Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Airmails |
 1931 (12th May) Brisbane to Ayr intermediate from the Qantas first Brisbane to Townsville flight. 3d KS pair tied by Melbourne slogan cancel & b/s … $90 Sold $70 |
 1931 (15th May) Australia to England Second Experimental Airmail Registered hand illustrated map cover Registered Grafton with full set of KS, 3d A… $30 Sold $45 |
 1931 (15th May) ditto but 3 registered Covers plus a front all from Nannup, WA to various addresses in the UK & The Hague. These registered items a… $90 Sold $90 |
 1931 (22nd May) Australia to Java leg on the KLM Experimental flight with 2/- kangaroo tied by Melbourne slogan cancel. "Melbourne to Batavia" cach… $30 Sold $30 |
 1931 (22nd May) Australia to Holland via Batavia with 1/4d KGV, 2d surcharged KGV, 3d kookaburra, 6d KS & 3d Airmail tied by Geelong cds's with mat… $45 Sold $45 |
 1931 (22nd May) ditto but Sydney registered cover with 3 x 3d KS, 1d KGV green & 1/- & 9d kangaroos tied by Registered Sydney cds's. Oval illust ca… $75 Sold $85 |
 1931 (22nd May) Australia to Netherlands Indies Registered cover with 1d & 1/4d KGV plus 3d Airmail & 6d KS tied by Geelong cds's. Oval illust cach… $65 Sold $70 |
 1931 (22nd May) Australia to England Adelaide Reg cover with mixed franking comprising NSW 2/6d lyrebird, 2d & 6d KS, 5d KGV & 3d kookaburra tied b… $55 Sold $55 |
 1931 (3rd July) Thursday Is to Japan Chichester flight cover bearing 3d Airmail & 2d KGV tied by Thursday Island 7 JL 31 cds's. Typed address to "M… $280 Sold $280 |
 1931 (3rd July) Manila to Japan by Chichester with Philippines 16c ovpt tied by machine date stamped for JUL 22 1931 & numbered 187 with 10 line ce… $150 Sold $110 |
 1931 (19th Nov) Australia to England Special Airmail. Large cover pmkd Dumbleyung, WA with matching R. 6 Reg label. Mixed franking with 1d KGV gree… $35 Sold $60 |
 1931 (19th Nov) ditto but long cover also pmkd Dumbleyung, WA with matching Reg label. Attractive mixed franking with 6d chestnut & 1/- emerald kan… $55 Sold $80 |
 1931 (19th Nov) ditto but ANA printed env with both 6d KS types & 3d Airmail tied by Air Mail Sydney cds's. Worn around edges. AAMC 222 Cat. $40 $15 Sold $15 |
 1931 (19th Nov) ditto also on ANA env but Registered Camooweal with 6d KS & 2 x 6d KS Airmails tied by matching cds's. Cachet in mauve & signed by … $45 Sold $110 |
 1931 (19th Nov) ditto but with 3d KS, 6d KS Airmail, 2d KGV & 1½d pair tied by Brisbane cds's. Cachet in mauve & boldly signed by GU Allan only. G… $45 Sold $80 |
 1931 (19th Nov) ditto but a hand illustrated colour cover by EG McCann. Registered with 2d & 3d KS plus additional 2 x 6d Airmail KS tied by Regist… $50 Sold $55 |
 1931 (19th Nov) ditto but Charleville Registered 2d in 1½d KGV embossed envs with additional 6d KS Airmails x 2 & 3d Airmail tied by Charleville c… $35 Sold $35 |
 1931 (24th Nov) Sydney to Brisbane & return New England Airways Ltd with ½d corner pair, 1d green & 3d KGV on outwards tied by Newton roller cance… $90 Sold $130 |
 1931 (24th Nov) ditto but Brisbane to Sydney leg only with 3d. Airmail, 1½d WA Cent & ½d KGV tied by Brisbane cds's. "This Letter was Sent By Air… $60 Sold $60 |
 1931 (17th Dec) England to Australia "Xmas Greetings by First All-Australian Air Mail" printed ANA cover addressed to GPO Darwin with Darwin 19th J… $55 Archived |
 1932 (2nd Jan) Germany to Australia "Bertram Atlantis Expedition" cover being one of 40 carried on an epic flight from Berlin to Melbourne with 12 … $900 Sold $500 |
 1932 (2nd Jan) Brisbane to Sydney "Bertram Atlantis Expedition" printed env with 3d Airmail & 3d SHB tied by Brisbane roller cancel. Initialled by … $340 Sold $340 |
 1932 (2nd Jan) ditto but return Sydney to Brisbane leg. "Bertram Atlantis Expedition" Registered cover with 2d KGV tied on arrival by Brisbane slog… $300 Sold $760 |
 1932 (2nd Jan) Melbourne to Alice Springs "Bertram Atlantis Expedition" AA Rosenblum env with 6d KS Airmail tied by Alice Springs cds. Addressed to… $500 Sold $500 |
 1932 (2nd Jan) Melbourne to Darwin & then over-carried to Germany. Plain env addressed to "GU Allan c/o Plane Atlantis Darwin" with Australia" adde… $600 Sold $600 |
