Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Airmails |
 1930 (1st June) Sydney to Melbourne registered cover with 3d Airmail, 3d kookaburra & 1½d Canberra tied by Registered Sydney cds's. Pilot signed b… $60 Sold $60 |
 1930 (13th July) Derby to Wyndham W.A.A. registered env with 3d Airmail & strip of 3 x 1½d KGV tied by Elisabeth St. Melbourne cds's & addressed t… $35 Sold $50 |
 1930 (13th July) Wyndham to Derby W.A.A. registered cover with 3d Airmail & strip of 3 x 1½d KGV tied by crisp Wyndham cds's. Addressed to Rosenbl… $55 Sold $55 |
 1930 (13th July) Onslow to Wyndham via Broome W.A.A. intermediate flight cover with blue/black Onslow Reg label & bold cds's on Sturt pair & 3d Air… $35 Sold $75 |
 1930 (13th July) ditto but Port Hedland to Wyndham via Broome with red Reg label & neat cds's on Sturt pair & 3d Airmail. Wyndham & Broome b/s's. G… $30 Sold $70 |
 1930 (13th July) ditto but Roebourne to Wyndham via Broome with red Reg label & crisp cds's on Sturt pair & 3d Airmail. Wyndham & Broome b/s's. VG … $45 Sold $65 |
 1930 (13th July) Perth to Derby, Wyndham to Sydney via Perth & Adelaide & Wyndham to Perth all by W.A.A. Latter Registered at Fitzroy Crossing. Int… $135 Sold $190 |
 1930 (1st Aug) cover flown by Charles Kingsford Smith from Amsterdam to Hamburg to commemorate the achievements of "The Southern Cross". He has sig… $190 Sold $210 |
 1930 (20th Sept) Daily Mail newspaper segment with Amy Johnson describing the need to develop the Empire airway to Australia. Mailed from London & … $75 Sold $60 |
 1931 (19th Mar) Melbourne to Sydney A.N.A. Kingsford Smith flown registered illust cover with "Kingsford Smith Commemoratives First Flown Covers Pi… $45 Sold $80 |
 1931 (19th March) ditto but "Melbourne to Sydney" boxed map illust cover with only 2d & pair of 3d KS plus 2d on 1½d KGV, 1½d WA Cent & 3d kookab… $20 Sold $20 |
 1931 (19th March) ditto but cover signed across map design by Kingsford Smith. Registered Elizabeth St, Melbourne with 2d, 3d & 6d KS set tied by m… $150 Sold $210 |
 1931 (19th March) ditto but with 2d & 3d pair tied by crisp bold Ship Mail Room Melbourne cds. Signed across map. Also addressed to Rosenblum. VG c… $150 Sold $160 |
 1931 (19th Mar) ditto but with 2d KS block of 4 tied by Registered Elizabeth St Melbourne cds's with matching part reg label. Also signed across wo… $150 Sold $150 |
 1931 (19th March) ditto but full set of 3 again with Kingsford Smith signature across map. Addressed to G Black. Some heavy edge wear & minor fault… $75 Sold $130 |
 1931 (19th March) ditto but Sydney to Melbourne return flight. Long plain env with full set of KS each tied by bold Sydney cds. Vert fold & some li… $35 Sold $55 |
 1931 (28th Mar) Lord Howe Island to Australia by Francis Chichester in the seaplane Puss Moth "Madame Elijah". Chichester had left Auckland for Aus… $300 Sold $300 |
 1931 (28th Mar) ditto but with 3d Airmail & 2d KS. Back flap missing otherwise fine. This cover numbered "25". AAMC 184a Cat. $650 $340 Sold $340 |
 1931 (28th Mar) Chichester's "Madame Elijah" aircraft being lifted from the water at Norfolk Island b&w photo postcard. Endorsed "Found by Vince Br… $35 Sold $160 |
 1931 (4th Apr) England to Australia First Official Airmail by Imperial Airways. Long cover bearing GB 4d & 1/- tied by London F.S. machine cancel. … $15 Sold $25 |
 1931 (4th April) England to Australia via Burma with GB 1/- KGV pair tied by Netherton cds's & addressed to Rangoon, Burma. Rangoon GPO Delivery b/… $35 Sold $130 |
 1931 (4th Apr) Darwin to Brisbane leg of the England to Australia flight, flown by RB Tapp for Qantas. Darwin Registered cover (label reads Darwin … $35 Sold $85 |
 1931 (4th April) Imperial Airways original pre-printed letter for enclosing with the above covers detailing the flight. Red & blue headed paper add… $30 Sold $30 |
 1931 (April) First England to Australia Experimental Mail. Three original photos showing Kingsford Smith arriving at Darwin on 25th April, another … $55 Sold $75 |
 1931 (23rd April) Sydney to London Imperial Airways & Kingsford Smith. Sydney Registered "All the Way by Air" illust cover with KS set of 3 plus 1/… $75 Sold $110 |
