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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Greenland 1997-1999 MUH stamps, CTO, FDC's & Maxicard range in 2 Greenland Post albums. Heavy duplication but useful thematics such as whales, ship…
Sold $160
Greenland 1990-1994 F/U on pieces duplicated range all with neat crisp cancels for Paamuit, Sisimuit, Qaqortoq, etc. Noted 1990 25k Lynge x 100, 19…
Great Britain Regionals & Channel Islands MUH, MLH & used noting Jersey wartime pictorials MLH, 1969 to 10/- with later to £5 used though some per…
Sold $35
Great Britain 2003-2005 Victorian, KEVII & KGV Stamp Ingot collections. Issues represented incl Penny Black, 1/- Embossed, £5 orange, 1/- QV Jubil…
Sold $180
Great Britain 1996-2005 PNC Stamp & Coin FDC's plus some of the better "Medal" covers incl Berlin Airlift, British Museum, RN Submarines & Ocean Li…
Sold $300
Great Britain 1980's QEII British Forces Mail covers & airletters with 5 airletters from 1982 Falklands conflict period with 22 later to end of 198…
Great Britain 1980-2010 complete run of 50 Prestige Booklets (excl DX1) neatly arranged in quality album. Exc cond. SG DX2-DX51 Cat. £1400++ with …
Sold $600
Great Britain 1976-2013 commems, high val defins, covers & M/S's. Last few years sparse but much useful incl Castles to £5 with3 diff used sets, …
Sold $240
Great Britain 1971-1996 Machins in 32 page Lighthouse stockbook. Sorted by SG cat. number with majority good to very fine used. Suit specialist. Ve…
Sold $100
Great Britain QEII pre-decimal MUH, MLH & used (usually both) on Hagners written up in 2 binders with slipcases. Catalogue numbers shown & not much…
Sold $380
Great Britain 1969 Anniversaries set in panes of 60, 1966 World Cup set in complete sheets of 120 & 1/9d Gandhi block of 42 all fresh MUH in Lighth…
Sold $20
Great Britain 1936-1982 used collection in Windsor album plus a few inserted for extra Machins & later Castle defins. Incls phosphor commems, graph…
Sold $85
Great Britain KGV postal stationery collection on leaves comprising 3 unused official GPO items (1d pre-stamped P/C, 1925 1½d B.E.E. letter card, …
Great Britain 1913-1931 KGV cards, covers & PSE selection on leaves noting small 1913 cover to Madagascar with receival mark, long 1914 cover to si…
Sold $70
Great Britain KEVII MLH & used range incl 2/6d lilac & 5/- deep bright carmine good used plus 22 low vals to 1/- in mixed cond. Noted ½d & 1d "ARM…
Great Britain 1883-1982 "back of the book" used range on Windsor leaves. Noted 1914-1982 PD's near complete to £5 (pair of latter), good officials…
Sold $400
Great Britain 1880's-1985 duplicated used on approx. 50 Hagners in padded binder. Starts with 1880's QV to 1/- (all vals with extras) through to mi…
Sold $70
Great Britain 1880-1976 used. Sparse to KGV then good range with over 70% complete to 1976. Pickings for F/U (100s) This lot is been sold commissio…
Sold $30
Great Britain 1850's-1880's fiscals written up on pages. Begins with 1853 1d QY Type L11 & L12 with inverted wmks, 1855 1d on blue paper x 2, 1856 …
Sold $1000
Great Britain 1840-1975 MLH & used collection on Windsor printed leaves & some QEII on black leaves in binder. Very good coverage of QV with 1841 1…
Sold $1200
Great Britain QV to QEII collector's spares on Hagners in padded binder. Some useful QV incl 1883 1½d-3d lilacs good to F/U, 5d & 6d washed. KEVII…
Sold $45
Gilbert Islands 1976-1979 complete MUH in small stockbook. Cat. £50 (77 stamps & 4 M/S's)
Sold $45
Germany-Third Reich Selection of colour & b/w used & unused postcards some with pre-printed franking & some with adhesives in addition. Good variet…
Sold $100
Germany-Third Reich Selection incl Himmler b&w postcard & signed letter (copy) appointing Ernst Leyser as Brigade Leader. 5 Wehrmacht/SS war action…
Sold $410
Germany-Third Reich 1933-1934 collection of 46 original black & white Military photos, some larger than standard with interesting scenes incl milit…
Sold $160
