Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Miscellaneous: King George V |
 1914-20 Single wmk 1d green right marginal block of 9 with "white flaw behind King's ear & horizontal white flaw over "E" of "ONE". Fresh MUH. $75 Sold $75 |
 1914-20 Single wmk 1d red selection with smooth paper pair MUH & 3 singles incl. inverted wmk. MLH. Also scarlet aniline pair on rough paper MUH/ML… $60 Sold $50 |
 1914-20 Single wmk 1d carmine-red, deep bright red & brownish red shades all Die III MUH. The first two centred to right, the last mentioned slight… $800 Archived |
 1914-20 Single wmk 1d carmine Die II (submerged spur). Centred to right. Thick white gum, more commonly found on Die III. MUH ACSC 71(1)I Cat. $1250 $200 Archived |
 1914-20 Single wmk 1d rose carmine Die III on rough unsurfaced paper. MUH marginal block of 4 with left margin showing "TRALIA" part of wmk. Stamp… $200 Sold $200 |
 1914-20 Single wmk 1d carmine-red Die III. Centred low. MLH with a barely perceptible hinge mark. ACSC 75A Cat. $60 $30 Sold $30 |
 1914-20 Single wmk 1d carmine-red single line perf block of 36 (6x6) plate 1 with some compartment lines. Fine MUH except surface mark on one sta… $600 Sold $620 |
 1914-20 Single wmk 1d aniline carmine well centred block of 4 with 3 stamps MUH. Lovely rich colour. ACSC 71z Cat. $200 $80 Sold $110 |
 1914-20 Single wmk 1d carmine-red Harrison one line imprint block with vertical perfs separating on both top units. Fresh MUH. ACSC 71(1)zi Cat. $1… $400 Sold $300 |
1914-20 Single wmk ½d green, compound perf, Harrison right pane of 60 from electro 7. Some perfs separating vertically otherwise fine with the ACS… $250 Sold $200 |
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos |
 1931-36 CofA £2 grey-black & rose-crimson F/U by bold partial Tennant Creek cds across top. Centred to left but clear of perfs. Rich, fresh colou… $180 Sold $180 |
 1931-47 CofA £2 grey & rose-crimson good used with smudged indistinct cds bottom left corner leaving design clear. Centred up but rich colour & pe… $180 Sold $180 |
 1931-47 CofA £1 grey. MUH. Centred slightly to left otherwise superb in all other respects. ACSC 54, $2500 $800 Sold $1250 |
 1931-47 CofA £1 grey F/U with a light cds. Centred very slightly low. ACSC 54 Cat. $420 $120 Sold $210 |
 1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink. Well centred with one flat perf top right. Fine MUH. ACSC 50a Cat. $2500 $800 Sold $600 |
 1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink Die II. F/U & well centred. SG 136 Cat. £150 $60 Sold $130 |
 1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow, centred slightly to right. Trivial tone speck otherwise MUH. ACSC 46B Cat. $1500 $450 Sold $450 |
 1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow marginal example from top left of right pane. Centred left but with selvedge not so apparent. MLH with hinge mark on… $450 Sold $450 |
 1931-47 CofA 2/- maroon x 2 showing "white flaw from top of "H" of shilling to value circle" constant flaw. Both F/U. Not listed in ACSC. (2) $30 Sold $35 |
 1931-47 CofA 2/- maroon Type A & B imprint blocks of, the Ash being a gutter block with one stamp MLH otherwise all other MUH. ACSC 40A & 41A $75 Sold $50 |
 1931-47 CofA 2/- maroon die II with "cut throat kangaroo" variety in vert pair with normal. F/U with part Melbourne Ship Mail Room cds. ACSC 40(I)l… $30 Archived |
1931-47 CofA 9d violet Ash imprint gutter block of 4. MUH with very feint hinge mark on selvedge. Well centred. ACSC 29A(3)z Cat.… $200 Sold $230 |
 1931-47 CofA 9d violet with "shading breaks over "I" of Australia" variety. F/U with Albany North cds. ACSC 29(3)d Cat. $100 $50 Sold $50 |
 1931-47 CofA 6d chestnut top marginal block of 4 with stamps all MUH. ACSC 23A Cat. $320 $100 Sold $100 |
 1923-30 Smult £2 grey & rose-crimson F/U with light cds. Centred down but well clear of perfs. Nice colour. ACSC 57A Cat. $1200 $480 Sold $680 |
