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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand Mainly 1948-1967 Health FDC's all addressed. Duplication with many aged or stained. Noted plain 1937 1d Hiker FDC & 1940 2½d Centennia…
Sold $200
Norway accumulation in Chinese stockbook. Largely common used "posthorn", "lion" & "king" definitives, but noted page with early 1960's MUH & MLH c…
Sold $20
Norway Mainly used duplicated in very mixed cond. Incls 55 skilling types, range of sans-serif posthorns, later with duplication heavy in places (e…
Sold $50
Norway Used accumulation in SG stockbook from 1856 4sk To 2003. The mint often having faults but majority appear F/U with plenty of better commems…
Sold $35
Papua New Guinea 1952-1969 First Day Covers incl 1952 on single unaddressed covers complete to £1, 1/7d Cattle on illus cover with 4 other vals (t…
Sold $100
Papua New Guinea 1952-1984 collection on Hagners. 1952 10/- map pair & 1/7d F/U. From 1964 largely MUH incl 10/- Rabaul, 1966 Butterflies, 1968 She…
Sold $50
Papua New Guinea 1952-2008 MLH collection neatly laid out in album, about 98% complete, no 1994 provisionals, but a few New Guinea incl 1931 "dated…
Sold $300
Papua New Guinea 1966-2003 with approx 90% MUH in stockbook. Missing 1994 provisional set of 11 but noted 65t "Must See PNG" ovpt pair with figure …
Sold $120
Poland Used accumulation in large stockbook. Heavy duplication in late 1940's but nothing highly catalogued. Majority are post-war to 1970's. Rando…
Sold $40
Poland WW II German Occupation. 1945 Dachau Red Cross M/S's for use by Concentration Camp prisoners in white & cream papers. Also 5 covers; 1941 Go…
Rhodesia 1905-1978 on leaves from 1d & 2½d Falls CTO, various "Admirals" of Southern Rhodesia to 2/-, used, 5/- fiscal, 1931 S. Rhodesia simplifie…
Samoa 1877-2007 Collection MLH on album leaves. Sparse early but noted 5 x "Express" incl 2/- (2), Palms to 1/-, 1899 Prov Govt. (8) to 2/6d, 1920 …
Sold $280
Samoa 1921-1974 collection in Simplex binder with 1921 Huts to 1/- MLH & used (excl. 3d & 9d used), 1962 to 5/- MLH & used (excl 1/- used), 1967/9 …
Sold $120
Samoa 1993-97 unaddressed FDC's (25) with corresponding MUH sets & M/S's in "Invicta" album. Additional 20 covers 1935-1971 on similar leaves with …
Sold $40
Samoa Booklets, blocks & M/S's in black-paged Lighthouse block album with nearly all the value in booklets comprising Foss numbers 4-9 with extra 7…
Sold $400
San Marino MUH & MLH cheap range in stockbook. Main value in 1989-1992 MUH sets (20+) on last page. (100's)
Sold $20
Scandinavia Remnants on printed leaves in Schaubek binder. No Denmark or Norway but a few Iceland, Finland & quantity of Sweden. Nothing past 1970.…
Sold $65
Singapore 1948-2008 MUH, MLH & used collection in Hawid mounts on leaves in binder. Lots of gaps, but laid out in catalogue order & a good basis fo…
Sold $270
Singapore 1976-1991 selection of unaddressed FDC's incl. 1976 Art (2), 1990 Penny Black & Ferns & 1991 Orchids pair. F/U cat. val is £150+ (30)
Sold $60
South Africa accumulation largely used with a few MUH/MLH in cat order in stockbook. Value in 1954 to 5/- (ex 4½d), 1961 50c MUH, 12½c commems (1…
Sold $30
South Africa Pre-QEII MLH on Hagner with bilingual pairs (18), MLH of Voortrekker, KGVI Coronation set & War Effort types, plus 3 used postage dues…
Sold $55
South Africa range of MLH & used in stockbook. Largely common with a few MUH & MLH near the back incl SWA ovpts & 1931 10/- singles. May repay clos…
Sold $65
South America Mainly earlier issues pre-1920 MLH & used on Hagners. Incls Venezuela (41), Uruguay (113), Peru (75) & Columbia (55). STC £400+ (not…
Sold $70
Spain 1952-1960's Maxicards incl 1960 Murillo paintings & few later sets of 10. Attractive and seldom offered. (80)
Spain 1960-1986 MUH & used collection in 2 boxed Schaubek Hingeless albums. Colourful lot approx 50% complete with used predominating till 1970 wit…
Sold $130
