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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postmarks
Cue Savings Bank Sbii, Day Dawn Savings Bank Sbi on 9d swan, Day Dawn 3b-a & 3b-b, Edjudina x2, Fimiston 3b in NIL on pair 5d chestnut kangaroos, F…
Sold $160
Day Dawn Telegraph Office ORS 2 (1) handstamp dated 2 FEB 1897 on Electric telegraph form with message received from Francis Gill, Warden. Exc cond.
Sold $220
Desdemona D27 on 2d swan with 2 overlapping part strikes for 4 MY 09. (1)
Sold $50
Diorite King 3b in 00. Clear 90% strike on 2d swan for 28 AP 99. A lovely example. (1)
Sold $65
Duketon 3b on 4d chestnut, V/crown wmk, perf II. ACSC Kangaroos & the Early Federal Period 1901-12 catalogue notes, "This is a rare stamp with only…
Eastern Goldfields - T.P.O. E.G.F. Four clear strikes on block of four ½d swans on piece dated 19 SP 00. "Bennie Teare & Co" handstamp in mauve on…
Sold $110
Eulamina A28 40% strike on 1d swan dated 23 OC 190?. A rare part strike. (1)
Sold $60
Eulaminna A28. 70% strike on 2d yellow swan for 13 DE 1907. PMI dates 10-02-08 to 16-11-08. Extremely scarce (1)
Sold $40
Exmouth 1967 (11th Sept) "Commissioning United States Naval Communication Station And Opening Town of Exmouth" pictorial in mauve on AAT pair with …
Sold $22
Eyre A25 3 fairly nice strikes with 2 on swans dated 13 MAY 07, 3 SEP 09 & on 1d red KGV for 16 DEC 20. Note: Earliest date in PMI is 30-9-09. (1-2)
Sold $50
Fortescue 3b in 1 on 1d lilac I.R. stamp for 25 SP 97. Superb "bullseye" strike. (1)
Sold $130
Fremantle Duplex DxPO-d index 10 (1-2) on "A glimpse of the Helena River, WA" Falk postcard addressed locally on 19 JU 06. Good cond.
Sold $20
Fremantle Duplex DXPO-d index 3 (1-2). Superb strike on "Albany, Western Australia Church of England" postcard by H. Harden Bookseller, Albany date…
Sold $20
Fremantle Duplex DxPO-d index 7 (?) on "Rapids above Serpentine Falls, WA" Austral Stores coloured postcard. Some corner damage incl stamp fault bu…
Sold $16
Gabanintha A25 (superb 80% strike), Gindalbie A27, Goongarrie 3b-b, Halls Creek 3b, Halls Creek South on 6½d green KGVI, Hamel 3b 2 x bullseye, on…
Sold $130
Galena A28 on 2d red KGV for 15 MY 23. Neat 90% strike. (1-2)
Sold $20
Gimlet D27 Superb complete strike on 1d swan on small piece dated 1 JL 12. PMI dates 23-07-12 to 24-9-12. Rarely seen so fine. (1)
Sold $80
Gnows Nest A26 Complete strike on 1½d red KGV on piece for 24 SE 28. (1)
Sold $55
Golden Ridge B28-b with inverted dates on 3 KGV items incl 1d red KGV for 13 AP 16, 1½d purple-brown 23 AU 19 & on 1½d purple-brown KGV x 3 on pi…
Goongarrie (b) D27 on 1½d red KGV dated 7 SE 26. PMI dates 23-11-10 to 24-15-17 & PMC dates c1910-1917. This strike used at Goongarrie (b) not rec…
Sold $160
Grass Valley 3b An attractive bullseye strike on pair of 1d swans for 10 MR 14. This is a late date. (1-2)
Sold $42
Greenbushes - "The Registrar Greenbushes Mining District" oval rubber cancel in mauve on 2½d blue swans selvedge block of 8 on "Transfer of Claim"…
Sold $100
Guildford Duplex DxPO in NIL dated 11 SP 09 on "Swan River Guildford, WA" Falk colour postcard. A late date with PMI recording 13-01-96 to 25-03-08…
Sold $20
Gullewa 3b in 1 on 1d swan for 15 AU 04 & on 2d swan plus A26 on 2d dated 31 JA 14, a late date for this cds. (3)
Sold $30
Harris A25, Ida.H A28 (bullseye), Ida.H D28 (bullseye on 1d red KGV), Israelite Bay 3b, Kalgoorlie Regd cds 5 reg on block 2d 3rd wmk "OS" kangaroo…
Sold $140
Harris dated 25 MAY 07 clear strike tying 1d swan to CI b&w postcard addressed to "Tambellup Great S Railway". Some foxing but crisp cancel.
