Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History |
 1865 1/- bright green. MLH with fresh appearance. SG 61, Cat. £275 $160 Sold $160 |
 1877 6d lilac swan. MLH but only part o.g. & couple of tiny red marks on back otherwise fine & well centered. SG 75, Cat. £200 $50 Archived |
 1879 1d bistre & 6d lilac, perf. 14 Telegraph pair good to fine used. SG T1/T2 Cat. £250 (2) $280 Archived |
 1879 1d bistre, perf. 12½ & 6d lilac, perf. 14 Telegraph pair good to fine used with 6d having 15 bar 18 numeral cancel. SG T1a/T2 Cat. £250 (2) $140 Archived |
 1881 4d carmine, wmk crown CC perf 14. Mogens Juhl 1992 reports a small printing of 5080 stamps only. MLH with irregular perfs. SG 74, Cat. £650 $280 Sold $300 |
1882 1d yellow-ochre with "double-tailed swan" variety. Superb used with neat number 1 grid cancel. SG 76 $60 Sold $60 |
 1882 2d chrome-yellow block of 4. Mint hinged with light creasing but frontally attractive. SG 77, Cat. £160 + premium $80 Sold $85 |
 1882 2d chrome-yellow with crown to right of CA wmk. Hingeing on 3 stamps with 6 MUH. Light creasing in left column otherwise a lovely block. SG 77… $350 Sold $400 |
 1882 6d reddish lilac MUH/MLH block of 4. Lovely fresh colour. SG 79, Cat. £560 + premium for block of 4 $280 Sold $460 |
 1884 6d lilac block of 4 unused without gum. Strong true colour. SG 80, Cat. £600+ premium for block of 4 $240 Sold $480 |
1883 1d yellow-ochre, perf. 12x14. Fine used. SG 81, Cat. £170 $60 Archived |
 1882 4d carmine. Nice MLH example. SG 84, Cat. £300 $150 Sold $220 |
1881 Internal Revenues, DLR Provisional range incl 3/-, 5/-, 7/6d, 10/-, £1 & £1/10/- all with m/s cancels. Attractive. (6) $100 Sold $100 |
1881 Internal Revenues, DLR Provisional range incl 3/-, 5/-, 7/6d, 10/-, 15/-, £1, £1/10/-, £5 & £10 all with neat m/s cancels. Strong colours … $180 Sold $180 |
 1882 1d to £10 Internal Revenues set. Good to F/U with a mix of m/s, cachet & barred letter cancels. Rich colours. (16) $280 Sold $280 |
 1882 5/- Internal Revenue. Superb MVLH with Ceremuga Cert. SG F18 $700 Sold $700 |
 1884 "½"d surcharge in red on 1d yellow ochre, perf. 12 with crown/ca wmk. Lower left pane of 60 complete with side & bottom selvedges in 6 rows o… $1300 Sold $1300 |
 1885 ½d yellow-green. MUH block of 12 (4x3) hinged in selvedges only plus block of 4. Light evenly tone gum but frontally striking. SG 94, Cat. £… $50 Sold $40 |
 1890 1d carmine MUH block of 4, slightly aged gum. SG 95, Cat. £190+ $450 Archived |
 1885 2d grey MUH/MLH block of 9 (3x3) with 6 MUH. Right vertical crease affects 3 stamps at right & light overall gum toning. SG 96, £280+ premium $150 Sold $150 |
 1890 4d chestnut with "SPECIMEN" ovpt. MLH, ironed out horiz crease near top. SG 98s $50 Archived |
 1893 6d bright violet block of 4. Fresh MUH. SG 99, Cat. £84 + premium for block $50 Sold $75 |
 1892 1/- pale olive-green ovptd "SPECIMEN" MLH. SG 101s $100 Sold $90 |
 1888 2d grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" MLH. SG 104s $75 Sold $65 |
 1888 4d brown with "SPECIMEN" ovpt. MLH. SG 105s $100 Sold $90 |
 1889 (21st Feb) WA 1d blue swan Postcard PC2 sent from Albany with duplex DxL1 to Sydney. VG cond. $20 Sold $20 |
