Lot No |
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Est. |
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos |
 2/- maroon John Ash imprint pair MVLH & well centred. ACSC 39z $800 as block SG 110 Cat. £110 + premium for imprint $80 Sold $80 |
 2/- maroon John Ash imprint pair MLH. Pulled perf at top on left stamp. Fresh. SG 110 $75 Sold $65 |
 2/- maroon MLH Centred slightly left & low but fresh. ACSC 39 Cat. $150 SG 110 cat £60 $50 Sold $50 |
 1/- blue-green John Ash imprint block of 4. 2 stamps MVLH. Stunning colour & fresh. ACSC 34z $500 SG 109 $300 Sold $200 |
 1/- blue-green John Ash imprint strip of 4. Bottom margin shaved at left with 3 stamps MLH (1 with small thin spot) & 1 MUH. Well centred. ACSC 34z… $250 Sold $250 |
 1/- blue-green John Ash imprint pair with light hinge mark in gutter but stamps are superb MUH. Superb. SG 109 $200 Archived |
 1/- blue-green shade. MLH, centred a little high but lovely colour. ACSC 34 Cat. $50 SG 109 cat £50 $30 Sold $30 |
 9d violet John Ash imprint gutter block of 6 (3x2). MVLH on 1 stamp & bottom selvedge. Evenly slightly toned gum not apparent from front attractive… $350 Sold $230 |
 9d violet John Ash imprint gutter block of 4. MVLH in gutter only. Evenly toned gum. Good perfs. SG 108 $300 Archived |
 9d violet John Ash imprint pair. MLH on both stamps. Fresh colour ACSC 28z, Cat $500 as block $200 Sold $130 |
 9d violet John Ash imprint pair. MVLH in gutter only just touching each stamp. ACSC 28z Cat. $500 SG 108 $200 Sold $130 |
 9d violet MLH & reasonably centred. ACSC 28 Cat. $75 SG 108 Cat. £32 $40 Sold $40 |
 6d chestnut John Ash imprint block of 4 MUH on 3 stamps with 1 MLH. "N" over "N" & showing variety "hairline 6d to map". ACSC 22z Cat. $350+ $400 Archived |
 6d chestnut John Ash "N over A" imprint block of 4. Top stamp MLH, others MUH. A couple of shortish perfs on top left stamp otherwise fine. ACSC 22… $200 Archived |
 6d chestnut John Ash imprint block of 4. MVLH in gutter just kissing 2 stamps otherwise fresh MUH. Good perfs with strong colour. SG 107 $150 Archived |
 1929-30 Small Multiple watermark 6d chestnut very fine used with striking Telegraph Branch GPO Queensland upright central cds. SG 107 $10 Archived |
 £1 grey ovptd SPECIMEN Type C. MUH. A couple of nibbled perfs at base, but well centred SG 75s (see inside front cover) $120 Archived |
 £1 grey ovptd SPECIMEN Type C. Fresh MUH SG 75s (see inside front cover) $100 Sold $100 |
 £1 grey. Centred up & to the left with a shortish corner perf. Fresh MLH SG 75 Cat. £550 (see inside front cover) $250 Sold $250 |
 £1 grey good to F/U with WA cds but light red crayon mark at right. Remains sound stamp with good perfs. SG 75 Cat £300 $100 Archived |
 £1 grey. F/U with light corner cds. Just missing perf bottom right but fresh & presentable. SG 75 Cat. £300, ACSC Cat.$375 $120 Sold $120 |
 2/- maroon AJ Mullett imprint pair MLH & 1929/30 2/- maroon small multiple wmk John Ash imprint pair MVLH with right hand unit MUH. Both pairs attr… $750 Sold $750 |
 2/- maroon Harrison imprint gutter pair. MLH in gutter just "kissing" stamps. Well centred. ACSC 38z Cat. $2000 as block. $700 Sold $450 |
 2/- maroon TS Harrison imprint pair. "N" over "MP". Slightly toned gum & MLH. ACSC 38z Cat. $2,000 as block $500 Archived |
 2/- maroon John Ash imprint pair. "N" over "N". MLH ACSC 35zc. Cat. $1,250 as block $400 Sold $280 |
 2/- maroon x 2 One MUH centred slightly to left plus a MVLH well centred example. ACSC $150 MLH $300 MUH SG 72 Cat. £120 + MUH premium on one. $80 Sold $160 |