Sold $30
Holleton C30 complete strike on 2d SA Cent for 5 DE 36 (1-2). Very scarce.
Sold $38
Hollows Find C30 used on 2 receipts dated 28 AU 30 & 4 JY 34, this being 3 & 7 years respectively after being renamed Holleton on 26-04-27. (2 docs)
Sold $120
Israelite Bay 3b (1-2) on "Albany, WA" colour postcard addressed to Melbourne & dated 12 AP 07. VG cond.
Jourdie Hills 3b 90% strikes x 2 on pair 1d red kangaroos for 9 JU 13. (1-2)
Sold $38
Kalgoorlie - "The Warden Kalgoorlie, W.A." frank stamp in violet on piece cancelled AP 6 1899 on overlapping duplex. Rated rare & the earliest reco…
Sold $160
Kalgoorlie Post & Telegraph Office ORS1. 2 strikes on block of 6 1d swans dated 8 SEP 99. Superb & rare. (1)
Sold $525
Kalgoorlie Registration Branch RRS 2-a (2 cancels), Railway Station 3b in violet ink on piece from reg envelope for 29 NO 12 (4 years after recorde…
Sold $240
Kalgoorlie Telephone Hire account & receipt forms with oval rubber stamps incl 18 Jan 1904 receipt with Post &Telegraph Office ORS 2 (not recorded …
Sold $180
Kanowna 3b-a, 3b-b & 3b-c (2), Kathleen Valley 3b (bullseye), Kurawa 3b-a & 3b-b, Kurrawang 3b, A27 & B30 (1½d red KGV), La Grange 3b with "bullse…
Sold $200
Kojonup 2a (1-2) dated 9 AP 04 on "Granite Boulders, Albany, WA" H. Harden, Albany postcard. Small repaired tear otherwise good cond.
Sold $25
Kurawa Assistant Inspector of Mines frank stamp with "Assistant" almost completely erased in blue ink. Rated rare with very few copies known to hav…
Sold $200
Kurnalpi 3b 90% strike on 2d yellow swan dated 21 OC 01. Variable strike. (1)
Sold $30
Lakeview Post & Telegraph Office 60% strike on 5d swan for 18 AUG 1904. ORS 3 not recorded in PMI or PMC which attests to the rarity of this part s…
Sold $750
Lakewood straight line rubber stamp tying 2d red KGV (Die III) on piece with indistinct cds. Unlisted in PMI. PMC rarity rating (1) previously offe…
Sold $240
Laverton Post & Telegraph Office ORS 1 (90%), Larkinville cds 28 (adaptation on 2d red KGV & 2d Kingsford Smith), Lawlers 3b-a & 3b-b, Lawlers Regi…
Sold $210
Maya 6 SP 34 full impression tying 2d KGV to roughly env addressed to Bassendean. Rated 3.
Sold $25
Menzies Duplex DxPO-c index 2 (?) (1) for 9 MR 09 on "The Helena River Near Smith's Mill, WA" Falk colour card. Light vert crease otherwise good cond.
Sold $25
Menzies DxPO -b in nil. Superb duplex strike on 2d grey swan on piece dated JY 17 1899. (1)
Menzies DxPO-c duplexes Index 1 & 3 on stamps & Index 2 on pair. Also a stunning Index 4 full cancel on stationery cut-out for NO 4 1903. Each rate…
Sold $85
Mount Barker Void grid cancel in blue on 6d violet swan with neighbouring cds completed in m/s for "8/1/9" on small piece. Nice proving example.
Sold $180
Mt Leonora 3b-a with superb strike, Mt Leonora Post & Telegraph Office ORS 2 (complete) Paid Pdx28 with "MOUNT" removed (on piece), Loongana (proba…
Sold $300
Mt Leonora Savings Bank SBV. Bullseye strike on 9d orange swan for 4 JY 07 (5 years before PMI & PMC states - 1912). A rare quality strike. (1)
Sold $100
Mt Malcolm Savings Bank Sbii 90% on 9d orange swan for 5 JY 07. A scarce fine strike. (1)
Sold $60
Mt Sir Sameul 3b with 90% bullseye strike D27, Marble Bar Post Office ORS2, Menzies Dx PO-b, Dx PO-c in 1, Muja A26 on 1d green KGV for 7 Jul 26 (e…
Sold $140


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