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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Pre-decimal
1935 (25th July) 3d Airmail & 2d SJ (damaged) tied by Charleville cds's on "AE Jolly & Co. Merchants Darwin NT" company env with Melbourne b/s & 19…
Sold $20
1935 2d Anzac in Plate 1-3 corner blocks of 4 in all 4 positions. MUH/MLH. ACSC 164z-zk, Cat. $240.(12 blocks)
Sold $90
1935 1/- Anzac Plate 2 block of 4. MLH in top selvedge & one stamp only otherwise MUH. Nibbled perfs at base for accuracy but does not detract from…
Sold $240
1935 1/- Anzac right marginal example perforated 13½ x 12½ unwatermarked plate proof. Fresh MUH with RPSV Cert. (1999). Wonderful opportunity to …
1935 2d Silver Jubilee horiz pair with "vertical coloured flaw over "I" of "Australia" var. MLH (ACSC 166(3)d Cat. $150
Sold $40
1935 2d Silver Jubilee in the bright copper-red trial ink in plate 1 upper right block. MLH with a little edge toning & hint of diagonal bend. Incl…
Sold $60
1935 3d Silver Jubilee John Ash imprint block of 14 (7x2). Fresh MUH. ACSC 167zd, Cat. $195
Sold $75
1935 Silver Jubilee set of 3 in MUH/MLH imprint pairs. Fresh. ACSC $700 for imprint blocks MUH.
Sold $80
1936 3d Cable in Plate 1 blocks of 4 for lower left & right corners. Fine MUH/MLH. ACSC170zb/zc Cat. $180
Sold $50
1936 S.A. Cent set of 3 in imprint gutter blocks of 4. Fresh MUH/MLH. ACSC 171/73z, Cat. $200+
Sold $80
1938/41 1d green QM coil pair with join showing uniformly large holes. MLH on top stamp. ACSC 182 bh Cat. $150
1938/41 1d green QM, die I marginal block of 6 showing ink stripping over 4 units. Upper right stamp MLH otherwise fine MUH. Spectacular & unlisted…
1941/42 1½d green KGVI Authority imprint block to right of gutter, showing cracked imprint second state. MLH in selvedges only. ACSC 186zh, Cat. $525
1938/41 2d red KGVI in Plate No. 4 top marginal block of 8. Mint without gum reflected in reserve. A scarce item. ACSC 188zc, Cat. $2500 as MUH.
1937/49 2d red KGVI upper left corner block of 4 with rectangular portion devoid of colour/design on top left stamp as a result of foreign matter a…
1937/49 KGVI red coil tester pair with selvedge. MUH, trimmed vertical perfs & same colour as for 2d (SG 184a). Much scarcer than the green.
Sold $150
1938/41 2d scarlet KGVI, die II block of 4 with inverted wmk. Fresh MUH. ACSC 188a
Sold $80
1938/41 2d scarlet KGVI, die II upper right corner block of 4 with vertical red stripe affecting 2 stamps. MLH in selvedge only otherwise MUH. ACSC…
1937/49 3d blue KGVI Die Ia "white wattles". Superb MUH. SG 168a, ACSC 190, Cat. $400
Sold $150
1941 3d brown KGVI bottom centre plate 14 gutter block of 8. Fresh MUH. ACSC 196zc, Cat. $600 + premium for MUH
1938/57 4d koala horiz strip of 8 showing excessive inking on the 4 stamps at right. Fine MUH. Attractive multiple showing the progression of this …
Sold $270
1937/59 1/- Lyrebird block of 15 with Post Office repair resulting in spectacular paper flap/fold leaving 3 stamps missing the design. Only one she…
1937/48 5/- & 10/- Robes in By Authority imprint corner blocks of 4 with 5/- on thin tinted paper & 10/- on thick paper. Both fresh MUH. ACSC 213z …
Sold $85
1937/48 £1 Robes in John Ash imprint block of 4 on thick paper. Fresh MUH & well centred. ACSC 216z Cat. $750
Sold $340
1937/48 £1 slate-blue Robes ovptd "SPECIMEN". Fresh MLH with "slightly tropicalized original gum" as stated by Ceremuga Cert. (2008) SG 178s Cat. …
Sold $400
1937/48 Robes set of 3 on thin paper set with extra 5/- & 10/- plus £1 on thick paper perfectly centred. All MUH with 4 of the 6 marginal. SG 176a…
