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Airmails |
 1955 (8th June) ditto with 1/4d KGVI pair, 2d QEII x 4, 4d koala, ½d kangaroo & 3½d Royal Visit tied by GPO Sydney 147 cds's. Also not signed. VG… $20 Sold $15 |
 1955 (8th June) ditto but 2 covers, one on printed "First Flight Cover" with strip of 3 x 1/0½d QEII (diff to above), the other on plain cover wit… $20 Sold $30 |
 1955 (4th Sept) Qantas illust Registered Airmail FDC with full set of 15 QEII defins neatly tied by Singapore cds's. Addressed to Singapore so does… $20 Sold $25 |
 1955 (21st Nov) Malaya to Australia Qantas commem cover with Johore 10c x 5 tied by Johore Bahru cds's. VG cond. AAMC 1353 $20 Sold $15 |
 1955 (21st Nov) ditto. AAMC 1353 $20 Sold $20 |
 1955 (23rd Nov) Cocos Island to Australia Qantas commem cover with 3½d SA & 3d QEII tied by Cocos Island cds. Triangular cachet in mauve. VG cond.… $15 Sold $12 |
 1956 (13th May) Australia to USA & return Goodwill flight for Armed Services Day on a RAAF Canberra Bomber from Amberley. 2/- green Olympics tied b… $35 Sold $50 |
 1956 (20th Nov) Greece to Australia Olympic Torch Flight by Qantas with Greek stamps tied by Olympic cds's. Melbourne "Shotput" pictorial b/s. VG c… $15 Sold $15 |
 1958 (10th June) "Southern Cross" 30th Anniv EA Crome cover with 2d KS, 2½d QEII & his silver globe vignette all tied by GPO Sydney cds's & a Masc… $190 Sold $150 |
 1957 (10th June) - 1987 (1st April) Qantas range of first flight covers all on commem printed covers with a selection of diff cancels & cachets. In… $110 Sold $110 |
 1957 (21st Aug) Royal Flying Doctor Service Brisbane FDC flight printed cover with blue cachet. 7d Flying Doctor Service tied by Brisbane cds. Sign… $20 Sold $30 |
 1957 (21st Aug) ditto but 2 covers, one unsigned & the other signed by Jean Flynn, wife of Rev John Flynn, who began the missions. AAMC 1377 x 2 $15 Sold $45 |
 1957 (31st Dec) Royal Flying Doctor Service FDI Mercy Flights 1 & 2 printed covers with block of 4 x 7d RFDS tied by Cloncurry & Charleville cds's … $20 Sold $30 |
 1958 (27th Aug) "Southern Cross" 30th Anniv of the first Trans-Tasman crossing EA Crome cover with 8d KS Tasman flight & Cromes silver globe vignet… $150 Sold $150 |
 1958 (28th Sept) Australia to USA inaugural Pan Am flight Melbourne to San Francisco. 2/- Aboriginal Art pair tied by crisp Melbourne cds. Violet c… $15 Sold $15 |
 1958 (30th Sept) ditto but with matching Airmail label & mauve cachet. 2/- crocodile tied by Melbourne Air cds with Honolulu, Hawaii b/s. Exc cond.… $15 Archived |
 1959 (2nd June) Perth to Adelaide Service 30th Anniv Reg GPO Perth (A) special souvenir envelope. No.18 of 33 prepared but under catalogued at $40.… $30 Sold $60 |
 1959 (July-Oct) Qantas Boeing 707 First Scheduled Jet Flights for India to Sydney, Fiji to Sydney, Egypt to London, Karachi to Sydney, Singapore to… $30 Archived |
 1959 (July-Oct) ditto but for Australia to England & return (plus "Inaugural Service Brisbane - London), India to Australia, India to England, Germ… $45 Archived |
 1959 (4th July) Brisbane to Auckland & return TEAL flown covers with respective stamps & cds's. Both on printed commem airmail covers. Exc cond. AA… $15 Sold $15 |
 1959 (29th July) Australia to United States & return Qantas Boeing 707 First Scheduled Jet Flight covers plus the intermediate legs for Fiji to Hon… $50 Archived |
 1959 (27th Oct) Australia to England & return Qantas Boeing 707 First Scheduled Jet Flight covers plus the intermediate legs for Cairo to London, S… $35 Sold $30 |
 1959 (29th Oct) Australia to England Qantas First Scheduled Boeing 707 flight from Sydney to London with 2/3d Wattle tied by Sydney commem pictoria… $15 Sold $12 |
 1959 (12th Nov) England to Australia 40th Anniv of Ross Smith flight, GB 1/6d QEII tied by Hounslow cds with reproduction vignette surrounded by ma… $30 Sold $100 |
 1960 (8th March) Harry Houdini in "Voisin" biplane 50th Anniv commem flight cover with 2/- flower & 5d QEII tied by Diggers Rest cds with matching … $30 Sold $60 |
