Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
First Day Covers 1979-1983 selection in FDC album. Unaddressed with mixed WA FDI pmks. (50)
Sold $20
Frama accumulation from Barred Edge to "Farewell" issue. Noted 00.00 for BE, Kangaroo & Platypus issues, faint prints verging on blank paper, diff …
Sold $95
Gutters Commem blocks of 10 for 1995 WWII Heroes & Peace set of 3, 1996 Aviation & Children's Books. Also 1996 AFL sheetlet. FV $40
Sold $40
Imprint blocks MLH on Hagner incl Type B 2/- kangaroo (2 MUH,2 MLH), Newcastle set (2 sets of blocks MUH). Mitchell set MUH (2½d 3 only), few othe…
Sold $65
Officials 1927-1932 perfined & ovpt OS on commems & KGV incl 3d Airmail, CofA KGV to 5d, Kingsford Smith (incl 6d Airmail) & 1/- Lyrebird. All good…
Sold $120
Postage Dues 1919-1958 used bicolour range on Hagner. Various perf & wmks/no wmk. Attractive lot in above average cond with light dupl incl 5/- (3)…
Sold $70
Postage Dues used on card with 1902 "blank at base" 6d (2), 1902/4 to 5/- (except 9d & 2/-) with extra 2d & 6d, these plus 3d with wmk inverted. Al…
Sold $60
Postmarks Pre-1940 covering all States. Noted SA; American River, Fowlers Bay, Warrina, Tasmania; Lovett, Norfolk Bay, WA; Burbanks, Victoria; Tour…
Sold $70
Pre-Stamped Envelopes 1978-1989 Mixed mint & FDI selection in 3 FDC albums. Excellent cond. (170)
Sold $30
Pre-Stamped Envelopes 1978-1994 with high level of completeness. All pmkd FDI, most with Willetton, WA. Arranged in Hagners. All fresh & unaddresse…
Replica Cards in Seven Seas Replica Card Album & pages. No. 1 (1914 Unissued pair) complete to No. 34 (1959 Birth of PO). Excellent cond. (34 cards)
Replica Cards Selection of 20 different in FDC pages. Incls AAT original 4d & 7d vals on first defins. Excellent cond. (20 cards)
Yearbooks - Leather 2000-2005 with stamps still in original packaging. 2005 is the limited edition. Retail $900+ FV $350 (6)
Sold $320
Yearbooks 1984-1989 complete with stamps in place. FV $175 (6 books)
Sold $120
Yearbooks 1995-2004, 2007 & 2008 complete with stamps. Later with Olympic sheets. Total FV $685+ (12 books)
Sold $560
Yearbooks 1996-1999 with stamps still in original packaging. Total FV $180+ (4)
Sold $150
Yearbooks 2002-2009 with stamps placed in pages. 2005 is the leather edition (Limited to 8000 & retailing at $160). All in excellent cond Total FV …
Sold $500
NSW Range of duplicates on Hagners, mainly low vals in mixed cond. Noted 1897 1/- (1d) Consumptive Homes MLH. Copious vendor write up & STC $850+ (…
Sold $60
South Australia Duplicated array on 5 Hagners incl "OS" ovpts (37 to 6d), "SA" perfins on Long Toms incl MLH vals (not perfin) to 10d with 6 diff v…
Sold $65
Tasmania Selection on 6 Hagners with dupl in used pictorials (no scarce pmks) & value in engraved pictorial set MUH (plus odd extra MLH incl 5d) Re…
Sold $140
Victoria Used accumulation with dupls on 7 Hagners. Possible shade, perf or wmk potential but minimal pmk interest. STC $1800 but very mixed cond. …
Sold $55
WA Postmarks mainly decimal in shoebox & on paper. Huge variety. (100's)
Sold $20
States heavily duplicated off paper in bag with postmark potential in WA 1d & 2d swans (spotted Lawlers, Sandstone). Other states look less promisi…
Sold $70
States in 2 folders; one with Victoria fiscals to decimal on Tattersalls & other documents, the second folder with WA (some cancellation interest) …
Sold $75
AAT 1957-1980 Sherwood Folder collection incl 1966 decimals to $1 MUH. Excellent cond.