German States Danzig, SAAR, WWI/II Occupations & Colonies MLH & used collection in binder. States are mainly good to F/U from Baden (19), Bremen (2…
Sold $410
Germany-Saar 1929-1959 in old style Lighthouse illust album with first 1920 ovpts to 1m MLH & used (80pf MLH), second set to 2m50 MLH, 1921 surchar…
Sold $1200
Germany-Russian Zone & DDR MUH & MLH with odd used in German Hingeless album to 1961. Russian Zone complete (excl M/S's) MUH/MLH, then good range o…
Sold $120
Germany-New Guinea group of 7 sepia or colour postcards with 2 being used & 5 superb mint. Scenes incl the island church, huts, fishing canoes & an…
Sold $160
Germany-French Zone Begins with accumulation of MUH/MLH low val issues on manila stocksheets then printed pages with lightly mounted MLH & used. 19…
Sold $200
Germany & DDR 1900-1980's small box of postal history incl. covers, postal stationary, etc. A good variety with many priced to give guide to vals p…
Germany-DDR Ex-dealer stock annotated with Michel cat. numbers housed in 6 Lighthouse stockbooks with mainly MUH incl one volume of se-tenant & gut…
Sold $160
Germany-DDR 1960's-1970's M/S accumulation in folder. Noted 1964 15th Anniv (Cat. £75) x 3 plus other useful MUH plus a few stamps.
Sold $50
Germany-Berlin 1949-1990 ex dealer stock arranged by Michel cat. numbers in 2 Lighthouse stockbooks. Sparse to 1956 then over 90% complete with use…
Sold $80
Germany-West on leaves in 2 black "Senator" binders. Starts with Allied Zone incl 1949 Hannover Fair M/S MUH & Goethe used with both Allied & Russi…
Sold $300
Germany-West 1977-1990 Castles & 1987-1996 Tourist Sights MUH coil singles, panes & strips in quantity of each with 230 Castle x 15 pairs plus stri…
Sold $160
Germany-West 1972-1979 issues in Lindner hingeless album. Almost complete MUH or used & in many cases both. Incls M/S's, a booklet & a few covers a…
Sold $30
Germany-West 1960-1988 used with duplication most with fine cds's. Also a page of dupl pre-war Saar. Useful pickings. (100s)
Sold $25
Germany-West 1952-2004 duplicated F/U stock in 3 stockbooks. Strength in 1957-1992 but useful throughout with charities. All commemoratives (no def…
Sold $75
Germany-West 1949-1969 MLH & used collection in "SAFE" hingeless album. Starts impressively with 1949 Parliament & Stamp Centenary set F/U, UPU, Re…
Sold $350
Germany-West & Berlin Mainly MUH lightly dupl. range in medium stockbook plus smattering of used Berlin from 30pf blue Bell (clapper at right) & Be…
Sold $60
Germany Post-war MLH & used with lots of 1960's-1970 Berlin MUH but in random order. Mixed cond with some MLH poorly hinged but 1949-1960 with bett…
Germany MLH & used range with duplication in 2 large stockbooks. One volume from 1880's appearing common but the other from 1973 with much MUH in s…
Sold $40
Germany Duplicated MLH & used on Hagners with odd better noting 1926 Airs MLH (light gum disturbance), 1934 2mk & 3mk MLH Airs, 1939 Nurburgring ov…
Sold $50
Germany 1951-Germany West (mainly) & unified to 2005 all different on stocksheets in Swedish 4 ring binder. Useful commems noting 1953 30pf Nansen …
Sold $60
Germany 1940-1944 Fieldpost stampless cards/covers with 18 stampless incl one regd & 2 unused. Noted 1940 Gen Govt SS Feldpost Chelm-Lublin to Dres…
Sold $60
Germany 1937-1972 M/S's on 2 Hagners comprising 1937 Hitler perfd & ovptd, with rouletted selvedge & 1936 Brown Ribbon all with hinge remnants plus…
Sold $40
Germany 1933-1945 in Lighthouse hingeless album with slipcase. Mixed MUH, MLH & used close to complete missing only 1933 10th Anniv M/S & 1935 Ostr…
Sold $250
Germany 1913-1970s range of booklets, booklet panes, tete-beche & se-tenants in large stockbook all arranged in Michel cat. order with some extras …
Sold $1400
Germany 1880-1949 heavily duplicated MLH & used with nothing of obvious value but inflation period worth checking for better used which could be pr…
Sold $90


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