Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
 KUT 1938/54 £1 black & red, perf 11¾x13. MLH & well centred. A very scarce stamp in fine cond. SG 150 Cat. £500 as MUH $150 Sold $150 |
 KUT 1938/54 KGVI 5¢ (SG 133a), 10¢ (SG 135c), 50¢ (SG 144 ea.), 1/- (SG 145b), 3/- (SG 147ac) all perf. 13x12½ plus 50¢ (SG 144) in perf 13x11… $30 Archived |
 KUT 1938/45 1¢ KGVI "retouched value tablet" variety on plate 4A block of 14. SG 131ad Cat. £45+ $30 Sold $30 |
 KUT 1938/45 1¢ KGVI with "damaged value tablet" in positional block plate 4B with variety as 3rd stamp on top row of 7 lower right corner block of… $60 Sold $60 |
 KUT 1935/37 £1 black & red. Fine used. SG 123 Cat. £375 $150 Sold $150 |
 KUT 1935/37 KGV to £1 excl 15c but incls 5¢ "rope joined to sail" variety. MLH, £1 has short perf. SG 110/23 & 111a Cat. £435 (15) $180 Sold $200 |
 KUT 1922/27 KGV set to £1 incl shades of 1¢, 5¢, 20¢ & both 3/-. Fine & fresh MLH. Small stain & thin spot at right of 7/50d value. SG 79/95 Ca… $250 Sold $250 |
 KUT 1922/27 2/50d brown. Good to fine used with light part slogan cancel. SG 89 Cat. £110 $40 Archived |
 KUT 1919 4c on 6c KGV scarlet with "4 cents" surcharge inverted. Brandon certificate (1999) stating "unused is genuine but regummed". Also vertical… $150 Sold $150 |
 KUT 1903/04 1R, 2R, 5R, 10R KEVII, wmk CC & 1904/07 4R Mult Crown CA wmk all with 2 parallel lines horizontally penned on face from 12mm to 15mm ap… $100 Sold $100 |
 KUT 1903/04 1R to 5R KEVII. Mint without gum & minor surface thin top of 1R val. Reasonable centering. SG 9/13 Cat £550 as MLH $50 Sold $50 |
 KUT 1897/1903 2R orange QV large type. MLH & well centred. SG 93 Cat. £140 $60 Sold $110 |
 KUT 1896/1901 QV small type set of 15 to 5R. MLH but varying hingeing with odd remnant. SG 65/79 Cat. 400 $150 Sold $150 |
 KUT 1895 "BRITISH EAST AFRICA" h/s's on 4a & 4R MLH (Cat. £265) plus ½a, 2½a, 4a, 4½a, 5a, 8a & 3R mint but without gum. (£1245 as MLH). Strai… $200 Sold $200 |
 KUT 1890/95 8a grey Light & Liberty. Fine used with 1893 cds. Shortish perf top right corner. SG 13 Cat. £225 $50 Sold $50 |
 KUT 1890/95 British East Africa Light & Liberty set of 16. Excls 8a grey but incls 1895 new colours. MLH but 8a blue is toned. SG 4/9, 11/19 (ex 13… $90 Archived |
 Kenya & Uganda 1922/27 1/- to 10/- KGV. Fresh MLH. SG 87/94 Cat. £300 $180 Sold $200 |
 Japan 1949 8y Flying Geese (Philatelic Week) MVLH. SG 556 Cat. £140 as MUH $30 Sold $30 |
 Jamaica 1860 1/- dull brown QV with pineapple wmk showing the "$" for "S" in "SHILLING" variety. Fine used. SG 6c Cat. £600 $100 Sold $150 |
 Italy-Corfu & Paxos 1941 10d Greece ovptd "CORFU". Fresh MUH. SG 16 Cat. £600 $150 Archived |
 Italian Colonies 1934 5l & 10l Football. MUH. SG 79/80 Cat. £200 as MLH $60 Sold $60 |
 Italy 1950 Radio Conf. pair. Fresh & well centered MUH. SG 749/50 Cat. £400+ $75 Sold $75 |
 Italy 1948 50l Centenary. Well centred & fine MUH. SG 716 Cat. £200 $40 Sold $40 |
 Italy 1945/46 25l green Peace MUH & 30l blue Planting & 100l carmine Justice MLH. SG 666/67 & 669 Cat. £1190 as MUH (3) $150 Archived |
 Italy 1931 75c St Antony of Padua, perf. 12. F/U example with a couple of shortish perfs. SG 308a Cat. £275 $50 Sold $50 |
 Italy 1923 Manzoni set of 6. Centering is above average for this set. Fine MLH. SG 155/60 Cat. £1000 $200 Sold $220 |
