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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Germany Occupation of Serbia 1942/43 duplicated sets. Monasteries (SG G58/68), Officials SG GO78, Postage Dues SG G82/88, all x 10 used or CTO. Cat…
Great Britain Pre-stamped entires with PAID cancels in red & black. Mixed destinations with a range of cachets, including one London mourning entir…
Great Britain QV to QEII basic range on 16 Hagners with majority used & QEII. Value in Hagners! STC £396 (100's)
Sold $45
Great Britain QV to QEII pre-dec Castles used with duplication on stockcards & Hagners. Nearly all defins, with high values incl. KGV 2/6d (15), 5…
Sold $260
Great Britain 1840-1973 Mainly used collection in boxed SG "Windsor" album starting with 3 Penny Blacks (1 with 4 margins, others 3 margins) & a fe…
Sold $540
Great Britain 1840-2004 range in quality stockbook commencing with 1840 1d black & 2d blue, good to F/U surface printed, Jubilee to 1/- green, KEVI…
Sold $920
Great Britain 1887/92 QV Jubilees to both 1/- onwards with useful KEVII to 1/- & 1924 Wembleys. KGVI & QEII to £, all good to F/U. Also early QEII…
Sold $100
Great Britain 1937-1965 collection on leaves with useful phosphors plus 1957 graphites & 1959 phosphor/graphites. No high values but incl extra Sha…
Great Britain 1937-1982 range of used with considerable duplication in large Chinese stockbook. Noted 1948 KGVI £1 brown (3) & 1951 (15), QEII £1…
Sold $60
Great Britain 1942-1970 MUH (odd Wilding MLH) range in stockbook. Missing 1951 & Castles early phosphor commems but noted 1948 £1 RSW, 1953 Coron…
Sold $70
Great Britain 1981-1999 First Day Covers. All with neatly typed addresses & in fresh cond. High retail on the later issues & excellent for F/U. (Ap…
Sold $75
Great Britain c1990 MLH on homemade sheets plus range of packs to 2007. Also few unaddressed FDC's, PHQ cards (railways), KGVI ½d on UPU Postcard,…
Sold $150
Great Britain Millennium issues in bundles of 100 apparently all good to F/U. 58 different stamps. A lot of soaking & sorting already done for the …
Sold $55
Great Britain PHQ cards in shoebox crammed with 1980-1996 issues, close to (if not actually) complete. Seldom offered so complete over such a range…
Sold $140
Great Britain Small Chinese stockbooks with MUH, MLH & used range of Wildings (mainly multiple crown & phosphors), Castles mult crown & no wmk sets…
Sold $50
Great Britain Used collection in standard SG album with issues from KGV to 1970. Remnants with few better remaining incl 1962 NPY phosphor set used…
Sold $30
Great Britain covers (44) in FDC album (noted 10/- Castle on Newtown bicentennial cover of 1967), stockbook with common 1960s-1990s used, odd MUH …
Sold $80
Great Britain, Canada & NZ collections on illust pages in 3 matching SG One Country albums on pages to 1980. The GB includes decimal sets to 1980 M…
Sold $120
Grenada range on Hagner of MLH & used incl 1d &6d Chalons, KGV 2/- used (SG 99). Many good copies. Cat. £140+ (77)
Sold $30
Heligoland Selection of MLH & used on Hagner. If originals, these would catalogue over £2700, but most (if not all) are reprints & offered with ch…
Sold $55
Hong Kong 1862-2007 Mainly used. Noted 1880 48c brown & a few other useful QV, KEVII values to $1, KGV incl 25c type A MLH, 1921/37 $2 used, 1941 s…
Hong Kong 1946-2004 range of MUH issues incl M/S's. Strong in 1990's with defins to $50. Excellent cond in quality stockbook. Cat. £500+
Sold $300
Hong Kong 1984-1999 presentation packs. Incl 1984 "special issues", 1987 defins (HK$50 short corner) with "1989" imprint, 1988-1992 "Special Issues…
Sold $100
Hong Kong 1985-1997 presentation packs (32) &FDC's (75) in 2 green Cumberland FDC albums. FDC's are from 1987 while packs start from 1985 Dragon Bo…
Sold $250
Hong Kong 1990's M/S accumulation. 9 different designs with a total of 151. Duplication varies from x 9 to x 50 (Lantou Liak). Most are 1997, with …
