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Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History |
 1945 (23rd July) Mil P.O. Hollywood cds HD1 (reported use 11-12-44 to 28-06-45) tying 2½d KGVI with "Department of the Army Concessional Postal Ra… $30 Archived |
 1950 (18th Sept) OHMS to Boulder (RTS), 1951 (12th Apr) OHMS to Lakewood (RTS), 1953 (15th June) 1/0½d KGVI Regd env to Pt Augusta, 1957 (16th Apr… $40 Sold $95 |
Western Australia: Postmarks |
 30 Mile via Norseman C30 70% strike on 1d red KGV for 30 MR 17. The latest PMI date is 18-03-17. A rare cds & first time we have offered one. (1). $120 Sold $220 |
 634 Mile T.A.R. (Trans Australian Railway) A complete strike on 2d red KGV on piece dated 17 SE 35. PMI dates this pmk as 03-06-36 to 3-04-37 while… $380 Archived |
 Aberdeen Street superb 14th June 1918 strike cancelling 4d orange KGV Registered Letter stationery env complete with red provisional registration l… $75 Sold $75 |
 Albany Telegraph Office 3 diff rubber stamp impressions on the back of Telegram delivery envelopes dated 19 JUL 1965 with "TELEGRAPH OFFICE ALBANY"… $120 Sold $280 |
Arthur River Telegraph Office ORS 2. Part 35% strike on 2d yellow swan 1 Jun 1906. Scarce. (1) $30 Sold $30 |
 Beenup D26 90% strike on 1½d KGV purple brown for 8 OCT 19. Another seldom seen strike. (1-2) $30 Sold $40 |
 Benjimup A27 75% strike on 1½d red KGV dated 2- SEP 27. PMI dates 12-08-24 to 2-02-25 (1-2). This is the first time we've offered this cds. $40 Sold $80 |
 Black Range on 1d red swan stationery cut-out. 3b example dated AU 7 1906 with day & month inverted. Slight toning. $40 Archived |
 Bunbury Telegraph Office cds-TO Stunning bold complete cds on 4d olive KGV pair dated 14 MR 38. (1-2) $30 Sold $90 |
 Cheangwa grid 15 on 2d chrome-yellow swan (SG 77). Very scarce. $40 Sold $65 |
 Collie Fields 3b-a. 90% strike on pair of 1d red swans dated DE 17 02. (1-2) $30 Sold $28 |
 Cossack Dual strikes tying 4d olive KGV pair to registered cover to Perth dated 17 OC 36. Blue R6 "Cossack WA" provisional reg label completed in m… $90 Sold $240 |
 Darlot C31 85% crisp strike on 2d KGV on piece dated 4 MY 37. PMI dates this PO as 01-07-34 to c30-06-42 with "no marking known". This is the first… $120 Sold $160 |
 Duketon 3b on 4d chestnut, V/crown wmk, perf II. ACSC Kangaroos & the Early Federal Period 1901-12 catalogue notes, "This is a rare stamp with only… $250 Archived |
 Golden Ridge B28-b with inverted dates on 3 KGV items incl 1d red KGV for 13 AP 16, 1½d purple-brown 23 AU 19 & on 1½d purple-brown KGV x 3 on pi… $30 Sold $48 |
 Hamel 3d complete strike on 1d red swan on piece dated SP 30 1907. (1) $30 Sold $30 |
 Jarrahdale Post Office ORS 3 60% strike on 2d grey swan on small piece for 14 OCT (?). (1) $30 Archived |
 Lawlers Savings Bank SBV. Full strike on pair of 1d red swans for 25 OCT 07. Scarce. (1) $60 Sold $60 |
 Malcolm Money Order Office RRS2 in red ink on 2d PD dated 27 OCT 0(?). Unrecorded in PMI or PMC. Very neat legible part cancel on damaged stamp. Rare. $150 Sold $190 |
 Mandurah 12 bar 6 in blue ink on 2d yellow, wmk crown cc sideways (SG 55a). $50 Sold $50 |
Mornington Mills Post & Telegraph Office ORS 3 on 1d red KGV dated 20 JUN 1915. Whilst this is only a 50% strike with "Mornington" absent it could … $50 Sold $50 |
 Mount Malcolm Registered ORS 3 50% strike on 10/- lilac internal revenue for 7 OCT 1902. An extremely rare postal usage of 10/- revenue stamp cance… $200 Sold $240 |
 Mt Morgan Post & Telegraph Office ORS1 25% strike on 1d swan in mauve. (2) $80 Sold $80 |