 1892 (25th Aug) Albany to Flemington, Vic registered cover with 1d & 2d x 2 swans tied by "Registered Letter Branch, Post Office, Albany W.A." ORS … $80 Sold $120 |
 1892 5d bistre imperforate horizontal plate proof pair on gummed crown/CA paper from the imprimatur sheet. MUH. $150 Sold $280 |
 1893 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 3d cinnamon in irregular block of 6 with bottom selvedge (with m/s notes). Block illustrates the "wandering … $60 Sold $60 |
 1893 6d on 3d "I.R." ovptd Postal Fiscal. Very light crease otherwise fine used. Cat. $200 $30 Sold $28 |
 1893 2/6d Internal Revenue, wmk CA over crown. Unused without gum. $140 Archived |
 1894 1/- & 2/6d blue Coolgardie Cycle Express in complete sheets of 35. Usual patchy gum & 3 x 1/- haves light thins but scarce survivors & rarely … $2200 Sold $2200 |
 1895 "Half Penny" surcharge in red & green on 3d cinnamon. MLH pair. SG 111a, Cat. £220 $100 Sold $100 |
 1895 "Half-penny" ovpt on 3d red brown in both red & green. MVLH. A lovely example. SG 111b, Cat. £85 $50 Sold $95 |
 1897 6d dull purple Internal Revenue, wmk W crown A in horiz pair. MVLH with rich colour. SG F21, Cat. £340+ $140 Archived |
 1898 (2nd June) & 1900 (13th Oct) stampless OHMS covers with Land Titles Office oval datestamp & "LAND TITLES DEPARTMENT" Frank Stamp on 1900 cover… $80 Sold $80 |
 1898 1d carmine imperf horiz plate proof pair on gummed W crown A wmkd paper from the imprimatur sheet. MLH. $150 Sold $300 |
 1898 1d carmine in top right selvedge corner block of 12 (3x4) with plate no. "2" & marginal lines (MUH, 2 stamps with paper adhesion on back) plus… $380 Sold $380 |
 1899 2d bright yellow imperforate right margined horizontal plate proof pair on gummed W crown A wmkd paper from the imprimatur sheet. Fresh MLH. $150 Sold $150 |
 1900 (14th Dec) Onslow 3b tying 2d swan to env addressed to Melbourne with Ship Mail Room, Perth transit & Melbourne arrival b/s's. Some foxing, ma… $20 Sold $32 |
 1901 (18th Feb) Onslow to Hobart cover with 2d yellow swan tied by Onslow 3b cds. Perth ship mail room cds 5-a in 3 b/s (index 3 not recorded in PM… $50 Sold $80 |
 1902 & 1903 Official covers x 2 both registered bearing 1902/11 4d. "Unclaimed" & with a variety of markings, the former with inscribed "HER" pen-a… $60 Sold $150 |
 1902 (23rd Aug) OHMS Official covers x 2 both registered on same day & bearing 1902/11 4d swans. One with inscribed "HER" pen-amended to "His" in "… $60 Sold $60 |
 1902 1d red swan Letter Card LC1. Some discolouration on reverse otherwise fine unused. ACSC LC1, Cat $1000 $200 Sold $200 |
 1902 1d, 2d, 8d, 9d, 10d, 2/-, 2/6d, 5/-, 10/- & £1 swans/QV with V over crown wmk, perf. 12½ from Melbourne printings. All cancelled to order wi… $400 Sold $525 |
 1902 2d brown-red, 2d slate-blue (sealed) & 2d ultramarine QV Letter Cards. Some light edge wear otherwise all unused & increasingly collectable. A… $180 Sold $180 |
 1902/11 5d bistre MH block of 4 with evenly toned gum but does not effect appearance from front. SG 120, Cat. £600 $240 Sold $300 |
 1907 1/- olive-green left margin "plate 1" example. Fine MVLH. SG 116 $100 Sold $100 |
 1903 9d yellow-orange with upright wmk. MLH. SG 122a, Cat. £120 $75 Sold $75 |
 1902 9d orange perf. 11 with v/crown wmk. MUH. SG 133, Cat. £180 $120 Sold $120 |