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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
Germany 1872-1948 range of covers & postcards incl a few 1872 1g covers in poor cond, "Saargebiet" vals ovptd on postcard plus useful Third Reich i… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Germany 1872-1930 accumulation of used postcards/reply cards. Mainly pre-stamped with some uprated. A good range of postmarks & useful duplication … $350 Sold $350 | |||
Germany 1872 â…“gr & 1k green "large shield" newspaper wrappers mint plus postcards 30gr ovptd "Memelgebiot unused with 23.10.20 cds & message in p… $30 Sold $45 | |||
Germany 1871-1945 MLH & used in Schaubek album with 1872 large & small shields good to F/U near complete with 2k "small" unused (2k "large" missing… $750 Sold $1450 | |||
France Used range to 1955 on leaves as received by vendor from British auction. Cond fair to fine noting 1929 20f & 1938 World Cup F/U. Modest lot.… $30 Sold $20 | |||
Finland 2004 Yearbooks x 2 complete with all MUH stamps plus 2 Yearpacks with complete CTO issues. SG 1725/61 Cat. £430+ (4) $150 Sold $50 | |||
Finland 2003 Yearbooks x 2 complete with all MUH stamps plus 2 Yearpacks with complete CTO issues. SG 1685/1724 Cat. £450+ (4) $150 Sold $50 | |||
Finland 2002 Yearbooks x 2 complete with all MUH stamps plus 2 Yearpacks with complete CTO issues. SG 1652/84 Cat. £400+ (4) $140 Sold $50 | |||
Finland 2001 Yearbooks x 3 complete with all MUH stamps plus 3 Yearpacks with MUH & two further with CTO issues. SG 1616/51 Cat. £850+ (8) $240 Sold $100 | |||
Finland 2000 Yearbooks x 4 complete with all MUH stamps plus 4 Yearpacks with MUH & two more with complete CTO issues incl booklets. SG 1575/1615 C… $300 Sold $120 | |||
Finland 1999 Yearbooks x 4 complete with all MUH stamps plus 4 Yearpacks & two more with complete CTO issues incl booklets. SG MS1540/1574 Cat. £8… $240 Sold $100 | |||
Finland 1998 Yearbooks x 4 complete with all MUH stamps plus 4 Yearpacks with MUH & two more with complete CTO issues incl booklets. SG 1498/1539 C… $300 Sold $120 | |||
Finland 1997-2003 MUH & CTO issues in 3 quality stockbooks. Incls booklets, panes, M/S's, Framas/vending machine labels, S/A's, etc. Useful duplica… $500 Sold $200 | |||
Finland 1997 Yearbooks x 2 complete with all MUH stamps plus 2 Yearpacks & two more with complete CTO issues. Ditto for the stamp booklets. SG 1456… $150 Sold $50 | |||
Finland 1996-2004 FDC collection incl some Maxicards in 3 quality Davo albums with slipcases, Official Finland PO Album with slipcase & loose in ba… $700 Sold $280 | |||
Finland 1996 Yearbooks x 2 complete with all MUH stamps. SG 1411/55 Cat. £190+ (2) $60 Sold $30 | |||
Finland 1990-2001 Davo Hingeless album with slipcase with selected issues from 1997-2001 with majority MUH & some useful CTO M/S's & booklet panes.… $150 Sold $50 | |||
Fiji 1872-1929 MLH & used on leaves incl 1871 1d "CR" used, 1872 12¢ on 6d (MLH), 1876/77 6d ovpt "VR" plus a range 1878-1899 not sorted by perfs.… $200 Sold $210 | |||
Denmark 2003-2011 Prestige booklets x 10 different with total face value of 660kr (A$140+) plus postcards within. Superb productions with edge-roul… $80 Sold $95 | |||
Denmark 1999-2013 commem booklets with all different & nearly 90% complete for period. Cat. £2500+ (91) $500 Archived | |||
Denmark 1989-2005 very fine used on Hagners incl. some MUH M/S's. All with tags for SG numbers & retail prices so a good lot for re-sale. PTSA $400+ $100 Sold $100 | |||
Denmark 1985-2001 range of different defin booklets with 10k x 19 & 20k x8 plus a 1974 2k booklet (SB 745 Cat. £32). Approx. 70% lightly stuck dow… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Denmark 1983-2000 commem booklets range comprising 1988 25k Recess Printed Stamps then 1987 "Utzon Abstract" to 2000 "Twentieth Century" issues com… $250 Archived | |||
Czechoslovakia-Sudetenland Range of items incl photocard of Hitler & Konrad Heinlein (the leader of the Sudetenland Germans that forced the annexat… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Czechoslovakia MUH, MLH & used. Noted range of Hradcany Castles ovpts on Austria & Hungary but high value is a forgery (69), 1925 Congress MUH/MLH,… $150 Sold $230 | |||