Mulline B29 A 90% strike on 2d orange for 12 DE 21. Rarely seen so fine. (1) $30 Sold $24 |
Northam 12 bar 7 with 2 strikes on 2d yellow swan vertical pair. $40 Archived |
 Northampton Savings Bank Sbii. 2 part strikes on 2d yellow swans for 8 AP 08 & 15 AP 08. Rare twosome! (1) $50 Sold $50 |
 Nungarin B28. 70% on "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow swan dated 30 MR 13,. Rarely seen on swan stamps. $30 Sold $65 |
 Palace Hotel 3b with 2 crisp full strikes on 9d orange swans pair with scarce upright wmk. Superb examples dated JU 18 12. SG 145b $60 Sold $95 |
 Pingelly Savings Bank 70% strike on 1d swan for 20 JY 07. (1) $30 Sold $60 |
 Port Hedland South Fine cds strike for 31 MY 68 cancelling 25c QEII embossed Registered Letter stationery env. Another 2 fine strikes on reverse. A… $40 Sold $95 |
 Post & Telegraph Office Bassendean oval for 15 SEP 1934. Full impression in mauve on " Congratulatory Telegram". VG cond. Not recorded in either PM… $100 Sold $180 |
 Post & Telegraph Office Midland Junction ORS 3 oval for 15 SEP 1934. Full impression in mauve on " Congratulatory Telegram". VG cond. Earliest reco… $100 Sold $260 |
 Quindalup 12 bar 24 on 2d chrome-yellow (SG 54). A superb strike of this very scarce numeral cancel. $60 Archived |
 R.A.A.F. P.O. GERALOTON error with two strikes for 29 JY 41. One tying 1½d KGVI to RAAF b&w photo postcard ("The Captured Messerschmitt Fighter"),… $50 Sold $75 |
 Red Lake A29 complete strike on 2d red KGV on piece dated 2 SE 38. Rarely seen so fine. (1-2) $20 Sold $20 |
 Serpentine 9 bar 9 cancel on 2d yellow, crown cc wmk sideways (SG 55a). Rarely seen cancel. $40 Sold $90 |
 Subiaco Money Order Office on 1906 (7th Dec) OHMS cover with 4d "OS" Registered Perth to Subiaco where unclaimed. Reverse with "Officially sealed" … $50 Sold $120 |
 Torbay Junction 3b . 70% strike on 2d yellow swan for OC 26 7. (1) $30 Sold $42 |
 Winning Pool 3b "bullseye" strike on 1½d brown KGV for JY 13 20. Note: the latest date recorded in PMI is (?)-09-19. A fine & clear proving strike. $40 Sold $48 |
 Wokalup 5d emu tied by a fair strike with better on reverse of this 29th Aug 1946 registered cover to Hobart. Blue handstamped provisional registra… $50 Sold $140 |
 Yarrabubba A28 strikes x 2 on KGV stamps with a 95% in blue ink on 1½d black-brown for 30 AP 19 & 60% on 2d orange dated 2 DE 22. (1) Note: PMI da… $100 Sold $170 |
Western Australia: Postcards |
 1917 Trans-Australian Railway b&w unused cards from the Rose Series showing "Afternoon Tea in the Lounge Car", "Purchasing Meat Supplies at the But… $240 Sold $260 |
 "A Merry Xmas, Yalgoo 1921" b&w unused Kodak showing large mule team with a wool wagon in the main street. Good cond. Postcards of Yalgoo from this… $60 Sold $100 |
 "Aborigines of Western Australia A Merry Xmas to You" b&w Western Mail with various scenes & surrounding flora & fauna. Unused in good cond. $20 Archived |
 "Albany Week Regatta, 1909" showing "The Bruce" tug-boat. B&w with publishers details unknown, undivided back. Staining on reverse but frontally good. $50 Sold $110 |
 "Albany Week Regatta 1909" from same series as above showing busy boat & jetty scene in b&w. Unused in good cond with slight toning on reverse but … $70 Sold $95 |
 "Albany Week Regatta 1909 Diving for Plates" Third in this series showing a crowded jetty with divers leaving the water. Good unused cond with some… $50 Sold $95 |
 "Anglican Church, Subiaco, WA" colour Cadman postally used Subiaco to Perth with 12 JE 09 cds. Good cond & one of the first colour Cadman cards we … $80 Sold $80 |