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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Aitutaki & Penrhyn Is. Pre-KGVI range on Hagners. Both with values to 1920 1/-. Mostly fine MLH with odd small hinge remnant ('A' 22; 'P' 11). Low…
Sold $35
Austria Various on pages incl. 1863 Newspaper SG W44, 1890/99 high val defins to 4k, 1920/21 PD's, 1920 Plebiscite ovpt set, 19256-1934 sets & shor…
Sold $75
Belgian Congo Collection remnant on leaves from first pictorials to 1943, mixed MLH & used with values to 1f. (60)
Sold $16
Belgium 1849-1974 duplicated mainly used in chronological order in stockbook. High catalogue value in 19th Century but mixed cond. Incl some railwa…
Sold $60
Belgium 1896-1977 MUH & MLH patchy to 1940's. Incls 1940 QE Music Foundation set, 1941 Concert Hall M/S (toned) & 1949 Stamp Cent. 1960-1966 MUH bl…
Sold $90
Bosnia & Herzigovena on Hagners with MLH & used incl 1906 to 5K (2K perf. 9), various ovpts & charities to 1917. STC £50 (102)
Sold $25
Brazil 1844-1900 used range on leaves incl 1876 to 500r & 1878/9 to 1000r (ex 700r), 1884/5 to 500r with odd later. Cond mixed with some foxing. Ca…
Sold $30
British Forces in Egypt & Greece. 5 Censored covers/postcards with a variety of pmks & cachets incl 1918 British Crown "APCS Passed Aegean Postal C…
Burma - Japanese Occupation WWII collection on Hagners with 21 x KGVI Burma peacock overprints MUH & MLH incl 1942 1R (SG J119), plus block 4 of SG…
Sold $160
Burma - Japanese Occupation WWII collection of five covers, all franked with Japanese issued stamps. Three are Japanese Rangoon POW Camp covers, f…
Sold $200
Burma 1937-1947 MLH & used with vals to 10R; Chamba State 1941-1943 Officials (8 vals) & Brunei (Japanese Occ) 1c, 2c (both), 4c, 5c all MLH & 8c u…
Sold $270
Canada 1859-1953 with 1859 1c, 5c (SG 29 & 31), 1898 8c QV orange F/U (SG 161), KEVII 10c & 20c (SG 183 & 186), 1930 & 1935 $1's. Mixed mint & used…
Sold $80
Canada 1935-2004 with a good used range to 1935, reasonably complete 1935-1988 & then sparse to 2004. Mostly good to F/U with many cds examples. Hi…
Canada 1965-1985 Commems & Defins with vals to $2 in MUH blocks of 4. A few earlier used. Numerous thematics & reasonably complete. FV CAD$310+ ($330)
Sold $120
Canada 1995-2010 Range of MUH & used sets in stockbook & Hagners incl Sheetlets, commem booklets, M/S's & self adhesives. Appears reasonably comple…
Sold $440
Canada 1998-2009 Official Canada Post Yearbooks with additional Millennium edition. The most difficult years with the most sought after modern issu…
Sold $600
Ceylon 1861-1972 collection mostly used. Noted QV values to 2/- (incl 1866 1d & 3d), 1872 96c, few 1885 surcharges, 1886 to 2R25, KEVII to 2R25 KGV…
Sold $210
China 1980-2001 FDC's & Official folders with postcards & maxicards etc. Over 100 items, all unaddressed incl M/S's of late 1980's. Lots with wildl…
Sold $100
China Beijing 2008 presentation pack, with 2005 & 2008 year albums, EXPO 2010 prestige booklets (2) each containing 1y20 se-tenant with different l…
Sold $30
China (Taiwan) 1957-2008 MUH collection arranged in stockbook from 1957 Highway Project incl 1960 Paintings, 1964 Cacti with many other sets & part…
Sold $330
Czechoslovakia & Yugoslavia accumulation in 2 stockbooks. Untidy & some mixed cond with mainly common defins & commem oddments. (100's)
Sold $25
Denmark 1851-1990 Used accumulation with 35 imperfs in mixed cond, later skilling perfd issues (45), new currency posthorns arranged by perf & with…
Sold $60
Denmark accumulation in Chinese stockbook in random order with dupl heavy in places. May replay closer checking for inverted frames etc (1000's)
Sold $25
Egypt 1879-1951 MLH & used accumulation on display cards, in folder & two approval books. Noted 1925 15m blue Geographical used (Cat. £16) & 1933 …
Sold $85
Estonia MLH range with 5mk Airmail imperf triangular, "3 lions" defins, 15 diff to 80s, Tartu Uni & Anti-TB sets of 4, plus 3 used odds, fine cond.…