 1932 (2nd Jan) ditto but returned from Darwin to Sydney after flight by Registered mail hence 6d KS & 5d KGV tied by Darwin cds's for 10th Dec, his… $370 Sold $370 |
 1932 (2nd Jan) Australia to Germany by Hans Bertram "Australia-England Flight Bertram Allan Junkers Atlantis using Castrol XXL CC Wakefield & Co" p… $750 Archived |
 1932 (2nd Jan) Calcutta to Rangoon "Bertram Atlantis Expedition" cover with Indian 1a & 3pi KGV tied by Rangoon GPO cds. "Round the World Flight by… $450 Sold $520 |
 1932 (7th Jan) England to Australia "First All Australian ANA Xmas Greetings Air Mail" illust cover with GB 6d & 10d KGV tied by Norwich cds's. Add… $90 Sold $90 |
 1932 (7th Jan) ditto but signed by both Kingsford Smith & GU Allan. Sydney b/s for 21 JAN 1932. Endorsed "For Kevin Weldon - Another friend of avia… $60 Sold $80 |
 1932 (7th Jan) ditto with GB 4d, 5d & 10d KGV tied by London Registered oval cancels with London EC Reg label. Addressed to Sydney with 21 Jan 32 b… $55 Archived |
 1932 (7th Jan) ditto but addressed to Nannup WA with GB 4d & 1/- KGV tied by London "Post Early for Christmas slogan cancels. Perth 25 JAN 32 & Nan… $30 Sold $30 |
 1932 (7th Jan) ditto but Registered London WC 6 with GB 4 x 1½d, 1d & 1/- KGV tied by London oval Reg cancels. Registered Perth b/s plus a "Stanle… $30 Sold $30 |
 1932 (7th Jan) ditto but plain env with GB 2d, 4d & 10d KGV tied by London F.S. cds's. Signed by Kingsford Smith with Sydney Air Mail Section GPO b… $75 Sold $130 |
 1932 (7th Jan) Singapore to Australia intermediate leg on Kingsford Smith's "Xmas Greetings" flight. Registered at Johore Bahru with 3 x 21c Johore… $110 Archived |
 1932 (9th March) Brisbane to Noumea flown by Baron de Verneilh, ME Deve & E. Munch with 2d SHB, 3d Airmail & 2 x ½d KGV (1 with "Thin Fraction at … $900 Archived |
 1932 (11th May) Original letter from Keith Smith advising that the two covers carried by CWA Scott to Australia the month before were enclosed. Sho… $190 Archived |
 1932 (7th June) Launceston to Whitemark (400 flown) & Whitemark to Launceston (73 flown) by Tasmanian Aerial Services Ltd. 2 covers both with 3d Ai… $90 Sold $150 |
 1932 (7th June) Whitemark to Launceston Registered cover with 3d kookaburra, 3d Sturt & 3d Kingsford Smith tied by Whitemarks cds's. Typed address … $50 Sold $75 |
 1932 (5th Aug) Forrest, WA to Auburn, NSW Woolnough Survey Expedition flight with 3d Airmail & 2d KGV tied by Forrest cds's. 1 of only 3 intermedia… $220 Sold $220 |
 1932 (22nd Aug) Brisbane to Bendigo flight cover signed & carried by WE Gardiner, a Queensland Aero Club instructor who was on holiday with his wif… $150 Sold $150 |
 1932 (18th Sept) Sydney to Lismore New England Airways charter flight. The plane crashed after leaving Lismore killing pilot Les Holden & two passe… $150 Sold $150 |
 1932 (12th Oct) Darwin to Brisbane cover flown on final leg of England to Australia flight by Canadian pilot, Jacques Hebert in his DH Gypsy Moth. … $340 Sold $250 |
 1932 (Oct-Nov) Lasseter's Reef Expedition registered flight cover Laverton, WA to Ashfield NSW with 4d KGV tied by Laverton WA & a 2d Postage Due t… $450 Sold $450 |
 1932 (1st Nov) Woolnough Survey Expedition flight around Tasmania. Launceston tied 2d KS & addressed to EA Crome at Enmore NSW. Only 15 flown & 1 o… $220 Archived |
 1932 (1st Nov) ditto but with 1d & 2 x ½d KGV tied by Launceston cds's & addressed to Ashfield with 24 NO 32 arrival cds. Another of the 4 covers … $220 Sold $180 |
 1932 (1st Dec) Daly Waters to Birdum Qantas registered cover to Melbourne with 3d Airmail & 6d kookaburra tied by Daly Waters cds. Provisional labe… $210 Sold $210 |
 1933 (11th Jan) Gisborne, NZ to Sydney Second Trans-Tasman Kingsford Smith flight with NZ 1d KGV tied by Gisborne cds. One of the 10 covers that we… $900 Archived |
 1933 (11th Jan) Gerringong Beach, NSW to New Plymouth, NZ Second Trans-Tasman Kingsford Smith flight. 2d. KGV embossed env with additional 3d Airma… $900 Sold $1350 |
 1933 (14th Jan) Charleville to Brisbane commercial flight cover with 5d KGV tied by bold Charleville cds. Red on black "See Western Queensland" eti… $20 Sold $15 |