Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1951 Festival of Britain high vals set of 4 MUH. SG 509/12 Cat. £100 $50 Sold $50 |
 1948 £1 Royal Silver Wedding complete sheet of 20. Lightly hinged in side selvedges only with all stamps fresh & faultless. Sheet shows plate 1 & … $350 Sold $350 |
 1948 £1 Royal Silver Wedding block of 4 MUH/MLH with 3 MUH. SG 494 Cat. £160 $60 Sold $60 |
 1940 (6th May) Stamps Centenary set on FDC x 3 sets incl 2 covers with Red Exhibition cancels plus complete collection of MUH blocks of 6 or 8 of e… $200 Sold $200 |
 1939/48 KGVI high set of 6 with both shades of 10/-. Fine MUH. SG 476/78c Cat. £425 $200 Sold $200 |
 1939/48 KGVI high set of 6 with both shades of 10/-. Fresh MLH. SG 476/78c Cat. £425 as MUH $90 Sold $90 |
 1936/37 ½d to 2/6d Postage Dues "E&R" wmk set of 8 fine MUH. SG D19/26 Cat. £500 $180 Sold $330 |
 1935 (7th May) Silver Jubilee set of 4 on Reg'd FDC plus another set on long FDC to Devon address folded through 2½d! Also separate covers with ½… $100 Sold $100 |
 1935 (7th May) Silver Jubilee FDC with set plus additional ½d. Airmailed to South Africa with South African stamp on back plus Exhibition cancel. … $70 Sold $70 |
 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee booklets for 2/- (blue cover) Ed. No. 299 in very fine cond & 3/- (red cover) Ed. No. 294 with soiled cover but contents fi… $60 Sold $120 |
 1934 Re-engraved Seahorses set of 3 MVLH. Good centering & fresh colours. SG 450/52 Cat. £575 $250 Sold $200 |
 1934 Re-engraved Seahorses set of 3. Fresh MLH, the 10/- centred very slightly to right & one shortish perf at right otherwise all fine. SG 450/52 … $200 Sold $200 |
 1934 5/- bright rose-red re-engraved Seahorse. MLH with excellent centering & fresh colour. SG 451 Cat. £175+ $120 Sold $120 |
 1934/36 KGV photogravure set of 11. MUH SG 439/49 Cat. £95 $40 Sold $45 |
 1934/36 1½d red-brown photogravure booklet pane of 4 plus 2 ads. MLH with perfs trimmed along top. SG 441e Cat. £190 $20 Sold $20 |
 1934 KGV 3/- booklet but containing only the 2 panes of 1½d x 6. Ed. no 285. SG BB26 Cat. £625 as a complete booklet $90 Sold $70 |
 1934 (6th June) GPO Rocket Trial cover with 1½d KGV tied by Brighton & Hove Sussex cd., "ROCKET POST First British Flight" ovpt in blue on Air Pos… $50 Sold $50 |
 1929 £1 PUC in a superb used vertical pair. Well centered with very good perfs. Most attractive. SG 438 Cat. £1100+ $750 Sold $800 |
 1929 £1 PUC fine used by indistinct oval registered cancel. SG 438 Cat. £525 $300 Sold $300 |
 1929 £1 P.U.C. sound used with heavy parcel cancel. Certainly a genuine cancel! Good perfs & well centered SG 438 Cat £550 $150 Sold $160 |
 1924 & 1925 British Empire Exhibition pairs with average centering. MUH with typical brownish gum on 1925 set. SG 430/33 Cat. £110. Also PUC low v… $50 Sold $50 |
 1924 & 1925 British Empire Exhibition pairs. MUH with usual lightly brown gum on 1925. Good centering. SG 430/33 Cat. £110 $40 Sold $50 |
 1924 & 1925 British Empire Exhibition pairs. MVLH. SG 430/33 Cat. £80 $30 Sold $30 |
 1918/19 10/- dull grey-blue Seahorse. Bradbury Wilkinson Printing. Fresh MUH with good centering. SG 417 Cat. £800 $350 Sold $350 |
 1918/19 10/- dull grey-blue Seahorse. B.W. printing. Well centred with true colour. MLH. SG 417 Cat. £475 $200 Sold $200 |
 1918/19 5/- rose-red & 10/- dull grey blue very F/U with light cds's plus sulphuretted 2/6d chocolate (appearing black brown) & 5/- rose red (appea… $90 Sold $120 |
