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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Switzerland 1850-1997 MUH/MLH/used with light dupl in Lighthouse 32pp black-leaved stockbook. Simplified layout with 10 early imperfs incl "no marg…
Sold $400
Switzerland 1850-2002 largely used in 2 albums with useful array of early imperf & perf issues in mixed cond but seriously faulty are excluded from…
Sold $200
Switzerland 1861-1960 used defin accum with value in first pages with 1862/64 to 1f & 1867/78 to 50¢ numerals heavily dupl with most vals but only…
Sold $100
Switzerland 1913-1998 Pro Juventute duplicates with majority F/U. Missing key vals in first few years but quite comprehensive from 1927 noting 1928…
Sold $100
Switzerland 1920's-1986 MUH/MLH & used blocks of 4 incl defins & pictorials. Also useful 1952-1988 Pro Patria & 1938-1993 Pro Juventute issues plus…
Sold $80
Switzerland 1922-1996 Air & Pro Patria used duplicates with majority appearing fine used. Noted 1923/40 50¢ black & red (3), several 65¢, 1f, 2f …
Sold $100
Switzerland 1936-1956 ProPatria sets complete fine used. Cat. £500+ (72)
Switzerland 1936-1960 Pro Partria issues complete with the 1938 single having grilled paper (Cat. £33). 1958 & 1960 sets are MUH with remainder ML…
Switzerland 1938-1965 collection in Lindner Hingeless album with gaps but noted 1948 IMABA & 1955 Lausanne M/S's. Also a range of Pro Juventute & P…
Sold $80
Switzerland 1939-2000 vast used accum with many F/U. Nothing of great value but much useful dupl in items of £2-£10 cat. val incl 1953 40¢ airpo…
Sold $60
Switzerland 1966-2007 selection in 3 slim stockbooks plus envs of used duplicates, 2010 Year Packs x 2 with CTO plus odds in smaller book. Noted PT…
Sold $50
Switzerland 1969-2006 Lighthouse Hingeless album with 1969-1999 approx. 95% complete with sparse later but incls 2000 Embroidery S/A M/S MUH (Cat. …
Sold $200
Switzerland Forgeries & facsimiles with lots of early imperf facsimile (obvious) & more deceptive forgeries incl 1843 Zurich & Geneva, 1849/50 4¢ …
Sold $50
Tristan de Cunha 1952 ovpts, 1954 to 10/- plus extra set to 1d, short sets marine life, 1965 to 10/-, commems to 1969. Cat. £250 (90)
Sold $60
Turks & Caicos Is 1887-1970 noting 1887 6d & 1/-, odds to 1921, 1922 to 3/-, 1928 to 1/-, 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1938 to 10/-, RSW, Centenary, 1950 t…
Sold $80
Turks & Caicos Is 1985 Youth Year to 1998 fish with defins, commems & M/S's very nearly complete. Fine & fresh MUH with lots of thematics. Cat. £1…
Sold $300
United Nations 1950-1970 in Lindner Hingeless album. MUH incomplete but incls 1955 M/S. (153 + 2 M/S)
Sold $40
United Nations Extensive collection in 3 cartons with New York office 1960-1997 MUH (few early sets MLH) & 1984-1997 CTO; Geneva office 1969-1997 M…
Sold $450
USA 1851-2000 mainly used in quality Prinz & Lighthouse 24pp stockbooks with black leaves. Noted 1890 "no triangles" set to 30¢, 1893 to 30¢ (lat…
Sold $170
USA 1857-1992 in old Minkus album & on Hagners. Useful pickings from earlies incl 1857 5¢ Jefferson, 1893 Columbian Expo to 50¢ (latter F/U), 189…
Sold $320
USA 1980-2002 complete yearpacks & then yearbooks from 1987 to 2002 plus2004, 2008 & 2010. Also a variety of other USPS commem folders/books incl 1…
Sold $360
Vatican 2005-2014 Pope Benedict XVI collection of MUH stamps, M/S's, PNC's, FDC's, Framas (labels) & booklets in 14 large quality German made album…
Vietnam-South 1945-1956 ovpts on Indo China, then 1951-1975 complete (excl M/S's, second & later PD sets & 1969 Military Frank) plus 1963-1976 Nati…
Zambia (37) & Zanzibar (100) on Hagners with minor pickings in the latter incl 1936 set of 4 & 1948 RSW. Also Zululand ½d (SG 20). Majority MUH. (…
Sold $60
Africa Various on Hagners with majority MLH. Incls Somaliland 1903-1960 oddments with pickings incl Silver Jubilee, 1938 vals to 1R & 3R, RSW (2 pa…
Sold $100
