Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Literature and Publications
2015 Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970. Practically brand new cond. Save on its original retail of $180.
2014 Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970 Hardback catalogue. Brand new & in full colour. Save on this years edition at $…
Sold $60
1970 Western Australian Year Book produced by the Commonwealth Bureau of Census & Statistics. Fascinating reading with chapters on Transport, Produ…
Sold $10
"The Postal History of New South Wales 1788-1901" edited by John White & published by Philatelic Assoc of NSW in 1988. Brand new with dust jacket.
Sold $30
"The Postage Stamps of New Zealand" Vols 1-4, Vol 6 x 2 & Vols 7 & 8 (No. 5 is missing). First 4 without dust jackets. Remain highly sought after r…
Sold $300
"The Philatelic & Postal History of Hong Kong & the Treaty Ports of China & Japan" by FW Webb (1991). A highly sought after book with a wealth of i…
"The Chapman Collection of Aust Commonwealth Stamps", "How to Prepare Stamp Exhibits", "Stamps, Posts & Postmarks", "Australian Postage Stamps" (Co…
Sold $40
"The Boer War" by Thomas Pakenham. Published by the Folio Society, London 1999. 774 pages & boxed. A handy reference work for postal historians of …
Sold $70
"Tasmania The Postal History and Postal Markings" Parts 1 & 2 by Campbell, Purves & Viney (1962 & 1975). Good cond & an invaluable resource for the…
Sold $85
"Ship Letters of Australia 1788-1901" by GP Molnar Vol. 2 (1992) plus "An Album of Rare Stamps" published by Vallancey (1982) in good cond but with…
Sold $30
"Plating Papua Part 1 - The Lithographs SG 47 to 83" by Michael Ryan (2013). In full colour & brand new. 564 pages with detailed colour plates high…
"Australian Imperial Forces Postal History 1914-1918" by Bob Emery. (1984). 374 pages with dust jacket. Good cond. A must for philatelic libraries.…
Sold $55
"Australian History 1901 to 2001 as Seen Through Banknotes" by Edward & Dauer. 352 pages in full colour. Matching slipcase & leatherette binding. O…
"Australian Airmail Catalogue" by Eustis. 5th Edition (1990) Exc cond.
Sold $20
"Australian Airmail Catalogue" by Eustis & Frommer. 8th Edition & latest (2008) 278 pages. Includes Papua & New Guinea. Also Rocket Mails, Balloon …
Sold $50
"Australian Air Mails Historical and Philatelic Ash Handbook No.1" by Alec A. Rosenblum (1931). Exc cond & of historical interest as a forerunner t…
Sold $30
"Australia & Territories Frama & CPS Catalogue". Incls NZ, PNG & Norfolk Is. By Sel Pfeffer. (2010) Useful reference for varieties, machine differe…
Sold $40
"Australia & Territories Booklet Catalogue 1904-2012" 5th Ed by Sel Pfeffer. Comes with the 2012-2014 Supplement as well as the "Booklet Insert Gui…
Sold $55
Miscellaneous: Accessories
"Dealers" shelf clearance with 2 x Cumberland FDC albums with 12 pages each plus additional 3 binders only, APW FDC 4 ring binder plus another for …
Sold $240
Mounts by Hawid, Lighthouse & Prinz. Both brand new unopened & opened, partly used, packs in a variety of sizes. Majority appear black & in strip f…
Sold $75
Hagners 2 strip x 100 as above. Again, if not brand new, they are definitely "as new". Also in 2 AP black binders. (100)
Sold $60
Hagners 2 strip x 100. If not brand new, they are definitely "as new" in 2 AP black binders. (100)
Sold $60
Hagner type 1 strip but the card is white. 50 brand new in Cumberland FDC album which also appears new. (50)
Sold $25
Black binders with slipcases x 6 complete with 200 FDC pages for covers measuring 18cms x 13½cms. WWF logos on front & spine. VG cond & useful for…
Sold $40
APW First day Cover Albums complete with illust pages in Vols 1-17 with slipcases covering FDC's from 1970 Cover No. 1 to 2013 (June) Cover No. 114…
Sold $200
1957-2014 Australian Antarctic Territory Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase. Practically brand new as appears unused. Save on the current ret…
Sold $50
1966-2004 Australia Seven Seas Hingeless albums (green) in 3 volumes in "as new" cond. 2005 & onwards supplements are available by asking your frie…
Sold $100
1913-1997 Australia Seven Seas Hingeless albums in 2 volumes. "Brand new" condition & appear unused. Save on a retail of over $600
Sold $120
1913-1965 Australia Seven Seas Hingeless album. Dark green binder. Some rust on title pages otherwise fine having only been used once. Save on the …
Sold $45
1913-1965 Australia Seven Seas Hingeless album. Brand new. Green binder. Retails $165. Another early Christmas present to yourself!
