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Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History |
 1916 (25th May) "On His Majesty's Service" Registered & returned Land Titles Office cover addressed to Coolgardie with 4d orange kangaroo perfined … $120 Sold $320 |
 1916 (22nd Feb) Registered but undelivered "On His Majesty's Service" cover addressed to Dowerin with 4d orange kangaroo perfined large "OS" (damag… $100 Sold $230 |
 1916 (5th Feb) "On His Majesty's Service" Registered but undelivered Land Titles Office cover to Dowerin with original caveat still enclosed. KGV 1… $120 Archived |
 1915 (15th Oct) "On His Majesty's Service" Registered cover with block of 4 1d red KGV perfined "OS" & tied by Perth Registered cds. addressed to M… $80 Sold $80 |
 1914 (30th June) "Post Office, Boulder City" Falk b&w postcard which appears not to have been posted as it has no stamps but it does have a clear "… $120 Sold $120 |
 1913 (10th Feb) Tuck white rose greeting postcard with 1d swan tied by Smith's Mill A28 (1-2). Addressed to Guildford. VG cond. $30 Sold $30 |
 1912 (10th June) Interesting Land Titles Office on "His Majesty's Service" Registered cover. Addressed to "Mr Henry Smith, Farmer, Perth" & redirec… $60 Sold $130 |
 1912 (15th April) Registered RTS "His Majesty's Service" Titles Office env addressed to Dangin with 2d yellow swans perfined "OS" & tied by Perth R… $40 Archived |
 1911 (24th Nov) Roses coloured greetings postcard with 1911 col PPC with 1d swan tied by Smith's Mill A28 (1-2) & addressed to Guildford. Very good… $30 Sold $30 |
 1911 (6th July) Registered undelivered Titles Office on "His Majesty's Service" cover to Bulong. 4d brown swan wmk Crown over double lined A wmk pe… $180 Sold $260 |
 1911 (13th Mar) Colour Greeting postcard from Coomberdale to Tambellup with 1d red swan tied by Coomberdale cds C.27. Good cond. $20 Sold $20 |
 1911 (24th Jan) Registered "UNCLAIMED" "On His Majesty's Service" cover from Perth to Pingelly & re-addressed to Narrogin. 5d bistre swan V/Crown p… $400 Archived |
 1911 (13th Jan) "Mis Ola Humphrey as Marguerite Blakely in the Scarlet Pimpernal" b&w theatrical postcard from Kanowna with Kanowna cds D29T tying … $20 Archived |
 1910 (24th Dec) "For Auld Lang Syne" greetings postcard with 1d swan tied by Perth machine cancel. Neat, crisp Carnarvon 3-b arrival. Good cond. $20 Archived |
 1910 (11th August) Registered, Unclaimed & returned Office of Titles "On His Majesty's Service" env to Kalgoorlie. 5d bistre swan perfined "OS" on … $600 Archived |
 1910 (30th July) Registered & Unclaimed Office of Titles "On His Majesty's Service" env to Cue. 5d bistre swan perfined "OS" on V/crown paper, perf… $450 Archived |
 1906 (7th May) Kalgoorlie Municipal Council illust env undelivered env with 1d red swan tied by Kalgoorlie duplex DxPO-h index 1. This is not liste… $50 Archived |
 1906 (14th July) "Tea Rooms, King River, Albany WA" colour postcard from Albany to Boulder. 1d red swan tied by bullseye "Savings Bank Albany" Sbi … $180 Sold $270 |
 1905 (6th Dec) Incoming mail from Sea Point, Cape of Good Hope to Boulder WA. COGH 1d red KEVII tied by Sea Point cds with "Fimiston Post & Telegra… $150 Sold $150 |
1905 (18th Sept) "Holy Trinity Church Stratford-on-Avon" Tuck postcard with 1d swan tied by Fremantle duplex DxpO-d in 11 (1-2). Good cond. $20 Archived |
 1905 (5th Sept) "The Gingalee" cartoon postcard from Pingelly to Fremantle with 1d swan tied by cds 3b (1-2) & Fremantle arrival 3b-b index 1 (1-2)… $20 Sold $32 |
 1905 (2nd Sept) VSM Cartoon postcard addressed to "Mr M Pamment c/o Dalgety & Co, Fremantle". 1d swan tied by Fremantle duplex DxPO-d in NIL (1-2).… $20 Sold $15 |
 1905 (25th Aug) "The Avon… Stratford-On-Avon" colour postcard with 1d swan tied by Fremantle Town Hall cds index 2 (1-2) & Fremantle receival 3b-… $30 Sold $30 |
 1905 (25th Aug) "Melville Water, Swan River from King's Park, Perth WA" Austral Stores postcard with 1d swan tied by Fremantle Town Hall cds 5 in 6… $30 Sold $30 |
 1905 (7th Jul) Registered Albany to England cover with 5d olive swan tied by "R" h/s with neighbouring "Registered Letter Branch Post Office Albany… $80 Archived |
