Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1865 (18th Aug) Proving cover for the 15 bar "20" numeral cancel. 2d blue & 6d violet swans tied by numeral cancel with adjacent Champion Bay cds 1…
Sold $150
Western Australia: Revenues
1939 (Nov) - 1940 (June) Wages Book with entries on 2 pages per week. Contains a range of Emergency Tax stamps with face values to 10/-, Hospital F…
Sold $400
1934 Page from a wages book with 1d, 9d, 1/-, 2/- & 10/- Financial Emergency Tax & 3d, 1/- & 2/- Hospital fund plus a 2d swan duty stamp. Most attr…
Sold $30
1922/30 1d red Revenue, perf. 14½x13½, block of 20 with four rows of five stamps from the top of the sheet with double perforations. The second p…
Sold $600
1897/1903 Internal Revenues, W crown A wmk. Mint selection incl 1d x2 MH & MLH, 3d MH, 6d MH, 1/- MH, 2/6d MLH, 3/- x 2 MUH (1 with light crease), …
Sold $450
1897/1903 Internal Revenues, W crown A wmk. A mixed used selection incl 1d, 3d & 6d fine postally used. Note: 1d CTO with full gum possibly ex UPU.…
Sold $210
1897/1903 Internal Revenues, W crown A wmk. Postally used selection noting 1d, 3d, 6d x2, 1/- & 2/6d. 1/- with light toning & 2/6d 2 short perfs lo…
Sold $100
1897 1d Internal Revenue, W Crown A wmk, ovptd "PROBATE DUTY". MLH, Dzelme No.S108 & another ovptd "SUPREME COURT". MH with hinge remainder, Dzelme…
Sold $65
1896 Internal Revenues, Crown over CA wmk with wide "C". Fiscally used short set complete from 1d to £10 cancelled with oval rubber h/s's. 5/- mis…
Sold $525
1896 Internal Revenues, Crown over CA wmk with wide "C". Postally used selection incl 1d x 2, 3d x 3, 1/- & 3/-. All F/U with part duplex cancels. …
Sold $240
1896 Internal Revenues, Crown over CA wmk with wide "C". Group incls 1d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d & 5/-. MLH to MVLH with 1/- value having light even toning. …
Sold $160
1896 Internal Revenues, Crown over CA wmk with wide "C". Fiscally used selection to £1 incl 1d F/U, 3d good used (trimmed perfs at base) & 6d F/U …
Sold $100
1896 (4th July) Dated Court document appearing to be part of a Power of Attorney given to James Condon by Owen Evans of Kurnalpi to act on his beha…
Sold $525
1893 1d, 2d 3d, 6d & 1/- lilac Revenues. Used range. SG F11/15, Cat. £140+ (5)
Sold $100
1887 Western Australian bank cheque with the first "ONE PENNY" impressed duty stamp date dated 13th May 1887. Clean but silver fish affected plus a…
Sold $50
1881 unissued 3d lilac swan with "I.R." ovpts incl "TWO PENCE" fine MH & "THREE PENCE" MH & MUH/MLH block of 4 plus postally used examples of "ONE …
Sold $525
1881 Internal Revenues, CA/Crown wmk with narrow "C". Unused group incl 1d, 2d & 3d MUH, 1/- MLH with shortish perfs at right, 2/6d MLH, a few shor…
Sold $200
1881 £10 Internal Revenue, fine fiscally used dated 31/10/02 in m/s. Vertical crease to left of swan, a useful space filler. Dzelme R31.
Sold $40
1881 Internal Revenues, CA/Crown wmk with narrow "C". Postally used selection with 1d x 4 good to F/U examples, 2d F/U with Fremantle cancel, 3d F/…
Sold $400
1881 3d lilac swans (unissued) ovptd "I.R." & surcharged in black. Complete set from 1d to £10. Incls 1d postally good used, 2d postally fine used…
Sold $500
1881 3d lilac swans (unissued) ovptd "I.R." & surcharged with the new denomination in black. Group incls 1d & 6d MLH, 2d & 3d MUH & 3/- MH with par…
Sold $775
1881 "IR" ovpts on 1d ochre with Crown/CC wmk, perf. 12½. showing 2 green bars obliterating "POSTAGE" with "IR" below. Fiscally used & cleaned wit…
1872/78 Internal Revenue 1d ochre, wmk Crown CC, perf. 14 overprinted "IR" & "POSTAGE" obliterated by 1 green bar. MLH with original gum, tone spot…
Sold $260
1872/78 Internal Revenue 1d ochre, wmk Crown CC, perf. 12½ & perf. 14 overprinted "IR" & "POSTAGE" obliterated in green group incl perf. 12½ with…
£100 "ONE HUNDRED POUNDS" Die proof in black. Small piece missing top right but clear of design.