 1923-30 Smult 5/- grey & yellow orange. Centred low, MUH. ACSC 45A Cat. $400 $120 Sold $120 |
 1923-30 Smult 5/- grey & yellow cancelled with 2 partial Turkey Creek, WA cds's. SG 111 $40 Archived |
 1923-30 Smult 2/- maroon. Well centred MUH marginal example, hinged on selvedge only. ACSC 39A Cat. $450 $160 Sold $160 |
 1923-30 Smult 2/- maroon with "coloured spot off WA coast" variety. Lightly used. ACSC 39(1)g Cat. $125 $40 Archived |
 1923-30 Smult 9d violet with "shading breaks over "I" of Australia" variety. Centred left but neatly F/U. ACSC 28(3)d Cat. $150 $60 Archived |
 1923-30 Smult 9d violet Ash imprint gutter block of 4 ("N" over "N"). Hinged in gutter & adjacent 2 stamps, others MUH. ACSC 28A (3)z Cat. $1500 $300 Sold $220 |
 1923-30 Smult 6d chestnut Ash imprint gutter block of 4 ("N" over "A"). Hinged in selvedge only with stamps fine & fresh MUH. ACSC 22(4)z Cat. $400 $160 Sold $120 |
 1923-30 Smult 6d chestnut Ash imprint gutter block of 4 ("N" over "N") with top left stamp showing "hairline in Bight" variety. Fresh MUH. ACSC 22(… $250 Sold $250 |
 1923-30 Smult 10/- grey & pink. Fresh MUH, centred slightly to right. Lovely colour. ACSC 49 Cat. $3000 $900 Sold $1000 |
 1923-30 Smult 10/- grey & pale pink, Die II, F/U with light cds top right. Well centred & a very attractive example. ACSC 49 Cat. $700 $300 Sold $500 |
 1923-30 Smult 10/- grey & pale pink with "broken coast near Sydney" & "white flaw after "I" of Australia" varieties. MVLH with lovely colour. ACSC … $700 Sold $700 |
 1923-30 Smult 1/- emerald. A lovely MUH stamp. ACSC 34A Cat. $200 $80 Sold $130 |
 1923-30 Smult 1/- emerald Ash imprint gutter block of 4 ("N" over "A"). MLH & well centred. ACSC 34A(4)z Cat. $800 $200 Sold $240 |
 1923-30 Smult 1/- blue green Ash imprint gutter block of 4 ("N" over "A"). Nibbled perfs & toning affecting one MLH stamp. Others are fine MUH & we… $180 Sold $180 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk £2 purple black & rose F/U with light lower left cds. Centred to right but excellent perfs. ACSC 56C Cat. $3500 $1500 Sold $1500 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk £1 grey F/U with light lower left cds. Well centered & good perfs. ACSC 53A Cat. $500 $160 Sold $260 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk £1 purple-brown & blue F/U by light cds in lower right corner. A couple of shortish perfs at base otherwise well centred with lov… $800 Sold $900 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 10/- grey & deep aniline pink, F/U by part cds at right. Slightly soiled at left but does not detract from this well centred stamp… $180 Sold $300 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 9d violet Die IIB Plate 3 Ash imprint pair. MLH/MVLH. ACSC 27(3)zg Cat $400 $80 Sold $80 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 9d violet Die IIB with "white flaw lower part left "N" in nine" variety. Nibbled perfs right & creased at top. Good used. ACSC 27… $20 Sold $25 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 9d violet Die II MUH well centred marginal block. ACSC 26A Cat. $1100 $400 Sold $640 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 6d dull grey blue. A superb marginal MUH Die II example. ACSC 19E Cat. $675 $260 Sold $150 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 6d dull blue & 6d chestnut. Both MLH. SG 38b & 73 Retail $200 (2) $90 Sold $90 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 6d chestnut top right corner block of 4 but with light "tell tale" horizontal striations from one of "those photo albums". Misplac… $80 Sold $80 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 6d chestnut pair with right hand stamp showing "broken leg" variety. MUH ACSC 21A (3)d with normal Cat. $325 + MUH premium $160 Sold $160 |