 1905 (31st May) "Tamil Tea Pluckers" b&w postcard from Colombo to Fremantle with 2 arrival cds's for East Fremantle 3b in NIL (1-2) & Fremantle 3b-… $30 Sold $60 |
 1905 (18th Apr) "RMS Orontes" colour postcard with GB 1d red KEVII tied by "PAQUEBOT" h/s & Fremantle 3b-b index 2 (1-2). VG cond. $30 Sold $25 |
 1905 (31st Jan) "Group of Natives of WA" b&w Postcard printed in Hessen for F Mend, Bunbury. Sent from Bunbury to Blackwood via Balbarrup. 1d red s… $100 Sold $4200 |
 1904 (16th Nov) Karridale to Tasmania cover with 1d red swans pair tied by Karridale 3b. Launceston transit & Hobart arrival cds's on reverse. VG c… $30 Sold $30 |
 1904 (2nd Nov) Fremantle to Hobart "Frank Cadd & Co, Ltd Fremantle" env with logo on flap. 1d red & 2d yellow swans tied by Fremantle duplex DxPO-d… $50 Archived |
 1904 (1st Nov) Proving cover for the 12 bar "19" numeral obliterator for Donnybrook. Addressed to Tasmania with 2d yellow swan clearly tied by 12 b… $900 Sold $900 |
 1904 (4th Oct) Registered cover from Beverley to Tasmania. 2 x 1d red, 2d yellow & 3d brown swans tied by Beverley 3b with oval "R" below. Perth Re… $50 Archived |
 1902 (13th Sept) Cover addressed to Bloomfield, New Jersey, USA with 2½d blue swan (SG 114) tied by Beaconsfield 3b-b index 3 (rated rare by Gould… $150 Archived |
 1901 (31st July) Paquebot proving cover for 11 bar "F" letter obliterator with neighbouring Fremantle cds 3b-f in 6. This cover Fremantle to Scotla… $500 Archived |
 1901 (4th Feb) cover from Guildford to USA with ½d green & 1d red swans pair tied by Guildford duplex DxPO index E. B/s's incl "Ship Mail Room Per… $60 Archived |
 1900 (22nd Dec) OHMS Land Titles Department undelivered Registered cover with Land Titles frank stamp to Kalgoorlie. Postal markings on the front i… $60 Sold $60 |
 1899 (30th May) Registered Office of Titles "UNCLAIMED" returned cover to Bulong with Perth Registered ORS 3-a & Bulong 3b-a on front plus Bulong P… $200 Sold $440 |
 1897 (14th Dec) 1892 ½d chestnut on white stock postcard (PC6) privately printed for the Coolgardie Chamber of Mines (notification of general meet… $50 Sold $100 |
 1895 (29th Dec) Local Fremantle cover with 2d dull purple Inland Revenue pair tied by Fremantle 3b-b in NIL. No other postal markings. Opened neatl… $500 Sold $625 |
 1894 (25th Aug) F.Mayhew & Co, Fremantle cover illust (on reverse) cover to Melbourne. 3d lilac ovptd "I.R. TWO PENCE" surcharge tied by Fremantle … $300 Archived |
1893 (27th Dec) Registered proving cover with 11 bar "F" letter obliterator tying 1d red & 2d grey swans pair with Fremantle cds type 2a in left co… $200 Sold $200 |
1893 (14th Jan) Gingin to Guildford cover with 2d swan tied by Gingin duplex DxL-2. Guildford duplex DxL 2-b arrival b/s. Odd light tone spot & tor… $60 Archived |
 1892 (8th Oct) "On Her Majesty's Service" registered, Office of Titles cover with "TO BE REGISTERED" printed at top left. Addressed to Newcastle st… $600 Sold $600 |
 1890 (15th Aug) Proving cover to England for 11 bar "B" obliterator. 6d lilac swan tied by cancel with Bunbury cds type 2a alongside. Perth duplex … $150 Sold $100 |
 1889 (13th Dec) "Electric Telegraph, Western Australia" complete form with handwritten message stamp & Albany K.G.S. Telegraph Office oval h/p in r… $120 Sold $120 |
 1870 (26th Nov) Proving cover tying 15 bar "6" numeral obliterator to Albany cds. Addressed to Dardanup with Bunbury transit for NO 23 1870. Not li… $300 Archived |
 1869 (25th July) Proving cover tying 15 bar "17" with Australind cds. Addressed to Dardanup with Bunbury transit cds also on front. Neat accounting… $400 Archived |
1869 (31st Mar) Proving cover for 15 bar "8" numeral cancel. 6d violet tied by numeral obliterator with Fremantle cds alongside. Addressed to Engla… $180 Archived |
 1868 (22nd Nov) Proving cover tying numeral obliterator 15 bar "7" with Minninup date stamp ODS 2. Addressed to "Prinsep Park" Dardanup. Light Bunb… $1100 Sold $1100 |
 1867 (17th Dec) Proving cover tying numeral obliterator 15 bar "8" with Freemantle date stamp. No other postal markings. Listed along with 70 other… $400 Sold $400 |