Sold $1250
£50 "FIFTY POUNDS" Die proof in black. Small hole in top frame clear of design.
Sold $525
£10 "TEN POUNDS" Die proof in black. Top right corner missing but clear of design.
Sold $290
£1, 10/- "ONE POUND TEN SHILLINGS" Die proof in black.
Sold $520
15/- "FIFTEEN SHILLINGS" Die proof in black.
Sold $480
1d "ONE PENNY" Die proof in black.
Sold $400
Western Australia: WA Perfins
1902 £1 orange-brown perfined "WA". Fine used with indistinct cds. SG 128var.
Sold $380
1902 10/- mauve & £1 orange-brown both perfined "WA" horizontally. Fine used & rarely seen. Juhl (1992) Cat. $400 (2)
Sold $180
1902 10/- mauve perfined "WA" vertically reading up. Fine used. Juhl (1992) Cat. $300
Sold $200
1902 10/- mauve perfined "WA" vertically reading down. F/U, small blue crayon mark. Juhl, Cat. $150
Sold $65
1902 5/- emerald-green, V/Crown wmk, perf. 12½. Scarce double perfin. Fine used with Perth 1904 cds. SG 126var.
Sold $180
1902 5/- emerald-green with double "WA" horizontal perfin. Fine used. Recorded but not priced by Juhl. Rare & desirable. SG 126 var.
Sold $380
1902 2/6d deep blue/rose & 5/- emerald-green both perfined "WA" down vertically Fine used. Juhl (1992) Cat. $175 (2)
Sold $70
1902 2/- scarlet-red/yellow with V/Crown sideways wmk, perf. 12½. "WA" is vertical reading down. MH with og, some staining at right. Scarce. SG 12…
Sold $140
1902 2/- dark red yellow V/Crown wmk perf 11 with WA perfin reading vertically down. Fine MUH, centred low left. A rare MUH example. SG 134, Cat. Â…
Sold $200
1903 9d yellow-orange with double lined V/Crown upright inverted wmk block of 4 with "WA" perfins centrally located in 2 positions. The top pair of…
1903 4d chestnut, double lined V/Crown wmk, perf. 12½ block of 4 with evenly located "WA" perfins. Fine used with indistinct cds's. Unusual. (SG 119)
1902/11 1d carmine-rose in 2 shades (SG 117), 2d yellow with upright wmk (SG 118, 118a), 9d yellow orange in 2 shades with one having a split perfi…
1902/11 1d carmine-rose in 2 shades (SG 117) & 8d apple green, V/Crown wmks, perf 12½. All with split perfins both top & bottom with centrally loc…
Sold $230
1885/99 4d chestnut with perfin at left, MUH (SG 98), 6d bright violet x 2 also with perfin at left MUH & split MH (SG 100), Crown CA wmk, perf. 14…
Sold $160
Western Australia: PWD Perfins
1902/11 1d carmine-rose (SG 117) in 6 different configurations with normal, inverted, reversed, inverted reversed, downwards & upwards reversed plu…
Sold $100
1888/93 3d pale brown "PWD" vert reading downwards, F/U with part Day Dawn cds (missing top right perf) (SG 86), 4d chestnut with normal horiz perf…
Sold $210
Western Australia: OS Perfins
1909 £1 orange. MUH lower right bottom selvedge block of 10 perfined "OS". Horiz gum bend affects 1 stamp but in no way detracts from this spectac…
Sold $6000
1905 9d orange, perf. 11 perfined "OS". MH, centred left. SG 157, ACSC W52A, Cat. $300 (2004)
Sold $100
1905 9d orange, perf. 11 perfined "OS". Fine used with neat 1906 Fremantle cds. SG 157, ACSC W52A, Cat. $200 (2004)
1905 9d orange, perf. 11 perfined "OS". Lightly used with dumb obliterator. SG 157, ACSC W52A, Cat. $200


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