Sold $50
AAT Gutters incl. 1979/81 Ships (2 sets of 15 - only 1st 15c), 1982 Mawson (blk 4), 1983 & 1986 Treaty, 1984 Mag Pole (blk 4), 1985/87 Scenes, 1989…
Sold $190
Christmas Is 1958-2001 MUH collection on Lindner 'T' hingeless leaves. Complete as per leaves incl. 1988 Wildlife sheetlet of 16 & 1990 Booby M/S o…
Sold $310
Christmas Is 1963-1992 range of MUH issues on Hagners. Noted 1963 Defins to $1, 1982 Birds to $4 & 1987 Wildlife to $5, 1990 Bird M/S's ovpt NZ Exh…
Sold $210
Christmas Is 1977-1988 MUH & packs incl 1977/78 Visitors to $2 MUH & Pack, phosphate Indust pack 1984-1988 year packs. All in excellent cond. FV $90+
Sold $50
Christmas Is. 1991-2003 MUH selection on Hagners with many useful incl 1992 Kuala Lumpur ovpt on $5, Int Post & Chinese New Year in gutters, incl 1…
Sold $440
Christmas Island Covers. 1968-2007 range with 1970 15c & 30c Fish on unaddressed cover & balance of set on 3 1968 covers & 1972/3 Ships on 4 covers…
Sold $50
Cocos Is 1963-2000 MUH collection on Lindner 'T' hingeless leaves in 4 ring binder. Missing 27 stamps (incl. all but one of the 1990/91 provisional…
Sold $210
Cocos Is 1963-2007 range of MLH issues arranged neatly on album pages. Noted 1994 Surcharges set of 7 to $5 on 65c incl both 10c Mainland Postage P…
Sold $170
Cocos Is 1969-1984 range of packs (incl Fish defins x 2) & FDC's in bag. Light duplication. (37 items)
Sold $40
Cocos Is 1969-1991 range of MUH issues on Hagners. Noted Ship, Fish, Moth & Shells, Flora defins to $3, 1990 Christmas rouletted, NZ Exhibition sel…
Sold $160
Cocos Is. 1993-2002 selection of issues on Hagners incl. 1995-2001 Fish to $5 some in gutters, 2000 Millennium Faces in gutter strips of 10 (2), l…
Sold $210
Nauru 1937-2008 MLH collection presented on album pages with Ships on smooth paper with vals to 2/6d (toned), Defins to 5/-, $1 & $5. All later iss…
Sold $210
Norfolk Is 1947-1986 with Pre-dec mixed MUH, MLH plus CTO of nearly all. Decimals MUH & CTO for a high percentage (1974 UPU sets & M/S MUH only). T…
Sold $190
Norfolk Is 1947-2009 range of MLH issues arranged neatly on album pages. All Ball Bay vals to 2/-, 10/- Tropic Bird with SPECIMEN at base & top lef…
Sold $230
Norfolk Is 1949-1970's MUH & used range in Chinese stockbook & on card. Also 11 double sided "one strip" Hagners &small bag with Australian covers.…
Sold $35
Norfolk Island 1966-2005 Mainly MUH on Seven Seas leaves incl 1970/1 Birds but missing 1974 UPU M/S & some sets. Then MUH range to 2005 (1995 $10 V…
Sold $130
Territories AAT, Christmas & Cocos Islands MUH & used issues in stockbook. Issues to 2010 incl the difficult M/S's & sheetlets. Many useful with mo…
Sold $190
Territories accumulation with Cocos 1969 Decimal pack, PNG & Samoa 1970's MUH sets, Norfolk Is incl 1970/71 Birds MUH (Cat. £27), Fiji & Nauru def…
Sold $85
Oddments on Hagners in file incl page of Tax stamps; $10 (10), $20 (4), $40 (6), $100, $200 (12) & 25 other vals from 5c to $9 (11 diff), 2009 Bice…
Sold $140

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