Sold $200
1937 2d NSW Sesqui block of with lower left having "Pantaloon" flaw on officer at left" variety. Fine used block. ACSC 175f, Cat. $200
Sold $80
1937 2d NSW Sesqui with "Pantaloon" flaw on officer at left" variety. Fine used & unusually for this variety "G NSW" perfined. ACSC 175f, Cat. $200+
Sold $60
1937 NSW Sesqui set of 3 in Ash imprint gutter blocks of 4 with both formats of 2d & 9d in corner block. MUH/MLH. ACSC 175zf/zh/b77za, Cat. $130 (4…
Sold $60
1937 NSW Sesqui set of 3 in John Ash imprint blocks of 4. Fresh MUH. ACSC 175zf/zb/za, Cat. $460
1940 (22nd May) Australian Forces in Palestine with 3d bright blue KGVI tied by RAILHEAD P.O. R.M. 1" cds & rare "731 T.P.O 2 A.I.F. provisional R4…
Sold $150
1940 6d Spitfire War Savings Stamps x 20 on original "Commonwealth of Australia War Savings Stamps" PO folder. "Don't be an Onlooker - Be in the fi…
Sold $160
1941 2½d KGVI surcharge, right marginal block of 8 with three units showing clear "dry ink" variety. MUH SG 200var.
Sold $80
1941 1/- & £1 Australia Tax Instalment revenue pairs x 15 of each in blocks of 5 & 10. Some crease/wrinkles affecting about half but all MUH. Elsm…
Sold $50
1942 ANZAC Club cinderellas strip of 3 & vertical pair. Show men from all 3 Armed Forces & the address of club & logo. MUH with light adhesion on a…
Sold $32
1942/50 2½d scarlet KGVI block of 4 with a stunning freak flaw caused by paper tear before printing resulting in missing part design & minor mispe…
1942/50 2½d scarlet KGV vert marginal strip of 3 with a major misperforation & misaligned perf faults resulting in multiple perf lines down selved…
Sold $270
1942/50 2½d scarlet KGVI bottom marginal vertical imperforate pair MUH. Stolen from the Commonwealth Note Printing Branch in the 1940's. Similar s…
1942/50 2½d scarlet KGVI top marginal imperforate block of 4. Fresh MUH. ACSC 230b x 2, Cat. $900+
Sold $320
1943 (3rd Feb) Australia to USA Censored Cover addressed to Crocker First National Bank of San Francisco with "Supposed to Contain Matter Subject t…
1943 PMG Dept. "Card for the Payment of Broadcast Listener's Licence Fee by Postage Stamps" card containing 5 x 1/- Lyrebird stamps unfranked. Good…
Sold $25
1945 WWII Prisoner of War Postcard with "MURCHISON P.W. GROUP" & "Written in Italian" cachets in mauve with "PASSED BY CENSOR 55" stamp & addressed…
Sold $40
1946 2½d Mitchell block of 4 showing a void affecting 3 stamps as a result of a pre-printing fold. MUH/MLH. SG 216var.
Sold $160
1946/49 ½d kangaroo ovptd "BCOF" in complete left pane of 80 & right half pane of 40. No apparent listed varieties but some others pencilled in ma…
Sold $160
1946 "BCOF" ovpts postally used 1d, 6d in block of 3, 2/- & 5/- Robes on thin paper. Odd shortish perf but nice genuine usage & 5/- fine & well cen…
Sold $80
1946 1/- "BCOF" top right marginal example showing "narrow "N" in JAPAN" variety. Fresh MUH. SG J5c Cat. £350
Sold $130
1946 5/- "BCOF" 5/- thick paper MLH with short perf near base at right plus marginal MUH on thin paper (hinge mark on selvedge front). ACSC J7/J8, …
Sold $80
1946/48 "BCOF" ovptd set of 6 from ½d to 2/-. MUH. SG J1/6 Cat. £100 (6)
Sold $40
1946/48 "BCOF" ovptd set of 7 from ½d to 5/- on thin paper. All MUH with reasonable centering. SG J1/7a, Retail $275
Sold $110
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- on thin paper in By Authority/John Ash/McCracken imprint blocks of 4. MLH on selvedges only with stamps MUH & well center…
Sold $600


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