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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
World Better items in display book noting France 1936 Charity & 1949 & 1957 Airs; French Guiana 1947 Airs; Saar 1949 Horse Day MUH; Austria 1955 10…
World on Hagners noting 2 pages of Indonesia unissued Vienna printings, old "newsagent" stamp packets with pre-decimal pricing, late 1950's Russia,…
Sold $30
World Booklets loose in wallet with mostly GB (Greetings x 2) & some Australia QEII plus odds from Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Japan & Sweden. High…
Sold $40
World Old "Meteor" album with "Census" figures penned into intro page stating 2369 stamps at April 1953. Certainly nothing more recent has been add…
Sold $85
World Miniature Sheets on Hagners. Mostly post 1970 mixed MUH, MLH & used but noted 1952 Trieste Zone B 50d MUH (circle crease), 1939 Romania King …
Sold $60
World Selections on 11 Hagners noting German States, German WWI ovpts on Germania heads, France with 1932 defins in gutter pairs MLH, 1954 Airs to …
Sold $80
World to 1950's in well filled Movaleaf album. Not many sets but quite a few pickings e.g.: Aden 10/- on 10R KGVI, Br. Solomons 1939 to 10/- (no 4Â…
Sold $120
World "Paquebot" & "Posted on High Seas" cachet handstamped mail from a variety of ships on covers addressed to Australia (72), UK (34), Western Eu…
Sold $70
World on small stockcards incl Aust PD's MLH, NZ QV 6/- "long tom" 1891 postal use, 1/3d, 15/-, £1 Arms MLH with $6 & $10 used, Tonga 2/6d bird pl…
Sold $95
World Cover group comprising Australia 1948 "ANARE Macquarie Is" with cds tying 2½d Newcastle addressed to Qld with tow line Research Expedition d…
World Mainly used middle period in 3 binders. Cond mixed but some useful Netherlands & Portugal odd vals noted. Has been picked over but estimate i…
Sold $50
World Selection in individual glassines each with dealer desc tags. Incls Bermuda KGVI 12/6d x 14 all with fiscal punch holes, "MEF" ovpts to 2/6d …
Sold $60
World Group of better items too small for separate lotting. Noted 14 FE 66 cds on 6 postal stationery items, 1999 Birdsville to Birdwood "Last Mail…
Sold $50
World to 1940's in "Strand" album. Mixed cond with Australia KGV vals to 1/4d, Hong 1937 Coronation, 1946 Victory & KGVI vals to $2. Interesting pa…
Sold $38
World Miniature Sheets in 4 ring padded binder with mixed MUH, MLH & used. Noted Norfolk Is $2.50 & $4 Seabirds, exhibition cinderellas, Japan 1960…
Sold $100
World Oddments & sets in 11 small/medium stockbooks. Strength in KGVI period with dupl short sets MUH/MLH & used. Heavily duplicated KUT incl 3/-, …
Sold $300
World Sheetlets & M/S's noting both Europe (strong in Russia) & Commonwealth plus St Vincent 1979 to $10 in pack, Kiribati to $5 & Year Pack & Cana…
Sold $60
World Hagners & 4 stockbooks noting used KUT 1938 2/- (11), 3/- (11), 5/- (9), 10/- (5) & £1 (3); Germany in quality stockbook noting ovpts on Dan…
Sold $200
World 3 Lighthouse stockbooks with an untidy lot of oddments in very mixed cond. Incls Europe, USA, Japan, Thailand & more. Most value is in the st…
Sold $32
World in "International Junior Postage Stamp Album" (1924) plus odd album pages & stocksheets in ring binder. Odd better incl Johore 1940 8¢ MLH (…
Sold $40
World Lovely old Rapkin Challenge album still with "Philatelic Atlas" maps in in the inside cover. Sparse in places but useful items remain e.g.: B…
Sold $60
World Miniature Sheets from various countries both MUH/MLH & used with over 230 sheets plus odd strip & block. A few pre-1960 but mostly 1980's-200…
Sold $150
World Covers & Cards in old cigar box with much of interest incl GB 25 Nov 1840 stampless entire with tombstone-framed "E Paid 25 Nov 1840" in red,…
Sold $200
World MLH & used to 1980's in 7 Senator & Simplex binders. A clean "budget" lot with many short sets MLH but odd complete set from Persian Gulf are…
Sold $550
World to early 1950's in sparsely filled "Globe" album. Odd better incl NZ 1906 ½d Christchurch Exhib, Australia 1934 1/- Vic Cent perf. 10½ cds …