Sold $130
Hong Kong QEII used accumulation (a few earlier) definitives with heavy dupl. Values to HK$50. Also incl 1997 "skyline" defins M/S on FDC & few com…
Sold $90
Hungary 1880's-1970's starter collection of MLH & used on leaves. Nothing of note but a clean lot. (600+)
Sold $20
Hungary Occupations Post WWI range on 2 Hagners with Banat Bacska (31), Romanian Occ of Hungary (16) & Transylvania designs with similar ovpt (35),…
Sold $35
Iceland range in presentation folder with mint & used. Largely common defins & commems (some with foxed perfs) but noted good used 1876 6a grey & 1…
Sold $20
India & Ceylon 1863-1940. Small collection of MLH & used with odd useful. Noted Ceylon 1R50c (SG 263) used. Ceylon (31) Cat. £160 & India (25) Cat…
Sold $40
India Collection of QV to KGVI fiscals on hangers & in bags. Some mixed cond as expected but must be inspected to appreciate the scope; Court fees,…
KUT KGVI 9 MLH vals to 50c & 1954/58 defins to £1 in PO folders. Also Mauritius 1954 Defins to 10R MLH also in official PO folders. Fine cond. (3 …
Sold $70
Malaysia FDC's in shoebox largely mid 1960-s to 1981 with odd duplicate. Addressed (several registered) to mid 1970's then unaddressed. Noted 1970 …
Sold $70
Malaysia/Singapore Accumulation in large green stockbook. Mainly used from KGV Straits low values& incl Brunei & Sarawak. Considerable duplication …
Sold $50
Montenegro 1874-1913 Collection of MLH & used with good ranges of perfs & shades. 1905 Constitution ovpts incl scarce 8¼mm YCTAB, some imperfs, mi…
Netherlands & Belgium in 2 stockbooks. Largely common & heavily dupl definitives & commems. (1000+)
Sold $20
Netherlands 1867-2006 in catalogue order on thick stack of album pages in binder. Modest to 1976, then solid with M/S's, booklets & commems. Mixed …
Sold $460
Netherlands 1980's MUH, MLH & used in folder. Mainly MUH commems & a few M/S's. Fine cond. (350-400)
Sold $55
Netherlands Modern MUH range of sets, odd values, & M/S's with strength in 1980's. A clean lot in bags & on stocksheets, nearly all different (c280…
Sold $120
Netherlands Post war stock in old "Importa" stockbook. Starts with mainly used oddments with duplicates increasing through the 1950's (noted Queen …
Sold $100
Netherlands Colonies (Curacao) Selection of MLH & used on Hagner incl 1934 300th Anniversary MLH to 50c (9 vals), 1928 to 30c (incl 21c) used, 1936…
Sold $130
New Caledonia 1905-1984. Mainly used with many better items plus a page of French Polynesia (31) STC £690 (218)
Sold $160
New Guinea GRI accumulation with 2d on 10pf to 3d on 30pf yacht surcharges with a range of varieties (8). All mint without gum; 1901 5pf & 10pf Mar…
Sold $250
New Guinea, Papua & PNG MUH, MLH & used assorted on Hagners. Some toning to 1/- MLH & 5/- used, 1932 ½d buff MLH, 1952 to £1 MLH (latter creased)…
Sold $290
New Zealand 1873-2000 in 2 standard SG One Country albums. Noted 1898 2½d "Waki" & 9d MLH, few Arms to 9/- incl 5/6d on 5/6d used, 1931 2d Smilin…
Sold $260
New Zealand 1882-1998 oddments mainly used on home made album pages. Generally average cond with some value in MLH KGV 6d, 9d, 1/- & used 1907 3d H…
Sold $50
New Zealand 1953-1967. Various QEII incl flaws & varieties in 1960 pictorials issue. Mainly blocks. Good research lot - much of the work has alread…
Sold $40
New Zealand 1960, '61, '64, '70, '75, '76 (2) & 1977 Health M/S's, plus 1974 NZ Day M/M. All F/U with contemporary cancels. Cat. £190+
Sold $60
New Zealand 1976-2006 MUH & used collection arranged in 2 stockbooks. Some early used from QV onwards, but basic material. High degree of completen…
Sold $540
New Zealand duplicates in large stockbook. Many Healths & Christmas stamps MLH or used followed by definitives, officials, commems (some sets) to r…
Sold $80

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