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Airmails: Airmails - Australia |
 1935 (25th Nov) Adelaide to Port Lincoln & return with 2 covers, the first a boomerang with Kilkenny originating & Port Lincoln return cds's & both… $40 Archived |
 1935 (26th Nov) Adelaide to Broken Hill with 2d KGV & 3d Airmail tied by Adelaide slogan with neighbouring Broken Hill receival cds. Good cond. AAM… $30 Archived |
 1935 (26th Nov) ditto but also return to Adelaide with 2 covers, the first a boomerang with 2 frankings. & b/s Broken Hill, the latter Adelaide. Go… $50 Archived |
 1935 (26th Nov) Adelaide to Mt Gambier carried on Adelaide Airways. 3d Airmail & 2d KS tied by originating Kilkenny cds & then same franking with M… $20 Archived |
 1935 (9th Dec) Meekatharra, Mount Magnet, Cue & Wiluna to Perth by Airlines (WA) Ltd. All being Mitchell covers with ½d orange KGV pairs & pilot s… $100 Sold $120 |
 1935 (13th Dec) Adelaide to Kangaroo Island special flight carrying mail owing to breakdown of steam yacht "Cheopis". 2d KGV tied by Adelaide Xmas … $40 Sold $40 |
 1935 (19th Dec) Adelaide to Sydney first direct air service with 3d airmail, 2d SJ & 2d Anzac tied by Adelaide 3 cds's. "Please return by ordinary … $30 Sold $30 |
 1935 (31st Dec) England to Australia. Carried on Imperial Airways flight IE405 "City of Khartoum" when, only two kilometres from Alexandria harbour… $75 Archived |
 1935 (31st Dec) ditto with London F.S. Airmail machine cancel dated 24 DEC 1935 but no stamp. Addressed to Auckland, NZ. No enclosure. AAMC 575, Ca… $50 Archived |
 1935 (31st Dec) Vienna to Sydney cover with 3s20 franking tied by Wein Flugpost cds's salvaged from the "City of Khartoum" crash. This example to P… $400 Archived |
 1936 (Jan) Darwin to Adelaide extension of the England to Australia flight by Gropler in a "Klemm" monoplane with 2d Anzac tied by Adelaide 6 FEB 1… $150 Sold $150 |
 1936 (17th Feb) Perth to Meekatharra via Mt Magnet & Perth to Leonora via Wiluna by Airlines (W.A.) on intermediate flights, neither of which are l… $60 Sold $85 |
 1936 (17th Feb) Perth to Wiluna plus Kalgoorlie to Mt Magnet via Wiluna intermediate flight with 2d KGV & 3d Sturt tied by Kalgoorlie cds's & Mt Ma… $60 Sold $95 |
 1936 (24th Feb) Riverview to Moggill Postponed Silver Jubilee firing by the rocket, "Orion". Signed by AH Young with 2d KGV tied by Brisbane cds. R… $40 Sold $75 |
 1936 (24th Feb) Australian Rocket Society "Silver Jubilee Rocket Firings" vignette in red sheetlet of 4. MUH & numbered 217 of 500 printed. AAMC 5c… $40 Sold $40 |
 1936 (27th Mar) Broken Hill to Sydney by WASP Airlines. This service then connected with Adelaide Airways. Sydney Air Mail b/s. Good cond. AAMC 596… $20 Sold $15 |
 1936 (27th Mar) Wilcannia to Broken Hill intermediate leg on Sydney to Broken Hill route by WASP Airlines. Addressed to Adelaide & on-sent by Adela… $30 Archived |
 1936 (26th Apr) Melbourne to Sydney Test Flight with three covers carried on Holymans Airways DC2 "Bungana" record-setting flight. Two "one way" co… $300 Archived |
 1936 (29th Apr) James Melrose's South Australian Centenary Goodwill Flight folded advertising leaflet with two single 1d KGV each tied by Enmore 4 … $50 Sold $85 |
 1936 (29th Apr) ditto but only 1 KGV & endorsed from Crome. VG cond. Ex Frommer. AAMC 602a, Cat. $150 $50 Sold $50 |
 1936 (28th May) Sydney to Coonamble (originating Brisbane) & Dubbo to Coonamble intermediate flights on the WASP Airlines Sydney to Broken Hill ser… $40 Archived |
 1936 (29th May) "Australia-Penang-Hong Kong" typed endorsement & addressed to Japan but redirected to Melbourne & bearing 1/- lyrebird tied by Ship… $40 Sold $60 |
 1936 (21st Aug) London to Sydney cover with 3d x 2 & 1/- x 2 KGV tied by London machine & cds. This cover involved in the famed "Desert incident" w… $1500 Archived |
 1936 (22nd Aug) Imperial Airways "Scipio" crash mail cover to Sheffield, England bearing Sydney Reg'd label with Registered Sydney NSW tying 3d SA … $40 Withdrawn |