Sold $20
World on Hagners noting Egypt 1969-1979 MLH (25), Bulgaria, Romania on 6 Hagners with mixed MLH & CTO, Vietnam, Korea, Colombia & UNO 20th Anniv fr…
World Range in ancient (1887) Schaubek album smelling of moth balls. Nearly all are pre-1990 with useful Denmark & odd pickings like GB 1883 5/- pe…
Sold $40
World Covers from Australia, GB, Oman, India & a few others with mixed unaddressed/addressed & majority from 1970's-1980's however some earlier inc…
World Returned & uncirculated club sheets with mainly British Commonwealth. Odd better noting QV 1863 & 1868 entires, 1899 uprated PSE with 1½d ti…
Sold $120
World Stockcards & Hagners noting Kangaroos & KGV common used range, KGV 1½d scarlet MLH pair showing "Halepence" flaw, 1966 Navigator Specimen se…
Sold $80
World USA, UN & various common European mounted on black leaves in springback binder. Mixed MUH/MLH/used majority packet material. Cond varies from…
Sold $25
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos 1913 ½d with 5 MLH/unused & 8 used & 1d x 4 MLH & 108 used plus 11 inverted wmks. Divided into listed & unlisted varieties incl some on …
Sold $80
Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk range on 2d (10), 2½d (2), 3d (2), 4d (6), 5d (5), 6d, 9d (2), 1/- (4) & 2/-. All showing various ACSC listed varieties inc…
Kangaroos 1913 range on stockcard comprising MLH 2d x 2, 2½d x 2 plus one no gum, 3d pair plus 2 singles & one no gum, 4d, 5d superb MVLH, 6d (cen…
Sold $240
Kangaroos 1918 3rd wmk selection incl 6d dull ultramarine, chestnut (2), 9d (7), 1/- (9), 2/- brown (5), maroon (3), 5/- (4) & 10/- (perf OS) (2). …
Kangaroos 1918 3rd wmk vals for 2d (15), 2½d (8), 3d (10) & 6d ultramarine (3) all with annotated varieties incl inverted wmk 2d (2) & 6d & invert…
Sold $300
Kangaroos 2d grey x 44 in mixed wmks with a range of wmk & annotated varieties. Good to fine used. ACSC Cat. $2400+ (44)
Sold $230
Kangaroos 2d to 5/- MLH & used range on Hagners arranged in wmk order with some perf "OS" or with identified ACSC varieties. Noted 2½d 1st wmk wit…
Sold $675
Kangaroos Accumulation sorted by wmk & dies noting inverted wmks in 1st wmk ½d (3), 1d, 2d (2), 3d (2) & 1/-; 3rd wmk 2d, 6d blue, 9d (2), 3d perf…
Sold $1200
Kangaroos Massive range of 2d, 2½d & 3d values in 1st & 3rd wmks. Used but cond is far above average for an accum of this size which has been sort…
Sold $1000
Kangaroos ACSC varieties incl 9d violet CofA used with 29(3)e & g, 29(4)p MLH & normal MUH but off centre, 1/- blue green, perf OS, 33(3)g & 1924 2…
Sold $100
Kangaroo Range of 1st & 3rd wmk MLH kangaroos with minor faults e.g. toning, short corners, light thins, etc. 1st wmk ½d green x 3, 1d red pair, 4…
Sold $140
Kangaroos 1931/36 CofA wmkd 6d "OS", 9d (3), 2/- (19), 5/- (7) & 10/- (3, incl Specimen which is MH) all with ACSC listed varieties. All good to fi…
Sold $380
Kangaroos Most appear to be 3rd wmk with vals to 5/-. Cond mainly good to F/U with mixed centring & perfs. Incls 2d x 19, 2½d x 17, 3d x 15, 6d bl…
Sold $260
Kangaroos Small Mult wmk selection incl 9d MUH & MLH (2), 5/- with 2 used, 10/- used & with "SPECIMEN" ovpt with curved "C" MLH plus CofA wmk 10/- …
Sold $400
Kangaroos "Monopole" cigar box with vals to 1st wmk 2/- plus noted small & large "OS". This lot should well & truly keep you busy. (100s)
Sold $210
Kangaroos ACSC varieties with "flags" identifying 3d 3rd wmk Die I & Die IIB used, 2½d blue with "heavy coastline to WA" (ACSC 11(2)d, Cat. $60), …
Sold $80
Kangaroos Useful range incl some ACSC varieties. Incls 2d (2), 3d x 6 incl a NWPI with cds, 6d ultra vertical strip of 5 perfined "OS/NSW", a norma…
Sold $300
Kangaroos Group noting 5d CTO, 1913 2½d unused, no gum, 3d MLH in Dies I & II (light toning), 1915/28 2d Die IIA with right pane constant variety …
Kangaroos Low value used accum noting ½d inverted wmk plus c100 normal good to fine used & a further 300+ with faults, 1d (c70) mainly good 2d (25…
Sold $240


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