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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Collections
Swans in cigar box with majority 1d & 2d vals. Some in multiples with pmk potential. (1000s)
Sold $90
Swans on/off paper mixture of 1d reds & 2d yellows. Some complete cds's & "OS" perfins noted. (1500+)
Sold $85
Stamp Duty Range on 3 Hagners with one comprising perf. 14½ x 13½ vals from 1d to 10/- off paper (8), the other two Hagners with on paper range s…
Sold $70
Revenues "long swan" duty stamps collection typed up on leaves in quality binder. Sorted by wmk & perf varieties with many perforating errors ident…
Sold $2400
Revenues "long swan" duty stamps 1906-1927 comprehensive collection with vals ranging from 1d to £10 (11) arranged by printings with most stamps i…
Sold $800
Revenues Collection typed up on leaves with examples on bank cheques, receipts, 1932 Bill of Exchange & bank deposit stub. No "long swans" but "sma…
Sold $4000
Private perfins with 12 of the 16 known incl D&J Fowler, Courthorpe & Drummond (commercial agents), Foy & Gibson (department store), Millars Karri …
Sold $65
Perfins 1885-1912 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 1/- & 5/- swan & QV group with "WA" perfins, good to fine used. (7)
Postmarks on WA & Australian stamps. Mainly WA usage with some nice complete strikes. Nothing scarce sighted. (100s)
Sold $55
Postmarks on swans all annotated on Hagners. Some duplication & quality of strikes vary but noted the following on a quick run through: Lennonville…
Sold $140
Postmarks on piece & off paper from kangaroos & KGV through to decimals in 6 albums/stockbooks. Noted odd WA swan plus a Hearson (N.W.Camp for cons…
Sold $120
Postmarks various on approx. 170 stamps incl numerals, barred letters, duplexes, Loose Ship Letters, duplexes, Ship Mail Room, parcel post & mail r…
Sold $85
Postmarks "A-W" range on 1d & 2d swans both on & off paper on 2 Lindner pages. Many fine strikes. Useful pickings. (200+)
Sold $80
Postmarks Approx. 200 on swans with little duplication. Most part strikes with about 15% complete or almost complete. Useful starter collection. So…
Sold $85
Postal Stationary ½d brown, 1d blue & 1½d green overstamped "1½d" in violet Swan unused postcards. The 1d has pre-printed "Natural History and S…
Picture Postcards featuring young ladies comprising 1906 (colour) & 1907 x 6 B&W all locally used to Perth & Fremantle addresses with 1d swans. Onl…
Sold $30
Forgeries Spiro Fournier 2d orange imperf swan forgery cancelled with "3" void grid cancel plus other perforated/rouletted examples with concentric…
Sold $65
Forgeries Range of different values & colours with both rouletted, perforated & imperforate examples. Some with barred numeral cancels, others conc…
Sold $160
"Bussell" The original "school girl" collection belonging to "Lady Betty Bussell" containing a range of swans, kangaroos to 10/- & GB amongst other…
Sold $80
1937-1957 Covers to & from other states & overseas incl WWI On Active Service formular envelope with 3RD LIGHT HORSE FIELD POST OFFICE cds of 1917.…
Sold $100
1905-1912 Swan selection with Crown over A wmks, perf. 11 comprising 1d (3), 2d (3), 3d (3, one perf "OS"), 5d (12, incl pair) & 9d (6). A few diff…
1900-1910 Leo Quick personal portfolio & sketch book of remaining items drawn or collected by him during his time in the Merchant Navy travelling t…
1898-1907 swan selection with W crown A wmks comprising 1d (4), 2d (2), 2½d (3), 6d (2) & 1/- (3, incl pair). Mostly fine MLH. Cat £360+ (14)
1861-1912 An extensive good to fine used "stock" with useful duplication all on Hagner sheets by SG number. Vals to 5/- with multiples, "OS" & "WA"…
1861-1912 Used dupl range noting "1d" & "ONE PENNY" (5) surcharges on 3d brown shades with others to 1/- recess & typo. Also noted 17 cut-outs from…
Sold $80
1861-1906 Seven Seas pages with 1884 "½" on 1d CA wmk used, 1872 3d, 1885 5d & 6d all MLH, 1893 surcharges (2) MLH, 1902 1d, 2d & 10d MLH with oth…