 1960 (16th Nov) Qantas Round The World Flight Challis cover. 5/- Arms tied by "40th Ann Qantas Winton Qld Aust Commemorative Flight "Round the Worl… $20 Sold $55 |
 1962 (7th May & 3rd Oct) India to Australia & return by Air India 707 commem printed covers first pair to Sydney & second pair to Perth all with re… $30 Sold $30 |
 1962 (15th Oct) Perth Airport souvenir cover for the opening of the new terminal by Mrs Shane Paltridge & the opening of the Airport Post Office. 5… $20 Sold $20 |
 1964 (16th July) Melbourne to Albury stage of the Melbourne to Sydney 50th Anniv flight. EA Crome cover with 5d Airmail Anniv tied by Albury cds. P… $35 Sold $25 |
 1965 (5th April) Austria to India on intermediate leg of Austria to Australia inaugural flight by Qantas. Stamps tied to commem aerogramme by Vienn… $20 Sold $15 |
 1965 (6th April) Germany to Australia by Lufthansa with stamps tied by Frankfurt cds. Neighbouring cachet & Lufthansa Airmail etiquette. Darwin b/s… $15 Sold $12 |
 1969 (8th June) England to Australia first helicopter flight in a Westland Wessex (longest flight by rotary-winged aircraft) with GB 1/9d Airmail c… $55 Sold $55 |
 1969 (Dec) England to Australia 50th Anniv Air Race cover. Official RAF entry flown by Sqn Ldr Buist in a Comet XR399 with GB 1/9d Flight commem ti… $30 Archived |
 1969 (Dec) ditto but Sheila Scott entry in a Piper Comanche on a Royal Aero Club cover with 10 diff cancels/cachets. Pilot signed with 5c Ross Smit… $55 Sold $55 |
 1969 (Dec) ditto but RAF entry flown by Sqn Ldr JC Waters in a Piper Aztec on RAF commem cover. Pilot signed with GPO Sydney b/s. Exc cond. AAMC 16… $30 Archived |
 1969 (Dec) ditto but RAF entry flown by Flt Lt T Kingsley in a SF260. "Emergency Landing: Flores Island, Indonesia" cachet in red applied after lan… $30 Archived |
 1969 (Dec) ditto but flown by T Tjontveit & ES Pederson with US 2c. & 6c & NZ 2c plus Ross Dep 2c stamps added for onwards flight over the South Po… $90 Sold $90 |
 1970 (30th June) Italy to Australia by Alitalia with San Marino stamps & Alitalia cachet in mauve on printed commem cover. Exc cond. AAMC 1712c $15 Sold $12 |
 1972 (3rd March) Greece to Australia & return by Olympic Airways. 2 Olympic printed covers with Greek & Australian stamps tied by respective pmks &… $30 Archived |
 1972 (7th Dec) Last Manned Apollo Mission commem cover with AAT 7c Cook tied by Perth slogan cancel with "Perth Observatory 7 DEC 1972 Bickley West… $15 Archived |
 1976 (26th Sept) Melbourne to PNG 25c Aerogramme flown by Williams Aviation & tied by pictorial cancel complete with 50th Anniv Flight vignette tie… $15 Sold $15 |
 1981 (26th Oct) Aldinga to Parafield DH.82 Tiger Moth 50th Anniv cover with 22c Airmail tied by pictorial Parafield cds. Gold Anniv seal & pilot si… $10 Sold $10 |
 1982 (5th Aug) USA to England to Australia First solo around-the-world helicopter flight by Dick Smith. EA Crome cover with typed detail of flight … $110 Sold $80 |
 1984 $5 Royal Flying Doctor sheetlet of 10 cinderellas valid only for mail carried by the RFDS. Printed by Cambec Press. Fine MUH. FV $50 $20 Archived |
 1985 (13th Feb) Bahrain to Perth British Airways Concorde flight with Bahrain 100f tied by Manama cds with BA kangaroo & map cachet in blue. Perth … $55 Sold $55 |
 1988 (3rd Sept) Adelaide to Beltana Qantas & Royal Flying Doctor Service "Opera in the Outback" commem cover with 55c Aboriginal Art tied by Beltan… $20 Sold $20 |
 1999 (19th Nov) RAAF Edinburgh to RAAF Point Cook last flight by the RAAF DC 3 Dakota with 45c kingfisher tied by Edinburgh RAAF pictorial cds. One… $20 Sold $16 |
 2001 (25th Sept) Werribee "Re-enactment First Overseas Deployment RAAF 75 Anniv Flight" covers x 2 with $1 Int Post tabbed stamp showing crew tied … $15 Archived |
 2002 (27th Jan) Adelaide to Antarctica by chartered Qantas 747B. AAT 20c albatross tied by Adelaide pictorial cds on silk cover. Pilot signed by Ca… $15 Sold $12 |
 Australia 1928 3d green Airmail (DH 66 bi-plane over pastoral scene) Presentation Die Proof in dark green on thick paper. 215 x 167mm without print… $6000 Sold $6000 |