Lot No |
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Est. |
Airmails |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - N McGregor & HC Walker cover with flight detailed cachet & GB 1½d KGV tied by Mildenhall cds & 2d KGV by M… $110 Sold $110 |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - ditto but Melbourne slogan cancel. Clever combination. Pilot signed by Brook. Good cond. Only 160 carried. … $135 Sold $140 |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - M Hansen & D Jensen cover with GB 1½d KGV tied by Melbourn Royston Herts cds & a 2d Macarthur (damaged) ti… $190 Sold $190 |
 1934 (20th Oct) ditto but no GB adhesives just the 2d Macarthur tied by part Melbourne slogan cancel dated 5 NOV 34. Pilot signed by Hansen with ac… $150 Sold $150 |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - KD Parmentier & JJ Moll KLM "Uiver" Doetinchem Registered cover with red oval cachet. Mixed Netherlands sta… $35 Sold $60 |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - ditto but unregistered. Same cachets but this one pilot signed by both Parmentier & Moll. VG cond. AAMC 444… $60 Sold $110 |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - ditto but 2 covers both unregistered & with mixed Netherlands stamps tied by Gravenhage & Amsterdam Central… $45 Sold $45 |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - ditto but 2 covers both unregistered & with mixed Netherlands stamps tied by Gravenhage cds's. Faults on bo… $45 Sold $35 |
 1934 (20th October) MacRobertson Air Race - ditto but 2 covers both unregistered & with mixed Netherlands stamps tied by Gravenhage cds's. One has … $45 Archived |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - ditto but not Registered & Netherlands stamps tied by Amsterdam Schiphol cds. Some toning/staining. AAMC 44… $20 Sold $20 |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - KD Parmentier & JJ Moll Holland to Australia to Batavia long souvenir "Emma-Zegels" printed cover Registere… $150 Archived |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - ditto but with "K.L.M. Plane PH-AJUJ Arrived Melbourne 11-25A.M. Wednesday 24th October 1934" cachet in gre… $150 Archived |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race. Original photos of the D.H. Comet & pilots Ken Waller & Owen Cathcart-Jones, HL Brook in front of his Miles … $50 Sold $180 |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race blank pre-printed & pre-addressed covers (both dark & light colour varieties). Exc cond. Unlisted in the AAMC… $60 Sold $60 |
 1934 (21st Oct) Australia to USA with "Brisbane to Oakland Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith & Capt. P.G. Taylor And Lady Southern Cross arrive Oakland A… $1500 Withdrawn |
 1934 (2d Nov) Australia to Holland Royal Dutch Air Lines env with 2d Vic Cent & 1d KGV tied by Sydney slogan cancel dated 14 NOV 34. "Uiver" cachet… $75 Sold $55 |
 1934 (9th Nov) Australia to Holland outer envelope originally containing a Uiver cover carried in the MacRobertson Air Race. Royal Dutch Air Lines … $75 Sold $75 |
 1934 (14th Nov) England to Australia & onto NZ after MacRobertson Air Race. Air Race printed cover with GB 1½d tied by "MILDENHALL A'DME BURY ST. … $55 Sold $55 |
 1934 (14th Nov) ditto but signed "CE Kay Pilot" below address with "DH Dragon Rapide ZK-ACO" added in his hand. A couple of tone spots otherwise go… $90 Archived |
 1934 (16th Nov) Melbourne to Portland flown Autogiro souvenir postcard with "Airmail Society of Aust. Melbourne" cachet in blue. Unusually addresse… $35 Sold $35 |
 1934 (16th Nov) Portland to Melbourne First Autogiro flight. Envelope with 2d Macarthur x 3 & 1d KGV x 2 & 5d KGV all tied by Portland cds's. By Ai… $260 Sold $260 |
 1934 (16th Nov) Portland, Victoria to Melbourne First Autogiro post card with 2d & 3d Vic Cent tied by M.O.O. Portland cds's. Special "Airmail Soci… $65 Sold $65 |
 1934 (16th Nov) ditto but not Reg with only a 2d Macarthur. Good cond. AAMC 461b Cat. $150 $55 Sold $45 |
 1934 (16th Nov) "First Australian Autogiro Flight Melbourne - Portland 16th November 1934 Special Centenary Souvenir Post Cards (including right of… $35 Sold $55 |