Antarctica Selection of issues incl AAT 1957-1973 complete, BAT 1966 Churchill, 1971 Treaty, 1973 RW singles & pairs, 1977 Whales, Jubilee 1980 Geo…
Sold $80
British Commonwealth 1880's-1970 MUH/MLH in Prinz stockbook. Not many sets but arranged in alpha order with useful pickings incl Hong Kong $5 lilac…
Sold $160
British Commonwealth QV-KGV group of pre-stamped postal stationery mainly used with an interesting range of postal markings with Canada KGV 2¢ PSE…
Sold $80
British Commonwealth QV to QEII from "L-N" countries plus some PNG 1950-1965 in quality stockbook. Modest pickings with not many sets but useful pi…
Sold $190
British Commonwealth QV-QEII mainly used with majority former auction lot remnants with strength in pre-KGVI. Noted Straits Settlements KEVII to $1…
Sold $360
British Commonwealth 1856-1970 range in 32pp quality stockbook with many short sets & odd vals noting Bermuda QV surface prints to 1/- (3), Cook Is…
Sold $250
British Commonwealth KGV-QEII used range on Hagners plus a stockcard with 31 aircraft stamps of Chile, Argentina & others. Majority commons in mixe…
Sold $26
British Commonwealth First KGVI issues in "Simplex" binder. Mainly MLH &/or used short sets & odd vals but some items to top value incl Aden 1939 u…
Sold $360
British Commonwealth Selection on cards comprising Fiji "VR" ovpt on 1d SG 28a (pen cancel), 6d SG 30a ditto, KGV 5/- script wmk F/U (Cat. £85), H…
British Commonwealth Harrison & Sons Presentation Sample Packs for Norfolk Is, Gambia, Pitcairn & Jamaica definitive sets. The printer appears to h…
British Commonwealth Old peg-fitting album with Australia to 1972 with basic pre-decimal in mixed cond noting 1935 1/- ANZAC unused, 2/- Silver Jub…
Sold $90
British Commonwealth SG Canada album to 1996 with sparse used, more Canada used from QV to QEII in large Lighthouse stockbook plus a few "back of t…
Sold $250
World "J-K" Countries incl Jersey MUH/MLH range on Hagners noting 1943 set of 6, 1969 to £1 & 3 other commems sets plus Jordan (16), Kenya (17), B…
Sold $80
World "L" Countries incl Labuan (2), Lagos (4 KEVII), Leeward Is (87) incl KGV to 4/-, KGVI £1, RSW & 1954 to $4.80 with extras to 24¢, Lesotho 1…
Sold $90
World "M" Countries with Malawi 1966/67 (47 + M/S), Maldive Is incl 1933 to 1R, 1950 to 1R & later commems to 1970 & 1978 M/S (70), Malta from 1885…
Sold $95
World "N-O" Countries with Niue 1902-1970 vals to 3/- & $2 (93), Northern Nigeria KEVII to 1/- & KGV to 9d all MLH (17) & Northern Rhodesia with KG…
Sold $170
World "P-R" countries on Hagners incl Pakistan 1947-1969 MLH & used (315) with vals to 10R, page of Palestine (26), Pitcairn 1940-1969 incl 1940/51…
Sold $300
World "T" countries on Hagners in binder comprising Tanganyika incl 1965 to 20/-(31), Tasmania with vals to 10d(49), Tokelau to 1986 (78), Tonga in…
Sold $160
World 1946-2012 M/S's & blocks on 36 Hagners with mixed MUH/MLH & used noting GB 2010 £1 Accession, 2012 Olympics, Gugh Island 1974 UPU local M/S …
Sold $100
World 1949 UPU issues from foreign countries "C-Y" incomplete (no Berlin or Hungary) written up on leaves. Incls Colombia set & M/S, Lebanon, Syria…
World 1950-1980 Miniature Sheets on album leaves. Noted Albania 1965 space M/S perf & imperf, Spain 1961 Velazquez set of 4 (Cat. £34), Yugoslavia…
Sold $200
World 1950-2000 period off paper filling 220mm square box to a depth of 60mm. That's many thousands of stamps! Wide range of countries with mixed M…
Sold $50
World 1990's International Official Postal covers, mostly registered with various cds's & endorsements. E.g. "Jomo Kenyatta Int Airport Nairobi Mai…
Sold $40
World Selection in old Philatelic Society of Natal exchange books x 5 comprising a book of early Romania & one of Austria (these all uprated) plus …
World Accum of "packet material" mainly used in 6 stockbooks but best is a stockcard with NZ 1940 Centennial set to 1/- MLH. Lots of colourful "bac…
Sold $80


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