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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia | |||
1987-2008 Used/CTO collection in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless albums. The collection is c90% complete with more gaps in the post-2000 section. Cond varie… $120 Sold $240 | |||
1987-1991 complete range of FDC's, packs & postal stationery incl FDI's. Noted vals to $20 in both FDC & pack. Totals are 64 FDC's, 34 packs & 63 P… $60 Sold $30 | |||
1987-1990 comprehensive range of FDC's, pack's & postal stationery mint & FDI. Appears complete incl $20 Painting FDC & pack. Totals are 70 FDC's, … $60 Sold $30 | |||
1986-1989 selection of FDC's, packs & PSE's both mint & FDI. Totals are 66 FDC's, 27 packs & 57 PSE's not counting the CTO. $40 Sold $20 | |||
1984-1988 range of FDC's, packs & PSE's. Appears complete incl FDI PSE's & Bicentennial "Collectors Cards". There are approx. 70 FDC's, 60 packs & … $50 Sold $25 | |||
1984-1988 collection of FDC's, packs & PSE's. Appears complete for all categories incl FDI PSE's not incl in these totals of 70 FDC's, 64 packs & 5… $50 Sold $25 | |||
1982-1996 Pres packs, FDC's, booklets & MUH covering a range of issues. Noted Bradman PNC, "Across Town Perth" packs x 3 plus CPS issues. Useful pi… $350 Sold $350 | |||
1982-1986 FDCs, packs & PSE's mint & FDI with the latter not counted in following totals. 85 FDC's, 45 packs & 71 PSE's. Nice neat lot. $30 Sold $20 | |||
1981-2000 selection of MUH, pres packs, sheetlets of 10, Framas, Specimens, gutter pairs, S/A booklets, SES sheetlets & odd FDC in 2 folders. Usefu… $500 Sold $540 | |||
1981-2000 MUH in Invicta album basically complete plus 1982 Games plated set of M/S's, gutter strips & sheetlets of 10 plus reptile perf varieties.… $400 Sold $410 | |||
1981-1987 blocks, gutters, booklets, strips & M/S's with dupl in Lighthouse 30page stockbook. All MUH. Total face value $500+ $250 Sold $360 | |||
1980's-2003 PO packs (FV c$60) plus a few FDC's, maxicards & mint aerogrammes in metal chocolate box. A clean lot. $35 Sold $35 | |||
1980-2014 duplicated used decimal in 7 Chinese stockbooks. All in chronological order with many better values. Unfortunately the stockbooks are typ… $150 Sold $250 | |||
1979 Australia Post "underpaid mail" cards sent to postmasters accompanied by mail on which insufficient or no franking had been applied. Nearly al… $25 Sold $25 | |||
1977-1984 collection of FDCs, packs & postal stationery. Noted 1977 Test Cricket cover signed by Dennis Lillee plus vals to $10. Some light toning/… $40 Sold $65 | |||
1976-1984 FDC's, packs, PSE's both mint & FDI. Appears complete incl $10 painting pack & FDC, except for a few mint 1976/78 PSE's. Totals are 88 FD… $50 Sold $70 | |||
1970-1990 Decimal unsold auction lots from "Northpex 96" complete with vendors auction catalogue. Mixed packs, FDC's used etc incl 1934 Macarthur s… $50 Sold $35 | |||
1969-2000 MUH in black paged stockbook. Not in chronological order but a good buy for "postage" at reserve. Total face value $140+ $70 Sold $75 | |||
1969-1974 issues in complete sheets of 100 incl 1969 5c Christmas, 5c ILO, 5cPorts, 5c NT, 1970 5c Expo, 5c Railway, 6c Qantas, 6c UN, 5c Cook, … $220 Sold $400 | |||
1966-2014 MUH collection complete in Seven Seas Hingeless albums (up to 2013 in pages) incl S/A's, M/S's, gutters, Framas, etc. 1971 Christmas pane… $1500 Sold $2100 | |||
1966-1994 MUH & used/CTO range in 2 stockbooks with booklets, M/S's etc. MUH face value $500+ (100s) $240 Sold $240 | |||
1966-1994 MUH & used or CTO accumulation. Noted booklets & odd commem gutter. MUH face value $500+ $240 Sold $260 | |||
1966-1990 MUH in Seven Seas hingeless album. Missing early booklet panes, 1971 Christmas, most perf variations & a few other pre-1975 sets but then… $200 Sold $210 | |||
1966-1982 MUH comprehensive range in blocks, coil strips, se-tenant strips, panes & sheetlets in Lighthouse stockbook. Some dupl e.g. WWW 20¢ x20,… $250 Sold $350 | |||
1966-1981 MUH in Seven Seas hingeless album. Complete simplified incl M/S's. Useful pickings with this reserve. FV $120+ (100s) $60 Sold $70 | |||
1966-1981 collection of FDC's, packs & later PSE's. Noted some WCS, Royal & Excelsior cover types amongst the plain or generic APO FDC's to 1972 th… $50 Sold $70 | |||
