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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1945 (23rd July) Mil P.O. Hollywood cds HD1 (reported use 11-12-44 to 28-06-45) tying 2½d KGVI with "Department of the Army Concessional Postal Ra…
1950 (18th Sept) OHMS to Boulder (RTS), 1951 (12th Apr) OHMS to Lakewood (RTS), 1953 (15th June) 1/0½d KGVI Regd env to Pt Augusta, 1957 (16th Apr…
Sold $95
Western Australia: Postmarks
30 Mile via Norseman C30 70% strike on 1d red KGV for 30 MR 17. The latest PMI date is 18-03-17. A rare cds & first time we have offered one. (1).
Sold $220
634 Mile T.A.R. (Trans Australian Railway) A complete strike on 2d red KGV on piece dated 17 SE 35. PMI dates this pmk as 03-06-36 to 3-04-37 while…
Aberdeen Street superb 14th June 1918 strike cancelling 4d orange KGV Registered Letter stationery env complete with red provisional registration l…
Sold $75
Albany Telegraph Office 3 diff rubber stamp impressions on the back of Telegram delivery envelopes dated 19 JUL 1965 with "TELEGRAPH OFFICE ALBANY"…
Sold $280
Arthur River Telegraph Office ORS 2. Part 35% strike on 2d yellow swan 1 Jun 1906. Scarce. (1)
Sold $30
Beenup D26 90% strike on 1½d KGV purple brown for 8 OCT 19. Another seldom seen strike. (1-2)
Sold $40
Benjimup A27 75% strike on 1½d red KGV dated 2- SEP 27. PMI dates 12-08-24 to 2-02-25 (1-2). This is the first time we've offered this cds.
Sold $80
Black Range on 1d red swan stationery cut-out. 3b example dated AU 7 1906 with day & month inverted. Slight toning.
Bunbury Telegraph Office cds-TO Stunning bold complete cds on 4d olive KGV pair dated 14 MR 38. (1-2)
Sold $90
Cheangwa grid 15 on 2d chrome-yellow swan (SG 77). Very scarce.
Sold $65
Collie Fields 3b-a. 90% strike on pair of 1d red swans dated DE 17 02. (1-2)
Sold $28
Cossack Dual strikes tying 4d olive KGV pair to registered cover to Perth dated 17 OC 36. Blue R6 "Cossack WA" provisional reg label completed in m…
Sold $240
Darlot C31 85% crisp strike on 2d KGV on piece dated 4 MY 37. PMI dates this PO as 01-07-34 to c30-06-42 with "no marking known". This is the first…
Sold $160
Duketon 3b on 4d chestnut, V/crown wmk, perf II. ACSC Kangaroos & the Early Federal Period 1901-12 catalogue notes, "This is a rare stamp with only…
Golden Ridge B28-b with inverted dates on 3 KGV items incl 1d red KGV for 13 AP 16, 1½d purple-brown 23 AU 19 & on 1½d purple-brown KGV x 3 on pi…
Sold $48
Hamel 3d complete strike on 1d red swan on piece dated SP 30 1907. (1)
Sold $30
Jarrahdale Post Office ORS 3 60% strike on 2d grey swan on small piece for 14 OCT (?). (1)
Lawlers Savings Bank SBV. Full strike on pair of 1d red swans for 25 OCT 07. Scarce. (1)
Sold $60
Malcolm Money Order Office RRS2 in red ink on 2d PD dated 27 OCT 0(?). Unrecorded in PMI or PMC. Very neat legible part cancel on damaged stamp. Rare.
Sold $190
Mandurah 12 bar 6 in blue ink on 2d yellow, wmk crown cc sideways (SG 55a).
Sold $50
Mornington Mills Post & Telegraph Office ORS 3 on 1d red KGV dated 20 JUN 1915. Whilst this is only a 50% strike with "Mornington" absent it could …
Sold $50
Mount Malcolm Registered ORS 3 50% strike on 10/- lilac internal revenue for 7 OCT 1902. An extremely rare postal usage of 10/- revenue stamp cance…
Sold $240
Mt Morgan Post & Telegraph Office ORS1 25% strike on 1d swan in mauve. (2)
Sold $80
Mulline B29 A 90% strike on 2d orange for 12 DE 21. Rarely seen so fine. (1)
Sold $24
Northam 12 bar 7 with 2 strikes on 2d yellow swan vertical pair.
