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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: WA Commissariat
1865 1/- sage-green with 3mm puncture. Fine MLH with original gum & better than average perfs. A rare combination. Mint examples are not separately…
Sold $250
1861 1d perf. 14, 1d rough perf. 14-16, 2d blue perf. 14, 6d purple brown, clean cut perf. 14-16 & 1/- green clean cut perf. 14-16 Perkins Bacon pr…
Sold $150
1861 Perkins Bacon printings on swan wmkd paper, perf. 14 with 4mm punctures for 2d blue x 2 & 4d vermilion. All stamps fine used but off centre. T…
Sold $80
1861 Perkins Bacon printings on swan wmkd paper with 3mm commissariat punctures with various perfs incl perf. 14-16 1d rose good used, 2d blue x 2 …
Sold $300
1861 1/- deep green with commissariat puncture. F/U with strong colour. SG 46, Cat. £375
Sold $190
1861 6d purple/blued, perf. 14-16 with commissariat puncture. Lightly used with indistinct cancel. SG 45, Cat. £500
Sold $230
1861 2d blue, intermediate perf. 14-16, 2d blue, perf. 14 & 4d vermilion perf. 14 (3mm misperfed example with 4d & "POSTAGE" at base) all with larg…
Sold $150
1854 4d blue with 3 large margins & 4th close. F/U with light 15 bar "2" numeral cancel of Perth (SG 3a) plus 1860 orange-vermilion with 4 close ma…
Sold $150
1854 4d deep dull blue with 3mm puncture & used with 15 bar "18" numeral cancel of Bunbury in blue. This shade is not recorded by Juhl with a Commi…
Sold $350
1854 4d blue with 4mm puncture. Imperforate with clear even margins. Possibly unused with light staining or fine used with light postmark. SG 3a
Sold $100
Western Australia: "SPECIMEN" & "CANCELLED" Overprints or Handstamp
1871/73 imperforate vertical plate proof pair with type D7 "CANCELLED" ovpt on unwatermarked, glazed, ungummed paper. MUH with clear even margins.
Sold $200
1862/82 4d carmine with upright Crown CC wmk, perf. 12½. "CANCELLED" ovpt type D4. Retained by De La Rue for archival purposes. MLH with patchy og…
Sold $300
1888 ½d, 2d, 2½d, 4d, 5d & 1/-De La Rue Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 set of 6 h/s "SPECIMEN". ½d, 2d, 4d & 1/- with Specimen type 1 & 2½d & 5d printe…
Sold $350
1882/90 2d chrome yellow, 4d carmine, 6d reddish lilac, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 handstamped "SPECIMEN" type 1 (SG 77/79 - not listed ovptd "Specimen…
Sold $320
1881 1d carmine-pink, 2d grey & 4d red-brown set of 3 plus extra 1d carmine-red. Handstamped with type 1 "SPECIMEN" with carmine-red ovptd "SPECIME…
Sold $180
1879 1d bistre Telegraphs, Crown/CC wmk, perf. 14 with type D5 "SPECIMEN" ovpt in purple. Mainly applied to proofs & stamps retained by De La Rue f…
Sold $350
1865 1/- bright green, upright Crown/CC wmk, perf 12½ with type 1 "SPECIMEN" h/s produced for UPU distribution. MLH with full gum & characteristic…
1861 6d purple-brown with swan wmk, perf 14 with type GB6 "SPECIMEN" ovpt normally used at Somerset House on British stamps but also on Colonial is…
Sold $100
States and Territories: Western Australia
1896 6d, 2/- & 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express camel set of 3. Mint with original gum. 6d with right selvedge, 2/- centred right & 5/- well centred. E…
Sold $625
1896 6d, 2/- & 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express camel set of 3. Mint without gum. The original gum was thick, toned & deleterious to stamps if not remo…
Sold $500
1893 1/- & 2/6d blue Coolgardie Cycle Express in complete sheets of 35. Usual patchy gum & 3 x 1/- have light thins but scarce survivors & rarely s…