1956 4d Olympics covers in shoebox grouped by pictorial cancel. Uneven quantities & may not yield any complete sets but most are present. Mixed WCS… $300 Sold $360 | |||
1953-1965 MUH blocks plus odd earlier incl singles in 2 quality stockbooks. Strong in 2/- & 2/3d commems with defins to 2/6d. Noted 1955 2/- pre-Ol… $150 Sold $390 | |||
1953-1965 Complete MUH range incl 5/- cattle on cream & white papers, Navigators set of 8 with both papers of 10/- & £1 on Seven Seas Hingeless pa… $300 Archived | |||
1952-1982 in Seven Seas Hingeless album in PNG binder. Issues to 1968 mixed MLH & used then appears nearly all MUH but to 1975 extensive rust. Clea… $30 Sold $45 | |||
1951-1964 Flight & commem covers with variety of special cancels. 7 flight covers incl 1955 Cocos to Perth & 1959 Begonia Helicopter Festival plus … $50 Sold $50 | |||
1947-1965 range of Airmail covers with most registered. All between Melbourne & Los Angeles with a wide range of adhesives with unusual combination… $400 Archived | |||
1937-1965 range of imprints & later blocks on Hagners. Noted 2/6d Aboriginal x 4 blocks, 1953 Food blocks of 9, 1956 2/- Olympics block of 8, 1959 … $150 Sold $340 | |||
1937-1948 selection on stockcard incl 1914 6d engraved, off centred MLH, 2d scarlet KGVI coil pair with pulled perfs MLH, 7/6d Cook MUH, 5 x PD's b… $50 Archived | |||
1934-1953 FDC's & MUH/MLH/used blocks & singles from 1913 to 1953 used noting 10/- Arms used. FDC's (x25) incl Challis 1948 Scouts & 1948 von Muell… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1932-1964 selection of complete sets incl Victoria Cent perf. 10½ (short perf on top of 1/-), 1932 1/- Lyrebird (3), 1934 1/6d Hermes perf. 11, Ma… $160 Archived | |||
1931-1936 9d, 1/- & 2/-, CofA wmk, kangaroos CTO, KGV set to 1/4d (excl 1½d) plus small Mult 1d, 4d & 5d perf "OS", ½d "OS" ovpt & single wmk 2d… $30 Sold $30 | |||
1929-1994 massive used accumulation sorted in chronological order in labelled glassines in three flat boxes. Neatly arranged but a quick check show… $40 Sold $50 | |||
1929-1965 MUH, MLH & used range on Hagners & album leaves noting 1932 6d type kookaburra x3 MLH, 1936 Cable pair MLH x 5, blocks of 4 MUH, Navigat… $60 Sold $65 | |||
1927-1974 MUH, MLH plus booklets accumulation in large Lighthouse stockbook. Starts with odd KGV low val then 1929 3d Airmail block MUH, 1930's sin… $150 Sold $130 | |||
1927-1965 MUH/MLH duplicated in rough issue order on Hagners. Noted 5/- Robes thick & thin x4 MUH, lots of low val blocks plus Cobb & Co., Pre-Olym… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1927-1965 MUH & good to F/U range in Sherwood commem folders. Only used to QEII noting Vic Cent to 1/-, perf 11½, 1/- Anzac, AIF to 6d, Robes to … $150 Sold $160 | |||
1914-1976 MUH/MLH collection on Hagners in binder. Incls 1914 6d well-centred MLH, 1929 3d Air in both types, 1931 Kingsford Smith set x 2 plus 6d … $400 Sold $320 | |||
1914-1965 MUH comprehensive range on Hagners from small KGV range incl 1/4d CofA, 1930's commems (missing only 5/- SHB), KGVI defins & QEII, missin… $200 Sold $260 | |||
1914 to 1990's in quality Lighthouse stockbook. Heavily duplicated & overwhelmingly common incl some AAT & commem used PSE's at back. Priced fo… $30 Sold $30 | |||
1913-2010 MUH oddments on Hagners with 1d KGV Re-engraved through to KGVI & QEII incl Food 3½d block of 9, 1962 2/3d Games pair, 1959 5/- Cattle, … $120 Sold $150 | |||
1913-1999 Used or CTO on leaves in springback album. Kangaroos well covered with 1st wmk to 2/- incl 4d yellow orange, 2nd wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk & sm… $600 Sold $600 | |||
1913-1992 MUH & MLH rather untidy range of singles, pairs & blocks in toned/stained stockbook though stamps appear clean & fresh throughout. MUH in… $150 Sold $180 | |||
1913-1987 Seven Seas hingeless albums x 2 with scattered MUH, MLH & used to 1982 in very mixed cond. The 1983-1987 album is without stamps. Missing… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1913-1981 duplicated used noting useful monocolour PD's incl 10d & 5/- & bicolour CofA typeset to 1/- plus a few kangaroos to 2/- & KGV to 1/4d. 19… $60 Sold $60 | |||
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