Czechoslovakia 1929-1969 MUH/MLH in standard Borek album with some a bit stuck but mainly fine from 1945. 800+ stamps & 10 M/S's with low reserve. $50 Sold $50 | |||
Czechoslovakia 1929-1935 selection of covers & postcards incl 1930 Regd express cover Bratislava to Prague bearing 5k Masaryk with Centenary tab at… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Czechoslovakia 1918-1988 MLH, used & CTO on thick pile of Hagners in 3 ring binder. Arranged in chronological order noting 1926 to 5k MLH, 1930 Air… $100 Sold $140 | |||
Croatia 1941-1945 superb MUH collection missing only 1945 Storm Division M/S. Postage Dues & Officials simplified only (no perf varieties) but 1943… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Cook Islands 1919-1986 MUH/MLH in 2 large stockbooks. No "Admirals", "Arms" or long QV postal fiscal ovpts on NZ but otherwise virtually complete… $350 Sold $350 | |||
China 1906-1949 range comprising 1906 British Consulate Certificate of Registration of Colston Caines as a British Subject with Shanghai fee of $2 … $290 Sold $290 | |||
Canada & few others in junior printed album with odd better Canada incl 1898/1902 7¢ QV MLH (Cat. £70), 1903 20¢ used, 1930 5¢ Air MLH, 1932 6… $25 Sold $50 | |||
Canada 2003-2010 range with nearly all different M/S's (odd one x2) plus S/A cards all on Hagners in binder. All very fine MUH. Total face value + … $60 Sold $70 | |||
Canada 1990-2010 MUH & used in 2 binders. Strength in MUH with booklets, panes, se-tenant blocks, sheetlets & sets. Reasonable used coverage with c… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Canada 1852-1995 MLH & used in Senator binder. Good earlies incl 1852 3d brown red with 3 wide margins (Cat. £275), 1859 1¢ (2 shades), 5¢ (2 sh… $400 Sold $450 | |||
Canada 1851-1972 in black-leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Earlies in mixed cond but of enormous catalogue value noting 3 to 4 margin examples of 3rd b… $2000 Sold $1600 | |||
Canada QV group on 3 stockcards with used 1859 1¢, 5¢ & 12½¢, 1868/90 15¢ deep slate x2, small ½¢ x4, 2¢ & 3¢ x2 each plus 1897 Jubilee 1… $30 Archived | |||
British Antarctic Territory 1972 to 1980's cover selection all with special ship/command or expedition cachets. Noted 1978 Antarctic Flight with Ad… $150 Sold $180 | |||
Belgium 2007-2014 S/A booklets complete run of 23 all unfolded with mainly 1st class plus a few 2nd class. Total face value approx. A$200. Also 201… $80 Sold $80 | |||
Austria 1972-2012 MUH on Hagners (120+) in 5 display books. Pre-euro issues in sheetlets & M/S's with the only singles being 1984/92 & 1993/95 defi… $500 Sold $500 | |||
Austria 1948 1sch green pictorial correspondence cards mint duplication "Know Your Austria" scenic series complete with dupl. Good to fine througho… $30 Archived | |||
Austria 1945-1997 ex dealer stock in 3 Lighthouse stockbooks. Modest pre-1960 then very comprehensive to late 1980's, less so later. Duplicat… $200 Sold $160 | |||
Austria 1870-1880 group of 13 selected full & superb cancels on Franz Josef defins. All have been examined & catalogued & refreshingly from places … $150 Archived | |||
Austria 1860's/90's-1918 postal history ranging from three stampless letters to a 1915 regd censored cover & range of immediate post-war covers som… $40 Archived | |||
Austria 1860-1985 in old style Schaubek album. Good coverage of all periods missing "big ticket" items but a clean lot with majority fine used. A f… $250 Sold $250 | |||
Austria 1850-1937 MLH & used with each stamp identified by Scott Cat. number & price flagged. Incls WWI military post, PO's Abroad & PD's. Generall… $100 Sold $200 | |||
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Box Lots | |||
The RSPCA called a couple of days before this catalogue was off to the printers to say they have a tub of donated stamps & covers which they descri… $50 Sold $110 | |||
World off paper in 2 plastic tubs. Weight 3kg. (1000s) $40 Sold $120 | |||
Large plastic tub containing Malta 1956-1977 with values to M£2 on black leaves in boxed binder, springback with cheap pre-1950 "A-V" mixed MLH/us… $100 Sold $190 | |||
Australia KGV off paper sorted into env by value & wmk. Useful duplication with 100s in some envs. Filling shoebox. Also Germany 1986-2013, box of … $75 Sold $220 | |||
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