 1914/22 ½d to 1/- Postage Dues simple cypher wmk set of 8 MLH (½d, 1d, 2d MUH). All fine except 1/- (couple of toned perfs & centred to top). SG … $40 Sold $40 |
 1913 £1 green Seahorse. Fine used by light registered oval cancels. A couple of shortish perfs at right do not detract from this well centered exa… $600 Sold $600 |
 1913 10/- indigo-blue Seahorse. Waterlow printing ovptd "SPECIMEN" type 26. Fresh MUH with good centering, perfs & strong colour. A difficult stamp… $700 Sold $780 |
 1913 5/- rose-carmine Seahorse. Waterlow printing ovptd "SPECIMEN" type 26. MLH, centered slightly low but lovely colour. SG 401s, Spec. N66s Cat. … $450 Sold $340 |
 1913 2/6d deep sepia-brown. Waterlow ovptd "SPECIMEN", type 26. MLH & well centered. SG 399s, Spec. N63s Cat. £600 $350 Sold $300 |
 1913 ½d & 1d KGV Royal Cypher multiple wmk. Both fine MLH with barely perceptible hinge marks & good perfs. A scarce pair. SG 397/98 Cat. £375 $180 Sold $250 |
 1912/24 ½d to 1/- KGV set of 14 to 1/- Royal Cypher wmk. (excl 2d Die II). All MUH with control number selvedges at foot. Very fresh. SG 351/96 Ca… $180 Sold $320 |
 1912/24 ½d to 1/- KGV Royal Cypher wmk MLH set of 15 plus both Dies of 2d. SG 351/95 SG Cat. £250 $100 Sold $120 |
 1912 1d scarlet Downey Head booklet pane of 6 with Royal Cypher wmk with left selvedge. Perfs trimmed off at opposite end. Fresh MLH. SG 337 Cat. Â… $30 Sold $30 |
 1912 1d bright scarlet with Imperial Crown wmk in vertical pair. MLH with lower unit showing "no cross on crown" variety. SG 341a Cat. £160 + prem… $30 Sold $100 |
 1911 ½d to 4d KEVII perf. 15 x 14 set of 5 vals with light to average hingeing. SG 279/86 Cat. £150+ (5) $50 Archived |
 1902/10 6d KEVII mauve embossed on unused telegram form in excellent cond incl selvedge at left. Rarely seen so fine & increasingly collectable. $25 Sold $25 |
 1902 1/- KEVII ovptd "GOVT PARCELS" with London parcel obliterator. RPSL (1983) cert. SG O78 Cat. £300 $50 Sold $45 |
 1902 ½d KEVII ovptd "R.H.OFFICIAL" with heavy Windsor cds. RPSL (1984) Cert. SG O91 Cat. £200 $60 Sold $55 |
 1902 £1 dull blue green KEVII vertical pair. Fine used by 2 indistinct cds's. Seldom seen as multiples Very good centering & perfs. SG 266 Cat. £… $600 Sold $600 |
1902 £1 dull blue green KEVII with neat central Jersey 1905 cds. Superb & one of the best we've seen. SG 266 Cat. £825 $500 Sold $500 |
1902 £1 dull blue-green KEVII with part Jersey parcel cancel. Good perfs & centering. SG 266 Cat. £825 $180 Sold $220 |
 1902/10 10/- ultramarine KEVII. Superb used with part London 1904 cds. Fresh & well centered. SG 265 Cat. £500 $180 Sold $180 |
 1902 10/- ultramarine KEVII. Sound used with indistinct smudged cancel. SG 265 Cat. £500 $50 Sold $45 |
 1902 5/- bright carmine KEVII. Fine MLH. SG 263 Cat. £450 $180 Sold $180 |
 1902 2/6d pale dull purple KEVII. Fresh MLH with fresh colour. SG 261 Cat. £350 $140 Sold $220 |
 1902 1d KEVII imperforate Plate Proof in deep green with double impression. Fine cond with clear even margins. Stunning var. $180 Sold $180 |
 1887/92 £1 green QV ovptd "I.R.OFFICIAL" with neat, light 1894 oval registered date stamp. Centred top right but with good perfs & strong colour. … $1000 Sold $1200 |
 1891 £1 green QV. Fine used by two partial registered oval strikes clear of face. Pulled perf at top & centered slightly high. Remains an attracti… $300 Sold $300 |