed from original dies for the Kingsford Smith, AIF, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Anzac, Robes, 1935 Silver Ju…
Sold $50
Registration labels (blue, incl some typed provisionals) loose in old B&H tin. No WA or SA sighted. Incl Orange West NSW, Sprent (Tasmania), Broadb…
Pre-Stamped Envelopes in large PSE album, plus extras in box. All with FDI cancels or special cachets. (100s)
Pre-stamped Envelopes Duplicated unused range of 20¢ to 30¢ face values with total FV $70+ (100s)
Sold $30
Pre-stamped Envelopes 1979-1988 mint & cancelled FDI nearly all x 3 or 4 of each, crammed in box. Mint FV $200 (100s)
Sold $75
Pre-Stamped Envelopes 1978-1984 PSE's CTO/mint of each incl some Norfolk Is & few lettercards & aerogrammes in 12 medium size sketch books. Very mi…
Sold $30
Presentation Packs 1980's packs with many x 2 or more & some AAT in box. Plus a few pre-paid 1996 Olympics lettercards & other minor oddments all h…
Sold $100
Presentation Packs 1980-2002 Selection with some duplication & majority from the 1980's. Noted modern Int Post to $10, Christmas IS & AAT & some sh…
Sold $330
Postmarks "PAID" red cds markings c1966-1982 range in alphabetical order (W.A. origins) (c500) plus few PRIORITY PAID & RECEIVED "timer" types & ra…
Sold $140
Postal Stationery Used items incl. 1924 1½d green KGV PSE indicum, (Brooks, Robinson & Co, Melbourne), 5d QEII (Bells Asbestos & Engineering) both…
Sold $20
Postal Stationery Range incl. unused QEII 7¢ & 10¢ emb. PSE's (5 each), bundle of 5d used PSE's of S.A. origin, unused Newspaper Wrappers (9) inc…
Sold $20
Postal Stationary 1914-1980 Batch of used & unused from 1914 1d kangaroo PSE (used) to 1980, with KGV 1½d brown PSE used, a few post & letter card…
Sold $40
Postage Dues Used range (21) on card incl 1909. 10 bicolours to 5/- good to fine, 1922/3 perf. 14 1d, 2d, 4d, 1938 1d, 2d, 4d, 1946/57 1d, 3d & cou…
Postage Dues Monocolours & bicolours MUH, MLH & used on Hagners & stockcards, many with cat. numbers indicated. Values to 5/-. Cond. varies with so…
Sold $75
Postage Dues Duplicated ex-German dealer stock in manila stocksheets. Starts with 1902 ½d "blank at base" (4 MLH & one with vert line at lower lef…
Sold $400
PNC's 1994-2010 range of coin First Day Covers for 1994 Family, 1995 Dunlop, 1997 Bradman, 1998 Bass & Flinders, 199 IYOP, 2000 Anzacs, 2001 Army, …
Sold $300
Officials KGV issues ovptd "OS". All MLH except ½d orange & 3d Kingsford Smith CTO. Odd fault & missing 6d kangaroo Small wmk. (13)
Sold $70
Miniature Sheets Noted 1970 Cook ovptd "ANPEX". Mostly MUH, but odd used incl Sydpex 80 & 2006 $10 Flower. (16)
Sold $20
Military Mail WWI Forces in Egypt postcards (6) one of which is superb O.A.S. cover with triangular censor cachet in magenta & GB 9p agate tied by …
Sold $180
International Post stamps incl 2001 FDC with $20 Ayres Rock, Panorama set (SG 2219/22) MUH & 33 used (vals to $3.60) with odd duplicate. Useful sel…
Sold $30
Hutt River 1974-1994 selection of cinderellas on Hagners. The usual 1974/7 MLH (24 + M/S), plus less common 1981/94 incl Christmas & Floral issues …
Sold $45
Gutter Strips of 10 1980's period incl AAT. Issues in sets where applicable. FV 660+
Sold $250
Gutter Blocks, Sheets & Sheetlets 1989-1999 incl 1992 Olympics in printed gutter strips of 10, 1993 Parl Panes x 2, 1995 War Heroes in medal gutter…
Sold $120
Framas 1985-1996 First Day Cover sets of 9 for kangaroo, platypus, echidna, possum, lizard, koala, emu, Waratah & festive papers. Odd extra Perth s…
Sold $65
Framas 1984-1996 complete Postcode sets of 9 incl Barred Edge in both 30c (set of 7) & 33c & Platypus in 36c & 37c sets. All paper designs. Fine MU…
Sold $45
Framas & CPS 1985-1999 Sets in packets as received from Australia Post. Comprises mainly postcode Frama sets of 7 & CPS sets (NPC, Adelaide & Brisb…
Sold $80
First Day Covers 1995-2006 with aerogrammes, Framas, PSE's & APO postcards also noted. Over 500 items with duplicates, generally 2 or 3 of each, in…
Sold $150
First Day Covers 1995-2006 incl some PSE's & Postage Paid envelopes of various sizes in large carton. Not in strict chronological order, but noted …
Sold $200


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