Sold $75
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Thematic
Waterbirds & Flowers MUH & CTO in stockbook with majority being Australia incl 1997 $10 Kakadu M/S ovptd PACIFIC 97 & ITALIA 98, 1997 Bird maxicard…
Sold $70
Ships 2004 Cunard Line "Queen Mary 2" Maiden Voyage covers x 4, 2 of which signed Cdr R.W. Warwick plus 2014 (12th Jan) 10th Anniv cover signed by …
Sold $85
Ships Collection to 1950's with nothing major & generally oddments mixed MLH & used but there are many pickings incl New Brunswick 12½¢ MLH, Germ…
Sold $80
Royalty 1981 Princess Diana Wedding, 21st Birthday & Royal Baby MUH omnibus issues in stockbook plus 2 special albums, one specific in slipcase for…
Royalty 1978 25th Anniv of QEII Coronation complete MUH in 2 special albums with 288 stamps, 103 sheetlets/M/S's & 2 booklets. The basic official o…
Royalty 1953 Coronation complete omnibus MUH in special album plus similar in MLH cond in same type of album. Odd pages with toning but stamps unaf…
Sold $40
Royalty 1948 Silver Wedding omnibus issues for Antigua, Montserrat & Seychelles in high value MUH corner blocks plus singles of Aden & States, Mont…
Sold $130
Royalty 1948 Silver Wedding group on comprising Montserrat 5/- imprint pair & 5/- Nigeria single MUH. Malaya Penang & Selangor $5 values used plus …
Sold $65
Railways/Trains Australian 1980 22¢ "Opening of Tarcoola-Alice Springs Railway 1980" PSE collection of 28 specially cancelled/ovptd items incl can…
Sold $60
Railways Pre-1960 MLH/used selection on album leaves. Modest lot with best being France 1937 pair used, Italy 1939 set MLH x 2 & a few others in th…
Sold $30
Lions Club Modest MLH & used collection with a few covers on 7 Hagners in padded binder. Incls Christmas Seal sheets of Australia for 1987 & 1989 p…
Sold $20
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Territories Mainly Fiji & Samoa MUH to 1982 on Hagners with Nauru incl 1924/48 ships to 1/- MUH plus some early decimal CTO with the rest MUH missi…
Sold $45
Territories Stamp packs for Norfolk Island 1967-1985 (18) & Nauru 1978-1991 (50) all in large "PW" Stamp Pack album with descriptive inserts. Appea…
Sold $40
Territories Stamp packs for AAT 1970-1986 (18), Cocos Is 1970-1988 (36) & Christmas Is 1971-1989 (19) all in large Stamp Pack album with descriptiv…
Sold $60
Territories MUH/MLH ranges to 1982 in binder noting Norfolk Is 1960 10/- tropic Bird MLH plus modest ranges of AAT, Christmas & Cocos Is, Fiji, Sam…
Sold $40
Territories Cocos 1963-1984 FDC's (41), AAT 1957-1985 FDC's (60+) plus Indonesia 1961/68 (5) & Malaysia 1966/72 (6). Incls 1963 (11th June) Defins …
Sold $60
Territories Christmas & Cocos Islands MUH collection on Hagners in padded binder. Christmas Is to 2006 incl 1958 & 1963 defins, blocks of 1968/70 F…
Sold $300
Territories AAT 1957 2/- block with other pre-decimal in blocks or pairs plus 1966 & 1973 defins to $1. Christmas Is 1958-1979 complete with the Ch…
Sold $50
Territories 2000-2014 being the majority incl Christmas Is (FV $380), Cocos Is (FV $230) with useful dupl plus some FDC's plus additional issues CT…
Sold $310
Territories 1994-2009 Aust Post Annual Packs. Incls AAT, Christmas & Cocos Is. All in AP binder. Retails $840+ (16)
Sold $250


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