Sold $340
1854-1912 Duplicated range starting with 1854 1d black (cut into at sides), 1860 2d pale orange (close margins) & 1861 2d blue intermediate perf. 1…
Sold $100
1854-1912 Balance of consignment previously priced to sell at approx. $600 on Hagners. Incls 1855 1/- grey-brown swan (damaged), 1890 2d bluish-gre…
Sold $50
1854-1912 MUH, MLH & used collection on leaves in peg binder. Incls 1854 1d black (pinhole, 2 margins), 1854/55 1/- pale brown x 2 (3 margin exampl…
Sold $340
Western Australia: Airmails
Zeppelin 1939 (30th July) LZ130 Kassel Flight b/w postcard with Zeppelin in photo (a Sieger p/c). Black "KASSEL FLUCHAFEN 30.7.1929" pictorial cach…
Sold $50
Zeppelin 1939 (30th July) LZ130 flight postcard with German roundtrip cachet in red at left. 50pf Hindenburg tied by KASSEL-Flughafen pictorial cac…
Sold $25
Zeppelin 1938 (1st Dec) Postcard bearing 50pf Zeppelin air tied by Frankfurt "Luftschiffhaven" cds. Red Graf Zeppelin cachet at left "fahrt im der …
Sold $40
Zeppelin 1938 (1st Dec) Zeppelin flight with red "LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN fahrt in des befreite Sudetenland" cachet & 50pf Zeppelin gondola margin…
Sold $30
Zeppelin 1938 (1st Dec) Germany to Switzerland per Graf Zeppelin with German stamps tied by "Flug und Luftschiffhaven" cds of Frankfurt. Slogan "On…
Sold $30
Zeppelin 1938 (1st Dec) Card with 6 charity stamps tied by "Flug-und Luftschiffhafen Rhein-Main Frankfurt" cds's with "LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN fah…
Sold $30
Zeppelin 1936 (1st Aug) Hindenburg Olympic Flight cover addressed to Dresden bearing 50pf Zeppelin (usual gum staining) & 60pf Hindenburg tied by "…
Sold $35
Zeppelin 1936 (3rd July) "Via Airship Hindenburg Flight" USA to Germany bearing 40¢ in adhesives & machine cancelled Lakehurst N.J. Addressed to M…
Sold $25
Zeppelin 1936 (11th May) "Via Airship HINDENBURG from Lakehurst, NJ to Frankfurt on/main Germany" typewritten cover USA to Germany with violet Hind…
Sold $40
Zeppelin 1936 (11th May) "By First Flight "Hindenburg" USA to Germany" pre-printed cover for Lakehurst to Frankfurt flight with New York machine ca…
Sold $40
Zeppelin 1936 (9th May) First Hindenburg Flight Lakehurst to Frankfurt with cachet tying one stamp to cover & Frankfurt b/s. US cachet in violet wi…
Sold $40
Zeppelin 1936 (6th May) "Via Von Hindenburg Ab Frankfurt a/M Nordamerikaflug Mai 6" flight cover to USA with New York b/s for 9th May 1936. First N…
Sold $20
Zeppelin 1936 (6th May) "Hindenburg" return flight Germany to USA. Registered Stuttgart with 50pf & 75pf "Hindenburg" airship Airmails on silver & …
Zeppelin 1936 (6th May) "Hindenburg" Germany to USA & return. 75pf Zeppelin tied by "Austlands-stelle Bahnpost "cds alongside pictorial Europa-Nord…
Sold $40
Zeppelin 1933 (26th Oct) Chicago to Petersburg cover with red pictorial cachet of Zeppelin over buildings "COMMEMORATING FLIGHT of the "GRAF ZEPPEL…
Sold $40
Zeppelin 1933 (16th Oct) Chicago Exhibition 2mk Zeppelin plus 40pf & 25pf Hindenburgs tied by Luftschiff Graf Zeppelin cds on airmail cover to New …
Zeppelin 1933 (14th Oct) Graf Zeppelin LZ127 Chicago World Exhibition Round Trip Germany-Chicago-Germany franked with 4mk "Chicagofahrt Weltausstel…
Sold $360
Zeppelin 1933 (14th Oct) Chicago World Exhibition Round Trip Flight, Friedrichshafen to Chicago Registered postcard bearing 4mk "Chicagofahrt" ovpt…
Zeppelin 1933 (10th Oct) Chicago World Exhibition Zeppelin cover addressed to Mexico with 2rm & 4rm Chicagofahrt Airs tied by Blankenburg cds's. Fr…
Sold $250
Zeppelin 1932 (18th Jan) First Flight London to Cape Town with 1rm Zeppelin & 5pf Hindenburg tied by Berlin cds (similar on reverse). Alexandria tr…
Zeppelin 1931 (18th Sept) "Condor" Germany to Brazil return with both 4m Zeppelin tied by crisp Friedrichshafen cds plus Brazil 400rs + 200rs red &…
Sold $70


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