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Auction No. 24   - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All

Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign: NWPI
1915/16 £1 brown & light blue as above with " type "c" ovpt. MUH, centered slightly right. SG 85a, Cat. £500 as MLH
Sold $360
1915/16 5/- grey & yellow strip of 3 with "a", "b" & "c" ovpts. Fine MUH/MLH & well centered. SG 92abc
1915/16 2/- brown aniline "c", "c" in joined horiz pair with barest trace of a hinge mark. SG 97, Cat. £35 x2 + premium for aniline ink
Sold $100
1915/16 2/- brown, 3rd wmk kangaroos with "a, b, c" singles. MLH with good centering. SG 97, Cat. £115 (3)
Sold $100
1915/16 £1 chocolate & dull blue with "N.W.P.I. ovpt. MLH & well centered. SG 99, Cat. £350
Sold $190
1918 "One Penny" on 5d brown KGV. Fine used with upright Rabaul cds. Centered left. SG 100, Cat. £80
Sold $90
1918 "One Penny" on 1/- green. Fine used with neat Rabaul cds. Centered left. SG 101, Cat. £80
Sold $90
1918 "One Penny" surcharge on 1/- kangaroo type b of triplet ovpts. Fine used with part Rabaul cds. Holcombe Cert. (1989) SG 101b Cat. £80 + 25% f…
Sold $46
1918/22 1d carmine-red KGV plate 2, pane 4 for numbers 31-60 in block of 30. 5th setting, early state with substituted clichés plus deformed upper…
Sold $2800
1918/22 1d carmine red Die II/I se-tenant pair. MLH. SG 103/b, Cat. £110 + premium for joined II/I pair
Sold $80
1918/22 4d orange KGV in 4 shades plus 2 extras of deep orange plus block of 4 in buff orange & ditto vertical strip of 5 & deep orange vertical st…
Sold $200
1918/23 2½d indigo, fifth setting, strip of 3 with middle unit having "1" of "½" omitted" variety. Fresh MUH & well centered with RPS Cert. (1968…
Sold $11250
1918/22 3d kangaroo block of 4 fine used with central, crisp Rabaul 23 JE 24 cds. Blunt lower left corner & minor tone spot at top. Remains a fine …
Sold $90
1918/22 10/- grey & bright pink plus shades in deep aniline pink (centred to left) & bright pink. All MLH/MVLH with lighter bright pink with distur…
1918/22 ½d green KGV large multiple wmk inverted. MUH. SG 119a, Cat. £130 + premium for MUH
1918/22 1d violet KGV in 7 shades MLH, 2d orange x 5 MLH incl one without ovpt plus used pair & single. Also 2d rose-scarlet x 3 used, 3 MLH & 4 bl…
Sold $220
Commonwealth & Foreign: Nauru
1934/47 S.S. Century set to 10/- in mixed papers excl 4d but extra shade in 3d. MUH but gum staining on 1d & 5d to 5/- with 10/- fine. Min SG Cat. …
1937/48 ships to 10/- on shiny paper (missing ½d perf. 14). Fine used with fresh colours. SG 26B/39B, Cat. £225 (14)
1937/48 ships to 10/- MLH with small hinge remnant on each otherwise fresh & attractive. SG 26B/39B, Cat. £200 (14)
Sold $80
Outerlying Territories: Norfolk Island
1947 (10th June) ½d to 2/- Ball Bay set of 12 on FDC (dated cachet in purple) with crisp bold cds's & "NORFOLK ISLAND" provisional Reg label in ma…
Sold $42
2000 (7th Apr) $2.50 Norfolk Post labels with same imprint dates on FDC's x 2 plus 2001 (4th Sept) $1.40 on cover celebrating last day. Exc cond & …
Sold $46
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua
1907 ½d "BNG" Lakatoi with upright wmk on thin paper with comb perf. MUH/MLH complete sheet of 30. Odd minor fault incl small "W504" pen annotatio…
Sold $700
1901/05 "British New Guinea" set of 7 to 1/- with vertical wmk vertical. MLH but gum varies with minor adherences on 2½d & 4d. Frontally attractiv…
Sold $75
1907/10 ½d "Papua" perf. 11, wmk upright in complete sheet of 30. Reinforcing hinges affecting 6 stamps otherwise MUH. Light even toning. SG 47
1931 5d on 1/- Ash printing in complete sheet of 40. Stain spot top left & "K24" in pen m/s bottom right otherwise all fine MUH. Scarce in full she…
1931 Pictorials to 10/-. All MLH & well centred. SG 130/44, Cat. £275 (15)