Northampton Savings Bank Sbii. 2 part strikes on 2d yellow swans for 8 AP 08 & 15 AP 08. Rare twosome! (1)
Sold $50
Nungarin B28. 70% on "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow swan dated 30 MR 13,. Rarely seen on swan stamps.
Sold $65
Palace Hotel 3b with 2 crisp full strikes on 9d orange swans pair with scarce upright wmk. Superb examples dated JU 18 12. SG 145b
Sold $95
Pingelly Savings Bank 70% strike on 1d swan for 20 JY 07. (1)
Sold $60
Port Hedland South Fine cds strike for 31 MY 68 cancelling 25c QEII embossed Registered Letter stationery env. Another 2 fine strikes on reverse. A…
Sold $95
Post & Telegraph Office Bassendean oval for 15 SEP 1934. Full impression in mauve on " Congratulatory Telegram". VG cond. Not recorded in either PM…
Sold $180
Post & Telegraph Office Midland Junction ORS 3 oval for 15 SEP 1934. Full impression in mauve on " Congratulatory Telegram". VG cond. Earliest reco…
Sold $260
Quindalup 12 bar 24 on 2d chrome-yellow (SG 54). A superb strike of this very scarce numeral cancel.
R.A.A.F. P.O. GERALOTON error with two strikes for 29 JY 41. One tying 1½d KGVI to RAAF b&w photo postcard ("The Captured Messerschmitt Fighter"),…
Sold $75
Red Lake A29 complete strike on 2d red KGV on piece dated 2 SE 38. Rarely seen so fine. (1-2)
Sold $20
Serpentine 9 bar 9 cancel on 2d yellow, crown cc wmk sideways (SG 55a). Rarely seen cancel.
Sold $90
Subiaco Money Order Office on 1906 (7th Dec) OHMS cover with 4d "OS" Registered Perth to Subiaco where unclaimed. Reverse with "Officially sealed" …
Sold $120
Torbay Junction 3b . 70% strike on 2d yellow swan for OC 26 7. (1)
Sold $42
Winning Pool 3b "bullseye" strike on 1½d brown KGV for JY 13 20. Note: the latest date recorded in PMI is (?)-09-19. A fine & clear proving strike.
Sold $48
Wokalup 5d emu tied by a fair strike with better on reverse of this 29th Aug 1946 registered cover to Hobart. Blue handstamped provisional registra…
Sold $140
Yarrabubba A28 strikes x 2 on KGV stamps with a 95% in blue ink on 1½d black-brown for 30 AP 19 & 60% on 2d orange dated 2 DE 22. (1) Note: PMI da…
Sold $170
Western Australia: Postcards
1917 Trans-Australian Railway b&w unused cards from the Rose Series showing "Afternoon Tea in the Lounge Car", "Purchasing Meat Supplies at the But…
Sold $260
"A Merry Xmas, Yalgoo 1921" b&w unused Kodak showing large mule team with a wool wagon in the main street. Good cond. Postcards of Yalgoo from this…
Sold $100
"Aborigines of Western Australia A Merry Xmas to You" b&w Western Mail with various scenes & surrounding flora & fauna. Unused in good cond.
"Albany Week Regatta, 1909" showing "The Bruce" tug-boat. B&w with publishers details unknown, undivided back. Staining on reverse but frontally good.
Sold $110
"Albany Week Regatta 1909" from same series as above showing busy boat & jetty scene in b&w. Unused in good cond with slight toning on reverse but …
Sold $95
"Albany Week Regatta 1909 Diving for Plates" Third in this series showing a crowded jetty with divers leaving the water. Good unused cond with some…
Sold $95
"Anglican Church, Subiaco, WA" colour Cadman postally used Subiaco to Perth with 12 JE 09 cds. Good cond & one of the first colour Cadman cards we …
Sold $80

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