 1936 (14th Sept) England to Australia per "Spirit of Flinders" with 2d SA Cent tied by Parliament House Canberra 8 OC 36 arrival cds. Signed on the… $180 Archived |
 1936 (29th Sept) B & B Chevrolet Co, Knoxville, Tennessee printed env addressed to Melbourne with 25c Trans Pacific airmails x 2 tied by Knoxville … $500 Archived |
 1936 (29th Sept) as above but from Italy with 6L25 double rate franking tied by "Firenze Ferrovia" slogan cancel. Typed address to Sydney with a li… $350 Archived |
 1936 (10th Oct) Adelaide to Renmark by Adelaide Airways Ltd which introduced Renmark as a stop on its Adelaide to Broken Hill to Melbourne network.… $30 Archived |
 1936 (29th Oct) Wau to Port Moresby to Melbourne. Port Moresby registered cover with 3d & 6d Lakatois with "Air Mail" ovpts & tied by Port Moresby … $60 Sold $85 |
 1936 (10th Nov) Monto to Cracow by Aircrafts Pty Ltd as an intermediate on their Brisbane to Cracow service. 2d Anzac & 3d Macarthur tied by Brisba… $30 Sold $40 |
 1936 (16th Dec) Brisbane to Adelaide South Australian Centenary Air Race complete set of 33 covers carried by each competitor in their respective a… $7000 Archived |
 1937 (1st Jan) Adelaide to American River (Kangaroo Island) & Adelaide to Pennishaw Kangaroo intermediate by ANA Ltd. First with crisp upright Amer… $100 Archived |
 1937 (10th Jan) Sydney to Salamaua carried on Mandated Airlines DH84 Dragon flight to New Guinea with Aust 1d KGV tied by Enmore 9 JA 37 cds alongs… $400 Archived |
 1937 (7th Feb) Wau, New Guinea to Brisbane "per Lockheed Electra to Australia" endorsed at top in m/s. NG 1d & 3½d x 2 BOP (later with Air Mail ov… $300 Archived |
 1937 (5th Mar) Darwin to Farina by Guinea Airways pilot signed by Harold Cook plus 1939 (9th Jan) Kingaroy to Brisbane illust cover with 3d Airmail… $60 Archived |
 1937 (24th Mar) London to Perth typed addressed env with 3d & 6d x 2 KGV tied by London FS Air Mail machine cancel dated 23 MCH 1937 & neighbouring… $1500 Sold $1500 |
 1937 (11th Apr) Adelaide to Katherine & return covers with latter pilot signed by Harold Cook of Guinea Airways. Adelaide & Katherine b/s's. Good c… $50 Sold $50 |
 1937 (13th Apr) Croydon to Cairns & return intermediates by North Queensland Airways. Outwards Croydon registered with 2d KGV & 3d airmail x 2 & re… $40 Sold $30 |
 1937 (29th May) First Sailplane Flight special illustrated cover addressed to Crome & pilot signed by Warner. Numbered 123 of 125 flown. AAMC 734, … $30 Sold $30 |
 1937 (7th-9th June) First Australasian Airpost Exhibition, Brisbane illust cover with boxed commem cachet in carmine addressed to England. 3d Airma… $30 Archived |
1937 (15th June) Burketown to Normanton intermediate leg on North Queensland Airways. "First Flight Between….And…." cachet completed in m/s. No… $20 Archived |
 1937 (15th June) ditto with 2d KGV & 3d airmail tied by neat Burketown cds & b/s Normanton same day. "By Air Mail Only" cachet under vignette. Vert… $20 Archived |
 1937 (15th June) ditto but David Bros cover. Good cond. AAMC 741, Cat. $40 $20 Sold $15 |
 1937 (9th Aug) Sydney to Mildura with 2d KGVI & 3d SA Cent tied Sydney machine cancel. Signed by pilots W Penny & C Gatenby. Mildura & Air Mail Syd… $50 Sold $50 |
 1937 (9th Aug) Cobar to Broken Hill intermediate flight with ½d & 1½d KGV tied by Cobar cds. Printed env completed in pencil. Broken Hill b/s on … $20 Sold $20 |
 1937 (12th Aug) 4th MacKay Aerial Expedition cover autographed by the leader Donald MacKay, pilot Frank Neale & navigator Harry T. Bennett. Cancell… $150 Archived |
 1937 (12th Aug) "Mackay Aerial Reconnaissance Expedition Northern Territory and Western Australia 1937" 5-line cachet in blue on cover with 2d Maca… $150 Sold $100 |
 1937 (16th Aug) Sydney to Leeton & Sydney to Cootamundra intermediate flights by Guinea Airways. Each with 3d airmail & 2d franking pmkd Sydney Air… $40 Archived |
 1937 (30th Aug) Adelaide to Brisbane by Australian National Airways with coloured vignette at left & cachets with flight details completed in m/s. … $25 Archived |
 1937 (30th Aug) ditto with 3d KS & 2d Macarthur. Brisbane same day b/s. VG cond. AAMC 760, Cat. $40 $20 Archived |