Sold $100
1932 Pictorials complete to £1. MVLH, 10/- with vert crease & two short perfs at top & 3d has two missing perfs. Clean set. SG 130/45, Cat. £550
1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4 in MUH/MLH Ash imprint blocks of 16 in 2 rows showing "accent flaw" on 1d, 3d & 5d at position 4 in the bottom rows. A…
Sold $140
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua New Guinea
1952 £1 Fisherman block of 4 fine used with central cds. SG 15, Cat. £60
1962 5/- Patrol in top right corner block of 4. MUH with one unit very slightly creased. This was the first Australian printed multicoloured stamp …
Sold $1200
1965 (26th Oct) Mount Hagen Show set of 4 commem covers each with diff bird defins on them up to 10/- & pmkd Mount Hagen. Unaddressed. Not seen bef…
Sold $38
1985 Ceremonial Structures Trial stamps in MUH set of 4 with a normal set for comparison. These unissued stamps are smaller than the actual issue &…
Sold $150
1985 Ceremonial Structures Trial stamps as above but in MUH blocks of 4, 3 bottom marginal & again with a normal set for comparison also in blocks.…
1993 Research & Conservation Foundation "Parrots" gutter strip of 4 in complete sheets of 20 sets. These attractive thematics, which have no postal…
1994 Emergency ovpts set of 11 MUH. SG 730/40 Cost vendor $300, retails $425. (11)
Sold $110
2007 "PNG's First Personalised Stamps" with the Orchids issue. Full sheets of 20 with tabs each with a different tab design with vals to K5.35. Tab…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1839 Treasury Competition Essay. This Charles Whiting essay number 10 is in black & red with "NOT TO EXCEED HALF OUNCE 1 PENNY" in design. Close to…
1840 (6th Oct) Mulready envelope with Salisbury cds in red, front & back with black sealing wax intact & red Maltese Cross at top centre. Good cond…
Sold $150
1840 1d intense black with indistinct red Maltese Cross cancel. Good to large margins just touching at base to right. Lettered "KB". SG 1, Cat. £525
Sold $150
1840 1d intense black, plate 8 with neat corner red Maltese Cross cancel. Noted "state II "O" flaw. Large to close margins & lettered "DB". SG 2 Ca…
Sold $230
1840 1d black fined used with crisp Maltese Cross cancel in black lettered "BH" with nearly 4 margins, just touching at top left. Also a 2d blue wi…
Sold $160
1840 1d black with bold, slightly smudged, Maltese Cross in black. Close to large margins with slight corner wear. Lettered "AK". SG 2, Cat. £375
Sold $75
1840 1d black with crisp red Maltese Cross cancel. 3 good to clear margins just touching at right. Lettered "BC". SG 2, Cat. £425 with red MC
Sold $150
1840 1d black with neat part red Maltese Cross. 3½ clear even margins with right side slightly cut into at top. Lettered "CB". SG 2, Cat. Cat. £425
Sold $100
1840 1d black with part bold red Maltese Cross pmk. Close margins touching/cut into at right. Lettered "KE". SG 2, Cat. Cat. £425
1840 1d black with red Maltese Cross. Light vert crease & minimal margins but a frontally attractive "spacefiller" example. Lettered "GF". SG 2, Ca…
1840 1d black, plate 5 with "E partly doubled in lower arm" variety. Almost complete clear red Maltese Cross cancel resulting in a superb looking s…
Sold $270
1840 1d grey black, plate 1a with the characteristic "10/5 o'clock ray" flaws. Fine used by neat 90% strike of light red Maltese Cross cancel. 4 cl…
Sold $290
1840 2d deep full blue. Superb used with an almost complete Maltese Cross in black. Close to huge margins, just touching at base. Lettered "AE". A …
Sold $260
1841 1d red imperfs x 5 used examples showing variations in shade & blueing of paper. Two have black Maltese Cross cancels, others with barred nume…


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