 2/- maroon. Vertical crease unfortunately as otherwise fresh MUH & well centred. Reflected in estimate. SG 74 $50 Archived |
 2/- maroon Die II. Centred right. Fresh MLH. ACSC Cat. $150 SG 74 Cat. £65 $20 Sold $20 |
 6d chestnut Mullett gutter imprint block of 4. Hinged in gutter just touching both top stamps otherwise fresh MUH. Upper left unit shows "hairline"… $400 Sold $260 |
 1923-24 New colours 6d chestnut AJ Mullett imprint block of 4 with upper stamps very lightly toned & MLH with lower stamps fine MUH. Pulled corner … $200 Archived |
 £2, £1 & 10/- all ovptd SPECIMEN type B. 10/- & £1 fresh MUH while £2 has two small paper mount remains. Fluffy perfs on £1 & £2. Well centr… $1000 Archived |
 £2 black & rose, 1924 £1 grey & 1929 10/- grey & pink (SM wmk) all MLH & ovptd "SPECIMEN". Mixed centering & fluffy perfs on £2. Good colours & … $200 Sold $140 |
 £2 purple-black & pale rose. Very fine used with light cds & good perfs. Good colour for this shade. ACSC 56C Cat. $2,500 SG 45b Cat. £1,700 (see… $1200 Sold $800 |
 £2 black & rose F/U with bold part Sydney 1920 cds's. Very light staining at top barely visible. Well centred with fluffy perfs. SG 45 Cat. £2250… $800 Sold $590 |
 £2 black & rose with Type C SPECIMEN ovpt. Centred a little up & to left. Fine MUH. SG 45s (see inside front cover) $350 Sold $320 |
 £1 chocolate & dull blue. Fantastic centering & Post Office fresh. MLH with fine perfs. A lovely stamp SG 44 Cat. £2250++ $3000 Sold $3250 |
 £1 chestnut & bright blue. F/U by Melbourne cds. Centred high with good perfs. SG 44a Cat. £1400 (see inside front cover) $500 Sold $820 |
 £1 chocolate & dull blue with two interlocking Sydney cds's. Rounded corner at top left but well centred. An attractive "budget" example. SG 44 Ca… $400 Sold $400 |
 £1 chocolate & dull blue overprinted SPECIMEN Type B. MLH centred to left. SG 75s $250 Sold $310 |
 10/- grey & bright aniline pink TS Harrison imprint pair. MVLH, centred slightly low but excellent perfs & stunning colour. ACSC 48zd Cat $5,000 SG… $3000 Sold $3400 |
 10/- grey & bright aniline pink. MLH. A hint of toning on top perfs. Well centred. SG 43a Cat. £400 (see inside front cover) $150 Sold $230 |
 10/- grey & bright aniline pink. F/U with crisp part CASTLE cds. Centred low right, fluffy perfs but vivid colour. SG 43a Cat. £300 (see inside fr… $180 Archived |
 5/- grey & yellow John Ash Imprint pair with slightly trimmed bottom selvedge. MVLH with 1 stamp MUH. Good perfs & fresh colour. ACSC 44zg Cat. $2,… $1100 Sold $1100 |
 5/- grey & yellow MLH & well centred with good perfs. A lovely stamp. SG 30 Cat. £850 $150 Sold $520 |
 5/- grey & yellow F/U with part PARCEL corner cds. Well centred. SG 42 Cat. £90+ $75 Archived |
 2/- brown. MVLH but corner bend. Well centred with good colour & perfs. SG 41 (see inside front cover) $100 Sold $150 |
 1/- blue-green Mullett imprint gutter block of 12 with sideways watermark. Superb MUH. Folded down gutter as usual. 3 very light gum bends but rare… $5000 Archived |
 1/- blue green AJ Mullett imprint block of 4 with wmk sideways. Some gum redistributed on upper units due to attempted hinge disguise with bottom … $750 Archived |
 1/- blue-green Die IIB Harrison imprint gutter pair. Folded through gutter. MUH ACSC 33z Cat. $1500 as block but premium for MUH. $700 Archived |
 1/- blue-green TS Harrison imprint pair. Hinge remainders affecting both stamps. Well centred with good perfs. Nice colour & rare imprint. ACSC 33z… $500 Sold $500 |