 1931 (23rd April) ditto but with full set of KS, 6d Kangaroo, 3d Airmail 1½d Sturt & ½d Canberra tied by Ship Mail Room Melbourne cds's. Cachet o… $75 Sold $120 |
 1931 (23rd April) ditto. Also Sydney Registered illust cover with 1/4d KGV & 1/- kangaroo. Sydney b/s with cachet on both front & back. Minor fault… $75 Sold $95 |
 1931 (23rd April) ditto but plain long cover Registered with full set of KS, 1/- kangaroo & 3d Airmail all tied by West Leederville cds's. Addresse… $30 Sold $50 |
 1931 (23rd April) ditto but large plain cover also registered with 3d Airmail, 2d & 3d KS & 3 x6d KS all tied by Newcastle cds's with matching reg … $30 Sold $30 |
 1931 (23rd April) ditto but 2 covers. Both with 2d KGV, 3 x 6d KS & 3d Airmail tied by Adelaide cds's. Mauve cachets on the reverse of each. AAMC 1… $75 Sold $80 |
 1931 (23rd April) ditto but from Darwin to London on "1st England to Australia Official Air Mail 1931 by Imperial Airways" printed env. 2d. KS, 1/-… $150 Sold $150 |
 1931 (23rd April) Sydney to Singapore intermediate leg on the above flight. "First All the Way By Air Service from Australia" illust cover with set… $150 Sold $160 |
 1931 (25th Apr) Singapore to Australia on Second Experimental mail with Straits Settlements 6¢, 10¢, 30¢ tied by Singapore cds's dated 8 MY 1931… $35 Sold $25 |
 1931 (30th April) Holland to Australia (from London) Whitworth & Mitchell Ltd company env with GB 5/- Seahorse tied by London Air Mail cds. "Abel T… $55 Sold $65 |
 1931 (30th April) Java to Australia KLM Tandjong-Karang Registered cover with 1G commem airmail also tied by "Abel Tasman Batavia-Centrum Abel Tasm… $55 Archived |
 1931 (30th April) ditto but bearing 1931 1g Neth Indies Air pair, 30 on 40 & 10¢ Air singles, 15¢ defin with 6/5/31 Soerabaja cds & "Abel Tasman … $50 Sold $50 |
 1931 (1st May) Hobart to Melbourne A.N.A. registered cover with 6d KS & 5d surcharges KGV tied by Registered Hobart cds's. Official cachet in mauve… $35 Sold $50 |
 1931 (1st May) ditto & also registered with 2d & 6d KS tied by Registered Hobart cds's. Official cachet in mauve also tying Reg label to cover. VG … $30 Sold $45 |
 1931 (1st May) Melbourne to Hobart A.N.A. Ltd "Bulk Reg. Melb." red labelled registered cover with KS set tied by Registered Melbourne cds's & 2d a… $35 Sold $45 |
 1931 (1st May) ditto. Narrogin, WA registered cover with KS set of 3 tied by Narrogin cds's. Red R6 S.S. 86. Narrogin label no. 735 in blue. Flight… $30 Sold $30 |
 1931 (1st May) Launceston to Melbourne by A.N.A. Registered env with 6d KS & 2d KGV tied by Registered Branch Launceston cds's. Circular cachet in … $35 Sold $35 |
 1931 (1st May) ditto. Also registered with 3d Airmail & 2d & 3d KS tied by Registered Branch Launceston cds's. Cachet on reverse. AAMC 198a Cat. $60 $35 Sold $30 |
 1931 (1st May) ditto but not registered. "Hotel Metrople, Launceston, Tasmania. Geo. T. Gladman Proprietor BY AIR MAIL" printed env with 3d Airmail… $35 Sold $35 |
 1931 (1st May) ditto. Company env with 3d Airmail & 2d KS tied by Launceston cds's. Addressed to Rosenblum with cachet on reverse plus a Private Bo… $30 Sold $30 |
 1931 (1st May) ditto but commercial cover with 2d & 3d KS tied by Launceston cds. Melbourne b/s & cachet in mauve. AAMC 198a Cat. $60 $30 Archived |
 1931 (1st May) ditto but commercial usage covers x 2. Both with 3d. Airmail & others tied by Launceston Tasmania cds. No cachets. A couple of light… $60 Sold $60 |
 1931 (1st May) ditto, also commercial usage but registered with 3d Airmail, 2d. KS & 2 x 1½d Sturt's tied by Launceston cds's. Cachet in mauve on … $30 Sold $30 |
 1931 (1st May) Melbourne to Launceston cover with ½d & 1½d KGV & 1½d Sturt pair tied by Perth cds's. Flight cachet in mauve tying ½d KGV to cov… $35 Sold $50 |
 1931 (1st May) ditto but a registered cover with 2d KGV & 6d KS World tied by Registered Melbourne cds's. Cachet on reverse. VG cond. AAMC 198a Cat… $20 Sold $25 |
 1931 (11th May) Brisbane to Sydney flown cover with 3d Airmail & 2d KGV tied by Brisbane cds. Addressed to "Dr Sear, X-Ray Expert, Macquarie Street… $15 Sold $10 |