Lot No |
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Est. |
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History |
 1902 9d yellow orange, single line perf. 11. Fine MLH. SG 133, Cat. £180, ACSC Cat. $250 $95 Archived |
 1902 2/- bright red/ yellow QV, perf 11. MLH, well centered mint. SG 134, Cat. £300 $150 Sold $150 |
 1902/11 10/- deep mauve. Fine used by light oval "R" cancel. Minor stain at right. Well centred. SG 127, Cat. £100 $50 Archived |
1902/11 10/- deep mauve. MH with a little gum disturbance. Frontally fresh & well centered. SG 127, Cat. £180 $80 Sold $70 |
1902/11 2/- bright red yellow perfined "WA", 2/6d deep blue rose & 5/- emerald green both perfd "OS" & all fine used(3) $50 Archived |
 1902/11 2/-, 2/6d & 5/- CTO with concentric circle cancels. ACSC W58, 61 & 62 (3) $100 Sold $100 |
 1910 10/- bright purple. MH with evenly toned gum but vivid colour from front & well centered. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $340 Sold $340 |
 1902/12 £1 orange-brown. Superb MVLH example. SG 128, Cat. £425 $280 Sold $280 |
 1902/12 £1 orange-brown with crisp 1903 Kalgoorlie cds. Superb. SG 128, Cat. £180 $100 Sold $100 |
 1902/12 £1 orange-brown fine used with crisp 1903 Kalgoorlie cds. SG 128, Cat. £190 $120 Archived |
 1902/12 £1 orange-brown perfined "WA". Fine used example with a similar example selling for $500 at a recent WA study group auction. SG 128var. $400 Sold $440 |
 1909 £1 orange fine used with what appears to be a Perth CTO specimen cancel (MR 1911) without gum. Toned perf at base. SG 128a, Cat. £350 $250 Archived |
 1909 £1 orange. MH/ MLH with part of 2 hinge remnants otherwise well centered with good colour. Most attractive. SG 128a, Cat. £750 $380 Sold $400 |
 1909 £1 orange with Specimen UPU concentric circle cancel. No gum. SG 128a, Cat. £350 $300 Archived |
 1909 £1 orange perfined "OS". Fresh MLH & the first unused example we have seen. SG 128a $600 Sold $800 |
 1902 2/- brownish red on yellow, single line perf. 11. Fresh MLH. ACSC Cat. $475, SG 134, Cat. £300 $200 Archived |
 1902 2/- orange brown on yellow single line perf 11. Fine & fresh MLH. ACSC Cat. $750, SG 134a, Cat. £425 $400 Sold $400 |
 1910 ½d green plate 1 block of 4. MUH/MLH with edge damage on BL stamp. Strong colour. SG 138 $50 Sold $50 |
 1904 (16th Nov) Karridale to Tasmania registered cover with 1d x 3 & 2d swans tied by circler "R" h/s with neighbouring Karridale 3b. Perth registe… $40 Sold $40 |
 1910 10d rose-orange MUH/MLH block of 4. Fresh bright colour. SG 146, Cat. £96+ $50 Sold $75 |
 1904 4d pale chestnut. This is a rare "normal" copy without "OS" perfin. ACSC (2004) page 1/345 states that "less than ten examples are recorded…… $500 Sold $550 |
 1904 4d yellow-brown, perf. 11 & perfined "OS". Lightly used example. Cat. £275 for OS $150 Sold $150 |
1905 (18th Sept) "Miss Tittell Brune" colour postcard from the Australian Art Series with 1d red swan tied by Waronna Savings Bank cdc SB1r (1-2) c… $40 Sold $65 |
 1905 5d pale olive-bistre block of 4. MUH with corner perf thin on one stamp for accuracy. SG 155, Cat. £240+ $150 Sold $220 |
 1905/12 9d orange. MUH, light gum crease. SG 157, Cat. £200 $120 Archived |
 1905/12 9d orange, perf. 11. Fine used with neat complete Perth 2-Nov. 08 cds. SG 157, Cat. £200 $80 Sold $80 |
 1906/07 English PPC's with clear Fimiston 3b arrival cds's with indices 1, 2 & 3. Two addressed Kalgoorlie Gold Mine & the third C/- PO Fimiston. G… $30 Sold $30 |
 1906/07 Indian picture postcards with clear Fimiston arrival cds's with two addressed to Kalgurli Gold Mine & the other c/- Fimiston PO. VG cond. (3) $30 Archived |