Sweden 1858-1891 Numeral issue used, perfs & shades with & without posthorn, a few PD's & odd later issues plus a few other Scandinavian countries.…
Sold $50
Sweden Clean duplicated lot in 2 stockbooks mainly used but many late 1970's & few 2001/2 MUH incl 10k bird noted. Used incls 1900 5k P.O., few 191…
Sold $65
Sweden Starts with 1858 4sk, 1858 range incl faulty 90k (Cat. £190), 24k x 5, later with heavy dupl in defins, postage dues & officials. Such gene…
Sold $30
Switzerland 1854-1978 Mint, MLH & used collection in boxed Davo standard album. Pro Juveatutes mixed MLH & used complete with 1915 & 1916 sets used…
Sold $260
Switzerland 1900-1969 MUH, MLH & used ranged on Hagners with main value in Pro Juventutes from 1912 10rp brown forerunner MUH, 1913, 1915, pair & 1…
Sold $220
Switzerland Folders containing MUH in glassines Nos 1-35 (bar 21) Sardoz "Philatelic News" info folders. Covers Pro Patria & Pro Juventate & public…
Sold $85
Tokelau & Tuvalu 1948-1980 MUH & MLH with Tuvalu 1979 fish to $2 in corner blocks of 8 MUH & MLH, 1979-1980 commem sets in blocks of 4 MUH/MLH, Tok…
Sold $25
Tristan Da Cunha 2002-2010 Commem FDC's with a range of highly thematic stamps & M/S's. Excellent cond. With a massive F/U cat. value. (52)
Sold $150
United Nations 1951-1977 incomplete MUH, MLH & used in hingeless Schaubek album. Starts with used (170+) to 1966 incl 1955 M/S, then 1956-1965 MLH,…
Sold $50
USA 1890's to 1960's used accumulation in large well filled stockbook. Useful pickings but generally packet quality & average cond. (1000's)
Sold $70
USA Modest MLH & used coll in Invicta album. Mostly common but does incl 1893 15c Columbus, 1898 50c Trans Mississippi, 1901 to 10c, 1904 commems a…
Sold $100
USA range on stocksheets, postal service embossed items U1-U424 (Harris Cat), early used noted. Columbus 4c to 15c mixed mint/used (mixed cond) Cat…
Sold $100
West German & Berlin 1974-1981 ETB's (0ver 400) of West Germany & Berlin in 7 FDC type albums plus 4 large Chinese stockbooks with strength in CTO …
Sold $230
British Commonwealth 1970s/80s AAT, Christmas Island, Cocos, Tuvalu, Samoa & Pitcairn. Packs, FDC's blocks & sets. FV in AAT is $55+ (Qty)
Sold $85
British Commonwealth flaws incl. Cyprus ½p KEVII with "broken triangle", Fiji 2½d KGVI with "extra island", Brunei 5c brown "retouched value tabl…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth M/S's & sheetlets on leaves in peg album. Mostly 1970s/80s but noted Singapore 1970 EXPO & 1973 SEAP Games. Useful thematic po…
Sold $50
World A-J foreign countries in SG "New Ideal" album. MLH & used to 1937 with good pickings incl Albania 1931 Tirane-Rome airs MLH, Austria 1850 2k…
Sold $540
World "Ideal" album (1906) collection of MLH & used in mixed cond with better incl French Cols 1859 5c MLH with rest of set used, GB 1841 2d blue g…
Sold $370
World 1950's aerogrammes all commercially used with a variety of additional stamps & pmks. Noted PAQUEBOT cds's for Port Said & Mallorca. An intere…
Sold $30
World accumulation in battered Lighthouse stockbook. Largely used starting with Austria & lesser quantities of other European countries. Also Fiji,…
Sold $100
World in 1897/98 SG Imperial Postage Stamp Albums (2 volumes) 8th edition. Second hand with hinge marks where stamps have been removed but binding …
Sold $100
World in 4 thick Scott illustrated albums with largely quantity of F/U remnants. Strong in1940s-1960s. Consider weight if sending a postal bid! (10…
Sold $140
World in 6 Harris Masterworks Large Stamp albums with majority used & some MLH. Basic material & appears sparse in these large albums. Early Europe…
Sold $90
World Invicta album with MLH & used oddments. Mainly pre WWII but incl Thailand 1966 Asia games (missing bottom 2 values; 2b torn) MLH, South Afric…
Sold $40
World MLH & used to 1930's in Invicta album. Useful pickings with Denmark 1925 airmail, Gibraltar 1925 2/- brown-red & black, Iraq 1932 ½diner blu…
Sold $140

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