Sold $20
Finland accumulation in Chinese stockbook with common defins & commems incl a few recent peel & sticks. Noted 1866 10k black on yellow (3 missing p…
Sold $45
France 1849/70 imperf & perf range on Hagner with catalogue info 'flagged'. Mostly fair to fine, imperfs to 40c, perfs to 80c. STC £600+ (25)
Sold $65
French Colonies on Hagners from Peace & Commerce oddments to 1960s. Mixed cond with val in quantity. (100's)
Sold $90
Germany 1872-1940's mainly used in Schaubek printed album, with useful Arms to 3k & 50pf, 1920 Bavaria 3m F/U & 20m MLH, 1924 5m Speyer Cathedral u…
Sold $330
Germany 1872-1945 lightly duplicated collection MUH, MLH & used in 2 hingeless Borek albums. Missing most major items but incls 1872 3gr & 5gr larg…
Sold $860
Germany 1872-1945 plus a few later West Germany & Berlin. Mixed MLH & used duplicated starting with over 100 x 1872 large & small shields in mainly…
Sold $150
Germany 1872-1945 used collection with many good values & shades. Most pmks seem genuine incl 1928 & 1934 Air sets, 2m & 5m Zeppelins. Also Officia…
Sold $520
Germany 1903-1942 Officials set, part sets, various wmks incl Bowarians Wurttemberg ovpts. 1905 2pf SG O90 is toned & 1920 10pf orange SG O126 has …
Sold $80
Germany 1933-1940 Winter Relief Fund sets (8). Used ex 3 vals (1935 25pf & 35pf, 1936 15pf) Good to fine cond. Cat. £550 (70)
Sold $140
Germany 1933-1945 Third Reich MLH & MUH incl blocks of 1937 & 1939/40 Welfare sets etc. SG simplified cat. £550 (as MLH))
Sold $290
Germany 1933-1945 Third Reich used collection incl Frederich 6, 12pf Tete Beche, 1934 Air set. Many useful vals. Good to fine cond. SCT £800+ (350)
Sold $220
Germany 1949-1983 MLH & MUH with the majority MLH to 1962. Incls 1949 Parliament, Stamp Cent, UPU, 1950 Bach, 1951, 1953 Relief sets etc. Cat. £1…
Sold $250
Germany Assorted in 5 stockbooks & folders plus European oddments in another stockbook. Best items include 1/10/1948 illust cover bearing 24pf & 25…
Sold $450
Germany Collectors Display Sheets. Full sets in MUH cond attractively presented on consecutively numbered sheets, 1-12. From 1910 German Colonies, …
Sold $180
Germany Berlin 1949-1970 Used collection. 1949 views, Surcharges, 1951 Bell (Clapper right & centre sets), Famous Berliners, 1956 Buildings, etc. C…
Sold $160
Germany Berlin 1949-1996 MUH collection in 2 hingeless Borak albums. Sparse to 1957 then solid to 1980 with some gaps increasing later. Noted 1949 …
Sold $200
Germany Berlin 1949-1996 used collection in 2 Borek hingeless albums. STC 15000DM (Mi 1955) but nearly half that is the Berlin overprinted set in b…
Sold $470
Germany West 1949-1955. High catalogued mint without gum selection incl 1949 Parliament, Stamp Cent, 20pf & 30pf, Relief set, 1951 Wuppertal etc. C…
Sold $80
Germany West 1949-1956 Useful range of MLH (a few MUH noted) incl 1949 Parliament, Stamp Cent, 1950 Bach, 1952 Luther, Museum, 1953 IFRABA etc. Cat…
Sold $280
Germany West 1949-1961 sets with mainly odd values used incl 1949 Parliament, UPU, Bach, 1951 Pestalozzi, Roentgen, Otto, Schurz, Reis, Liebig IFRA…
Germany West 1949-1988 F/U collection with light duplication in 3 hingeless Borak albums. Incls 1946 Allied Zone numeral M/S's perf & imperf, both …
Sold $500
Germany West 1949-1989 MUH collection in 2 hingeless Borek albums. Clean lot but odd minor bend/tweezer dent allowed for in estimated value. Incls …
Sold $1250
German Colonies "Yacht" key type for East Africa to 40 pesa (SG 15/22) & to 45h (SG 34/39 & 32A) Other odds all MLH, plus 4 used Caroline Is. Odd h…
Sold $65
German Colonies, P.O.s Abroad, Memel, Upper Silesia, SAAR, WWII occupation & a few East Germany in Chinese stockbook. Mixed cond with a few modest …
Sold $75
Germany - Allied Occupation 1945-1949 MUH, MLH & used collection with numerous useful sets & values incl American Issues Numerals (MLH & used), Pos…
Sold $210

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