 Italy 1923/27 50c on 55c purple block of 8. 6 MUH, 2 MLH. Centred low right but fresh. SG 144 Cat. £250+ $50 Archived |
 Italy 1901 5l King Victor Emmanuel MUH marginal block of 4. Centred high. One stamp MVLH.SG 72 Cat. £140+ $60 Archived |
 Italy 1901 50c Victor Emmanuel. Centred top left but the key stamp of the set. MVLH with typical brownish gum. SG 70 Cat. £950 $100 Archived |
 Italy 1901 20c King Victor Emmanuel MUH block of 6. Centred left with some perf separation but compensated by bottom "LIRE" imprint selvedge. SG 66… $40 Archived |
 Italy 1877 20c orange-buff. MLH with a couple of stained perfs at base but not detracting from this low reserve stamp. SG 22 £5500 $200 Sold $200 |
 Italy 1863 2c brown block of 4. 2 MLH & 2 MUH. SG 9 Cat. £170+ $40 Sold $40 |
 Indian States-Travancore 1939 set of 7 to 14ch, perf 12½. MLH. Couple of shortish perfs but lovely fresh colours from first printing. SG 64/70 Cat… $30 Sold $30 |
 Indian States-Soruth 1929 Pictorial set of 8 to 1r. MLH with odd gum blemish but mostly fine & attractive. SG 49/56 Cat. £90 $40 Sold $75 |
 Indian States-Kishangarh 1904/10 Madan Singh Perkins Bacon set of 9 to 5r. ½a, 1a & 4a perf. 13½, others perf 12½. Odd minor blemish otherwise M… $50 Sold $50 |
 Indian States-Jaipur 1932 Maharaja Singh II "POSTAGE & REVENUE" set of 6 to 2r. Fresh & fine MLH, the top value scarce. SG 52/57 Cat. £180 $70 Sold $85 |
 Indian States-Jaipur 1931 Investiture set of 12 to 5r. The 1r a little toned, 3a with trimmed perfs at left, otherwise fine & very fresh MLH. A ver… $120 Sold $190 |
 Indian States-Charkhari 1931 Pictorial set of 9 to 5r. Fresh MLH. SG 45/53 Cat. £55 $25 Sold $40 |
 India 1978 (29th May) 25th Anniv First Ascent of Mount Everest Nepalese stamp & silver medallion cover signed by Edmund Hillary & Sirdar Tenzing No… $60 Sold $45 |
 India 1890/91 10r blue-green Telegraphs handstamped "SPECIMEN". MUH SG cat. £140 as MLH but "SPECIMEN" worth less. $20 Archived |
 Iceland 1921/30 10k on 5k black & brown. Fresh MLH. A difficult stamp. SG 150a cat. £450 $100 Archived |
 Hungary 1934 Budapest Philatelic Exhibition M/S. Fine MUH. SG MS568 Cat. £225 as MLH $60 Sold $60 |
 Hong Kong 1954 $2 reddish violet & scarlet QEII showing "short character" variety. F/U with normal for comparison. SG 189a Cat. £50 $20 Archived |
 Hong Kong 1937 (28th Aug) Hong Kong & China Gas Company Limited "Depost Receipt" for $30 with 10c HK Stamp Duty tied by dated cachet Signed by "Ass… $40 Sold $30 |
 Hong Kong 1917/21 $10 purple & black on red KGV ovptd "CHINA". Good to F/U with good colour. Attractive but for a rounded top left corner. SG 17 Ca… $90 Archived |
 Greenland 1905 5ore orange-brown Parcel Post, perf.12. Fresh MLH. SG P2 Cat. £650 $150 Archived |
 Gilbert & Ellice Is. 1940 Postage Dues set of 8. CTO but with dubious lower corner cancels. SG D1/D8 Cat. £275 if genuinely used $25 Sold $25 |
 Gilbert & Ellice Is. 1922 10/- green & red on emerald. F/U but fake corner cancel showing "OT" of COTTESLOE. SG 35 Cat £375 if genuinely used $30 Sold $30 |
 Gilbert & Ellice Is. 1912/24 KGV to 5/- set of 12 used or CTO. The 4d, 6d, 2/-, 2/6d & 5/- with fake corner cancels (partial "COTTESLOE"). SG 12/23… $40 Archived |
 Gilbert & Ellice Is. 1911 ovpts on 1/- Fiji with light & indistinct corner cancels. May be faked cancels. SG 1/7 Cat. £180 as MLH $30 Sold $30 |