 1907 (5th Feb) 1904 1d swan Post Card (PC 13) with variable Ship Mail Room cds & addressed to England. Lightly creased top left corner, otherwise f… $30 Archived |
 1907/10 OHMS Official covers x 2 both with 1905/12 4d brown perfined "OS" & registered at Perth. 1907 tied by oval "REGISTERED APR -6. 1907 PERTH, … $80 Sold $100 |
 1908 (11th Dec) OHMS cover with 1905/12 5d olive-green (SG 143a) perfined "OS" tied by Registered Perth cds with additional neighbouring strike. Ad… $40 Sold $80 |
 1908 (8th Nov) "Nasinu Bridge, Suva Fiji" b&w postcard from Eucla with A26 cds's to Yarloop with "NOT KNOWN BY LETTER CARRIER" s/l cachet. Rough ar… $50 Sold $75 |
 1908c "The Golden West" set of 12 illustrated envelopes featuring scenes of Perth incl "Holidaying on the Swan River", "WA Blacks at Breakfast", "W… $500 Archived |
 1909 2d blue QV Letter Card LC3 unused with panels stuck together. Cat. $150 $20 Sold $20 |
 1911 (8th June) OHMS long env with 1905/12 4d bright red-brown (SG 142b) perfined "OS" tied by Registered Perth cds & addressed to Fremantle where … $50 Sold $65 |
 1912 (31st July) long OHMS Regd cover with 1905/12 1d block of four perfined "OS" plus 1912 (25th Aug) similar with 2d pair also registered. Both w… $50 Sold $120 |
 1912 5d pale greenish-yellow inter-paneau selvedge block of 6. Fine used with light Quairading 8 Oct 1912 cds. Irregular perfs but a rare used mult… $180 Sold $320 |
 1912 9d orange, perf. 11, with upright wmk. Good to fine used examples with some nibbled perfs & light ironed out crease but remains a rare stamp w… $120 Sold $90 |
 1912 6d bright violet selvedge block of 6. Hinged selvedge in only with stamps fine MUH. SG 168, Cat. £108+ $60 Sold $140 |
 1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow with sideways wmk in MUH/MLH selvedge block of 18. SG 172, Cat. £54+ $50 Sold $40 |
1916 (10th Feb) "Tea Plucking" (Ceylon) colour postcard with "A.I:F. Passed by Censor No.__" cachet with "54" added in pencil. "On Active Service N… $50 Sold $50 |
 1918 (10th Oct) Albany postmarked b&w photographic postcard showing some form of military quarters, possibly a hospital but of wood/tin constructio… $50 Sold $380 |
 1927, 1932 & 1934 covers, 2 with rectangular "PERTH PAID 1D" in black & "2D" in red, former with Nestle logo on flap, latter to Tasmania where redi… $40 Sold $75 |
 1930's Cigarette card from "Rarest Varieties" series with the 1854 4d Inverted Frame plus Queensland 2d Chalon & Ta Twinnings Tea 1950's "Rare Stam… $30 Sold $30 |
 1930's Theatre Royal, Hay Street, Perth uncut admission tickets on 3 diff coloured cards for "Lounge" & "Stalls" in numbered strips with each label… $30 Sold $30 |
 1931 (21st Feb) 2d & 3d die II KGV SMW, perf. 13½x12½ perfined "OS" & tied by Onslow cds. Addressed to Government Statistician with complete "GOV… $50 Archived |
 1935 (10th Aug) 3d SJ perfined "B/LTD" on Palace Books Perth handstamped env addressed to USA with "ADVERTISED" cachet below slogan cancel. Nice WA… $40 Archived |
 1941 (8th May) Mil P.O. Melville cds tying 1d QM to Hobart addressed cover with neighbouring "Department of the Army Concessional Postal Rate" cach… $30 Archived |
 1943 (10th Sept) "Unit Postal Station 369" boxed cachet on YMCA env with 3d KGVI & 4d koala cancelling both these & an additional complete strike o… $90 Sold $300 |
 1943 (3rd Mar) Rottnest Island to Melbourne registered cover with mixed franking tied by Registered Perth cds in transit with neighbouring blue pro… $60 Sold $150 |