 1934 (21st Nov) Melbourne to Barringun, NSW cover that was probably a return flight from the MacRobertson Centenary Air Race with manuscript "Per "… $150 Sold $150 |
 1934 (22nd Nov) Australia to New Zealand flown by RG Whitehead & ER Nicholl in the Puss Moth "Faith in New Zealand". EA Crome cover with 1d KGV tie… $210 Sold $210 |
 1934 (28th Nov) "Faith in Australia" special flight with HRH Duke of Gloucester on board from Sydney to Lismore. Large cover sent stampless thus 4d… $150 Sold $150 |
 1934 (28th Nov) ditto but to Lismore with Lismore 30 Nov 1934 cds & numbered 195. Some light toning but generally good cond. AAMC 465 Cat. $225+ $90 Archived |
 1934 (28th Nov) ditto but with 4d Postage Due tied by Delivery Room GPO Sydney cds with Lismore 28 Nov 1934 below. "More to Pay circular cachet wit… $100 Sold $100 |
 1934 (28th Nov) ditto but Sydney to Newcastle. No. 154 of the 200 carried. Cover also with typed address for CTP Ulm. Small tear/wrinkle to left ot… $75 Sold $55 |
 1934 (28th Nov) ditto. No. 103. VG cond. AAMC 467 Cat. $200 $90 Archived |
 1934 (28th Nov) ditto. No. 185. VG cond. AAMC 467 Cat. $200 $90 Archived |
 1934 (8th Dec) London to Sydney Imperial Airways & Qantas special flight illust cover with GB 3d & 1/- KGV tied by London machine cancel. Sydney Ai… $30 Sold $25 |
 1934 (8th Dec) ditto but Glasgow Registered cover with GB ½d, 1d x 3, 1½d x3 & 10d KGV defins tied by Registered Glasgow cds's. Registered Melbou… $20 Sold $20 |
 1934 (8th Dec) ditto but plain cover. Edinburgh Registered with GB 1d x 2, 2d, 3d, 5d & 6d KGV defins tied by Registered Edinburgh cds's. Registere… $20 Sold $20 |
 1934 (8th Dec) Egypt to Australia sector on above flight with cover addressed to Minister of State for Defence in Canberra. Egypt 5m, 20m, 40m & 70… $55 Sold $70 |
 1934 (8th December) Singapore to West Maitland, NSW intermediate leg of the London to Sydney flight as above. Cover with Singapore 25c KGV tied by … $65 Sold $65 |
 1934 (8th Dec) ditto but printed covers flown on intermediate stages within Australia incl Camooweal to Charleville, Camooweal to Daly Waters, Camo… $150 Sold $150 |
 1934 (9-10th Dec) Australia to England Qantas & Imperial Airways printed cover with 1/6d Hermes tied by Adelaide "Air Mail Saves Time" slogan cance… $20 Sold $20 |
 1934 (21st Dec) Narromine to Sydney by New England Airways addressed to Alf Campe with descriptive letter regarding the flight. 2x 1d KGV & 3d. Air… $90 Sold $80 |
 1934 "The Directors and Staff of Kingsford Smith Air Service Limited wish you A Merry Christmas, A Prosperous New Year and may all your future land… $55 Archived |
 1935 (2nd. Feb) Adelaide to Wyndham Lord Semphill flown cover with 2d Vic Cent neatly cancelled Wyndham. Addressed to Eustis pilot signed by Lord S… $190 Sold $190 |
 1935 (25th March) Narromine to Sydney WASP Airlines flight with 6d Kingsford Smith & 2d KGV affixed on arrival & tied by "OUT OF COURSE 2 SYDNEY "c… $35 Sold $50 |
 1935 (25th March) ditto but with WASP SHB vignette. No stamp or Postage Due but Sydney slogan cancel as posted on arrival. Pilot signed by H Purvis… $55 Archived |
 1935 (25th March) Sydney to Narromine return flight with both WASP SHB vignette & 2d Anzac tied by Narromine cds's as posted on arrival. Pilot sign… $55 Sold $55 |
 1935 (25th March) WASP Airlines Sydney-Narromine "Sydney Harbour Bridge" sheet of 6 perforated vignettes. Fresh MUH. AAMC 495a Cat. $75 $30 Sold $40 |
 1935 (17th April) Australia to London via Singapore. The Brisbane to Singapore leg was Qantas first passenger carrying flight on this route before … $135 Sold $135 |
 1935 (24th April) Nyngan to Sydney & return covers flown for WASP Airlines with 2d Anzacs tied by Nyngan & Sydney cancels respectively. Both with b… $90 Sold $70 |
 1935 (15th May) Australia to New Zealand Jubilee Airmail printed commem cover with 2d SJ, 3d SJ pair & 6d KS Airmail tied by Redcliffe, Queensland … $55 Sold $65 |
 1935 (15th May) ditto but with 2 x 2d SJ & 3d Airmail tied by Air Mail Sydney cds's dated 16th May hence "Receive Too Late For Jubilee Air Mail" ad… $20 Sold $55 |