Sold $2600
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express marginal examples. 1/- with usual gum disturbance & a couple of toned perfs but the 2/6d has full MUH orig…
Sold $100
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express. Unused pair with part patchy og. (2)
Sold $80
Western Australia: Telegraph Stamps
1879 1d bistre, perf. 14 x 3 & perf. 12½ x 2 postally used plus 6d lilac hinged with full gum with cancelled (?) horizontal red ink line. Some sta…
Sold $80
1879 1d bistre in both perfs & 6d lilac Telegraph Stamps. 1d perf 12½ with a few foxed perfs but superb used with crisp Perth cds. SG T1/2 (3)
Sold $230
1879 1d bistre in both perfs & 6d lilac Telegraph Stamps. Good to F/U group with GPO barred cancels. SG T1/2, Cat. £275 (3)
Sold $170
1879 1d bistre & 6d lilac Telegraph pair. 1d F/U (short perf), 6d used. SG T1/T2, Cat. £240+ (2)
Sold $50
1879 6d lilac Telegraph. MH with hinge remnants. SG T2, Cat. £550
Sold $150
1879 1d bistre, perf. 12½ & 6d lilac, perf. 14. Both MH with hinge remainders. SG T1a & T2, Cat. £660 (2)
Sold $200
1879 1d bistre in both perfs & 6d lilac Telegraph Stamps. MLH with small tone spotting reflected in reserve. Frontally fresh. SG T1/2, Cat. £770 (3)
Sold $200
1879 1d bistre, perf. 14 left selvedge block of 6. Fresh & fine MUH. SG T1, Cat. £660++
Sold $500
1879 1d bistre, perf. 14 in lower left corner Plate 1 block of 20 with 4 rows of 5 stamps. Also displays the horiz guideline & printers reference N…
Sold $3000
States and Territories: Western Australia
1912 "ONE PENNY" on 2d yellow surcharge. Compound perf. with 12½ (top & both sides) & perf. 11 at base. MVLH, small mark on front above "P" of "Po…
Sold $400
1912 2d yellow ovptd "ONE PENNY" block of 4, upright & inverted wmk. MUH. SG 172a, Cat £34
Sold $20
1912 "ONE PENNY" on 3d yellow with double perfs at base. Used by Brookton FE 12 13 cds. SG 172
Sold $75
1912 "ONE PENNY" on 2d yellow in lower left corner selvedge block of 12. 9 MUH, adherences on others & selvedge. SG 172
Sold $30
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow x 120. As per the SG 152 lot, this too appears to be a sheet of 120 split into 4 blocks of 30 complete with…
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow, Crown over double lined A wmk. Complete sheet of 120 with selvedge all round. The whole sheet was cancelle…
1912 3d brown with upright wmk. MUH, light diagonal gum crease. SG 170a, Cat. £200
Sold $55
1912 3d brown, perf 12½ with upright wmk. MLH SG 170a, Cat. £200
Sold $100
1912 3d brown with upright C/A wmk on thin ready gummed paper. F/U. SG 170a, Cat. £190
Sold $100
1912 3d brown, perf. 12½. MUH with upper left corner selvedge. SG 170, Cat. £75+
Sold $50
1912 3d brown, perf. 12½ MLH, odd shortish perf. SG 170
Sold $40
1912 3d brown, perf 12½. Block of 4 on thin ready gummed white paper. Used with Cunderdin 17 MR 13 cds's. Toned perfs at top. SG 170, Cat. £300+
Sold $100
1912 3d brown with selvedge on thin ready gummed paper, perf 12 ⅟₂. MUH SG 170, Cat. £75
Sold $30
1912 3d brown, perf. 12½ used. Short perf at right & tone spot for accuracy. SG 170, Cat. £75
1912 3d brown with on thin ready gummed paper. F/U. SG 170, Cat. £75
Sold $30
1912 1/- sage-green block of 4. Used with PP Perth cds & ink lines. Some toned perfs. SG 169, Cat. £190
1912 6d bright violet & 1/- sage-green. MVLH/MLH. SG 168/69, Cat. £50 (2)
Sold $20
1912 6d bright violet lower right, Plate 1 corner selvedge block of 6. Fine MUH, hinged in selvedge only. Most attractive. SG 168
Sold $210


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